REPORT: Sapp Takes Shots At Monte Kiffin
December 4th, 2008
More whining by Warren Sapp. Now he says Monte Kiffin didn't give enough credit to him, Derrick Brooks and Ronde Barber.
Joe gives a gracious nod to for this one. Their blog is a little, shall we say, off color, so be careful kids.
Anyway, BucStats is very reliable and this story about Warren Sapp ripping Monte Kiffin on TV is believeable and expected, really.
Apparently, Sapp thinks Monte didn’t give his players enough credit and called out Monte on Showtime’s Inside the NFL on Wednesday.
“He’s riding on a golden carriage that me, Brooks, Ronde, and all those other guys pulled for years. And at no point have I ever heard Monte Kiffin give any of those horses that are pulling that carriage any love, any love! I’ve seen him in the middle of a game drawing up a zone dog in the middle of a game and I looked at Brooks and said, ‘You see your coordinator giving away our defense?’ It’s all about him, it’s always about him. I’ll bark him out of the building. I’ve heard all the stories.”
It’s like Sapp’s begging to be left out of the Bucs new Ring of Honor, just so he can later complain about being left out.
Joe will update you later with a video clip if it appears on YouTube or somewhere else.
December 5th, 2008 at 12:08 pm
Sapp is a POS. He always invokes Brooks’ name for credibility. I’ve never seen a more disrespectful player towards his DC. What a jackass.
Kiffin ALWAYS seems to give credit to his players. Sapp SUCKS!!!