Jameis Watch: Didn’t Sign Autographs

November 19th, 2014

jameis 1119

Crab-legs-stealing, BB-gun-shooting, obscenity-hollering, Heisman-Trophy-winning, national champion James Winston, the pride of Florida State University, continues to look like a much better quarterback prospect than Mike Glennon and Josh McCown.

It’s Joe’s regular nugget on the Jameis Watch, celebrating the best quarterback to wear No. 5 ever in the state of Florida.

One of the reasons SEC-types hate star Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston so much is he is their biggest threat since Billy Sherman was eating fried chicken in Georgia.

Joe cannot remember one person who has gotten SEC folks so unhinged. Why? Because Winston is the biggest threat to what SEC folks call their birthright: a stranglehold on college football.

So the haters have been trying to dig up dirt on Winston (dirt that he hasn’t already thrown on himself) to see to it Winston is jailed and, thus, unable to win a second consecutive national title.

Case in point: Autographs.

Recently, BSPN, which is in bed financially with the SEC, claimed to have discovered hundreds of autographed items for sale, alleged to be from Winston’s own hand. If Winston, who has signed hundreds if not thousands of autographs before and after FSU baseball games, profited from the autographs, that would be a clear violation of NCAA rules. Apparently, the initial report was false, so types Darren Rovell of BSPN.

The autograph authentication company that has certified more than 1,000 jerseys, photos, mini helmets and other items as bearing the valid signature of Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston received the items only after an initial authentication firm rejected the job because of concerns about their legitimacy, sources told “Outside the Lines.”

Oh, well, that is one less mortal sin the hated Winston is guilty of. And yet one more reason why he should be attractive to right-thinking NFL general managers.

71 Responses to “Jameis Watch: Didn’t Sign Autographs”

  1. Kalind Says:

    Stunning. ESPN lied about an ACC player. I shocked, shocked!

    Never mind that the track record of SEC players in the NFL is suspect at best.
    ::cough mark Barron cough, Trent Richardson, riedel Anthony cough::

  2. Kalind Says:

    He’s a good kid. But a kid. A child. He’s got a LOT of growing up to do.

    But in the meantime, I wouldn’t mind if he won a bunch of games for us.

  3. SteveK Says:

    Cough: Mike Evans

  4. Dave Pear Says:

    You should take something for that cough.

  5. gatrbuc17 Says:

    Anyone that thinks his “entitled” attitude will just up and disappear after becoming a Millionaire just aren’t thinking correctly
    Do some research on how many times his family had to move through his childhood years because “problems always followed him”

  6. gatrbuc17 Says:

    lol Dave

  7. gatrbuc17 Says:

    OH and the latest is that Winston’s conduct hearing won’t happen until I think Dec 2 nd because it will take until 2 days after the NCG to decide the outcome
    Free Shoes University at its best

  8. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    Big time FSU fan here, just so you know where I’m coming from….

    This is just freaking ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason why this couldn’t have been part of the original story (which was also written by the fraud, Darren Rovell) other than a desire to be first and generate the most clicks. Not only that, but the claim that the first authenticator said the autographs weren’t from Jameis had to be verified from five different sources. Why didn’t the initial report require that same type of verification? This was a rush to smear a 20 year old kid, nothing more. Meanwhile, Rovell is defending his initial reports on twitter and ESPN is basically ignoring these new revelations.

    So we have people calling this kid a thug and an idiot and undraftable because he walked out of Publix with $20 of merch (and was suspended from playing baseball games) and because he said a naughty word (and was suspended for an entire game).

  9. HawaiianBuc Says:


    You may be right, and I am by no means sold on Jameis. In fact, drafting him would be exciting, but it would terrify me. However, judging by your screen name, I’m not sure you are the least biased person in the world (I’m a gator too, fyi). Pretty sure if he was wearing orange and blue, you would have a different opinion. I know I would.

    The kid has done a lot of stupid stuff, but he deserves an apology for this one. I hate when people pile on someone who is already down, and that is clearly the case with this one.

    Winston is very polarizing to me. Even though he’s been an idiot, there’s just something about the guy I like. I try to not like him as he plays for the enemy, but I just can’t hate him like I feel I should. I think when I see him throw a pick, then come back and force the interceptor to fumble, it shows me that he has something. I like when I saw his RB fumble the ball and he dives recklessly into the pile to recover the ball. Contrast that with Glennon running out of bounds 1 yard short on a critical third down and there’s no doubt who I’d rather have as my QB (at least on the field). I like how he always finds a way, even when he stinks up the place. He really seems to have the “it” factor, which is something this franchise has desperately needed for a very long time.

