Johnny Football Open Thread

December 31st, 2013

It’s New Year’s Eve, a time of hopes and dreams and alcohol and girls and parties. In other words, it’s Johnny Football time!

Johhny Football takes the field tonight at 8 p.m. for the Chik-Fil-A Bowl against Duke.

Joe will be watching.

The NFL will be watching.

Joe sincerely hopes Team Glazer is watching.

Feel free to comment below on all things Johnny before, during and after the game.

162 Responses to “Johnny Football Open Thread”

  1. PRBucFan Says:

    lol You so would ahahahaha

    It’s Duke, I’m sure he’s going to go where he’s going to go regardless of the outcome tonight.

  2. SeanyMac in SC Says:

    Joe(s), I hope you and yours have a happy new year. This man crush of yours for Johny “Spoiled Rotten” Football has got to stop. Just having fun with you. Love you Joe.

  3. Draft Marty Schottenheimer Says:

    Just hope they don’t trade down and try to patch this offense together. Trade up, take the number 2 slot and get serious about the future.

  4. Snook Says:

    If he’s that good in the bowl and in the off-season workouts, I seriously doubt he gets past the Texans, Browns, Jags, and Raiders.

    Sorry, Joe. The Bucs won’t get Manziel. Drop it. And if they do happen to get to draft him, it’ll mean those 4 other teams passed on him. Sounds great.

  5. Draft Marty Schottenheimer Says:

    Perhaps they can bring in Citizen Vick to train our future QB

  6. Nick H Says:

    Running QBs are so hit and miss I can’t imagine hanging all our hopes and dreams on one. I dont make the decisions though so I may just have to do that

  7. knucknbuc Says:

    I’m with you Joe I’ve been saying we need johnny manziel since day 1 lets get that excitement back in this franchise. Manziel is going to be a baller in the nfl next year. Dudes a beast.

  8. Draft Marty Schottenheimer Says:

    Anyone who thinks the actual draft order will proceed as the teams are seeded is nuts.

  9. Vern4499 Says:

    I pray we draft him.

  10. Jerry Says:

    Not only do we have to worry about teams in front of us that want a QB, but any team behind us that wants one will jump in front of us to get Johnny.

  11. Rrsrq Says:

    Just saw Hundley of UCLA, hmmmm, if he decides to come out

  12. Orca Says:

    Johnny Doucheball. Forget it.

  13. Vern4499 Says:


    Y is he doucheball?

  14. Lovethepewter Says:

    Oh please Lord baby Jesus, please bring Johnny Pro Football heeeya to Tampa. I hate to this the word, but the kid has so much swagger and we haven’t had that here in a long time. We need that cockyness on our team. Get him and Darrel Bevet and we are set. Those are my two 2014 wishes!!!!

  15. Celly Says:

    I might be in the minority, but i would love a QB that points at the scoreboard when we’re up when the other team tries to give him shit….

    For years, we’ve had QBs who are just so lackadaisical. For once, i want my QB to have some FIRE….

  16. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    With the seventh pick in the draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select, QB, Texas A&M, Johnny F&@&$/);&$’ing Football! And the crowd goes wild!!! HaaaaaaaaaaaWooooooooYeah, Baby, Yeah. And in case I forgot to mention it, Hell Yeah, Baby!

    I’m with Joe on this one.

  17. PRBucFan Says:

    Manchild won’t be Buc, count on it.

    But anyone can dream lol

  18. 813jukingalldaylong Says:

    draft manizel and sign greg hardy or micheal johnson

  19. Robbie_G Says:

    Joe, please ‘splain me something. Why do you see him as the savior? You think he is the end all be all at the QB position. Drafting a QB is 50/50 at best, so why is Johnny rich boy make you blush like a high school girl? I am not sold on him, I think he will be one of those guys who will be hurt all the time. Where was the Teddy B open thread ? Or will you have the Blake Ballgame open thread? yup, believe the hype Joe.

  20. PRBucFan Says:

    I doubt the Glazers would go for that after our most recent experience with the other manboy Free Free.

  21. RCH Says:

    Blake Bortles if he is even available at #7. Watch the Fiesta Bowl tomorrow night!

  22. Orca Says:

    Douche personality. Cocky asshole. 5’10”.

