Team Glazer Deserves Share Of Liam Coen Blame

January 24th, 2025

The savvy, shrewd, seasoned, calculating and wildly successful international negotiators at One Buc Palace aren’t named Jason Licht, Todd Bowles or Mike Greenberg.

Team Glazer holds that honor.

For 30 years they’ve run the Buccaneers and dealt with all types of coaches and agents, and good and bad actors of all kinds.

Throw in another 20 years running a multibillion dollar soccer franchise in England with business partnerships across the globe.

Joe can only imagine the many hundreds of business dealings Team Glazer has managed that fans don’t know existed.

Team Glazer is world class when it comes to running a sports franchise. Love them or hate them or don’t care a lick about any ownership group, there is no denying Team Glazers wins in their arena off the field far, far more than they lose.

Well, Team Glazer just lost Liam Coen.

Retaining Coen was on them and however it went down, the “L” goes on the Team Glazer resume.

Joe is not writing to be an ass. Somebody is responsible for the great pain currently pulsating through Bucs fandom.

Just like when the Bucs get throttled in between the white lines, the head coach is responsible no matter what the actual game looked like.

This one falls on the top of the food chain.

On Dec. 16, Joe wrote a post titled, “Moving All-In On Liam Coen.” Joe called on Team Glazer to be “clever and creative” and to “step up with a massive check soon as part of a historic and unique offer” to keep Coen from interviewing with another team.

“If Team Glazer has to pay Coen more than Todd Bowles so he’ll pass up head coaching interviews, then so be it,” Joe wrote. “It’s a safe bet that Coen has a price. And Joe is confident it would behoove Team Glazer to meet it.”

Yeah, Coen was that good last season and his retention was critical for the 2025 campaign.

In Joe’s mind (and on the screen) was Team Glazer, in December, finding the lump sum number Coen required to not interview in the 2025 head coach hiring cycle. One interview and the money would have to be repaid with interest.

It seems Team Glazer had a different approach.

The Bucs didn’t realize they were dealing with a greedy snake, but that was on them to know who was slithering in their building and to take all possible precautions.

Joe’s hope is to write a post reversing this Team Glazer decision 11 months from now — as the Bucs sit primed to win the NFC South with a dangerous offense.

98 Responses to “Team Glazer Deserves Share Of Liam Coen Blame”

  1. ReenYeing Says:

    It wouldn’t have stopped him

  2. zzbucs Says:

    Joe, we lost an OC, we didn’t lose Mike Evans or Tom Brady….
    Just an OC, that resulted being a snake…no more no less…

    Lets’ move on, from this pathetic piece of…… *&% t

  3. lambchop Says:

    Greedy, no. Snake, yes.

  4. Brian Dorry Says:

    He named his price and they met it. Then he came back and asked for more. Honor the deal YOU asked for.

  5. Cybetsecurity_intern Says:

    Why are you calling him a Snake? For getting a better job offer? You can say we failed to keep him but not that he is a snake.

  6. Coburn Says:

    Last they spoke to Coen they were told the offer was high enough to stay. Were they just supposed to keep bidding higher after he already said sold? Curious what they were supposed to have done better

  7. Les opyd Says:

    Hope Coen loses the job ! Jags still interviewing . Woukd serve him right !

  8. Farmer Says:

    As soon as i saw the reports that there had been no promise of head coach-in-waiting for Coen with the Bucs once he initially turned down the Jags HC job it had me worried. Why would they have not spoken to him about being the HC in waiting? Why would the Glazers and Licht not make it abundantly clear to Coen that he was the future of the Bucs.

    Foolishly i thought “Well, at least they’ve got another year to fix that mistake” but nope, not now. I don’t like doing hypotheticals but had they made the promise of HCIW would we be where we are right now?

  9. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    A. You never, EVER pay a subordinate more than the boss. So paying Coen more than Bowles is a total non-starter that’ll fracture the locker room and the coaches offices.
    That’s life outside the NFL, not inside. –Joe

    B. The sentence “The Bucs didn’t realize they were dealing with a greedy snake, but that was on them to know who was slithering in their building and to take all possible precautions.” is totally uncalled for and is definitely the writing of a biased fan over a professional journalist. There is nothing “greedy” about attempting to fulfill your dream and getting a huge raise to do it. You are projecting here that “greed” is negative. Again, the sports world is differnt from the real world. –Joe

    C. We’ll be fine. I liked Coen’s offense a lot, but it is not unique, and it’s not like Coen is the only one who can call it. We’ll find another branch of the McVay or Shanahan coaching trees and move forward. We’ll still probably be a top five offense next year.