  10. gatrbuc17 Says:

    Stupid is as Stupid does Creamsickle. (love the name btw)
    Nice job of minimizing. I wouldn’t care if Winston were the QB of UF. Alleged Rape, (three teammates tell their stories) BB gun shooting incident. Screaming obscenities in public. Then petty Shoplifting. Is THAT what you thinks makes a successful QB????
    C’mon Man. The kid has major problems

  11. gatrbuc17 Says:

    @ Hawaiian………..Yes Ive been a Gators fan for 42 years and a Bucs fan for 38.
    I am one of the most non-biased football fans you will ever meet. If he played for the Gators I would still vote against us taking him

  12. gatrbuc17 Says:

    Plus IMO i think that Winston is the most talented pure pocket passer BY Natural Talent in all of college football. Still want a solid “Lead by Example QB” for my team
    Just my opinion

  13. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:


    It’s absolutely minimizing because it’s absolutely minimal.

    I’m not going to get into Jameis being falsely accused by some cleat chaser.

    And “BB gun shooting incident”? Are you freaking kidding me? You make it sound like he opened fire in a library or something. He was having a BB gun war with a couple of his friends. You’re a gator — you can’t tell me that you’ve never thrown back a few PBR’s, put your good teeth in and taken your pellet gun out from your jorts and run around in the woods with your brother who’s also your father who’s also your uncle and shot at each other.

    So far Jameis has been caught walking out of Publix with crab legs (which he was suspended for) and he was caught yelling an obscenity. He was suspended a full game because he yelled an obscenity.

  14. HawaiianBuc Says:


    I gotcha buddy, believe me I do. I want to feel the same way, but I’m struggling with it. Just something I like about him that makes me want him on our team. Perhaps if FSU got the snot kicked out of them and I could just see him lose once, I would feel better. I don’t know, maybe on November 29???

  15. gatrbuc17 Says:

    Yes SIR Hawaiian it would indeed.

    Creamsickle…………..You don’t sound very non-biased. What if it were Tim Tebow committing that many offenses in less than Two years.
    He will get himself arrested within his first year and a half is my prediction
    He lives on the campus of FSU. ONLY reason he has not been arrested yet
    Good luck to you and your Noles
    Nuff said

  16. Howard Cosell Says:

    Lovie won’t draft Winston.
    He might draft Mariotta if he’s there or another QB not named Winston.

  17. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    Oh, I hated Tebow enough without anything added. But you say “that many offenses” and we’re finding the more serious ones have no truth to them and the very very very minor ones he has been punished for.

    Of the offenses that have been proven, what exactly should he have been arrested for?

  18. MTM Says:

    Now its SEC hate because Winston acts like a knucklehead. FSU homers will believe anything to keep their star on the field. Derrick Brooks and Warrick Dunn must roll there eyes when Winston stories pop up.

  19. MaHaBoNe.D Buc Says:

    @ HatorBuc

    You’re full of sheeeet!! lol..unbiased my arse!!!

  20. gatrbuc17 Says:

    Creamsickle……………..When you have trouble staying out of trouble when you absolutely KNOW that you are gonna be a millionaire in a couple years then you are just Flat out STUPID
    Sorry that you can’t see that bro. My two best friends are FSU fans and they feel the same way I do. Nice to see non biased FSU fans that can look at a kid for his proclivity to get into trouble rather than someone that can get them another NCG

  21. gatrbuc17 Says:

    When Cam Newton was at UF. I called him Stupid for getting caught cheating Twice and getting caught with a stolen laptop. Stupid is as Stupid does
    There was NEVER EVER A MOMENT that I wanted Cam Newton on our team. How is that working out for Carolina right now?

  22. Jonny 2.3 Says:

    @Dave: haha, good one.

  23. gatrbuc17 Says:

    @MaHaBoNe.D Buc
    I don’t really give a phuk what you think of me. I just outlined my unbiasedness by my statements. Didn’t want Newton because he played for UF. Don’t want Winston even if he did.
    Is it that hard for some people to understand that QB is the most important position on the team and therefore should be a very Stable and Mature person.
    Keep living in whatever world you live in.

  24. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    gatrbuck17, it worked out alright for Peyton Manning…


    Jameis Winston catches a lot of heat for his immaturity, and deservedly so.

