Looks Like Donald Penn May Be Tendered

February 17th, 2010

Joe doesn’t always get all this legalese mumbo jumbo with player contracts, but Joe knows this is important.

Joe’s good friend Jason La Canfora of the NFL Network reports via his Twitter feed that the Bucs will likely tie up restricted free agent left tackle Donald Penn.

Look for Tampa Bay to place the high tender on LT Donald Penn (first and third round compensation). Attempts at long-term deal have stalled.

Joe will write it again: Penn was the Bucs best player last year. He took on some of the NFL’s best right defensive ends and absolutely locked them up, their names were rarely called by the announcers.

With a promising quarterback like Josh Freeman, a right-handed quarterback, the left tackle position is critical. The Bucs and Freeman need Penn.

UPDATE: La Canfora reports on NFL.com from the ever-popular “source with knowledge of the situation” that indeed the Bucs will tender Penn an offer.

(Hat tip to Rick Brown of the Lakeland Ledger.)

7 Responses to “Looks Like Donald Penn May Be Tendered”

  1. JD Says:

    I like it. Bucs spending some money.

  2. Louie Says:

    They have to or risk losing the player. The Twitter quote even says, “Attempts at long-term deail have stalled”. This is a band-aid solution, that’s it.

    I can just see it now, people are going to start saying the Glazerhouses aren’t cheap (or broke) because of this. Give me a break!

  3. Greg Says:

    Louie, the problem is that Penn showed signs of brilliance last year, and played very well this year, so if the Glazers pay him ala Micheal Clayton and he craps himself next year, then everyone is going to jump on the Glazers for paying Penn too much! Although I’ll agree with every other Bucs fan (except maybe Steve Duemig) that Clayton isn’t worth the pot he pisses in!

  4. Radio Mushmouth Says:

    Pay the man…good LT’s don’t grow on trees….and don’t think drafting Ockung will be an upgrade…he is overrated IMO…

  5. adam Says:

    hopefully we can keep penn….however a 1st and a 3rd sounds good too…..either way its a win win!!

    say we lose penn….we gain sears (hopefully like he was) and get a 1st and 3rd….not to bad……..

    hopefully the 3 headed monster can raid daddy glazers closet for some extra bank to pay penn….pull up the carpet…drill deep in the back yard…..pull money out the wall…..by all means neccessary…..he needs his buffet money too……..he is a big boy

    adam from ny

    ps that muskrat taped to penn’s chin is a really bad look with the doo rag on top and the cubic zirconia posing as a diamond in his ear…….no contract means no diamond = a rubiks cube in that lobe!

  6. adam Says:

    seriously penn looks like nothing more than a fat farm hand…he needs to get it together and stay out of “CRASY BUFFET” across from the stadium on dale mabry

    adam from ny

  7. JoeBucsSteveCampbell Says:

    For the first two halves of the 2008 and 2009 seasons, Pen played really well. But as the season wore on, and he added major lbs, his play regressed.

    I think the Bucs want to see a commitment out of Penn, before they throw a long term deal his way.

    If he was truly a premier LT, someone would take him for these picks. A premier LT is worth a 1st and a 3rd pick without a doubt.