Startling To Look Like Training Camp

July 25th, 2011

Being the dogged reporter he is, Woody Cummings of the Tampa Tribune is snooping around One Buc Palace, trying to pick up any morsel of information that, per reports, this asinine lockout seems to be in its final hours.

And there is evidence of such, per Cummings on his Twitter feed.

Meanwhile, over at One Buc Place, it’s beginning to look a lot like training camp. Fields are lined, fan seating is up.

Good to read that. Joe will have more later this afternoon when he has time to cobble together coherent thoughts.

Right now the best Joe can describe his thoughts about thisĀ asinine lockout ending is the experience of reaching the cashier after a horrible wait in line for a beer at the The CITS.

6 Responses to “Startling To Look Like Training Camp”

  1. BucFan941 Says:

    fan seating..didnt think they would invite fans this time to set it up..we go every year since its been back in hope they do…but i love Ray J…ILL BE THERE.. cowboys vs Bucs primetime…at the Ray J baby!!!

  2. RastaMon Says:

    a most unflattering photo….

  3. jvato24 Says:

    <~~~~ (Happy Dance on desk Chair at Work)

  4. BOb Says:

    cant wait for the training camp schedule to come out. hopefully this year they wont cut it down to only certain days. it makes it way too crowded with nothing but autograph seekers which i cant stand. grown men nudging children out of their way so they can get another grown man to write his name on a football etc. pathetic!

    yo joe, need any help with training camp this year? im available 5 days a week. send me an e-mail.

  5. BucFan941 Says:

    get em kids out my way…shoot ima get mine autograph..get not

  6. SkookumSmitty Says:

    This seems pretty solid:

    Bottom of article contains some specifics.