    He’s certainly no golden child. Then again, neither was Manning.

    Today he’s one of the most popular figures in the NFL, and well-known for his sportsmanship and for being an all-around good guy. But according to a new column by Jason McIntyre of TheBigLead, Manning should be counting his blessings that he didn’t grow up in the social media era. As the article points out, Manning had a sexual misconduct suit against him that is virtually unknown to the public at large.

    In the suit, Manning was accused by a then-University of Tennessee female trainer of dropping his pants during an injury examination, and placing his buttocks and private parts on her face.

  25. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Poll please

  26. buc4lyfe Says:

    Media guesses more than ever nowadays putting two and two trying to use guessing as common sense because they throw dirt but never have to retract it

  27. gatrbuc17 Says:

    Did someone just compare Jameis Winston to Peyton Manning
    My day is complete now.
    Later real Bucs fans

  28. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    I’ll still ask the same question I’ll always ask.

    What are haters going to do if the Bucs do draft Winston? Because I seriously do think there is a good chance that’s going to happen.

    I was talking to a fellow Buc fan earlier today in a deli and he told me he didn’t want them to win last Sunday. I told him, I didn’t want them to win either until I saw Bank’s INT.

    He told me he doesn’t follow college football all that much, but he said, just like I’ve been saying all along, that if they do draft a QB from FSU, ticket sales will go through the roof. I of course quickly agreed, told him about JBF, and how many times I’ve said the same on this site.

    The haters need to brace themselves for the very possibility that it might happen. As for those of you that say it will never happen, not one of you have given a real viable reason why they won’t.

    I’ve heard the Tebow would have been a Buc argument if the Glazers wanted to sell tickets from obvious Gator fans on here. That simply doesn’t fly with me because from the first time I saw him throw a pass in the NFL, I just chuckled.

    Then you got the Lovie won’t draft a trouble maker crowd. Then got people like me that says Lovie’s hands will be tied by Glazers when it comes to the first round.

    Last night I used the chocolate candy bar analogy, saying that if I want to sell candy bars I’m going to buy the best chocolate I can find to tantalize the public into buying my bars.

    Tonight I’ll give you this using another candy bar analogy. This is for both Gator and FSU fans alike. Let’s throw out the idea of them taking QB for the time being. Let’s go back to candy bars again. Here’s my question for you FSU fans, Gator fans, or even just the general Buc fan.

    If Raymond James Stadium got a license to sell FSU and Gator candy bars at the stadium, do you think they would sell many of them or not? Hell throw away the candy bar bit then, make it beer mugs with the schools logo on it.

    Would they sell?

    He who says no is high on crack or has never owned a business.

  29. gatrbuc17 Says:

    No Offense Creamsickle………..I still luv ya as a Bucs fan

  30. Chef Paul for Brandon Scherff Says:


    I think Joe is going to hang that poll in front of you like a carrot in front of a donkey until April, 29th.

  31. Skyline Crew Says:

    I could careless about some stupid signatures. I want to make sure nothing comes of the real criminal actions that he has against him.

  32. Chef Paul for Brandon Scherff Says:

    I still think he did it. It doesn’t matter though, because I think they all do it, so I don’t hold it against him.

  33. Skyline Crew Says:

    Yeah, cus Manning allegedly raped someone. Haha.

  34. Skyline Crew Says:

    Sure I’ve been in BB gun fights, but we didn’t do $4,200 in property damage.

  35. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    Spin the wheel and take the gamble. If he’s a bust, he’s a bust. It’s not like it’s never happened before in Tampa. Cough Trent Dilfer, cough Vinny T., cough Mark Barron, cough Freeman and so and so on.

    If I’m right about this kid, then the Bucs will hit a home run, if I wrong oh well it wouldn’t be the first time.

  36. Skyline Crew Says:

    I’m not a Gator fan or Noles fan so no I wouldn’t buy.

  37. lightningbuc Says:

    If Raymond James Stadium got a license to sell FSU and Gator candy bars at the stadium, do you think they would sell many of them or not? Hell throw away the candy bar bit then, make it beer mugs with the schools logo on it.


    HUH??!! WTF??!! Can someone decipher what 87theJameisJockSniffer is getting at?

  38. Skyline Crew Says:

    Right now and the coming years I’d buy tickets just to watch Evans.

  39. Skyline Crew Says:


  40. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    Skyline Crew…that’s not the question.

    The question is would they sell?

  41. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    lightningbuc…the point is you could probably put anything that has FSU or the Gators name on it and it would sell at RJS.