  10. Coburn Says:

    Brian, he didn’t even do that form what I read. They thought they had a deal and then heard on the news he was gone after not being able to reach him

  11. unbelievable Says:

    I’m sorry but the laws of averages say there is basically zero chance that we strike gold for a 3rd time with another new OC.

    Expect a huge regression and losing record in 2025.

  12. Permanently Moderated Says:

    In the real world, who is out there that the Bucs actually have a chance of landing?

  13. Les opyd Says:

    Glazer boys blew it again .that makes 2 .and for what ? To keep a Mediocre head coach ? Shame on them !

  14. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    You can’t stop someone from taking a better, higher paying job. Bucs should hire a fired HC who won’t get a look again for a while because he blew it in the top job. Like Kingsbury in DC.

  15. SB~LV Says:

    It seems Coen was bedazzled by the attention from the Jaguars
    Always must factor in this saga
    Jaguars were ALWAYS talking Head Coach
    Apples and Oranges comparison
    Bucs plucked a lemon
    and Jacksonville the prize 🏆
    It’s OVER!

  16. MelvinJunior Says:

    The lack of communication AND BALLS is mind-blowing! They BLEW-IT. Just think what year TWO, THREE… FIVE, SIX could’ve looked-like with HIM & Baker together… Would’ve been some VERY ‘special’ stuff. And, soooo exciting to witness. It’s all just SUCH a shame. It was an easy ‘no-brainer’ decision to make too, that should’ve already been MADE over a month ago!!!! They had HIM. And, they let HIM go. Right out the door. You play stupid ‘games’ – You win stupid prizes.

  17. BucsFEver Says:

    Who cares? Move on. there is better out there. Lincoln Riley

  18. Oliver Says:

    the conflict between Shad Khan and the Glazers continues as Fulham play Manchester United this Sunday

  19. SB~LV Says:

    😆 Melvin that too
    Derik Sharp
    Stick in the eye!

  20. JS Says:

    This is why you cannot have a defensive head coach in today’s NFL. This is going to happen to the Bucs every year until they move on from Bowles. Coen should have been put in the HC position and Bowles should have been given a front office Arians type job. How can the offense continue to dominate if they are having to learn a new system every year? Ridiculous.

  21. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    The Glazers are blameless. For all we know, he could end up the Next Great Coach, sure. What, really is ever going to stop “here’s $50 million and you pick the gm!”?
    Highly doubtful that offer comes if he never interviews. –Joe

    But… who’s to say these folks at one buc didn’t watch all year thinking: “not so comfortable giving this guy the keys?”. We don’t.

    Definitely true we need to address clock management, pass rush and overall depth, but pretty sure the guys between the lines on offense have exponentially more to do with the success of the offense than the guys on the sideline.

    Players make coaches appear to be geniuses sometimes, too.

  22. larrd Says:

    Good riddance. Coen is a little nutty and unreliable. I would much rather have Todd Bowles leading the team. Guys like Coen lose respect in the long run because they do stuff like lie and ghost people.

    This Joe must have smoked a fat one today.

  23. Coburn Says:

    Melvin it’s not the no brainer you might think it is. Plenty of good coordinators (and only one year so far) have not panned out as hc. Might consider the risk because of Bowles average track record, but he’s also well loved in the organisation and players. You run additional risk of losing the locker room

  24. SB~LV Says:

    Posts a popping @ JBF !

  25. Oldtimer Says:

    While so many are quick to credit Canales and Coen for Baker Mayfield’s success, maybe it’s time to credit BAKER MAYFIELD for his success. He played great under two first time NFL players callers in two separate systems. How about Bakers intellegence in mastering these systems so quickly, his arm talent, his abilty to read a defense and change the call at the line of scrimmage, his escape ability in the pocket, extending drives with his running ability, his leadership, his toughness…. I really don’t care who the next OC is. Mayfield will succeed whoever that is as he has already proven the past two seasons.

