Blacked Out

October 13th, 2011

In the wake of the alley-beating the Bucs took in San Francisco, Joe was concerned the mood of Bucs fans would be so downtrodden that they would not seem moved to buy tickets to the New Orleans game this Sunday.

Joe’s fears were realized as the Bucs failed to meet the NFL’s mandated sellout 72 hours prior to kickoff. Hence, again, the Bucs will be blacked out this weekend. This was documented by eye-RAH! Kaufman of the Tampa Tribune using the TBO Bucs Twitter feed.

It’s official. Sunday’s Bucs-Saints matchup will be blacked out in the Tampa Bay market. That makes 11 blackouts in last 12 home games.

As usual, this only pertains to the Bucs primary TV market, Tampa Bay, and the secondary TV market, Orlando.

24 Responses to “Blacked Out”

  1. Patrick Says:

    Getting blown out 48-3+ Blount getting hurt= blackout.

  2. Tye Says:

    If the 49ers can do what they did to the Bucs then it boggles the mind at what the Saints are likely able to do to the Bucs….

  3. stimpy Says:

    GO BUCS!!

    We can scratch a win Sunday.

  4. Cannon Says:

    Heh, the irony for me is that I am leaving Grand Cayman (where I can watch the game live on TV) to travel to Tampa this Sunday… where I won’t be able to see the game.

  5. DCBUCSFAN Says:

    Piss Poor Local Fan Base = Blackout

  6. the_buc_realist Says:

    Bucs being exposed = blackouts

  7. fanofkit Says:

    Hey DC”BucsFan”, get bent. Try DeltaBravoBucsFan instead…more accurate. The Bay area has been a far better fan base than this team has deserved for a long time.

  8. Eric Says:

    Glazers could care less = blackout

  9. SteveK Says:

    Economy = blackout

    Blackout = low payroll

    Consistent blackouts= London games

    Man U. > Bucs (in terms of glazer spending priority)

    Tamp bay should do itself a favor and sell the Bucs and Rays to Mark Cuban. That guy would really utilize his resources and fork out the clams necessary to take those franchises to the next level.

  10. Nick Says:

    The Bucs should break out black uniforms in the blackouts’ (yes that’s a plural possessive for all the English majors) honor. 🙂

  11. Joke Says:

    FWIW, this game wouldn’t have sold out even if we had beaten the 9ers.

  12. Kryq Says:

    Not surprised at all..

  13. Joe Says:


    FWIW, this game wouldn’t have sold out even if we had beaten the 9ers.

    Joe’s heard that there are 55k sold for Sunday’s game.

  14. CRRaysHead90 Says:

    Still think that if the stadium is 75% sold out it should be aired on TV

  15. Richbucsfan54 Says:

    What doesn’t help the Bucs is the perception that they are quiters. Do any of you who work your butt off all week want to pony up $400 to watch a team of quitters? I didn’t think so. My opinion is the “youngry” team got their appetite filled when their first check hit the bank.

  16. Captain Stagger Says:

    Also doesn’t help that this team only puts up 5 minutes of exciting football. The first 55 is painful to watch. With Blount out, we don’t have a single player on offense I want to watch. What’s our longest pass play not counting Yac? A check down? The peneltys are horrendous. The panthers might only be 1-4 but they are at least entertaining.

  17. PWNASAURUS Says:

    Blame it in the sorry ass fairweather fan base who jumps ship after one loss. The owners could care less??? Why do Pittsburgh and Green Bay sell out, their owners built their teams the same way the Bucs are. Stupid ass fans want everything like fast food.

  18. OAR Says:

    Hey, hey Tampa Bay!
    Were the Blackouteers!
    Wonder if, were here to stay?

  19. toolman Says:

    Who wants to sit in the heat and get beer poured all over them, then stand in line for food or to go to the bathroom. DUH? Nothing beats a lounge chair, cold beer, popcorn, a chance to take a short nap, and the ability to watch another game if that one is too boring. Not to mention the traffic and cost of a “good” seat. Home or local bar is where it’s at.

  20. McBuc Says:

    Toolman, that may be true, but you will not be able to enjoy the game on TV or at a bar if you live in the Tampa Bay area…not legally anyway. I have been to many Bucs games, and I have yet poured beer on or had been poured on me. And when I go I sit in a high up pretty rowdy section. It is also pretty rare that you wait in line at the restroom, and when you do it is pretty fast. I cannot speak for the ladies room though. I also have never waited very long for a $7 beer or food. I also know that the cost of food and drink is high at sporting events, concerts, theme parks, etc., so I am not shocked by it. Same goes for parking. So sit back in your chair and enjoy watching the Falcons get beat by the Panthers.

    Also, remember that the people working the concession stands are working for a charitable organization. A pretty large portion of the proceeds go to the charity that is working the stand. People tend to think all the money goes into the owners hands, but it is a great fund raiser. It is allot of work, the worst part is preseason when the season ticket holders give their tickets to rookies. The people yell at you about pricing and everything else. I helped an organization raise over 25K one year doing this. Not bad for 10 days work.

  21. OAR Says:

    Ditto and I agree!
    BTW nice 10 days of work!

  22. McBuc Says:

    Yep, really it is ten half days for a bunch of people, but man it was a great deal of work. People are really rude to you when you are working a counter. I go out of my way to be nice to the people working those stands.

  23. McBuc Says:

    They need to bring back the Big Buc Classic. It was a giant beer for about a buck fifty more than the regular beer.

  24. OAR Says:

    Ah yes, the good ole beer days!
    I too, try and be nice to those behind the counter.