    Too bad you can’t, or won’t understand why the Glazers would want a Jameis Winston to play for the Bucs.

    How many Oregon fans live in the bay area?

  42. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    You don’t take Mariota if you’re planning on keeping the same offensive playbook.

  43. BuccoBill Says:

    Not sayin’ that Winston is a bad QB, but he does it with weapons all around him. Kind of like I felt with Johnny Football. With a receiver like Mike Evans, even McCown looks good. My hat is in with Mariota. The kid wins with less talent. In fact, I’ve seen games when Mariota was the only offensive player making substantial plays. This is a great article that breaks down Mariota vs. Winston.

  44. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    BuccoBill…I’ve read that article awhile back. The article has many flaws in it.

    Starting with the Character issues. The writer says: “He brought a BB gun onto campus and shot at squirrels.” That’s untrue it was off-campus.

    When you try to make a point in your very first paragraph you already tell an untruth that early on. It takes away from your credibility, because it makes you look like you’re already biased.

  45. HawaiianBuc Says:


    I think to a point you are right. The initial drafting of Winston will be considerably bigger than drafting Mariota. There will be more Winston jerseys sold than Mariota jerseys. You can bank on a MNF game with Winston at the helm. However, all of that won’t last long if Winston doesn’t perform. The reason Brooks and Dunn were so beloved is because they were damn good football players. How many people did back flips when Geno Hayes hit the field for the first time? Winston also has a lot more detractors than I think you realize, so there will also be quite a bit of negativity with his drafting as well. There’s a nice little percentage of Buc fans that will refuse to support him, no matter if he is innocent or guilty.

    Now if we draft Mariota and he becomes a stud, I promise you we will sell that stadium out for every game. They won’t be able to put enough Mariota jerseys on the shelf. Bottom line, this town is desperate for a winner. They don’t care if he is from FSU, Oregon, or the University of the United States (Coming to America reference there). If you want immediate, short term interest, then there’s no doubt Winston is the guy. However, I hope our ownership, GM, and coaches due their due diligence and make their decision based on who is the better QB. They cannot let immediate impact sway their decision, because drafting a QB early is a long term decision.

    And while I get what you are saying, I absolutely hate the concept of gambling for a pick. Although every pick is a gamble, it shouldn’t feel like a gamble when you draft him. If you feel that way, chances are he is the wrong guy. Do you think Indy thought Luck was a gamble? Do you think the Bucs though Lavonte was a gamble? You can’t go into the draft with that much doubt. It almost never works. If that’s the case, I’d rather us draft a LT.

  46. $acbuc$ Says:

    I’m glad somebody else came to this site to call y’all haters and fag***s. I was right about you Maggotrons. Always TRYing to run people out of town. I’m the originator of calling y’all untalented talent evaluators. Some of yall should STFU. Yeah I’m the dude that brag about playing football and guess what? I played in 8 games in a flag football league. 7 regular 1 playoff game and nobody completed a Fudging pass on me haters. I played CB, S, RB, Slot, DE, and Center. I know its no contact but that didn’t stop me from laying hat on this MLB who pick off the pass intended for me. I blew him up no pads sandlot style he flew 3 yards. Flags Flew everywhere! He was 225 6’2 and I’m tough as leather. Nobody would come record our games so I can’t show you haters. When I come to Tampa for my dream game we doing Oklahoma drills in parking lots Punks.

    Start working out now i remember who said that Hawaii 50.

    Joe you should be ashamed entertaining these idiots. You attacking V-jax with that V-drops trying to rally the troops behind the corny bandwagon of critics who don’t no sh!t about football.

    Joe you name somebody that ain’t named MEshawn or McCardell that was worth a dam at reciever for the Bucs since 76. Don’t say Jerivicious, Bryant or Clayton.

    Don’t DO Jackson like that he don’t deserve it. The reason we got him is because San Diego didn’t want to pay him for all he did for them.

    Somebody need to run YALL out of TOWN chumps.

  47. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    HawaiianBuc…oh I agree they need to make sure either one is the right one. I think most draft picks are a gamble though especially QB’s high in the draft. I really do like both of them equally and would be happy with either one. I also agree with the fans that say Mariota is a system QB, but I like how he shifts and moves in the pocket with such fluidity.

    That was my main point anyways. I see you caught the point. That the haters better brace themselves for them to take Winston, because it very likely could happen. Talent plus FSU QB is not the same as FSU Geno Hayes LB. I was VERY excited when they drafted Brooks, because I was a Noles fan and he was a star at FSU, the same goes for Winston.