  26. Jim H. Says:

    Glad he is gone. No Integrity

  27. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Glazers CHOSE Todd over Coen.

    Now the fans pay the price of their ineptitude.

    Everyone here would take $50 mill? and their dream job.

    Coen actually did speak to Todd Bowles.

    How is that being a snake?

    Butthurt fans whining. Blame Liucht and Team Glazer.

    They blew it.

  28. Bill Kilmer Says:

    Blame to the Glazers? I think they bargained in good faith. In hindsight obviously a mistake.Unforunately, their failure was not knowing whom they were dealing with. I just read a SI article that said the deal with the Bucs and Coen was actually done before the first interview and they encouraged him to do the first interview to get the experience!., just no second interview was the deal Wow that is class!. However, that was used against them. I am sure this will stick in their craw as Coen simply used their good class act against them to his advantage. They were out maneuvered, by someone with little ethics plain and simple.

  29. Pahpahmike Says:

    ReenYeing, the same here. It wouldn’t had stopped him. Coen has done this same thing or similar to the 49s and Kentucky I wouldn’t hold anyone in the Bucs organization responsible. Any sane person would’ve taken that deal it’s just the sh…y way he did it if it was done the way the media said it was. However, it water under the bridge. Let go get a OC and some defensive coaches replacement and win the nfc south again

  30. Murph Says:

    Bucs will be better without him. The talent on the offensive side of the ball made him look good. Didn’t look too good in the playoffs when it counted. He leaves behind a mess wherever he goes. Just ask Kentucky about what they think of Coen. Amazing how many posters have a third grade mentality. Hopefully they will follow Jacksonville and root for the organization they and Coen truly deserve.

  31. Oldtimer Says:

    Todd Bowles is a v ery good head coach but I think he needs a defensive coordinator to install a refreshed, different philosophy. His defensive system has become predictable and offensive cooridators have found it easy to solve.

    I think Coen will fail in Jacksonville. I believe Canales has already exceeded expectations and he will help the Panthers become very copmpetitive as early as next season.

  32. MelvinJunior Says:

    YES. We would still be here, “Farmer.” There was NO WAY that they could 💯 Guarantee that, to begin with. There are no such thing (in the NFL) as a “Guatantee.” NOT like that. Because, you NEVER KNOW what might happen. Pulling the trigger and making HIM HC was always, the ONLY way. Period.

  33. BucVoyager Says:

    I don’t see how this is on the Glazers.The only thing more they could have done is fire Todd Bowles and hire Coen. I would tend to think that that would be pretty scuzzy on its own. Bowles had done nothing to deserve being fired other than not working for McVay.

  34. Ds Says:

    Not a big deal should have got to him before the interviewing process but o well

  35. Saskbucs Says:

    I’m not losing any sleep over all this. I am fully confident someone else is coming in to do a great job. Baker is playing great, top 5 OL, Evans and Bucky… with that unit, I could prolly call plays and get 24 ppg.

    We didn’t want this guy as HC. I have been all over Bowles and him being the wrong guy for us to reach the mountain top again but Coen was never the answer. Maybe he will prove me wrong but he doesn’t look like a leader of men to me.

  36. SB~LV Says:

    The Jaguars Rooney Rule was
    Patrick Graham
    Just before the jet left Tampa for Jacksonville

  37. Bucamania Says:

    Glazers dropped the ball. Should’ve got him to sign but trusted his word, which turns out was worthless. Coen handled this so poorly. Not a good look. #jagoff

  38. SlyPirate Says:

    ReenYeing Says:
    It wouldn’t have stopped him


    Is it so hard to understand a coach dreams of being an NFL head coach? He came here because Canales turned one year of success into an HC position. Unless he was gifted the Bucs’ job, he was going to depart.

  39. Tampa Bay-ker Says:

    I don’t like how Coen handled this one bit. It was just a sleazy, bush-league move. HOWEVER, had the team made him the head coach last week, we’d have a killer HC/OC for at least a decade or more. We need an offensive-minded HC sooner rather than later. Todd Bowles may be a great guy, but we can’t lose our OC yearly like this.

  40. AK Says:

    I feel that making him an offer that would have made him the highest paid OC in NFL History was pretty unique.