  23. Mr. Patrick Says:

    @ Joe
    Kevin Sumlin released a statement today saying that he wanted to thank NFL teams for their interest, but he’ s going to stay at Texas A&M to honor his new deal. Reports are he was contacted by 4 NFL teams. I wonder if one of those could have been the Bucs wanting to hire him and draft Manziel. That would have put fans in the seats

  24. Eric Says:

    Trade up and get him if necessary.


    Great arm
    Great mobility
    It factor/winner

    Watch and see tonight, with an open mind, not the BS the press feeds about the kid. Watch what he does on the football field, it’s amazing.

  25. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Come on Orca, 5’10” I get, but cocky dueche asshole? Sounds like a perfect QB to me. : )

  26. Joe Says:


    Drafting a QB is 50/50 at best, so why is Johnny rich boy make you blush like a high school girl?

    Maybe these links can enlighten you.

  27. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    And there is no comparison between Johnny Freakin’ Football and Sleepy Free who sucked in college!

  28. tmaxcon Says:

    joe your man crush on Johnny Football is getting very close to a serious relationship. I wish you both well in the future.

  29. Arealbucsfan Says:

    Derek Carr!!

  30. Jwayne Says:

    Johnny football needs to be in a bucs uniform! The guy is more than “a running qb” check the numbers, he’s a gun slinger. And doing it In the sec!!!

  31. PRBucFan Says:

    Immaturity is the only comparison necessary for the Glazers to pass 76 😉

  32. Eric Says:

    Same height as the QB that just got done shredding our great defense for almost 400 yards in 3 quarters. How many touchdowns? I lost count.

    So we’re never gonna draft a QB in the first round because Free didn’t work out?

    Awesome thinking.

  33. PRBucFan Says:

    They are favored by almost 14 points, again this game really means nothing.

    Should be an easy win for the Aggies

  34. Strict9 Says:

    Where is Sullivan and Sheridan? Whose doing business for the Bucs like signing reserve/futures contracts for PS players they want to keep?

  35. bucrightoff Says:

    Brett “the Hitman” Hundley > Johnny “Walker” Manziel

  36. Vern4499 Says:


    Immature? He’s a college kid. Were you real mature at 20? People crack me up. Act like they didn’t have fun in life. Give me a break.

  37. Eric Says:

    Did Josh Freeman ever torch the best defense in college football for over 450 yards two years in a row?

    We got Josh because for some reason totally unknown to me our people listened to Raheem Morris. Biggest mistake Dominik ever made and likely cost him his gig.

  38. PRBucFan Says:

    Yup because they just spent 5 years on a young immature man child and in the end his immaturity led to their downfall.

    They won’t risk it again not this year where they have to put it together if they want any credibility with the fan base after that epic fail.

    Again, your allowed to dream.

  39. Robbie_G Says:

    Joe this is for you!!!

    See you can find clips on EVERY QB. I see others doing MORE with a lot LESS talent around them.

  40. Hawk Says:

    NO, no, no, no, no, no!

  41. PRBucFan Says:

    Hey Genius i’m not going to argue with you about the semantics of the word mature.

    There are plenty of mature young men in college and that come into the NFL.

    There’s a reason his “maturity” is in question amongst the talking heads.

    But regardless, i’m done here, a waste debating about something that won’t happen. Happy New Years.

  42. Eric Says:

    So they are gonna put it together with Mike Glennon at QB?

    Not a snowballs chance.

    What immaturity? He drinks and chases woman? I do that and I’m over 50yoa.

    You think NFL QB’s don’t? Ha!

  43. Vern4499 Says:

    Was free immature or is there a real problem with him that we don’t know? To compare them is ridiculous. One had barely any success on the field at Kstate. The other has been the best foot player in college the last two years.

    What exactly has he done for you to call him immature?

    Also please tell me one time a teammate or coach has complained about him?

  44. bucrightoff Says:

    Yeah Johnny lit up Bama twice, yet inexplicably couldn’t do the same to a worse LSU defense twice. Florida’s defense locked him up last year too. And of course the obviously high injury potential isn’t worth it. He’s got the Mike Vick/RGIII body type, not the Cam/Andrew Luck body types. That’s why if the Bucs go QB I want Hundley, he’s built for the NFL, Johnny is not.

  45. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Free sucked, consistently; that is what led to his downfall. And Free was horrible in college. Worst of that Big 12 crop. There are no guarantees in life, especially when it comes to the success of a future NFL QB. But Johnny Football has torched the best defenses in the SEC for two seasons, and unlike Free, he wins, a lot. This guy gets it done with his arm. Do what we must to draft him!