  48. Skyline Crew for Mariota or Winston Says:

    Thanks for the article Bucco. Nice read and as I’ve said many times, both QBs are very similar whether or not FSU fans want to admit it. I like Mariota because I believe he is more dynamic.

  49. HawaiianBuc Says:

    “Joe I don’t comment no more because your whack a$$ page keep crashing people computers with that advertising crap. Then trying to force updates to you regardless if you want them or not. In a minute you won’t be able to crash SHH you gonna hear my voice sooner then you think. Your site plays favorites to daily posters. I only come here because no other sport shows say nothing about my Bucs.

    I consider you as the front runner for bringing these idiots together to run our good players out of town.”


    Heh? I’ve read this 5 times already, and it literally gets better each time.

  50. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I have come to the conclusion that we are all right about Winston…

    He is truly a great QB
    He is truly an idiot
    He is a huge gamble
    He is a sure thing
    Lovie wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole
    Mariota is better
    Mariota is worse
    We should trade our first pick
    We should build out line
    Lets stick with Glennon
    Lets stick with McCown
    Bring back Freeman
    Call Bret Favre

    We are all right and without a poll….we will continue to all be right….that is why Joe won’t do a poll….

  51. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    Call Brett Favre!

  52. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    Oregon vs FSU might settle it all.

  53. Skyline Crew Says:

    That’s a big might. Both QBs could be outstanding and it comes down to defense or special teams. Then what?

  54. Pickgrin Says:

    87ForJameisOrMariota Says:
    November 19th, 2014 at 11:13 pm
    $acbuc$…I’ve NEVER had a problem with Firefox and Joe’s site.


    So ’87 – you never get the fake “flash update” screen takeover?? You never get annoying video ads that just start playing by themselves??

  55. Joe Says:

    You attacking V-jax with that V-drops trying to rally the troops behind the corny bandwagon of critics who don’t no sh!t about football.

    V-drops is one of the league-leaders in dropped passes. Truth is not an “attack.”

    Joe you name somebody that ain’t named MEshawn or McCardell that was worth a dam at reciever for the Bucs since 76. Don’t say Jerivicious, Bryant or Clayton.

    How come?

    Don’t DO Jackson like that he don’t deserve it. The reason we got him is because San Diego didn’t want to pay him for all he did for them.

    Or they guessed he was about to peak? Remember: Father Time gives no passes.

  56. 87ForJameisOrMariota Says:

    $acbuc$….cocaine is a helluva drug.

  57. Aceofaerospace Says:

    I’ll never ever buy a Jameis Winston jersey for a multitude of reasons. But mostly because I’m not an Oakland Raiders fan. I don’t care who they drafted last year, he won’t get past them.

  58. phil Says:

    We can only hope that the front office of the Bucs are putting together a game plan to get Jameis Winston on our team. I have my doubts about whether that is happening.

  59. Patrick in VA Says:

    @$acbuc$ – I hope you don’t have to work today and have time to sleep off whatever you were dabbling in last night. Just a heads up, you’ll probably enjoy the ride a little more next time if you don’t spend the time you have in that altered state of mind commenting on a sports blog site. Seems like a waste to me

  60. RustyRhinos Says:

    Why is it that the taking of crab legs is so easily brushed off? I am of the impression that is theft plain and simple. Try it yourself and see if anyone of you do not go to jail and have a criminal record. Not just a slap on the wrist.

  61. Aceofaerospace Says:

    A campus shooting at FSU last night. 3 injured, shooter dead. Happened in the library, so we know Jamesis is safe.

  62. cigarfan Says:


    Why do you bother us with this moron criminal? He has nothing to do with the Bucs – absolutely zero. This is a pipe dream of yours, I wish you would keep to yourself – because I don’t care about this rapist.

    Fill the web space with another BUCS article. Please stop with “nuggets” about this filth of humanity.

  63. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    The Gators hate of Jameis in this thread makes me grin from ear to ear. Love those Gainesville tears! Keep ’em coming!

  64. Phillip Says:

    I’m sorry but I see why everyone was so annoyed by the Johnny Football articles this past spring/summer.. But just to counter more than half were card carrying members of the MGM who have long since withered away and became something new (probably something stupid like trench mob or something because they still believe in MG8 silently) I skipped to the end to just post this honestly and haven’t read a single line of the article or comments.. I don’t remember the JF articles starting this early either?

