Taking Raheem Morris To Task

December 10th, 2010

Brethrens of The News Center, video star Anwar Richardson and Woody Cummings of the Tampa Tribune, are taking Bucs coach Raheem Morris to task this morning.

It seems RaheemĀ is saying the Bucs cannot use youth as an excuse for their recent losing ways, a two-game losing streak. Joe seems to side with Raheem on this issue and Cummings makes Joe’s case late in this TBO Bucs vlog.

Please monitor the video and let Joe know your reaction to both Richardson’s and Cummings’ analysis.

10 Responses to “Taking Raheem Morris To Task”

  1. Apple Roof Cleaning Says:

    I am going to call BS here, being young is NO “excuse” for losing.
    All the players on the Bucs are the studs from their football programs, or they would not be here.
    Most have played on winning teams at one time or another. To say they do not know how to win is to say they do not know how to play football.
    This excuse for losing IMHO keeps us from looking at the coaching mistakes that we made in our last loss for instance. WHY not an all out blitz on 3rd and 20 ? Why give the falcons receivers time to run 20 yards downfield ?

  2. SkookumSmitty Says:

    Video no worky for me.

    Damn, I am at two penalties on two videos on JoeBucsFan this morning.

    False start on this one, and taunting/unsportsmanlike conduct on the Schein one.

  3. Joe Says:


    Hit refresh a couple of times and give the videos a minute or two to load.

    Videos aren’t like webpages. Can’t click and then hit “play.” Gotta allow the videos to load. Sometimes you need to refresh the page a time or two.

  4. nick Says:

    Is this the first time ever the media is making excuses for a team when the head coach doesn’t want to hear any excuses?

  5. jvato24 Says:

    The 3rd and 20 play is all hindsight .. Sure its easy to scream for a blitz but if we all out blitz and falcons catch us and get the 1st down .. Well then the complaint is why Blitz when it is 3rd and 20 ??

    I believe we should have just rushed 4 .. Everyone basically as a 3 technique after the QB

    Screw the 3 man Line until we have an actualy 3-4 rush backer for certain looks.

  6. marcus Says:

    yea on that 3rd and 20 the corner didnt drop deep enough to undercut that pass….remember ronde barber had that pick against the 49ers?? basically the same coverage and play but ronde a 14 yr. vet makes it when a 3rd D.B. in his 2nd yr. doesnt.

  7. steve Says:

    I completely with jvato. Either way you have to execute the blitz correct or the coverage correct for it to work. The blitzing hasn’t been our forte so I don’t blame Raheem for trying to take away the deep pass and tackle the intermediate routes immediately. Hindsight or no hindsight I don’t think one extra coverage guy makes as much difference as rushing 4. Use the personel we have and play 4-3 on critical downs (that is also what these guys know best)

  8. BigMacAttack Says:

    I’m with Raheem on this one for the most part, and I like Vodka in my Koolaid, thank you very much. The stupid refs pretty much took this game from the Bucs, just like the last one against the Falcons. They screwed the Bucs in Baltimore too. Those are facts. The Bucs are young, they made mistakes, but the refs made terrible calls on key plays that made the difference in the scores, in the games, and now affecting the playoffs. Not to mention, but I will anyway, the Roddy White push off against the Ravens that pretty much cost them a game too. All Refs suck! I wish that refs were wired with Semtex that whenever they made a bad call they would just go boom. Haha, suck it NFL and your sorry refs.

  9. Dave Says:

    Big Mac Attack

    The refs did not blow the game. The Bucs should never have allowed that KO return.

    The Bucs should never have allowed a 3rd & 20 in that situation.

    I do not care what the refs do, if the players execute, they win.

  10. Dave Says:


    You may be right