Brian Billick On The Bucs

August 9th, 2012

Former Super Bowl-winning coach Brian Billick, who earlier this year famously told Joe how former Bucs coach Raheem Morris was a disciplinarian, discusses the Bucs chances in 2012 with Taylor Jones in this video.

5 Responses to “Brian Billick On The Bucs”

  1. dan Says:

    hes in the general ackbar camp, in regards to how he feels about morris not getting any free agents.

  2. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Says:

    Tampa has got a lot better, but so have our opponents.
    Unfortunately, we are in a division with Drew Brees and Cam Newton.
    I think we may be a few drafts away from winning our division, if that is even possible. I think the ONLY way we can possibly win the NFC South someday, is to put together a D Line that both rushes and contains the passer better then the NFL has ever seen.
    Price is gone, and Bowers is hurt. I see us next year trying to get another certified stud for our D Line.
    We are going to be better this year, a lot better.

  3. Chris Says:

    Geez. This guy Taylor Jones just sounds uninformed and like he hasn’t done his research:

    – “three starters in the first three rounds”? (Barron/Martin/David were drafted in first two rounds)

    – “allows Mason Foster to go back inside” (Foster played inside last year)

    – “Doug Martin in the second round” (try the first round)

    – “most people considered him (Martin) to be the top running back in the draft” – (incorrect, most people considered Richardson the top running back)

  4. Bobby Says:

    @Chris…Yeah, he was kind of clueless on that.

  5. mikeck Says:

    The video quality looks like a 17 year old made it in his parent’s basement. I’ve seen minecraft videos on youtube with better sound/audio…good lord.