We Have A Winner!!!

April 1st, 2010

One lucky winner just snagged a Reebok replica Sabby “The Goat” Piscitelli jersey just for subscribing to the JoeBucsFan.com subscription NFL Draft coverage.

How about that!

Yes, this proud winner has been notified — perhaps he’ll even wear the goat’s jersey around town — and Joe will announce his name here as soon as he confirms that Joe can divulge his identity and city.

Click on the goat to check out all the draft coverage, or just subscribe now.

No respect.

"No respect. Even Gary Shelton took an ugly swipe at me today."

11 Responses to “We Have A Winner!!!”

  1. Meneghini Says:

    Just one question:
    How i can subscribe?

  2. Joe Says:

    Follow this link Meneghini:


  3. thomas Says:

    I heard that free Sabby jerseys are available at stadiums throughout the league from the Goat being juked out of them by opposing runners!

  4. Fatsacks Says:

    hey joe for a sabby jersey i think you may have to pay me 10 bucks to take it ha!

  5. Mr. Lucky Says:

    Joe does the Sabby replica jersey come with scratch and sniff?

    Maybe it smells like toast?

  6. admin Says:

    Joe here,

    Good one, Lucky.

  7. dakid5 Says:

    joe i just learned the bears released alex brown… do you think the bucs would pursue him to add some competition at DE this offseason? He might be 30+ but wilkerson is 29 turning 30 and coming off a knee injury. whats ur take on that

  8. Joe Says:


    Perhaps the Bucs will sniff his leg. Maybe not until after the draft.

  9. Mr. Lucky Says:

    Breaking news:

    It turns out the winner of the Sabby the goat prize is:

    Billy Buck!

    click here for his picture:


  10. AllMaddenMonkey Says:

    Do you get a shot at any of these things if you subscribed like a month ago? I TOTALLY WANT A SABBY JERSEY!!!!

  11. reggie robys watch Says:

    like a punishment.