  46. IMiss#40 Says:

    Evans in rnd 1, Aaron Murray rnd 2 he’ll you’ll end up with the best WR in the draft and 5 yrs from now the guy everyone will say is the best QB from this draft.

  47. Joe Says:

    But Johnny Football has torched the best defenses in the SEC for two seasons, and unlike Free, he wins, a lot. This guy gets it done with his arm. Do what we must to draft him!

    And he has over 70 percent completion percentage.

    And he has better numbers this year (with every coach gameplanning to stop him and him alone) than he did when he won the Heisman.

    The only comparison between Johnny Football and Josh Freeman is they are both right-handed.

  48. Joe Says:

    Aaron Murray rnd 2

    That’s beyond a reach.

    Murray will be there on the third day of the draft.

  49. Joe Says:

    What immaturity? He drinks and chases woman? I do that and I’m over 50yoa.

    LOL!!! 🙂

  50. Beeric Says:

    I really want Manziel to be a buc, but I’d also be happy with Bortles or Hundley. Just give me someone who has earned a first round grade coming out of college, not a first round grade by a recruiter from Rutgers.

  51. Joe Says:

    In three games, two vs. Nick Saban and one vs Bob Stoops — both two of the best defensive coaches in the game — Manziel accounted for 1,420 yards combined (passing and rushing) with 12 touchdowns.


  52. tmaxcon Says:

    joe leave the front man antics to david lee roth but you made your point that being said in the immortal words of coach radio “Stats are for losers”. Personally I’d love to see Manziel in Tampa. weekend trips to mons venus would be amazing again. it’s been a while.

  53. tmaxcon Says:

    I have #ROCKSTAR for President Tshirts on sale for 2.00 originally 19.99

  54. Scotty Says:

    he’s just what we need a gunslinger and a winner!

  55. Bucfan#37 Says:

    It is doubtful Manziel will be there at the 7th pick, so it seems to me there is little chance he will land with the Bucs. The wild card is the new coaching hire, he may be a big Manziel fan and convince management to go after him at any cost. Any upgrade to a mobile QB would be an improvement.

  56. Destinjohnny Says:

    Dosent matter who the qb is with this o line no tight end and no wideouts other then mw and vj

  57. lightningbuc Says:

    Joe said:

    The only comparison between Johnny Football and Josh Freeman is they are both right-handed.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    That, and they are both a lush!

  58. gt40bear Says:

    Come on Johnny Football! The strip clubs of Tampa await! Maybe we can re-hire Rah Rah and they can go together. 😉

  59. Buc1987 Says:

    Just say no to Johnny. Even though like Freeman, he gives the Bucs the best chance to win, right Joe?

  60. flumunda cheese Says:

    Too small and constantly banged up. Wont last a season running in the NFL. Lacks elite arm talent and gets by floating balls late across the middle. Tank it next year and stockpile draft picks for next year…wait for Winston.

  61. passthebuc Says:

    He will surly be a star.

    In the CFL

  62. passthebuc Says:

    @flumnda cheese. nobody will read your post. its way too logical.

  63. Scott Says:

    I think his personality sucks but he is an exciting player to watch and he will fill seats in Ray Jay.

  64. Robbie_G Says:

    passthebuc, well said. Some where Doug Flutie is saying ” damn 20 years before my time”

  65. 911bucs Says:

    Well Johnny looked pretty passionate on the sidelines screaming at his receivers. I like it.

  66. Robbie_G Says:

    It was supposed to say Doug Flutie” Damn I was 20 years ahead of my time” sorry fellow fans

  67. D-Rome Says:

    Johnny Football will be the second coming of Ryan Leaf.

  68. RastaMon Says:

    “Duke is in business”….”
    how impressive has Duke been in all 3 phases ”
    scrawny Cowboy geting exposed…

  69. P'cola Buc Says:

    Johnny on the sidelines…..needs a step ladder as he gets in the face of his receivers……gotta love it.

  70. PRBucFan Says:

    He’s sure lighting it up

  71. Bucs Fan #237 Says:

    Manziel is falling apart… what a bum.

    6 feet nothing and won’t amount to anything in the NFL.

    Glennon > Manziel.

