Raheem Says He Needs To “Deal” With Sabby

January 2nd, 2010

"Hi, I play strong safety for the Bucs. Perhaps I'd be better at linebacker like my predecessor."

The Bucs haven’t finished the season yet and Raheem The Dream is talking about how he needs to “fix” Sabby Piscitelli in the offseason — “fix” as in repair his struggling game, not as in neuter the goat.

Raheem The Dream told Rick Stroud, of the St. Pete Times, he agreed with the notion that Piscitelli has made an astoudingly few number of plays (one pick and three passes defensed).

“It’s tough to do. You’ve got to be in better position to make plays,” Morris said. “You’ve got to do a better job of making plays. That’s what we’ve got to find out this offseason. We’ve got to go back to the board with him and fix him and deal with (him).”

Talk about neutering a guy to the media. There’s still one game to play! Does this meanĀ Piscitelli can’t be fixed for Sunday?

Joe’s not surprised. As Joe was first to report days ago, RaheemĀ The Dream was livid after Piscitelli’s decision-making and execution at the end of regulation in New Orleans.

9 Responses to “Raheem Says He Needs To “Deal” With Sabby”

  1. JDouble Says:

    Sabby is horrible. Not just young and learning….he is horrible. He is always out of position, always gets beat deep, never stuffs the run, has horrible tackling fundamentals, takes bad angles, and NEVER puts a bone jarring hit on anyone. Just horrible.

  2. big nick Says:

    j double I ‘m sure you would play much better than he does, anyways give the guy a chance I’m sure he can improve.

  3. BucForce Says:

    2nd round picks should not need to be taught the fundamentals, and get taken back to the drawing board. Especially in their 3rd season in the NFL. It’s time the Bucs made a decision, one way or the other, whether he can play and contribute for them at this level.

  4. BigMacAttack Says:

    This is just another example of a young Coach that fixes his mistakes. Look for Sabby to get it together or else be out on his arse. Raheem is getting better.

  5. big nick Says:

    sabby is around the ball more than your wife

  6. FlBoy84 Says:

    While I agree that Sabby has made his share of errors and I ‘m all for finding a replacement (Berry) in the draft, I don’t agree with the Morris’ comments to the media. Just another sign of a young guy in a HC position before he learns how to answer questions in regards to the coaches and players below him. I don’t think I’ve read anything close to this, as far as self-analysis goes, when Raheem has been asked about HIS coaching performance. In my view, he’s made many more mistakes than Sabby has, and that’s saying something.

  7. JDouble Says:

    Lots of solid SS in the third round. Atleast 3 or 4 guys that would be an upgrade, or motivating competition at the very least.

  8. aldo Says:

    in draft we need or gerald mccoy or eric berry, but i think sabby can be better this season, the last one was hes really first one, and with all that shitty jim bates system, obviusly hes lost, but i think with raheem and the tampa 2 he can be better, and well, like other people said before, john lynch was a stud only in his 4 season, and afterall, he is a buc, so, we need to support him, and support all the team, go sabby, go raheem and go bucs!!

  9. JDouble Says:

    Sabby has already stopped playing Bate’s shitty system and has continued to be horrible in Rheem’s Tampa Two for 6 weeks now. Please don’t include Lynch in Sabby analogies….it’s just wrong. His fundamentals and instinct just aren’t there. He looks like he didn’t even play football in highschool and coolege. When a 2nd round pick looks as bad as Sabby in his 3rd year…he is a bust.