Glazers Have Hand In QB Decision
August 24th, 2009
"McCown $2.5 million deserves more time. Don't you think?"
Now Joe’s not sold that the Glazer Boys are meddling in key Bucs personnel decisions. Not now, after key free agents have been signed.
But Rick Stroud, Bucs beat writer for the St. Pete Times, has the opposite view.
Speaking on 1040 AM this morning about who will be named the Bucs starting quarterback, Stroud said “more than ever the ownership is in control of the decisions here. …That’s why we don’t have a [quarterback] decision.”
The Bucs giving McCown a $2.5 million signing bonus this offseason versus no bonus for Leftwich is a major factor in the starting QB decision, Stroud speculated.
Stroud said the Bucs may not even settle on a starting QB until after a fourth preseason game.
Again, Joe doesn’t buy Stroud’s theory. Although it wouldn’t shock Joe if he’s correct.
The Glazers, in season, always seem to have given their football minds free reign to call the shots. A change in philosophy would be troubling. Joe isn’t convinced Bryan and Joel would make good offensive coordinators.
August 24th, 2009 at 10:11 am
Well they want fans in the stands, better put, they the fans money in their pockets. Can’t blame them for that, we all want profit with minimal losses. So if they are meddling who would be the most cost effective person to start and keep? And who would generate buzz for potential ticket purchasers?
Seems to me Leftwich has no guranteed $ and has caused no Buzz.
McCown is guranteed $ and probably would cause a little Buzz.
Freeman is getting a boat load of $ and would be something new. Is that Buzz material for ticket sales? Maybe not this year but what about next?
Also where does this # of 500 season tickets left to sell come about? I have seen this # in print a couple of times. If that # were true why would the push be still so robust on add’s offering tickets up? Just wondering.
August 24th, 2009 at 1:37 pm
Considering the rampant (and unopposed) speculation about cash flow problems at One Buc since the Glazers acquired Manchester United coupled with the fact that the Bucs laid off Operations Employees and even Security Guards, I can’t imagine the Glazers are willing to pay either Luke McCown or Byron Leftwich to hold a clipboard this season. Since Luke’s money is already committed with the signing bonus, Byron is the odd man out.
August 24th, 2009 at 2:50 pm
Are you serious Joe? The Glazer Boys would be EXTREMELY Offensive Coordinators! Bucs Fans–Enjoy the RayJay! I went to the stadium here in Jax on Saturday night, and the place has nothing compared to the Boneyard! Totally Boring! Unless you think watching a spotted yellow cat mascot do stupid crap all around the field–college-style, is fun…
August 24th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
Two words for ya’:
Bud Zone.
August 24th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
One word for that place, my friend–TALENT! OK, OK, that was the lone bright spot, with the exception of seeing my beloved Pewter Pirates.
August 24th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
How does that saying go? A good executive is one that hires competent managers to do a job, then allows them to do that job without interference. In this case you have neither.
August 24th, 2009 at 7:59 pm
I have seen posts of people that say if Luke is the starter they will by tickets and if Leftwich is the starter they will stay home. Can’t really blame them!
August 25th, 2009 at 7:35 am
If “Sandwich” starts that will really boost ticket sales. Nothing like an old QB that can’t get out of his own way. To get fans excited. I heard Jeff George is still looking for a spot.