  72. Buc1987 Says:

    Winston in 2015!

  73. flmike...hates Johnny Football Says:

    Sumlin’s phone just stopped ringing…

  74. bucrightoff Says:

    David Cutcliffe as Bucs coach > Johnny Football as Bucs QB

  75. RastaMon Says:

    Boyzeil consistently throws off his BACK Foot….but hey…mechanics can be corrected…after paying $79,000,000

  76. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Joe says “And he has over 70 percent completion percentage.

    And he has better numbers this year (with every coach gameplanning to stop him and him alone) than he did when he won the Heisman.

    The only comparison between Johnny Football and Josh Freeman is they are both right-handed.”

    Amen Joe.

  77. RCH Says:

    Texas A&M is getting smoked!!! Not much of an audition for Mr Football. Like I’ve been saying draft Blake Bortles!

  78. bucrightoff Says:

    Seriously, Cutcliffe is a terrific coach, offensive minded, molded the greatest ever (and made sure Eli isn’t throwing 40 picks a season?). He’s the only person I want out of his game (well Mike Evans but obviously highly unnecessary), Johnny Football can enjoy Cleveland.

  79. Santa Says:

    Total crap joe.

  80. rdbucfan Says:

    I remember the Florida game. A real NFL defensive coordinator Dan Quinn shut him down with hardly any tape on him.

    23 of 30, 173 yards 0 td 0 5.8 yards per attempt.

    Those numbers don’t look like a 1st round draft pick to me.

  81. tampasteve Says:

    I love the new attitude he would bring, however I have to agree with imiss#40 Evans and Murray would be nice to end up with, but I won’t be disappointed if they take Johnny football

  82. That Guy Says:

    The Joes haven’t been this high on a player since Morris Claiborne. How’d that work?

  83. rdbucfan Says:

    Glennon already puts up those numbers every week against NFL defenses and he can actually see over his offensive line. Glenno actually throws td passes against NFL defenses.

    Johnny Foosball was shut out in the 2nd half in the UF game. Sounds way too much like the guy we already have just 6 to 9 inches shorter. No thank you to Boyziel.

  84. SAMCRO Says:

    J Manziel is a terrific College QB but he will struggle in the NFL without the right OC. NFL linebackers and ends will eat Johnny’s lunch. If he tries one of those pirouette spin moves he’s going to get crushed.

  85. PRBucFan Says:

    It’s not the Joes it’s one Joe lol.

    But yea man he looks phenomenal tonight 😉

  86. RastaMon Says:

    35 hung on A&M 1st half

  87. bucsd04 Says:

    Manziel is really showing us how good he is….cant even beat duke

  88. Couch Fan Says:

    Manziel gives the Bucs the best chance to win.

  89. RastaMon Says:

  90. Bucfan#37 Says:

    The last place defense in the SEC is’nt giving Manziel many opportunities.

  91. BFFL Says:

    He’s a winner but his defense is so bad you can’t tell. The coach is way overrated. All he has is Johnny.

  92. PRBucFan Says:

    Cause Mike Evans sucks

  93. bucsd04 Says:


  94. BucPuck Says:

    No thank you on Manziel

  95. Harry Says:

    mostly intelligent comments in here tonight. What a nice change…

    Joe, I am starting to wonder if the Ms. Watson thing are a front. I think you secretly covet a 3 sum with you, Dom and Johnny Football! lol, kidding

    Have an awesome New Year Joe(s)

  96. Bucfan#37 Says:

    Duke can score some points. Maybe the Bucs can look at their offensive staff. The noles shut them down good.

  97. buccanAy Says:

    No doubt the kid is talented, BUT, he’s had two 1st round bookend OT’s and a dynamic receiver, where accuracy is, throw high and deep, along with one of the, if not, the most innovative pass game coordinator/coach in Kevin Sumlin. Really have mixed feeling about Manziel. Seems if thing don’t go well for him, he could really tank, unsure of work-ethic, and priorities…seems like being a “rockstar” is as important to him as being a great NFL QB. With his slight build and penchant for the nightlife, the risk it to high to pin the Franchise QB tag on him. Can anyone recall a Qb coming out with his skills and his ‘rebellious’ attitude succeeding as a Franchise QB, keeping in mind his slight build and the fact that much of his game is running/scrambling/

  98. RastaMon Says:

    Hey…this is college football…A&M will come back strong !…what a great night for a football fan..”heres Johnny”

  99. Tnew Says:

    I don’t care if Menziel passes for 400 in the second half, he has a substandard arm with poor mechanics. If a player is successful as manziel is the chances of him having success after making any adjustments are minimal. Back foot throwing works when you are surrounded by an amazing cast and you are playing vs college players. The worst defense in the nfl is still better than the Alabama team he played. The bromance is really old joe. I didn’t mind you fixating on Rachel Watson…..I can respect that but manziel is more Tim tebow than Drew Brees.

