Jags After Mike Greenberg

February 3rd, 2025

Bucs assistant GM Mike Greenberg.

UPDATED 7:15 p.m. Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht is in a pinch.

Already down one of his right-hand men, John Spytek, who now works for Tom Brady in Las Vegas, Licht may lose his other trusted colleague.

Assistant general manager Mike Greenberg is now a target of the Jags to become their next general manager alongside new Jags chief football czar Tony Boselli, the Hall of Fame offensive lineman.

Peter Schrager of NFL Network reported the Jags asked the Bucs for permission to interview Greenberg.

This is a tough one for Licht. He’s tight with Greenberg and wants to see Greenberg get a chance to run a team. But that one? Jacksonville? That would hurt.

The Jags twice last week tied to interview Bucs assistant coaches and both times the Jags got shot down by Tampa Bay.

Teams cannot block employees from interviewing for promotions.

Tough one.

Jags owner Shad Con Khan said new Jags head coach Liam Coen, Boselli and the next general manager will “form a football leadership unit that will collaborate and align on all major football decisions, develop long-term strategy for sustained on-field success and provide counsel to the team owner.”

61 Responses to “Jags After Mike Greenberg”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    See this is why HOW someone leaves is important. If El Serpiente would have been forthcoming, this would be a no brainer, let Greenberg get a shot. We’re experiencing a moral dilemma of sorts. I think Licht will be a stand up guy and let his friend go for it. The potential for some favors in trade/draft is pretty good since Licht has friends in Vegas and potentially Jacksonville, Arizona and New England, could be favorable for us in the long run. Plus Jason is a good guy.

  2. Dewey Selmon Says:

    If he goes they will make a hard pitch for Godwin to finish his career there a rich man. Tampa might not be able to match

  3. rriddler Says:

    I could be wrong, but I thought asking was just a formality if the job would be a promotion to GM, Head coach, OC or DC.

  4. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    I understand wanting to get a shot but that Jacksonville job seems like career suicide. I’ll give El Serpiente 3 years max….

  5. Hodad Says:

    Isn’t Greeny more of cap guy then a talent evaluator? Let him go, and download the cap AI app!

  6. Brian in St Pete Says:

    I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion that Greenberg would even want to work with Coen again. A GM and HC relationship is pivotal on any good franchise, and I just don’t see it as salvageable.

  7. RVATom Says:

    How’s this tough for Licht? It’s a promotion. If Greenie wants to interview he can. If the Jags want to hire him they can. Licht has no say. May be a tough situation for Greenberg personally after the fracas but…ball is in his court.

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    There’s nothing tough about it, if they want him as GM, the Bucs can’t do anything about it.

    It would suck, but it’s what happens when you have success.

  9. BucsFan81 Says:

    This is easy name him assistant GM and give him a huge raise. We can’t start losing everyone or it will be back to the lost decade of the Yucs

  10. Pewter Power Says:

    Nothing to do with Licht or the Glazers this is all about greenie. He’s gotten so many pay raises the only option is gm. It’s not a bad job, greenie and corn could have a quick turnaround

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    BucsFan81 Says:
    February 3rd, 2025 at 7:19 pm
    This is easy name him assistant GM and give him a huge raise.


    If the Jags hired him, it would be for GM, so naming him ‘assistant GM’ doesn’t do anything to block the move.

  12. Todd Says:

    Money talks.

  13. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    Simple solution for Khan-man.

    Jax sends us Travon Walker, we send Jax Mike Greenberg.

    Sounds fair.

  14. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Make Licht President of Football Operations.

    Make Greeny GM.

  15. Vanessa Anne Says:

    It puts us in a tough spot because Jason would lose the second of his two right-hand men.

    Spy and Greenie are a huge part of the reasons why we’ve been able to draft so well and negotiate player contracts in a way that’s allowed us assemble an excellent team despite the salary cap issues.

    I don’t think Jason will stand in Greenie’s way. I don’t think that’s his style, and there’s really nothing Jason can do because it would be a promotion. I think Jason would support him and encourage him, if he chooses to go to Jax.

