Times Passes On Alleged Talib “Layup”

January 5th, 2012

Joe loves mystery and drama. Give Joe some ice cold Molson and an hour to watch Law and Order: Criminal Intent and Joe’s a happy guy.

Therefore, Joe perked up reading a live chat with Bucs beat writer Stephen Holder yesterday on TampaBay.com. Holder was asked about an apparent locker room disagreement between someone with the Tampa Bay Times and Aqib Talib. Holder acknowledged some sort of confrontation and defended his newspaper’s response, or lack thereof.

Comment From Zeke: Why didn’t anyone report the Times’ locker room spat with Talib?
Stephen F. Holder: It was a personal conflict and unrelated to the game. We didn’t go there as a courtesy, not because we were pressured. I think that should be a lesson to those who think we went out of our way to disparage Talib. That was a layup and we did not take it.
Oh, the drama — a “personal conflict” that allegedly “was a layup” to report but was not revealed by the Times.
Joe’s not about to ascribe motives here and toss out a myriad of possibilities. For all Joe knows it was a simple misunderstanding. It’s not like some reporter went George Foreman on Talib from the back of a taxi. But Joe supposes anything is possible.

12 Responses to “Times Passes On Alleged Talib “Layup””

  1. Meh Says:

    Talib cusses out Raheem in a hotel lobby in london. Unnamed players say you have to watch what you say about him or he might hit you. Now he gets in “spats” with the press. Punches a cabby. Involved in that whole Texas gun incident.

    Headache. After headache. After headache. And he didn’t even play that well this year other than two games.

  2. raphael Says:

    I do miss the days when we had quality character and quality football guys.we have a doulble whammy with the culture created here….bad character and bad football….

  3. raphael Says:

    get rid of the cancer pls….don’t care.. bye bye

  4. bucfanjeff Says:

    A new coach will tolerate him until he can replace him.
    He’s average (above average at times) with no recovery speed and an injury history. He’ll end up in Washington with Raheem.

  5. Ash Says:

    Mo Claiborne please and cut this idiot.

  6. sandbagrudy Says:

    Yeah Lay up it won’t be long before he’s laying up in a cell with leroy and bubba. accept he won’t have a helmet or gun to protect himself from becomming a woman he better start learning how to pee sitting down wearing a wig and saggin pants changing his name to twan.

  7. Edgewalker Says:

    If Joe knows anything about the Times it should be that they don’t shy away from going after people.

  8. Hillbilly Heaven Says:

    He’s worthless in a trade because every team knows he’ll be cut.
    Just go ahead and do it already

  9. thomas 2.2 Says:

    I think that this is B.S. from Holder and the Times.

    Their responsibility is to report things that affect the team and they report incidents on and off the field.

    They will report non-criminal matters like Blount’s car being sideswiped and Blount’s associate attacking someone but won’t report a Bucs player (with a long history of problems) berating a reporter in the lockerroom. Come on. Do your job?

  10. ClayBURN94 Says:


  11. sandbagrudy Says:

    He’s going to be spitting lyrics in Attica Taliba the new toast of the cellblock yo yo yo my name is talib the pistol whipping slugger the taxi cab mugger I get burnt on the slugger I’m the mouth of the south who plays like a slouch yeah I’m on one baby

  12. NickinMelb Says:

    Rah’s culture unfortunately spread to the media who also cowered to the thugs of the team. Winslow and Talib not only were tolerated by Raheem but the local media pretty much had kid gloves with them too. Do you think Talib would have lasted with the New York media? Look what they did with Burress and he shot himself not somebody else lol.