  100. RastaMon Says:

    @ Tnew….backfoot Manziel….bingo

  101. Aubpierce Says:

    Johnny cream puff might not make it till the end of the game.When a 245lb NFL backer that runs faster then cream puff smacks him,he won’t get up period.

  102. RastaMon Says:

    Johnny’s not a cream puff…he’s a tough baller….but so was Tebow….

  103. SAMCRO Says:

    why does Joe keep blocking my comments?

  104. Vern4499 Says:

    Yes sir. Johnny football!

  105. buccanAy Says:

    that don’t work in the NFL…maybe againt Duke

  106. crazy Says:

    Looks like Gradkowski did before the NFL

  107. nick j Says:

    touchdown johnny football

  108. 911bucs Says:

    All he does is throw touchdowns

  109. Lovethepewter Says:

    25/33 for 284 yards and 3 TD’s…yeah gimme dat AAAAAAALLLLLLL day you Johnny Football haters. Haters gonna hate on his skillz. You hate him cuz you aint him.

  110. buccanAy Says:

    duke coaches goin all “shiano” in 2nd half

  111. RastaMon Says:

    after this game….Johnny backyard could be for the taking @ 7….I’ll have to wait and hear what Fran Tarkenton has to say….none since him….

  112. blackmagic00 Says:

    @Joe. OK I think I’m becoming a believer. I want Johnny.

  113. Vern4499 Says:

    I don’t think he will be there a 7. We will have to trade up for to get him.

  114. Bucfan#37 Says:

    If we are going to fantasize about a potential QB, Manziel is the guy, but he won’t be a Buc.

  115. RastaMon Says:

    He’ll be there @ 7…pray for a trade down….

  116. RastaMon Says:

    Manziel would be smart to stay another year @ A&M…

  117. Aubpierce Says:

    Johnny is playing blue ,but not Carolina blue.He won’ hold up against the big boys.He is fun to watch.

  118. blackmagic00 Says:

    I think Johnny got the d fired up at the half

  119. Dan Says:

    Im angry because someone created content that illustrates an opinion I disagree with! Pouts joe I am angry at you and will tell you to stop because I am insecure in my opinions and need you to agree with me…… *assorted other whining*

  120. RastaMon Says:

    Rebel Yell….Dan !….

  121. BigMacAttack Says:

    Johnny Football is the Man!

    I hope the Bucs can get him. Rams rumored to trade #2 pick.

  122. PRBucFan Says:

    So maybe I like what I see lol

    But it’s not happening ahaha

  123. Trauma Murse Says:

    Johnny Football baby

  124. Robbie_G Says:

    yeahhh I’z gonna hate cuz’ I aint got da’ skillz dawg. He’z gonna be a playa’ form the Himalayas. Goof Dookie vs that Coach K Duke yo’ LovethePewter how was that?

  125. Hesson0208 Says:

    John Fn Football is the greatest football player I’ve ever seen in my life. – reign in some of the running down the field and lowering your head And I’ll think he’ll basically be Fran Tarkenton.

  126. RastaMon Says:

  127. blackmagic00 Says:

    Ya…..Johnny got the d going.

  128. blackmagic00 Says:

    Johnny….Johnny. ….Johnny. …..Johnny let’s get him!!!!!!!!!!

  129. Bucfan#37 Says:

    Aggies in the lead. What are the scenarios that give the Bucs the shot at Manziel with the 7th pick.

  130. RastaMon Says:

    Bitch slap….it’s Duke….

  131. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    With Schiano and Dominick gone Joe might end up getting his wish. It was a no before because Schiano liked pocket passers.