    In the end it comes down to what Greenie wants to do.

  16. Winny Testaverde Says:

    He’ll take the gig…90% sure of it. Great numbers guy…not sure of his scouting acumen.

  17. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    They’ve all known though that this was going to happen and I bet Licht has been preparing for this for at least an entire year, preparing others to take the place of Greenburg and Spytek.

    I doubt this would happen but it is possible the Glazers promote Greenburg to be the new Tampa Bay Bucs GM and then promote Licht to a higher position in the front office.

  18. Jeff Says:

    Jags making the Glazers look like fools.

  19. Casey Says:

    This is why you should have hired Bowles duh and gave Cohen the job all this could have been prevented but we didn’t fire sorry ass Bowles that guys stinks waste of time with him !

  20. Peter Says:

    Jax will be a shi*hole 5-12 tops
    Too many holes no OLine

  21. Goldenbuc Says:

    Bowles is tied with Lavonte

    Also we got Jackie we cool, she the real genius.

  22. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Wudya know lol

  23. SRQ Bucs Fan Says:

    Win consistently with a defensive head coach expect new OC every year.

    Win consistently with a really good GM expect some front office changes every year.

  24. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Seriously? You guys are going to grip over this? I get that Greenberg was important but I trust Jason. Do you folks suppose he’s REALLY caught with his pants down or has he been anticipating the loss of these guys for awhile now?

    Didn’t he have them at the podium this past season to let them showcase their wares?

    They’re not going to Atlanta or New Orleans or Charlotte! They’re not even going to be in conference. By the time the Bucs face them they’ll still suck!!!

    Suckitude starts at the TOP. The Kahn man is a loser!!! Jax is no threat to the Bucs. BTW Again the Glazers are the ace in the hole. They have made wise decisions since they solidified the ManU position. It all starts at the TOP!

    If somebody stole Licht I’d worry but what do they have to offer? More $$$ Really? A bidding war with the Glazers?

  25. Simeon4HOF Says:

    We got permission and Dean for Josh Hines-Allen

  26. Creamsicle Says:

    The more I watch and hear about this Liam coen guy the more I’m glad he’s gone. Guy is a complete clown. Wears the same damn thing everyday.( ripped sleeved windbreaker with white long sleeve underneath) why?????. Guy was wearing it in Tampa when it was 100 degrees out. Sure you can’t be mad at him for leaving but who has respect for someone who left the way he did? No honor or transparency with the people who put him in this position. Complete rat move in my opinion. Why not be honest? Nobody would’ve hated you for taking a better job. He will fail miserably as a head coach and especially for the jags. He has lost a lot of respect around the league and it will show in the years to come. Good luck crashing and burning in “DUUUVALLLLLLL”. What a clown

  27. Bobby M. Says:

    Players will be next…..White, Godwin and our LG. All starters that thrived under Coen. Bucs may have severely miscalculated the cost of losing Coen….and for what? Keeping Bowles who’s .500? This will be a make or break year for Bowles and we’ve seen how he handles high pressure situations at the end of games.

  28. Stanglassman Says:

    Give him GM title and move Jason to President of football operations.

  29. Creamsicle Says:

    Bobby M. Says:
    February 3rd, 2025 at 8:59 pm
    Players will be next…..White, Godwin and our LG. All starters that thrived under Coen. Bucs may have severely miscalculated the cost of losing Coen….and for what? Keeping Bowles who’s .500? This will be a make or break year for Bowles and we’ve seen how he handles high pressure situations at the end of games.

    Buddy crawl out from underneath your rock, white and Godwin have always thrived. Godwin was taken out of the slot last year to experiment and he was still elite. Our LG Ben Bredeson? Thrived? No I don’t think so. Coen dosent have the experience or intelligence to run an entire team. It will be loud and clear early next season.

  30. Mondy Says:

    Relax Ian Cunningham is the favorite to win the Jags job but Joe isn’t gonna mention that fact.

