Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 18 Edition)

January 1st, 2025

Flash poll posted at 11:33 a.m. Poll closed at 1:12 p.m. Last week’s results linked here.

40 Responses to “Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 18 Edition)”

  1. unbelievable Says:

    Lots of confidence in our offense

    Little to no confidence in our defense, critical game moment decisions, or clock management.

  2. View from 133 Says:

    Good summary unbelievable. How most of us see it.

  3. Casual Observer Says:

    I am hoping that our short passing D is OK this time. If so, my confidence in the coach goes up a notch. Unsure.

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    I’m totally confident.

    Why be anything else?

  5. Dom Says:

    The old flip flop poll again

  6. Jethro Tull Says:

    Unbelievable nails it and the data and results back him up.

  7. de bucs fan Says:

    I feel confident that the team can play as well as any team in the NFL. The Bucs D is solid but is one pass coverage mistake away from giving up a big pass play. If a defense requires all pros and not able to adapt to mistakes it’s a sham defense built on hopes and reliance on Vita’s coverage.

    during one of the games the announcer called it RE: the opposing teams QB. I’m paraphrasing, but the sentiment was on point.

    [Opposing QB] needs to adjust to the changing pass rusher but the backend coverage is mostly the same.

    Dropping vita or kancey or Gaines into coverage over and over seems like a waste of reps for the Defensive hogs who HAVE to hit the QB or ball carrier. They are running away from the play. you cant have something disguised as the same thing over and over and over. the disguise becomes a uniform (scheme?!)

    Wish we’d save the exotic DT pass coverage for MUST HAVE defensive wins.

  8. VOT Says:

    Offense must carry us the rest of the way, our D is a major problem against even average talent

  9. Crickett Baker Says:

    Bowles has indeed tried things that didn’t work, but I see that from other coaches, as well. I am amazed, however, the ways he has kept this team winning considering ALL the adversity he has faced. The CAP, the Hurricane, the losing of an OC (and several coaches with him), the loss of his two best players and many others to injury. Needing to find a new QB after Brady, and more when he first took over and wasn’t able to fire anyone until his second year. YET we kept on winning. I am beginning to think he is almost a Superman. Like we can forgive ME dropping easy catches because of what he does for this team usually, I think we need to give Todd a break for his few mistakes.

  10. Joe in Michigan Says:

    It’s amazing how much this poll fluctuates from week to week. I haven’t had any confidence in Todd Bowles since the 2 Atlanta games. The pass defense has been terrible for most of the year, and tackling has been poor. I get torqued off every time I see Anthony Nelson trying to cover a RB or WR. Clock management has always been a problem under Bowles.

  11. Mike Johnson Says:

    Todd is OK. But he does not have my confidence. Defense is suppose to be his specialty..his calling card. And we have one of the worst Defenses in the entire NFL. If he wins on Sunday, he will be here wih us again next season. FIX THE GD DEFENSE TODD!! It looks bad Bakers prime is being wasted because he cannot count on his Defense.

  12. Not Says:

    This chart shows how fickle your readers are. How does one’s confidence in Bowles change so drastically among your readers ?
    I understand the general population swinging wildly. People tracking this team should have Bowles pretty locked up by now as a low to confident, needs replacement by Coen position at this time of year. Unless we go to Super Bowl that doesn’t change.

  13. heyjude Says:


  14. Jethro Tull Says:

    Joe in Michigan – spot on. And that’s an objective take based on performance, not some “hater’s” mentality. I don’t know anyone who hates Coach Bowles. He’s just not good at his job.

  15. GoneGator Says:

    If the people who say Todd blows over and over and nauseum would post “data and results” or show evidence of his suckage, that actually made logical sense, maybe you wouldn’t be so annoying. You might even convert a few people.

    Not going to happen tho, ehh Dave 🤣

  16. John Sinclear Says:

    Agree with Cricket, but to paraphrase the sign behind my desk – “To err is human. To forgive is not our fan base policy.”

  17. FlBoy84 Says:

    These polls are so accurate in showing the hilarious lack of critical thinking and observation that goes on in American society today. The fact that so many are swayed by week to week results without taking the whole into consideration is both sad and laughable lol.

  18. Inwoodjeremy Says:

    He has kept the Bucs relevant with a strapped salary, no D.C., first year O.C.’s, multiple QB’s, and rookies. He has done a good job there. However defense, time management, injuries, tackling, ball control, and penalties needs to be worked on. The O-line and run game improved over the last year. I would assume the goal would be to improve the secondary and pass rush during the off season. Good things and things to improve on.