  132. blackmagic00 Says:

    If we Johnny loses he can be ours. Lose a&m please

  133. blackmagic00 Says:

    Oh well. Hopefully we still get him

  134. blackmagic00 Says:

    @Joe I’m a believer

  135. buccanAy Says:

    OHHHH JOHNNNY…Joe’s got obsessed and unfortunately the site has turned into Man(Boy) Crush Site…good luck

  136. Mr. Patrick Says:

    I love football games that have basketball scores

  137. blackmagic00 Says:

    buccanAy did you watch the game?

    its very apparent Johnny pulled the team together. I see what Joes been talking about.

  138. bigpoppabuc Says:

    Forget Johnny football.. I’m diggin this Crawford guy at WR. Just what we need.

  139. DallasBuc Says:

    What makes Joe think that he makes it to the 7th pick with the gauntlet of teams that have no QB drafting ahead of us? We would have to relinquish our entire draft board and maybe more!

  140. AceOfAerospace Says:

    I’m sold. Draft him.

  141. Danimal Says:

    Joe Montana with Mobility, Do whatever it takes to get him.

  142. blackmagic00 Says:

    I’m not sold on selling the farm…….but I would trade a 1st and 2nd

  143. buccanAy Says:

    blackmagic..I watched the whole game…he’s dynamic, no doubt..I just don’t think his game will translate to the Pro level…maybe I’m wrong, and I would certainly support him if we drafted him, but I feel he’s a real boom or bust guy, an unnecessary risk for a 1st round pick…he’s definitely go charisma, but wonder about his durability and where his real priorities are…he’s a gamer no doubt,b ut wonder if his game will translate…it would be fun to watch, but could also set us back for a few years…tough call

  144. PRBucFan Says:

    If he falls to us MAYBE but no well in hell would we trade any picks to get him lol

  145. BucsfaninChina Says:

    Duke, people. It is Duke.

  146. blackmagic00 Says:

    I think he’s worth it at this point. I mean what the hell do we have to lose? Last year we thought we were heading into the playoffs. And now we’re looking at anything that will help right?

  147. PRBucFan Says:

    I would look to take Bortles or Hundley before Manchild

  148. BucsFan68 Says:

    JF displayed great leadership tonight. He would look good in a Bucs uniform. Not every successful QB is 6’6″ (Brees, Wilson, etc.) As for JF the former Bucs QB, I pray he works on his mechanics and consistency. Some things the bashers ignore is that football is a team game. They act as if Josh was single handedly responsible for all 35 looses during his time as QB. He wasn’t. Bad defense, bad coaching decisions led to a significant amount of those losses.

  149. Pruritus Ani Says:

    Seems to have an obnoxious personality but the guy can play football.

  150. Christopher Says:

    Love people saying “It’s Duke”. Hey dummies…Duke scoring 50 shows how bad A & M is…yet Johnny Football stood up and was massively competitive with THE SEC for 2 years. Already forget?
    & those who say, “Oh, he just wants to be a partying rock star” threw the same nonsense at Cam Newton when he said he wanted to be an icon. YOU DON’T GET TO BE A ROCKSTAR OR ICON UNLESS YOURE A GOOD PRO QB. These guys know that, so to be The Man, you gotta be a damn good pro on the field. Part & parcel. Bortles is mediocre, average arm, long delivery, and Carr and Hundley throw dumb picks against inferior competition.

  151. lurker Says:

    did the haters get their crow? this is what we need…a leader with skills. the giraffe is not a franchise qb and never coulda led his team like this. ta&m has no defense, at least not until mr football got in their faces. this was inspirational…he has drive and willed his team to the win!

    we need that on this team.

  152. PRBucFan Says:

    Being a great college QB for 2 years does not make you any kind of pro 😉

    Funny how quickly people want to crown a kid whose never taken an NFL snap.

    Your expert analysis of the other prospects is oh so insightful though. Thanks lol

  153. PRBucFan Says:

    I said it before the game started, I’ll say it again.

    A win against Duke changes nothing but you would think he beat FSU tonight lol.

    He won’t be a Buc, we’ll grab another QB before we grab him unless they are taken before we pick.

  154. PRBucFan Says:

    But it’s been fun discussing a kid whose completely irrelevant to the Bucs organization on a Bucs site all night ahaha.

    I’m tired though so adios and buenas noches.

    Happy New Years!

  155. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Oddly enough, the Bucs chances of drafting Manziel have sky-rocketed with the firing of Greg Schiano. Glennon was his guy, and Freeman was Rah’s. Glennon did a good job while dealt a crap hand, but I don’t believe he performed well enough to lockdown the job. He will get an opportunity preseason for sure, but I am pretty sure our new HC will want to pick his own guy with 2 good WR’s and a top 10 draft pick in a deep QB draft.

