Greg Schiano On Josh Freeman
February 21st, 2013
Schiano says his comments about competition at the quarterback position were not interpreted as he intended
As Joe reported earlier, Bucs coach Greg Schiano was asked about Josh Freeman’s status as the Bucs starting quarterback this afternoon in Indianapolis. In no uncertain terms, Schiano adamantly stated Freeman is the Bucs quarterback now, and will lead the Bucs to the team’s goals.
Schiano earlier had said there is but one goal for the Bucs: hoisting a Vince Lombardi Trophy aloft in victory.
Below is Schiano’s direct quote on Freeman’s job security:
“I am glad you brought that up because at the end of the season, the day after the final game, I probably said something that got a lot more attention than I meant for it to do. Really, it was about every year that I have been a head coach I step back and I evaluate every phase of our program and it starts with me. So that takes a while. I even said I didn’t know if I was the right guy, let’s figure this out.
“Then I went through every assistant coach and then as a staff, we went through every single player in a series of evaluations. But the one thing I believe in whether it is as coaches or as players, in our whole life we have grown up in competitive athletics and that competition is healthy. So I made the statement that I wanted competition at every position. My fault, but it kind of stood out at the quarterback position more than any other. Josh Freeman is our quarterback. And I believe Josh Freeman – with Josh Freeman – we will be able to accomplish our goals. So, that is my belief and our organization’s belief.
“I have been busy and I hadn’t had a chance to clear that up. I’m glad I had the opportunity to today.”
February 21st, 2013 at 1:51 pm
Thanks for clearing that up coach Schiano. Now the fools screaming for Josh Freeman’s head can be quiet. No we wont invest a high draft pick to a QB, but a better backup than Dan Orlovsky might be needed. Bucs fans, stop putting this guy down, get behind him and support him. I have seen him look like a better QB than Joe Flacco, he just didnt have that Ravens D behind him. Josh is our franchise QB for years to come, so start showing him some love.
February 21st, 2013 at 1:51 pm
Whether he actually believes that or not, Schiano did this to stop reporters from asking the same question about the bucs qb position. He’s tired of that being the only discussion about the team. Plus Schiano knows if he isn’t firm about his qb situation, when training camp starts and reporters keep asking Josh if he feels like hes on the hot seat, it’ll start getting in his head which could lead to him being even worse
February 21st, 2013 at 2:00 pm
@Legarrettes Blunt
Thank you for writing it so I don’t have to.
February 21st, 2013 at 2:07 pm
thank you for writing THAT so i didn’t have to.
February 21st, 2013 at 2:13 pm
Freeman is Warren Moon <— but Freeman will win a SuperBowl within 2 years
February 21st, 2013 at 2:14 pm
I never thought the “competition” comment was really about having someone to challenge Freeman as the starter. I think he meant (hopefully) having somebody around who could come in and be a legit starter if it became necessary due to injury or ineffectiveness. Competition could also be interpreted as someone who can show Freeman a few things and help him improve, without threatening his starting job. Matt Hasselbeck comes to mind, if he is released. It could also mean a young guy with talent who could eventually develop into a starter… They need to have starting caliber talent behind the starter, even if they’re not likely to challenge.
February 21st, 2013 at 2:17 pm
@Legarrettes Blunt
well said…
Josh is by far the most talented QB in bucs history. Once again, our beloved fan base has proved that it does not have the ability to judge a franchise QB. Josh in no way deserved the beatings he has taken this off-season. Criticism yes but not beatings. YES, he was inconsistent, yes I broke two remotes and 1 iphone during the season with his bone head decisions that being said, I can also can not remember seeing a lot of dilfer to green passes looking as sweat as a couple of the those throws to Mike Williams for td’s. anyhow, if #5 blows midway next season I’ll drive the bus out of town until then he deserves a break. Bottom line we need to support and appreciate our YOUNG talented QB!
February 21st, 2013 at 2:41 pm
3 losing seasons with a QB who is incredibly inconsistant is every bit as worthy to criticize as the defense. Yes Josh is the most talented QB in Bucs History, he also has the most talented offense around him in Bucs History. Yes Josh has all the skills to be a great player. But as of right now Josh is still a loser. Just because I dont think the guy is going to amount to anything doesn’t make me a bad fan. 1 more season for him to prove me wrong.