  19. Jugheadfla Says:

    Totally confident Bowels should be fired after the year regardless of playoffs or not. With an average defense we would have wrapped up the division 3 weeks ago instead of backing in like Bowels loves to do. His defense sux

  20. BucsBeast Says:

    I didn’t get to vote on time but,

  21. BucsBeast Says:

    Reason being.
    The defense can’t stop ANYTHING!
    Not even a runny nose.

  22. Joe in Michigan Says:

    GoneGator: Aren’t you the person who put up stats on the Bucs D after the bye week? Most of the teams the Bucs played after the bye week have terrible offenses and/or are tanking for a higher draft pick. Some of those games, the Bucs D looked really bad in the first half, and adjustments were made, so kudos for that, but I still have very little to no confidence in a Bowles defense against a potent offense.

  23. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I don’t listen to Bowles press conferences, it’s like drinking a gallon of NyQuil, but didn’t he say something about not really preparing for other team’s offenses? Does that seem strange to anyone else besides me?

    Since the bye, here are the first half points scored on the Bucs:

    Cowboys, 23
    Chargers, 17
    Panthers, 14
    Panthers, 13
    Raiders, 10
    Giants, 0

  24. BallHawk75 Says:

    “Without confidence, you will always find a way not to win.” – Carl Lewis

  25. GoneGator Says:

    @Joe in Michigan – here’s the rest 👍🏼

    2nd half points scored against the D since the bye

    Cowboys 3
    Chargers 0
    Panthers 9
    Panthers 0
    Raiders 3
    Giants 7

  26. GoneGator Says:

    Joe in Michigan Says:
    January 1st, 2025 at 2:41 pm
    GoneGator: Aren’t you the person who put up stats on the Bucs D after the bye week? Most of the teams the Bucs played after the bye week have terrible offenses and/or are tanking for a higher draft pick. Some of those games, the Bucs D looked really bad in the first half, and adjustments were made, so kudos for that, but I still have very little to no confidence in a Bowles defense against a potent offense.

    I understand your lack of confidence in our D against high powered offenses. I share your concern. I’m just trying to be objective and fair when I judge Todd’s coaching and provide counter points to the Todd sucks, our defense is trash commenters who provide either zero data/evidence to support their opinions or use ignorant arguments that make no logical sense. ✌🏼

  27. Pewter Power Says:

    Joe in Michigan
    I don’t listen to Bowles press conferences, it’s like drinking a gallon of NyQuil

    Thanks Joe that made my day. Not worried about the saints I just hope we don’t end up playing nfc north in the first round. I wish there was an update on Antwoine Winfield and Chris Godwin though. We’d have a first round bye so that would be three weeks before they needed to play.

  28. MadMax Says:

    Play more man coverage Todd….just do it

  29. MadMax Says:

    Anyone else watching my man Skattebo tie this game up with Texas? He’s got Buccaneer written all over him….lets get Bucky some serious help since we’re gonna focus on ground and pound!

  30. orlbucfan Says:

    I’ve been backing Bowles all season. Not his fault Buc Luck hit the team like Covid. I know Bucs will win Sunday. Aints play dirty so Bucs have got to be set for it. Sure wish Defense Rules would check in though.

  31. Crickett Baker Says:

    I miss DefRules a lot, too.

  32. Badbucs Says:

    Defense rules was objective great Bucs fan. Amid all the divisiveness it sure would be nice to get his tke on Bowles and Coen. Miss that guy.

  33. Badbucs Says:


  34. Jethro Tull Says:

    If objectivity means never criticizing Todd Bowles or accepting any criticism of Todd Bowles, then, sure.

  35. Jethro Tull Says:

    Thanks Joe in Michigan. The other side of your debate just made your point for you. Again.

  36. Dewey Selmon Says:

    .500 coach that would have missed the playoffs for the 3rd year in a row if not for playing in the worst division in football. The only thing saving him is Mayfield/Coen and the insane amount of secondary injuries.

  37. Jethro Tull Says:

    Secure Liam 2025

  38. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    • Little Confidence

  39. JReel Buc Says:

    Fire Bowles. !!! This will go down like Giants letting Saquan get away Fire!!! Fire BOWLES

  40. Mike Johnson Says:

    And another thing…Why is Todd Bowles so afraid of Man Coverage? He should at least give it a try during games for a change up.