  41. Baker Bowl Says:

    there is basically zero chance that we strike gold for a 3rd time with another new OC.

    Good thing Canales was FAR from striking gold, so I’ll remain optimistic

  42. Panhandle Buc Says:

    Knowing what we do now…would any of us say we want him stay? Can you imagine if he pulled a stunt like this later in the offseason or during a season? Good riddance, our roster will keep us competitive! On to the next OC…

  43. Coburn Says:

    We got our adult qb, just need an adult oc now

  44. It's Corn Says:

    Joe how do you know they didn’t try but he had his eye on the head coaching possibility and wanted to keep his options open?
    We kinda know now that Coen is a weasel, so who knows what he told them and they operated on good faith not realizing.
    This isn’t about trying. It’s about closing — weeks ago.–Joe

  45. Waterboy Says:

    Great, I’m tired of hearing about him. Revisit this topic in 3 years and then have the discussion of whether it was an L or not.

  46. Joe Says:

    We kinda know now that Coen is a weasel, so who knows what he told them and they operated on good faith not realizing.

    There is a reason Joe has used the word “allegedly” many times over the past 20 hours.

  47. Trey J Alderson-Cloutier Says:

    They gambled on it. They gambled that they could make Liam Coen the highest paid OC in football and keep him. There was probably a 50/50 shot it would work out, but in the end it didn’t. That’s on them.

    If they would’ve just fired Todd after the season ended and made Liam the HC, we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now.

    I think that’s a huge reason for their frustration, they could’ve had Liam. They could’ve had a guaranteed top 5, maybe a top 3 offense in the NFL next year, but instead they choose to keep Bowles, who is a .500 coach and 1-3 in the playoffs. So there’s a bit of buyers remorse there, for a coach they knew would be retiring soon and is now losing his best defensive assistants.

  48. Oxycondomns Says:

    its joes fault he jinxed it with that article about bucs culture

  49. Steven007 Says:

    Their mistake it seems was taking the man at his word. The business world is rife with negotiations done that way. And as has been mentioned, had he put his name on the dotted line he still could have made this move. It’s a weakness I believe in the contract structuring of coaches and assistants. Imagine if players had this kind of flexibility. It’s not that way for a reason. Fans always get bent out of shape when a player doesn’t honor his contract or demands a new contract while still under an existing one. This situation is now in the past, but I think the NFL would be wise to do something about the coaching end of things.

  50. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    A greedy snake? He took a better business and life opportunity. Did he handle it perfectly? No. But has anyone here ever been in that situation? Has Liam ever been in that situation before? The insults being hurled around at a guy who turned our offense into Super Bowl caliber are insane. He moved on to a better opportunity, be happy for the man and stop being ridiculous.

  51. Anyhony Says:

    When do we play them!!!

  52. Elite Vita Says:

    As a fan once asked Shoeless Joe Jackson…”Say it isn’t so, Joe(s)”!

  53. MelvinJunior Says:

    There is no way we just HAVE a “Top-5” Offense NEXT Season. Cohen had a TON of experience ‘calling’ plays. He’d already, pretty much seen it ALL, by then. You people FORGET just soooo easily, when making these RIDICULOUS comparisons to Canales. It’s just not even CLOSE to being the same thing. HE was NOT special. Cohen Was. REMEMBER… Our “Offense” was NOT good, explosive, or exciting, or anything. Hell, we COULDN’T SCORE (never scoring an ‘opening’ drive TD, etc.). Really STRUGGLED even moving the ball AND the chains. It was SLOW. NO Tempo. And, just waaaayyy too many WASTED ‘running plays’ up the gut, & etc. Could NOT RUN the ball, or generate ANY kind of a ‘running game’ to save our LIFE. Also, THE ONLY Reason HE Got That Carolina Job was because HE WAS THE ONLY ONE They Could GET, Who Was Willing To Take It. He got a lot of credit for rejuvenating Baker’s Career, Blah, Blah, Blah, & etc. BUT, he had to take-it and I didn’t blame him for doing so either, cause hell, there was a DAMN GOOD chance that he would never get such an opportunity ever again!!!! With Cohen though, that was never even close to being the case. There is ZERO comparison between the two, & it isn’t even CLOSE.