    The FSU lovers are blind to what may have potentially happened or did not happen and just overall dismiss it because you guys are actually relevant in CFB again because of JW5 (that’s pretty sad and pathetic btw)

    Most UF fans are hating on the kid and don’t want him because he is the enemy

    Then you have most of the the non biased fans (always consider myself that) who aren’t just worried in his off the field behavior(Major red flags there) but also the fact that he has what 11 picks already? Against a pretty soft schedule (acc is a joke) as well..

    You also have fans who see the 2013 version of JW5 and think he is going to be that in the NFL.. Because if he is the 2014 version of JW5 we already been there and done that (WHY HELLO JOSH FREEMAN) and there is no POSSIBLE way you can think of him as a better prospect this year compared to last year…

    This is the last time I think I will click on a JW5 post…

    Do your thing Joe, just giving feedback.

  65. Eric Says:

    Winston has obviously done some boneheaded things. Not so much the reality of it, but the fact he should know better given his position. Many other, including me, have done stuff like that in college.

    I got drunk in college and ended up sleeping on the hood of a cop car. He just took me back to my dorm.

    The rape thing was totally bogus, no state attorney would file with the vastly differing stories the alleged victim gave.

    Id take him he would be the most talented QB in bucs history.

  66. Brandon Says:

    Really not much worse than Cam Newton when he was coming out of Auburn/JC/Florida. He’s done okay, everybody’s different, but Winston CAN grow up and out of his stupidity off the field.

  67. HawaiianBuc Says:

    “I’m glad somebody else came to this site to call y’all haters and fag***s. I was right about you Maggotrons. Always TRYing to run people out of town. I’m the originator of calling y’all untalented talent evaluators. Some of yall should STFU. Yeah I’m the dude that brag about playing football and guess what? I played in 8 games in a flag football league. 7 regular 1 playoff game and nobody completed a Fudging pass on me haters. I played CB, S, RB, Slot, DE, and Center. I know its no contact but that didn’t stop me from laying hat on this MLB who pick off the pass intended for me. I blew him up no pads sandlot style he flew 3 yards. Flags Flew everywhere! He was 225 6’2 and I’m tough as leather. Nobody would come record our games so I can’t show you haters. When I come to Tampa for my dream game we doing Oklahoma drills in parking lots Punks.

    Start working out now i remember who said that Hawaii 50.”


    If he is this random and out there when he types, imagine what he’s like in person. It’s hilarious, yet really scary at the same time. This is exhibit A as to why you should never do drugs.

  68. Brandon Says:

    Aceofaerospace Says:
    November 20th, 2014 at 8:24 am
    A campus shooting at FSU last night. 3 injured, shooter dead. Happened in the library, so we know Jamesis is safe.

    This is a 4 star out of 4 star post.
    He took a relevant and recent tragic news event, which given it is a sports post and just happened yesterday-you would think it to be in extremely poor taste, applied it to Winston (who I happen to think he might be pretty good) who has obvious questions about his character, and did so without being in poor taste at all. That was a finely done 21 word tight/type rope act done to perfection. Just wanted you to know your post was appreciated.

  69. Brandon Says:

    HawaiianBuc Says:


    If he is this random and out there when he types, imagine what he’s like in person. It’s hilarious, yet really scary at the same time. This is exhibit A as to why you should never do drugs.

    If he is kidding, this guy is hilarious and I get his point. If he is serious, this guy is hilarious… and I can only imagine what an idiot he is in real life.

  70. Brandon Says:

    gatrbuc17 Says:
    November 19th, 2014 at 9:19 pm
    When Cam Newton was at UF. I called him Stupid for getting caught cheating Twice and getting caught with a stolen laptop. Stupid is as Stupid does
    There was NEVER EVER A MOMENT that I wanted Cam Newton on our team. How is that working out for Carolina right now?

    Pretty good. He’s been a model citizen off the field, an intriguing, productive, and promising player on the field. I too was scared away by Newton’s issues, and everybody is different, but I would say that Carolina swung and hit a homerun with the Newton pick.

  71. Buccfan37 Says:

    Go ahead and go all out to get Winston Bucs. Trade all the draft picks needed to move up if necessary to land him on the team. It’s not like the team has’nt swung and missed on high draft picks in their history. If he is a bust and does’nt live up to expectations, so what, just throw that wasted pink into the growing pile of draft day blunders. It’s hard to speculate what his impact would be with the Bucs.