Dropped Passes Not “A Factor” For Clayton

September 7th, 2010

michael clayton 0904When Michael Clayton was cut by the Bucs this weekend, intrepid Sarasota Herald-Tribune reporter Tom Balog tracked Clayton down for his reaction.

Clayton will forever be remembered by Bucs fans for passes he couldn’t get a handle on. Yet Clayton, per Balog, claimed his numerous drops were not “a factor at all” in his release.

The dropped balls were not mentioned to Clayton, by head coach Raheem Morris or general manager Mark Dominik, face-to-face, when they told him of his fate, he said.

”I don’t think it was a factor at all,” Clayton told the Herald-Tribune on Saturday. “People like to bring up dropped passes and stuff like that. But at the same time, I didn’t have a lot of opportunities to make up for those opportunities that I missed out on.”

The dropped balls were not mentioned to Clayton, by head coach Raheem Morris or general manager Mark Dominik, face-to-face, when they told him of his fate, he said.
”I don’t think it was a factor at all,” Clayton told the Herald-Tribune on Saturday. “People like to bring up dropped passes and stuff like that. But at the same time, I didn’t have a lot of opportunities to make up for those opportunities that I missed out on.”

Look, Joe has stated several times before he thinks Clayton is a stand-up guy. But he’s not perfect and this is one of those times.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Clayton didn’t get chances to make up for missed opportunities is that coaches lost faith that he could make up for those missed opportunities?

9 Responses to “Dropped Passes Not “A Factor” For Clayton”

  1. TJ Says:

    so glad I no longer have to hear his excuses he had 5 years to make up

  2. k_bassuka Says:

    Really!!! Did they have to tell you that Michael!! C’MON MAN!!

    Joe, I think this guy is delusional, another reason why I’m happy he is not on the team.

  3. D-Rome Says:

    Clayton sounds worse than Matt Leinart in this regard. He had his opportunities.

  4. TrueBlue Says:

    Not only does he have trouble holding on to passes, he also seems to have trouble holding on to reality. No factor indeed.

  5. Jason in valrico Says:

    Mr. Clinton says they did not fire me for illegal use of a cigar. Cmon Mr. Clatyon…use some common sense.

  6. Eric S Says:

    I too am glad Clayton is gone. His drops weren’t a factor at all?? Are you kidding me? They were a huge factor along with the complete inability to get open. Those are two pretty big things for a WR.

  7. eric Says:

    I doubt he dropped the check.

  8. Javier n Wimauma Says:

    LOL @Eric.

    Tha goes back to McKay baby!

    I can’t wait till the Bucs drop Raheem.

  9. Patrick Says:

    Seriously, I have never heard so many excuses in all my life!!!