“We’ll Hug And Kiss Again”
July 29th, 2009
Raheem The Dream said he's awaiting an affectionate moment with his boss and young quarterback even if it comes after a contract holdout by Josh Freeman
The newlyweds at One Buc Place seem to have taken a break from their lovemaking to get down to serious business. And that’s the business of signing bust-in-waiting quarterback Josh Freeman.
As for the overt affection between threesome Mark Dominik, Raheem The Dream and Freeman, don’t shoot the messenger here, this slobbering isn’t Joe’s words, they come from Coach Morris himself.
In the largely fabulous Behind The Flag video interview segments on Buccaneers.com, Bucs staffer Scott Smith sat down with Raheem The Dream the other day to talk about everything Bucs.
Smith asked about the likelihood of a Freeman holdout, and The Dream was hardly confident Freeman would be on the field on Saturday, the opening day of training camp. Although The Dream was sure they would soon “hug and kiss” again.
“Those situations you can’t control,” Morris said in the interview. “I know Josh Freeman’s here today throwing the football eager to play. … He’s out there doing it right now for free. The stuff I control is that attitude in Josh. Once he gets done with the business side of football, it is what it is. You go out and play. We’re all fired up about it. Um, I’m confident that Mark will get it done at some point. Whenever that is, he’ll let me know. We’ll hug and kiss again and move on and play football.”
It sure sounds to Joe like hardball is being played on the Freeman contract front. Because last Joe heard about quarterbacks from Raheem The Dream he was counting on having all his quarterbacks in camp to compete for the starting job.
Perhaps the game has changed.
July 29th, 2009 at 11:47 pm
Some coach Morris is turning out to be. Draft your personal favorite player ,sign a bum like Leftwitch for a ‘smokescreen’ fill the kids head with letting him compete for the starting job and look what happens. The bitch won’t sign a contract?? Get rid of both of these unqualified dopes. Mike Tomlin wanna be . Give me abreak, you think tickets are hard to sell now, wait till wer’e black out on fox 13 about game 4. defensive coordinator for a day. head coach for how long?? Think he will make it through the season, or get booted out in rain like Dungy orfired over the phone like Gruden from the trailer park moguls the Glazers. Joe I’m having a refreshing Tom Collins pondering this CHEERS!!!!!
July 30th, 2009 at 9:29 am
Raheem’s tough guy/team approach just went out the window.