  54. Coburn Says:

    Trey if what they did was a gamble (and having to find another good OC) then what do you call firing bowles and hiring Coen who has only been a play caller one year? Plenty of good coordinators never work as hc

  55. LongTimeBucaneer Says:

    Coen had a good year, but let’s get real here. He had a great staff, and young talented players who bought in. He gets all of the credit, but you will see him come back down to earth in JAX. Next man up. Anyone is replaceable. He just had it come together perfectly for him. He cashed in before the gig was up. If he truly was that talented he would have been confident enough to run it back in a quality organization. JAX is where coaches go to die. Their ownership is terrible.

  56. MelvinJunior Says:

    Now, with all of that said, it doesn’t mean that Canales will not have a successful career as a Head Coach. He took full advantage & got his foot in the door. Now, it’s all up to him. And, I am glad for him. He might even end up being a better HC than Cohen. Who Knows!? There will be A LOT that will factor in with BOTH. Now, with that said… I DON’T wish Cohen the best, IF things really went down the way it was reported. But, I will STILL always, blame the Bucs FO.

  57. John Says:

    More likely than not most of us solid Buc fans are extremely disappointed to lose our offensive coordinator and to let this offense thrive for 2 years back to back under one play caller. It’s not like Baker Mayfield and Bucky Irving up and hauled ass to New Orleans or something. If the rumors are true and this man got $12 million dollars a year, it’s doubtful that many people would pass up such an opportunity. It’s also doubtful that ownership would pay $12 million a year for an offensive coordinator. I don’t have a name to offer for OC. I do believe (and believe in) the Buc’s GM, scouting department. Lyte has something you can’t teach, the “it”factor. He has a nose and the instinct to smell out talent. I believe he’ll be meticulous and hit again, three for three on offensive coordinator hits/ the ‘ol hat trick… At this moment, today, I do not have a name to offer for OC. It was suggested earlier that maybe “Chucky” would be an option. I don’t think Chucky is the guy. I don’t think Chuck is the right person for this particular bux team. He also has not evolved with today’s game and has a reputation for a playbook that’s extremely difficult to fully absorb….. They’ll get it right.

  58. Todd Bowls Says:

    When the glazers are in England for the Manchester United games, they will have easy access to see the Jacksonville Jaguars English home games and get an up close look of what they could have had with some creativity.

    The gentleman, Malcolm Glazer, would have taken care of business. His children unfortunately do not have the same business acumen.

    Basically, in this case, Jaguars owner Kahn put the naive Glazer boys over his knee and gave them a good ass whipping.

    After waiting through all the emotions and the could have beens, should have beens etc, after the smoke clears, the bottom line is ….

    The Jaguars are now trending upwards and the Buccaneers are now trending downwards. All because the Glazer boys got badly out maneuvered by Shad Kahn.

  59. MelvinJunior Says:

    NOBODY is passing up the contract (AND naming your OWN GM) that HE JUST GOT. Nobody. JUST to come back and be OC of the Bucs. LoL I mean, come on now!!!!
    Sounds like you didn’t read what Joe actually wrote here. –Joe

  60. FlumundaCheese Says:

    To Joe’s premise that the Glazers should have been willing to pay Coen more than Bowles to retain him – if an assistant is worth more than the HC, you have the wrong guy as HC. The organization blew this the moment they decided to retain a mediocre Todd Bowles who can’t lead a team to 12 wins or a deep playoff run instead of promoting the best offensive coordinator in franchise history. He was never going to stay as an assistant when head coaching opportunities were available to him The Glazers and Licht screwed the pooch here, plain and simple.

  61. Escobar Says:


    Facts, fan base including Joe is delusional

  62. Baker Bowl Says:

    @Melvin @Escobar (Pablo?)

    No one is upset because of him taking the job and money. Doing it by being disingenuous and slimy are the talking points.

  63. Bucswin! Says:

    Now we have to worry about Corn raiding our defensive staff since he has the inside scoop. It’s a BUCS life. Go Bowles!

  64. Bucswin! Says:

    Hire Suh!

  65. WNCBucsFan Says:

    Just a simple “Hey boss, I got a better offer, I’m out of here” call would have worked. Slithering around behind the scenes, not so much. Good riddance and good luck to Coen. He’ll need it.