  31. Stanglassman Says:

    Glazer’s net is 10b. Khan’s not a 12b. He’s one of the top 10 owners $ wise.

  32. Creamsicle Says:

    “Duuuuvalllllll” will be the only thing remembered of Liam coen when his short career as a head coach is over. Guy wears the same thing everyday. Ripped sleeves windbreaker with a white long sleeve underneath. Why????? Guy would wear it in Tampa when it was 100 degrees out. The more I see and read about this guy the more I’m glad he’s gone. Why not be honest with the players and staff that provided him this opportunity. Nobody going to be mad about taking a better job. He’s a complete rat for that and it will come back to bit him.

  33. rrsrq Says:

    Bucs fans freaking out because the crystal ball says Jags are going to be great. Bucs have a young play caller of whom we do not know how he will do. He could be amazing, we act as if Bowles defense didn’t dominate a Chiefs team and as if we got blown out every game over the last two years.

  34. Creamsicle Says:

    I don’t see how anyone could imagine the jags, after how terrible they have been. Are all of a sudden going to be a good team after a guy who has never been a head coach before comes in and hires an entire new staff. Trevor Lawrence is also not good. Same thing happend last year with Dave cables. Bucs offense made him look like a star but look at what happened to the panthers last season. They were even worse and ended up starting the old red rocket (Andy dalton) for a few games. It will be the same sad story for coen.

  35. Creamsicle Says:

    “DUUUUUUVVAALLLLL” will be the only thing remembered from coens short head coaching career

  36. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Just hope JL working on resigning Chris Godwin. And an Edge.
    Duval boi can get JTS, overpay for White.
    But we don’t losing #14 to them.
    Not gonna happen.

  37. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Can have Greeny if he wants to go to that mess.
    But they ain’t getting Godwin.

  38. BrianBucs Says:

    Looks like the Jags have 4 or 5 other candidates scheduled for interviews also

  39. Tim Says:

    Myles Garrett has requested a trade! Licht ho get him!!

  40. First Name Greatest Says:

    When you chose to keep the guy who was responsible for the worst part of your team this is what happens

    Licht’s inability to be pro active versus being a reactionary GM has hurt this team multiple times

    Smart thing would’ve been to cut the guy who can’t scheme pass defense or manage the clock or game and promote the guy who coordinated your best unit

    NO ONE ABSOLUTELY NO ONE would’ve hired a fired Todd Blows

  41. Tucker Says:

    Jason has been preparing for this for a while he has been promoting both John and Mike for a gm position for a while now. Up to Mike but really not a big deal.

  42. Aqualung Says:

    Hey at least it’s not a team in the NFC and especially not a team in our division.

    Go for it, Greenie. Jason has been at this a long time and surely has a robust succession planning chart.

    But again, more issues to distract from finding and hiring the full time defensive coordinator.

  43. Drunkinybor Says:

    Why doesn’t that venomous vile villian violate the Rams front office. Snakes enjoy the humidity of Florida much more than southern Ca. That clown that says ” Derp..Ah…Derp..ah…durv..duh..dooooo…dooooo…..Vawllllll dur… duh…durp! Yuck..yuck..yuckity yuck!” Can go slither into the Rams buisness and leave us alone .Snake Cohen.” ssspirates have birds 🏴‍☠️ 🦜 ~~~~🐍 Sooo yummy ssssounds Sssseriously sssayisfying 🦜 ~~~~~🐍 🪺.

  44. Pewter Power Says:

    Mike Greenberg was hired by Mark Dominik in like 2010 nobody says I’m glad we have greenie until it’s time to sign or resign free agents. He’s a cap guy, losing Spytek was worse and I have to think there’s a backup in case he’s out the door. If a head coach wants total control Greenberg is the perfect fit.

  45. Aqualung Says:

    Drunkybor, you make me laugh my dude!