    However, I don’t feel any different about Johnny Boy. He’s not a Tim Tebow clone as Johnny Boy is a lot smaller than Tebow and Tebow’s arm is spaghetti compared to Johnny Boy’s. That being said I don’t see Johnny Boy’s running game translating to the NFL strictly because of size not talent. The kid is smaller than Vick and RGlll and look what happened to them. That means he will have to rely more on his arm which isn’t half bad but a successful translation is no guarantee.

    When it comes to the partying he doesn’t just act like a typical college kid having fun. The guy was arrested, for having a fake drivers license saying he was 21 and failure to identify. I believe he got his @ss thrown out of a UT frat party as well. I won’t hold the NCAA suspension as I think that was a load of bull. But he’s got a big ego and a cocky attitude, which isn’t a good combo in the NFL.

    If Schiano were still here, Johnny Boy is nothing but a pipe dream for Bucs fans, including Joe. But that’s not the case. Still, even if the new coach and GM were interested, I doubt Johnny Boy falls to the Bucs at No. 7 seeing as how both Houston and Jacksonville pick before us and it’s almost a shoe-in they’ll go QB.
    And besides, the Bucs need to answer their big questions on the O-line, you think Johnny Boy would last 2 quarters with them “protecting” him?

    Again, I’ll admit that Johnny Boy in a Bucs uni would be intriguing but I think he’s too high a risk early in a draft stocked with QB’s. With guys like McCarron, Murray, Mettenberger, Boyd, Hundley, Lynch and Bortles likely being available past the 1st round wouldn’t it make more sense to draft one of them later, let them battle it out with Glennon during preseason and use your high 1st rounder on a position we need more than QB? Because I don’t believe our biggest hole is at QB IMO.

  156. louden Says:

    Johnny “draft him – oh, hell NO” Football. McCarron is a proven winner and has the “it” factor – ice cold dude. Aaron Murray may be the best QB coming out..

  157. P'cola Buc Says:

    Until we get a franchise QB this team will not get to the promised land. This has got to be a priority with in the next two drafts. I know that there are holes to fill in other positions but QB should be a priority.
    It was nice to see the excitement Johnny Football brought to the Chick-Fil-A Bowl. Both on the field and on the sidelines. Let’s not forget we should be excited and entertained by the Buccanneers…..We need to bring back this type of feeling/entertainment…..and the time to start is now…..let’s do it Glazers!

  158. Danimal Says:

    He will not be runner in the pro’s he will be scrambler.
    I’m telling you this kid is Joe Montana special remember Montana was all the things your saying about JF too short, weak arm, fragile. Bortles Carr Hundly you’ve got to be kidding. Who ever passes on him will regret it.

  159. J Stella Says:

    WoW! What a game! I couldn’t tune in until the third quarter but that was sure the best time to be watching!!

  160. Ed Says:

    The “too small” tag is bs, again Bree’s and Wilson are “too small” and they are both successful. The cockiness is a good thing if he keeps himself under control, it shows he’s trying to win, it shows he has confidence in himself. If he can use that attitude to lead he will be able to get his teammates to follow him.

    On the videos I have watched his quickness is tremendous. When he runs he keeps his eyes down the field looking for the big play. Those are attributes that you see in guys like Cam Newton, Aaron Rogers and Russell Wilson.

    I don’t see him being effective in an offense like the Bucs ran this past year but with the big receivers we have in Williams and Jackson he does have that rare ability to buy more time in the pocket, by extending the plays he will find the open guys. He will also get on the edge and find tight ends in the middle of the field.

    Depending on the Bucs new coaching staff and his availability he makes it a tough decision on whether or not to pass up on him. I think a coach like Jon Gruden would pick him with no hesitation. Not sure if a Lovie Smith would.

  161. Ed Says:

    Bucs biggest holes in this order


    Offensive Linemen

    Defensive End

    Tight End

    Depth everywhere else

  162. Brandon Says:


    One of the five will definitely be there when we draft. I think we should trade up and get the best, Teddy Bridgewater. Maybe BOB would like Glennon and next year’s 1st to trade down with us. Glennon seems to fit the Belichick disciple QB preference.