  66. ChattBucsFan Says:

    Really dumb move considering they’ll be firing Bowles at end of next season. Should have just handed the keys to Coen.

  67. Couch Fan Says:

    I’m a big fan of Licht. I think he has been a very GM. But him not recognizing a bad coach when he sees one or at least not saying anything to the Glazers is making me rethink if he’s as good as I thought he was.

  68. Day 1-76 Says:

    They could have avoided all of this by firing Bowles. Now we will probably have to suffer a losing season because they prolonged the obvious and lost a possibly great HC prospect.

  69. MelvinJunior Says:

    You are absolutely NOT losing the locker room, Coburn. These are PROFESSIONALS… MEvans. CGodwin. Wirfs. LDavid. WinfieldJR. Vea. And, BAKE. They ALL seemed to love him and had a FUN time playing in HIS system, & etc. There is NO “losing” the locker room. Bowles is already on a ‘year to year’ contract… A very average ‘middle of the road’ (archaic ‘defensive-minded’) 62-YEAR OLD HC with only just a year or two left on his contract, with a CHEAP buyout. 💯 NO. BRAINER.

  70. Trey J Alderson-Cloutier Says:

    Couch, same thing happened with Lovie Smith. Remember the Glazers had to FORCE Licht to get rid of Lovie, because they were good friends. Licht needs to put his friendships aside and realize he needs to do what’s best for the good of the team.

  71. MelvinJunior Says:

    “Sounds like you didn’t read what Joe actually wrote here. –Joe” HAHA JOE… I did read it! It wasn’t directed towards you, Joe. I was responding to a couple of others on here, & didn’t include the name(s). I assumed by my other comments, that you would’ve already known that I agreed with YOU on this.

  72. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Let me go all Joe Friday of Dragnet fame. Whew talk about a DATED reference!

    “Just the facts mam, Just the facts”.

    Lovie Smith as a Buc coach 8-24 .250 Todd Bowles 27-24 .529
    Chucky 57-59 .509 * SB winner!

    12 Buc coaches not counting McKay who had to father an expansion team with Hugh Culverhouse signing the check…
    4 of 12 winners the rest LOSERS.

    Nobody can predict the future! But I think it’s accurate to say that the two most important spots on the field HC and QB have shown enough promise to have EARNED a shot to try and continue their improvement. They may come up short but they have shown enough potential given their situations to continue.

    This time next year if they haven’t produced then they’ll get run. What I dont understand is why people want to run them BEFORE they actually fail. the end of the day they don’t ask HOW? They ask HOW MANY?

  73. Pickgrin Says:

    The Glazers negotiated with Coen in good faith.

    Liam did not concern himself with such niceties.

    In the Glazer’s world – a man’s word regarding a business agreement is as strong as an oak tree

    They didn’t realize they were dealing with an individual whose ‘word’ is about as solid as a dandelion seed puff

    Telling Coen to “go ahead and take the first Jax interview because it would be good experience” for him – when they already had an agreement – but nothing signed – was the mistake. I see why they did it – they trusted Liam and they were trying to help him be prepared for future opportunities with that experience – but it all backfired….

    Should have hard closed his azz I guess – gotten him to sign a deal while still in the building that left no wiggle room for him to bolt in 2025 once they met the $5M demand or whatever it was and had an “agreement” Coen would stay in Tampa Bay this year.

    Put down that Coffee Bucs – COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS! LOL

  74. MelvinJunior Says:

    No, “Baker Bowl.” There have been several on here, who have mentioned this “gentleman’s-handshake-given word” agreement for highest paid OC. When, there is no such thing… Especially in this (NFL) world. Though, I do agree that how HE decided to do it (with his sick KID at the hospital) was just HORRENDOUS. I definitely, was only speaking to just them – not everyone.

  75. Hodad Says:

    In the end the Bucs couldn’t give Coen what Khan was offering. Coen picks everything now, G.M., coaching hires, everything. We have a G.M., and owners who aren’t desperate S bags, like Khan. Coen has more power then a first year O.C. should ever get, and at 39 years old. Glazers just couldn’t give him the sky, moon, and stars above. Khan had no choice.

