Miami 10, Bucs 6
August 27th, 2009
Joe's very impressed by linebacker Quincy Black
Joe will crank out plenty more for you on tonight’s game.
Off the top of Joe’s head, he was pretty excited about Quincy Black, Jimmy Wilkerson, Maurice Stovall, Kellen Winslow, Sabby Piscitelli, Steve Cargile and the running game. And the Bucs’ run defense continues to make last year’s ugly finish look like ancient history.
On the flip side, E.J. Biggers and Torrie Cox should make us all realize how perilously thin the Bucs are at cornerback.
As for quarterback, it ain’t pretty right now.
Put that Bucanero in the ashtray, get some sleep and come back after sunrise. There will be plenty of can’t-miss coverage all day.
August 28th, 2009 at 12:23 am
Nothing to be proud of, that’s for sure.
August 28th, 2009 at 12:57 am
good defence bad qb play with the exception of byron luke was ok with no pass protection josh freeman sucks josh johnson would have brought us back but we didnt play him wats up with that??
August 28th, 2009 at 1:24 am
Joe, I’m not waiting for tomorrow to rip these worthless QBs!! Byron Leftwich got all the protection in the world tonight, and was overthrowing receivers by 6-7 feet!! Sgt Winslow was wide open across the middle, and fatass “Sandwich” overthrows him a good 10 feet! Then McCown comes in, and it was like Raheem told the offensive line to stop blocking so he can puss out by naming Sandwich the starter after the game! Meanwhile, you get Freeman in there, and this idiot is running around, taking shots to his knees because he’s too stupid to slide! Just a piss poor showing all around by this worthless slew of idiots that should be ashamed to call themselves NFL QBs. What’s worth is that Josh Johnson didn’t even get one rep, and he and Freeman are the true future of this team, NOT LEFTWICH or MCCOWN!! Man, I’m glad I didn’t waste my money going to the game tonight!!
August 28th, 2009 at 8:46 am
He is right! These QBs are embarrassing. Last nights QB display makes you wonder if any of them could start for a UFL team.
August 28th, 2009 at 8:59 am
are we keeping Johnson off the field in the hopes that we can sneak him through to the practice squad? Will he be playing the entire 4th exhibition? I think the bucs will end up dealing whomever nets the best return and ride the other until the freeman era effectively begins… i just hope that JJ gets a fair shake as he will undoubtedly end up the next in the line of Doug Williams, Steve Young etc.
August 28th, 2009 at 1:45 pm
Leningan, maybe you’re right, the Bucs may be trying to sneak JJ through, but we’re all smoking crack if we think the Bucs can trade McCown or Shitwich for anything more than maybe a 7th round draft pick in the 2012 draft–these guys suck so bad, their play was just horrendous last night!
August 28th, 2009 at 2:41 pm
Freeman didn’t slide because, this just in, he’s a rookie. I’m sure he won’t make that same mistake twice. As for McCown, I don’t know how he’s supposed to get rid of the ball when the blitzing DB about took the hand off. I was actually pleased with his decisions when flushed out of the pocket (not including the grounding call). I was extremely please with Stovall’s play. What caught my eye was his initial move off the line of scrimmage which seemed to get him install separation. The sky is the limit with this kid, he just has to stay healthy.
August 29th, 2009 at 4:32 pm
Lets face it Leftwich had protection and sucked. McCown for some strange reason had no protection from the start (had the same O lineman as “Sandwich”). McCown never had a chance. You can’t tell me that Sandwich is going to be more effective than McCown. Sandwich couldn’t avoid a sack with a rocket strapped to his back.