  46. Bakerfan Says:

    Coen and Greenberg should stayed with their own tribe. They will find out the hard way

  47. ATLBucSolar Says:

    Sure, it is a promotion but does Mike Greenberg want to get in bed with a person who has shown himself to have no loyalty and someone who let his principle be guided by money? Someone who agreed in principle to a contract knowing that he did not intend to honor that contract?
    I learned a long time ago that all money a’int good money. So, Greenberg, I know that you probably want to be a GM but do it with a class organization similar to the Bucs. Not with a team whose owner and head coach conspired to mislead the Bucs when they simply could have told the truth. In his dealings with the Bucs, Liam has proven himself to be a dishonest man.
    Will his players be able to trust him? Will free agents want to play for him. A lot of players around the league respect the class and loyalty the buccaneers show their players. Will perspective free agents think of Liam as someone who can’t be trusted? If he treats his players the same way he treated his owners, he’ll have a mutiny on his hands by midseason.

  48. Johnb Says:

    Exactly. Why doesn’t he raid the Rams? Because he has ZERO respect for us.
    Whatever. Remember what Mike Evans says: I don’t really care about any of this as long as I get open!

  49. sue moore Says:

    Wow, this guy Coen was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, He comes here, rah, rah….does a good job. But he decides to leave and PILFER the coaches, players, and Greenie.
    Amazing. No shame, zero loyalty.

    But the great thing about Narcissists like Coen is that their character will follow them wherever they go. His ego and the owner’s ego will clash. Short lived.

  50. sue moore Says:

    Oh! The best 2 ways to beat this clown?
    1. Win….win….win
    2. Ignore Jags completely. This is all noise and distraction. Get that edge rusher! Who the hell are the Jags and who cares?

  51. FortMyersDave Says:

    Greenberg is a numbers guy, he is not as good at talent evaluation as Licht or Spyteck. One thing Greenberg might consider, if he flames out as GM, there is no going back. A head coach could resurface as a head coach again if he gets launched (example: Todd Bowles, Pete Carroll), but has a GM who has failed as a GM, ever got back to the top of the mountain. The moral: Greenberg may not want to be anywhere near a dumpster fire unless it has sentimental value, such as going back to NY and working for the Jets, which he did try to do with the Bucs’ blessing.

  52. heyjude Says:

    Coen has shown his true colors as well as the owner of the Jags. Jason is a nice guy and if Greenberg wants to roll with the Jags, let him. Obviously, Coen can’t do the HC job without the Bucs. Says so much now. Guessing though, these new positions will not last long.

    Right on sue moore! Fully agree with your comments about Coen.

  53. richbucsfan Says:

    I don’t like getting involved in the inner workings of any company when I don’t details and could never know. Staff changes happen. It’s up to the team manauto fill the open position. Greenie is in line for a promotion. If he goes, he goes.

  54. BuckyBuc Says:

    Licht can become team president and then promote greenberg to GM, EZ.

  55. lambchop Says:

    Quasimodo just won’t go away. Go find talent outside of Florida.

  56. Jim H Says:

    Wow, the Bucs ownership really screwed this up. You lose a top flight OC and your chief cap manager because you wanted to keep a .500 head coach. This is why the fans get frustrated. You could see this coming since before the season ended. Why not grab a pair lock down Coen as HC say goodbye to Bowles, three years to show serious progress is long enough. Instead you set the franchise back years. I swear this team wins in spite of ownership.

  57. It's Corn Says:

    Joe I feel like it’s time for you to give Liam Coen some kind of permanent moniker in your macros.

  58. Stanglassman Says:

    Buckybuc- That was my suggestion too.

  59. SlyPirate Says:

    The 2nd issue is our scouts will be gutted by two teams. The Bucs front office would be a shell of itself.

  60. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bottom line its show me the money thats the world today loyalty is become a distant second. So if Greenberg is going to get a hefty raise and the Glazers don’t try to close to it well don’t need to say more.

  61. The Smokey GO Bucs!!! Says:

    Glad he stay loyalty over money in this instance go bucs!!!