The Power Of Survival

December 25th, 2009

Joe doesn’t have to remind any Bucs fan how defrocked defensive coordinator Jim Bates’ two-gap system failed miserably in the front seven.

Rick Brown of the Lakeland Ledger offers an interesting question concerning Bates: How did he last 10 games?

Given the fact the Bucs cut their losses with offensive coordinator Jeff Jagodzinski a week before the regular season, it stands to reason the Bucs should have cut Bates loose much sooner.

And look at the difference in the past four weeks. The defense has yielded more field goals (up from 1.4 to 2.2 per game) but has dramatically cut the number of touchdowns (down from 3.4 to 1.5) from the first 10 games.

Again, this could all be a mirage based on the competition. But it’s at least encouraging that the Bucs seem to have rediscovered their identity on defense. And while Morris isn’t saying the Tampa 2 will be back in 2010, he dropped hints in that direction.

“We want to be known as a team that goes out there and plays fast and hard. You guys know my roots and background. I will be whatever I am if I can get wins like that, whatever you want to define me as,” Morris said.

The only thing Joe can think of why Bates lasted 10 weeks and Jagodzinski never got to see a regular season game was that Jagodzinski was really terrible and Bates is a family friend of Raheem the Dream.

8 Responses to “The Power Of Survival”

  1. Jackson Says:

    You do realize, we’ve played 3 backup QB’s and a rookie QB before the Seahawks.
    Think that may have has a bit to do with the better stats, although I do agree they’re playing better, but one could argue they would have been mcuh better with Bates’ D against these teams and QB’s.

  2. Dylan Says:

    lol with bates D the only team we held under 21 points was the redskins.. and they got 16. nice, there is much improvent since rah started taking over the D and making calls. less TD’s more turnovers, better against the run.

  3. JK Says:

    My guess is the owners didn’t want to pay another coach to watch from home.

  4. Jdub Says:

    I think the recent success has alot to do with the back up QBs and RBs we have faced since Rheem took over. However, it doesn’t really matter. The stronger play and then a dominant victory last week has built confidence. Condfidence is the most important thing for a defense to have.

    I just hope we don’t get all that confidence knocked out of our defense this week in New Orleans.

  5. big nick Says:


  6. J Lynch says Says:

    Family friend??? What friends does this douche have?? Talib Barber T Jack his posse for going out clubbing…Santa didn’t give me what I wanted for Christmas Raheem’s pink slip.Maybe I get it for Kwanza?? BEAT IT RAHEEM you PUKE!!!!!!

  7. Mr. Lucky Says:

    Joe if you remember one of the best offensive performances was in week 1 against Dallas – I believe that was coach Jags game plan…

    I think the real reason Raheem let Jagodzinski go was that Jagodzinski wanted McCown over Leftwich – there was definately a difference in game calling when leftwich was in the game vs. McCown.

    Personally I would rather have seen Bates canned before the season and Jagodzinski kept onboard. If that were the case I bet the Bucs would be better than 2-12 – maybe 4-10?

    Merry Christmas

  8. bucfanlostiniowa Says:

    Jagz for head coach in 2010!