Bucs 24, Lions 21

November 24th, 2013

How does three in a row feel?

The Bucs’ second-half offensive impotence didn’t matter today. The defense and specials rose up big — without Darrelle Revis, Dashon Goldson and Mason Foster. Unknown safety Kelcie McCray drilled Calvin Johnson near the goal line to dislodge the ball and lead to a Johnthan Banks game-icing interception.

Your New Schiano Order Buccaneers just beat a good football team. On the road!

The Bucs’ offensive line lost the battle in the trenches, but it didn’t matter with Mike Glennon converting his deep shots and staying pretty damn cool for a rookie.

The Bucs are back to their punt-blocking ways, with the second in as many weeks.

There’s a swagger about the Bucs right now. They believe, and it feels damn good.

41 Responses to “Bucs 24, Lions 21”

  1. Chris Says:

    Glennon is the answer

  2. underdogs Says:


  3. Snook Says:

    Not to mention all the no-call on the Lions O-Line today for holding.

    What a joke.

    Even on the last INT, Clayborn was held trying to get to Stafford.

  4. mark2001 Says:

    Calculated the QB rating…about 130. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  5. Jamaica Buc Says:

    .. any word on Revis?

    Did Bowers play today?


  6. Couch Fan Says:

    Winnin with Glennon!!!

  7. jo mama Says:

    Ten to one Joe already had 3 blogs written on a buc loss.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Finally we got some breaks….and Glennon managed the game as well as can be expected….no turnovers……WOW!!!

    Screw the high draft pick….this is getting to be FUN!!!

  9. underdogs Says:

    I want to hear Gene Deckerhoff at the end….BUC’S WIN! BUC’S WIN!
    I love that guy.

  10. Jordon Says:

    From where we were just a few weeks ago, 3 in a row feels great!

  11. SteveBucsFan Says:

    I screamed on that last Banks INT. Great team win!

  12. Walter Says:

    This team is going to give me a heart attack one day man.

    Can we please leave Lindell in Detroit?

  13. lightningbuc Says:

    The demise of Greg Schiano may have been a bit premature. Kudos to he and the team for not packing it in at 0-8. HE HAS NOT LOST THE LOCKER ROOM OR THIS TEAM!

  14. lurker Says:

    this team has not quit on schiano! i think we need better offensive/defensive playcalling, but they have improved in recent games

    I am still unsure about schiano, but i’d rather him than lovie smith

  15. Stevek Says:

    620 Darrell dog is going to EAT CROW ON GLENNON.

    BigDog is WRONG ABOUT MG8!

  16. Buc1987 Says:

    Hey Joe tell BD I said Schiano can stay and to shhhhhhhush!

  17. The_Buc_Realist Says:


    or just better talent

  18. Buc1987 Says:

    Winnin with Glennon Couch. Yup Winnin with Glennon.

  19. WalkdaPlank Says:

    So, Joe I gotta ask ya, ARE YOU SOLD ON GLENNON?

    “Have you seen Glennon rifle a pass and hit a receiver in stride streaking down the sideline yet?

    Joe hasn’t. When Glennon can do this, then Joe will be sold.”

    Well, maybe it was’t a sideline route, but he hit Underwood in stride deep down the middle of the field for an 85 yard TD! He outplayed Matthew Stafford and had virtually no running game as Rainey unfortunately disappointed against a good D.

    So, Joe, ARE YOU SOLD YET?

  20. ronco Says:

    Glennon just set the Bucs rookie QB rating record for the third time this season with a 138.4. Also set an NFL rookie record with 8 games in a row with a TD pass. Hit deep balls to Jackson and Underwood. Does anyone still not believe in this kid?

  21. Jordon Says:

    Glennon has got talent! Aside from taking a couple of unnecessary sacks, he played a whale of a game…especially considering we had no running game at all!

  22. Bucfan#37 Says:

    It was an exciting game to watch the team come out with a win.

  23. Buc1987 Says:

    No Revis, No Goldson, No Dougie, No Mike Williams, No Carl Nicks. Schiano and Glennon can stay.

  24. lurker Says:

    panthers win 7 in a row

  25. lurker Says:

    what a throw by rivers!

  26. clafollett Says:

    I don’t think I have any finger nails left. What an ending to the game. A smash hit on Megatron but some buy no one has ever heard of. The ball bounced our way today thanks in large part to a very opportunistic D.

    That was another good, solid TEAM performance today.

    Let’s go 5-0 to end the year! The way the NFC is going this year, it might be enough to make the playoffs.

    GO BUCS!!!

  27. Chris Says:

    We get better safety play out of Tandy than goldson.

  28. Mr Lucky Says:

    It was an amazing win – the defense did a heck of a job and the most important thing is that the players haven’t given up like they did with Morris.

    Especially impressive since the Bucs won without the big time secondary players!

  29. jo mama Says:

    Here is big dogs opening statement….

    oh my god….with 4 ints, a pick 6 and a punt block, you are supposed to win the game.

    this game should have been a blow out, but we barely won.

  30. Joe Says:


    He’s right.

  31. Jbeachbuc Says:

    Yes. Great win.
    Nice to finally have some balls bounce in our direction.
    & boy did they bounce today!

  32. Michael D Says:

    I’ hoping there’s a way we can make the playoffs. It’s possible, but you already kno.

  33. Michael D Says:

    I’m still hoping there’s a way we can make the playoffs. It’s possible, just need the last wildcard to be an 8-8 team, and we’re do for an 8-8er… but you already know it’s damn near impossible to go on 8 game winning streak anyways. I wish we won a couple more of those early games. >__<

  34. Chris Says:

    Detroits defense is stout though. That front 7 is one of the best in the league.

  35. Larry Says:

    I live in a suburb of Detroit and my neighbors thought flying the Buc’s flag was funny…it’s still flying!

  36. ZBucs Says:

    The little chihuahua will be yapping about how terrible Glennon is and how bad Schiano is. He’s just mad that coach doesn’t buddy up with him like Rah did.

  37. MikeJ Says:

    Chris, PFF would agree ith you.

  38. Fritz50 Says:

    “damn near impossible to go on 8 game winning streak ”

    True, but we’re walking pretty new ground , as it is. Only the 2nd team in NFL history to win 3 straight , after starying 0-8. We’ll see, like what I saw from Glennon, though taking sacks & not throwing the ball away, late in the game, upset me mightily , I must saw. Still a great performance, by Glennon & also from our depleted “D”. Guess I can forgive the sacks…H__l yeah !!!!

  39. MikeJ Says:

    Now, I LOVE wins by any means obtained, but strategically, for the long run, the most important thing to take out of the Detroit game is that Glennon performed very well & won the contest with NO run game to help–that is a sign of a franchise quarterback.

  40. BB Says:

    I. Was. Right. Where’s the guy that wanted to save my comments to paste later or the people that said I was crazy for saying the bucs would win five to seven games down the stretch or that glennon was the answer and coach should stay as team has bought in to him

  41. Capt. Tim Says:

    Amazing resilience by this team.
    They are playing great football, and are fun to watch! Can’t ask for more than that! As a matter of fact- that’s what we were asking for! And now they are delivering!

    Man, it’s fun watching the Bucs play football!!!
    Glennon is the man! Don’t care about high draft pick! Want to see this team keep playing the way they are now.

    I’m onboard! GO BUCS!!!!