  76. MelvinJunior Says:

    “BucsWin” – Haha SUH. Good One. I was going to use that one just the other day… It’d been awhile. I think he’d gotten replaced with “REDDICK’ last offseason, tho LoL.

  77. westernbuc Says:

    Agree with everything except he’s not a snake.

    This could’ve been resolved in December. It wasn’t. Now suits with the Bucs are trying to throw him under the bus for their complete failure.

    Not surprising. Last season it took Chris Godwin’s wife to get her husband involved in the offense.

  78. Truth be Told Says:

    JOE, you were forgetting ego here no matter what the Bucs did he was not gonna be a head coach -taking the jags job makes him a head coach

  79. Bucks 'n' Bucs Says:

    Didn’t Coen do the same thing to Kentucky when he came here. I know UK fans hate him.

  80. Jay Buc Says:

    The Glazers are the most hated owners in England where they took the premiere franchise in footy and turned them into a mediocre team.

  81. Ugotrobbed Says:

    @ Bucks’N’Bucs YEP!! It’s all about the Coen! Good riddance!

  82. crasey Says:

    You can’t keep somebody who wants to be somewhere else. Khan and Coen deserve each other. Let’s see what things look like a year from now…

  83. It'd brutal out here Says:

    Bowles defense sucks. Liam could be thinking he would have had a chance at a Super Bowl if not for the idiot dropping d-lineman into pass coverage, making them the worst cornerbacks on the field, over and over again. As if he’s going to catch someone by surprise doing it. Todd is old. His in-game decision making remains dreadful, no progress since he was s— canned by the Jets. Licht should have taken Bowles aside and told him he was going to be co-HC with Coen next year and adios the year after. That way Coen gets to gradually learn those other aspects of the HC role and has a smooth transition the following year. That makes sense – UNLESS he was unwilling to be dragged down by Bowles’ dreadful defense and piss poor decision making during games. Argh!!! We had a good thing going but the Glazers and Licht were outplayed. We may never recover the momentum we had (on offense, our defense was offensive). JL&GZ BLEW IT!!!!!

  84. Mike Johnson Says:

    I’m LMAO right now because this is how and what the world is now. Nothing is as it appears to be. Why would I stay with the Bucs when I can go to Jags country and make 4 times the salary of Todd Bowles? There is no such animal as allegiance anymore people. The new allegiance is..SHOW ME THE MONEY. Jags owner made Coen an offer he could not refuse. Coen is no fool. He knows, if even he is fired in 2 yrs, He has set his family up for life with his salary. Nowadays? Its every man for himself baby. Congrats to Coen. I would have done the same deeyham thing.

  85. Tucker Says:

    Relax bucs are not the only team that loses an OC it happens after the end of every season geeze. Coen wasn’t the second coming for Christ bucs will find another and they have talent on the roster they will be fine.

  86. Eckwood Says:

    Shocks shokka shokka Khan !! Let’s Rock it Shokka Khan !!
    Undoubtably Bo Jackson is listening to that song right now !!

  87. Bobby Says:

    Glazers should have done this in December 2024. There is no excuse, if we have a lesser season this coming it’s on Glazers and Bucs management to have done everything possible to retain Cohen before he gets to interview with any teams. Extremely upset about all those. Bad management decisions by the Bucs franchise. This one WILL hurt for years to come.

    Hey cool idea though!?? How about Jon Gruden for Bucs OC in 2025 to replace Cohen???

  88. Bobby Says:

    Jon Gruden as Bucs OC in 2025 to replace Cohen!????

  89. ToesOnTheLine!!! Says:

    What more would you have had the Glazers do?
    Joe has made this so clear. If the Glazers demanded that a Christmas deadline be met for Coen to receive a one-time bonus to not interview with another team this hiring cycle (or he’d have to return the money with a penalty), they very likely could have gotten Coen to sign off on it and accept a gigantic wire transfer. Then, the Bucs could have made it very public with a news conference to really dig Coen deep into his decision before interviews even opened for head coach jobs. You know, take him out of the national mediao coaching chatter and set him up to look like a disloyal clown if he thought about breaking the agreement later. You don’t think the Glazers could have pulled that off? You think Coen would have turned down, say, a $7 million check for the holidays? Joe doesn’t.–Joe
    They offered Cohen a substantial pay raise for doing the same job. Should they have fired Bowles (three consecutive playoff appearances including a post season win all during salary cap hell as well as helping land a franchise QB) and promoted Cohen (unproven beyond one great year as our OC)? I mean I am in the camp that is skeptical that Bowles can get us another Lombardi trophy, but imagine the optic had the Glazers made that move? We’d be having to listen to fans/media idiots like Stephen A. Smith cry 24/7 about black coaches not getting a fair shake in the NFL. I still remember him crying about Lovie Smith getting bounced as the HC here in Tampa (after doing an crappy job) and then griping about Lovie getting canned again after a crappy job with the Texans more recently? Time will tell if it was the right decision or not, but I can’t really fault the Glazers in this particular instance.

