The Glazers’ Worst Nightmare

September 29th, 2009

Joe often wonders what goes on inside the fancy offices at One Buc Palace, the ones occupied by the Glazer Boys.

As a reporter, Joe would be pleased to provide here the Glazers’ comments about their team, or call them up for a chat, but they keep their opinions locked up tighter than the company safe during free agency.

So Joe is left to speculate. And Joe believes the Glazers are freaking out at the prospect of the Bucs potentially scoring the No. 1 pick in the 2010 NFL Draft. That would be their worst nightmare.

Imagine the Glazers being presssured into laying out a massive signing bonus for the top pick, and/or potentially setting the league’s new rookie salary standard in an uncapped year. That’s the last thing they would want. What’s the likelihood of a player holdout in that scenario? Or a potentially one-sided trade down to avoid the cash outlay?

The Glazers likely want to stay far away from the first three picks, unless their attitude toward spending money changes or they are trying to woo a big-name coach/general manager.

15 Responses to “The Glazers’ Worst Nightmare”

  1. RastaMon Says:

    Get a job dude……oh this is your job… :rolleyes:
    there are more than enough REAL issues to talk about without inventing hypothetical scenarios

  2. Joe Says:


    Hardly hypothetical. Bill Belicheat all but admitted he peddled his high first round draft pick last year to avoid the salary cap implications.

    Peter King has written several times about how teams shop around the high draft slots because they otherwise get hammered by the salary cap/signing bonus prices. Given the fact the Glazers are careful with the nickels in recent years, you can rest comfortably knowing they are not looking forward to having the top pick (or top three) in the draft.

  3. bucsfanlostiniowa Says:

    I see his point the glazers are seen as super cheap and their team is winning the race for the no. 1 draft pick wwhat are they gonna do if they have to pay out all that money good story.

  4. bucsfanlostiniowa Says:

    I see his point the glazers are seen as super cheap and their team is winning the race for the no. 1 draft pick what are they gonna do if they have to pay out all that money good story.

  5. Mr. Lucky Says:

    Not to worry – they’ll order Dominik to draft Michael Crabtree. That way they can complain about what an ass Crabtree is, not sign him – end of discussion.

  6. Johnny Dejay Says:

    Now that is the definition of irony! The consequence for being the cheapest owners in the league is having to pay an unproven player big money. That is hilarious!

  7. Chris Says:

    Sometimes, you get what you deserve. another problem for them in this is the best player to draft this year may be a player they can not use do to some other terrific moves.

  8. james from dunedin Says:

    I see what you did there…. ummm is it Tim Teabow.

  9. Joe Says:

    Eric Berry… Dez Bryant?

  10. Chris Says:

    I love Eric Berry but how many DB’s are drafted #1. Dion was not drafted one. Maybe Bryant I like him as well and there is a need. To James: No not Tebow. I think McCoy is the get as a quarterback but we will see what Bradford looks like coming back.

  11. Buc Fan South Tampa Says:

    The Glazers have to be held accountable for the poor state of the team. This town, this region deserves better. You can go back to 2003 season and on to see how they have let this product (Bucs) slide so they can prop up Man U. How many Prime Time games has Tampa Bay had at RAY Jay? Very few…all 1pm starts..our last MNF host was in 2002, few SNF and no Thursday Night Football games for our team and our town. Remember how this town was in ’01 and ’02? You could go in the Press Box and there would be a sea of bucs fans. Excitment was everywhere. No more and I miss that. Pride and dedication starts with the ownership and they have proven they are not committed to this town, only to the dollars the team produces. There is only one team in the NFC South that has a Super Bowl victory, the Buccaneers, and yet our team is always ignored by the national media because we havent put it on tape in seven years. ESPN and NFL Netowk and Mike Florio can have love fests over Falcons, Panthers and Saints, but they havent won any championships. We have…we deserve better from the owners. Joe, it is time for the Glazers to stop this commitment to mediocrity……..

  12. Joe Says:

    Buc Fan South Tampa:

    Personally, Joe doesn’t give a damn what some Northwestern grad, Red Sox-loving or LUH-bron slurper producer stuck in Bristol, Conn. thinks about the Bucs. What they say or do doesn’t determine whether or not Joe will watch Bucs games — of course Joe will watch.

    If, for some reason, people think the Bucs are being ignored, the solution is simple: just win baby.

    If the Bucs lose the next two weeks, trust Joe, they will get plenty of attention. None of it desired.

  13. mr. Lucky Says:

    Joe said, “Personally, Joe doesn’t give a damn what some Northwestern grad, Red Sox-loving or LUH-bron slurper producer stuck in Bristol, Conn. thinks about the Bucs.”

    Don’t hold back Joe – tell us how you REALLY feel. 😉

  14. Pete Says:

    Someone would be willing to trade up to the upper three spots for one of the potential QB’s (providing all are healthy). That would probably suit the Glazers just fine I suppose. Although not a fan of all these guys, with Tebow, McCoy, Bradford and some others,If the Bucs are up in the top 3 (and they probably will be) some team will likely want to move up.

    Freeman is not going to be draft replaced by a QB.

  15. mr. Lucky Says:

    Hey Joe maybe you guessed it after all. Suppose the Bucs DO have a top 3 pick and fire Raheem. Might that be enought to entice the Big Tuna up the coast so that he can work his magic in Tampa? Hell can Dominik as well and give Parcells the whole enchalada.

    Don’t forget there’s Mike Holmgren out there as well?