February 21st, 2013 at 2:47 pm
Actually Schiano made a blanket statement about competition at every position and the media has blown it out of proportion to create a controversy as usual. Most of the media just reports what someone else in the media has reported anyway and by the time it goes through a couple of “sources” it is a completely different story.
February 21st, 2013 at 2:50 pm
If our defense didn’t give up 4 4th qtr leads and we ended the season at 11 & 5 with a play-off berth, would be be having any of these discussions about Freeman?
February 21st, 2013 at 2:53 pm
Yes because we would of got bounced right out of the first round with most likely an awful first half performance by Freeman, only to make a comeback in the 2nd half and lose by a respectable 10 points
February 21st, 2013 at 3:00 pm
Josh had a 14 point lead against the Giants and Saints. He had the lead with 1 minute left against the Eagles and the lead against the redskins until the last drive. The defense gave up those leads not Josh. Now to throw 4 picks in a game is unacceptable, but to say josh is deserves the same amount of blame as the defense to me is ridiculous.
February 21st, 2013 at 3:24 pm
Then you are not watching the same game I am where Josh just about always stinks it up the first half. Are there some exceptions? Sure. But for the most part he always starts out god awful then comes out and lights it up during the 2nd half. His inconsistancy is his biggest problem. That disserves as much blame as the defenses problems which has nothing to do with Freeman. Hold him accountable.
February 21st, 2013 at 3:41 pm
I just threw up a bit…disgusting to keep The Moron around
February 21st, 2013 at 4:00 pm
Thank you for that saying that coach people freemans our qb like it or not people we got to support him and I personably believe he will be elite soon go bucs
February 21st, 2013 at 8:20 pm
Smart move for Schiano to back track and stop the media from creating a QB controversy. Schiano stills need to bring in a legitimate back up. Just for possible injuries.
February 22nd, 2013 at 12:54 am
Free has one more season to prove he’s our QB of the future, if they really were sure about Free he would have been extended by now.
Schiano knows how fragile Free is, he’s not stupid
February 22nd, 2013 at 4:01 am
Now maybe you Tebow morons will be silent while the team gets on with the development of their carefully selected QB? Unfortunately, Not even I think you have the intelligence to accept a head coaches word as final…you’re all far to knowledgeable (wrong, but when has that ever stopped a Tampa Bay crowd from calling for the second stringer)?
Everyone seems to expect Marino, and Montana – and always seem to trip over the Ryan’s, Flacco’s, or even Favre’s…none of whom satisfied the teams that drafted them in the first three years…and some of them are still tying…
You will all have to find something else to do with your time – of course the wretched refuse posing as beat writers for our Buccaneers do need you – someone has to read the drivel they print…why not let them drag you further down the road of discontent with your starting QB…it’s not like you do any thinking of your own anyway.
Of course, this precludes Joe…i like some of them.
Hat tip to Schiano – he does seem to be able to give the low information/rabid dogs something to chew on while he toughens up his QB…
February 22nd, 2013 at 9:35 am
@flmike exactly. If our defense wasnt so poor last year Freeman would have been getting praised left and right. He set franchise records this year for passing and yet most of you fans want to fun him out of town. C’mon man. SUPPORT THE FRANCHISE #5
February 22nd, 2013 at 7:03 pm
Please explain how this ha change anything???
We are STILL where we have been at! Nothing has changed.
Last time i checked Josh was our QB right NOW. You notice how Schiano never said Josh is our QB of the future. He said right NOW.
Where we were: Josh has this season to redeem himself
Where we are now after that statement: Josh has this season to redeem himself.
NOTHING has changed.
February 23rd, 2013 at 4:53 am
PRB – regardless of what they “say”, you will not agree that Josh is developing…how does this change anything? You were thrown some red meat because it gave you something to chew on…the reality is, there simply isn’t a QB in the draft or in free agency that is as good as Josh, period.
Does that mean we won’t draft someone in the 3rd round? I hope not, but if we do, its not for competition. Besides, if we have to depend on a 3rd round QB the team won’t be good competition.
No free agent is coming in to start…
Face it, get used to cheering for the starting QB of the future, for a long time.
Forget the CB debate – start paying attention to offensive linemen – that’s all Freeman needs to get the next level of development.
Look at the bright side, he’s already outperforming the two QB’s drafted before him from his class…