Revis Ahead Of Bucs-Specific Schedule

August 3rd, 2013

The question of Darrelle Revis and preseason action games came up again today — 36 days from the opening kickoff against the Jets in Gotham.

Will Revis get at least a taste of real football (he hasn’t had any in training camp yet) to be ready to earn his $1 million-per-game contract?

The Bucs are still figuring that out, so said rockstar general manager Mark Dominik today at One Buc Palace. Dominik explained to Tom Krasniqi of WDAE-AM 620 that Revis is ahead of the intricate readiness and rehab schedule the Bucs laid out for him in April and the New Schiano Order is still debating having Revis see live action before September.

“There’s a chance we may play him a little bit. You know, talking with Coach Schiano, do you want to get some butterflies, just so he can say he’s on the field. But if he does, it’s going to be real limited. But it won’t be a factor of ‘could he,’ it’s whether we let him,” Dominik said.

Joe can’t see the harm in giving Revis a little preseason action, assuming he’s healthy. Revis is still human. A taste of the field can only give him needed confidence and readiness for opening day — a game the Bucs should (and need to) win.

7 Responses to “Revis Ahead Of Bucs-Specific Schedule”

  1. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I absolutely agree with Joe. If Revis is ready he should play a minimal amount. Revis is like a fine racehorse in the starting gate. I would rather him ease some of his “chomping at the bit” in preseason.
    Also, it will give MyLew more reps before he sells cars in Orlando….

  2. mpmalloy Says:

    Lol, Revis looks like Leonides there.

    #Looking forward the showdown in the meadowlands

  3. Couch Fan Says:

    Pre-season games to me is the equivalent to training camp practice…. Personally I’d like to take no chances and save him for the regular season, that would also build up the home opener just a little bit more. But im just a couch fan what do I know?

  4. mpmalloy Says:

    I always thought you were a fan of Tim Couch.

  5. Buc'n Junkie Says:


    I agree, personally I don’t think Revis has anything to prove at this point in his career. He’s either got it again or we got duped. I don’t think contact will change that. I mean, the reps are great but the pounding is unnecessary at this point to prove his worth. He’ll be ready week one!

  6. Broy3434 Says:

    I’d say nothing first two preseason games. And one series each of the last 2. Nothing worse than preseason injuries. No reason to lose Davin Joseph caliber guys in pointless games. They shld be done with. Players get hurt too much. If you don’t get to of them atleast save em for backups that way you get a taste of guys like Owosu

  7. Broy3434 Says:

    Get rid* of them