  90. Kno One Says:

    If coen would have left with honor- there’d be no negative vibrations echoing thru all of Tampa! Last year,though I liked Canales, he didn’t act shameful by tainting his choice to move on. I had no ill will towards his departure to Carolina. Was actually happy for him..but coen,tried to sneak around and play his little reindeer games. Now im sure most of Tampa will be rooting against Jacksonville. I don’t even want him back anymore. There’s plenty of up and coming college OC’s ( Oregon, Notre Dam,Ohio St, Miami and many more) or even NFL ( Ravens, Bills and I honestly like Washington-Kliff Kingsbury,, who’s worked with several great QB’s like manziel,mahomes,Daniel’s, And even Baker. Check out his history of getting QB’s to excel in his system

  91. gotbbucs Says:

    This pissing and moaning won’t help this organization in the hiring of another OC. What potential future coaching hire wants to have theirs and their families name drug through the mud the second they take a better job for themselves?
    This is some serious spoiled teenage relationship crap. Take the L and move on.

    Coen wanted to be a head coach. We could have made him one, and based on the performance of our 1st half defense in every single game, Bowles didn’t have a very strong leg to stand on to argue about getting let go.

    Coens offense was top 5 in the league with a rookie center, rookie RB, rookie #2 WR for most of the season, and a hobbled Mike Evans for a 3rd of the season.
    Bowles defense was bottom 5 with only one rookie playing any significant time at slot corner. Everyone else had been in the system for at least a full season previously. Seven interceptions in sixteen games from a blitz happy defensive system is an absolute joke.

  92. Kno One Says:

    Bush Hamdan, Mike Denbrock, Will Stien,Shannon Dawson..find someone willing to blend their philosophy/style with some of what the bucs are already familiar with..atleast a couple plays in each formation- for situational football/ that way they’re not trying some new trick play- that seems to also trick themselves.. like self inflicted turnovers during a game winning drive.. due to players being forced to think about executing a play they aren’t used to running. The end around was a bad call, its high risk/due to the exact timing it takes to pull it off..we need them locked in mentally,not trying to remember details and forgetting the snap count.Bowles needs to re-commit to being a successful defense coordinator instead of – lackluster Head coach

  93. Fred Says:

    Bring Chuckie back!!!!!!!

  94. Gipper Says:

    Here is next Bucs OC : Alex VanPelt. Write that name down and remember where you heard it first.

  95. Suggiefresh Says:

    I feel no remorse for losing a “greedy snake”. How many times has it been reported that so many of our core talents have not looked at the most dollars and signed contracts with the Bucs instead of stepping out looking for that largest contract. We’ve seen the money grabbers leave like Kwon Alexander, Alex Cappa, et al leave not succeed elsewhere. While winning a Superbowl is the ultimate prize, being proud of your team and not having the National Media constantly reporting about lockeroom intrigue and drama.

  96. Rob Says:

    If you think the OC would ever be paid more than the HC you’re a clown. It never has happened and never will happen. They should have moved Todd Bowles to the front office the way they transitioned BA and made Coen the HC.

  97. Durango 95 Says:

    The Glazers messed up by choosing the wrong guy to HC this team going forward. The rest of this would never have happened and fans would never have to sit through another season of a HC that has hit his ceiling. I suspect they were listening to JL. Not sure this type of thing is JL strength.

  98. Pete timchal Says:

    BRADY threw all the passes and took all the hits but Bill never did squat with out Tom running the offense. Never seen a coach shake a tackle or use a stiff arm. So we have the wepons just need so.eone to call the plays.