Bucs Channel Eddie Van Halen In Draft

April 26th, 2010

Meet your new punter, sixth-round draft pick Brett Bowden. Joe imagines being a Buccaneer and a guitar virtuoso will make him quite popular with a wide variety of ladies.

  • 4 Responses to “Bucs Channel Eddie Van Halen In Draft”

    1. justin F Says:

      this guy can kick i remember watching him vs fsu last season and this kid made 3 punts that went the whole field and really changed field position im glad we got him

    2. MichiganBucsFan Says:

      Boy am I glad he can play guitar! Maybe he can put on a halftime show at the home games… might sell some more tickets.

    3. Radio Mushmouth Says:

      wow …this dude is cool as hell , for a punter.

      I like him

    4. sunrisejeff Says:

      justin F : Totally agree