Still Time To Cut Liam Coen A Check
January 22nd, 2025
Team Glazer isn’t powerless.
When it comes to paying NFL coaches and front office people, anything goes.
There’s no salary cap or public reporting of contracts.
And that brings Joe to the angst of the day. Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen is heading to Jacksonville for a second interview for the Jaguars’ head coaching gig. The Jags have two other candidates set for second interviews later in the week.
Team Glazer, the Bucs’ ownership group, still has a little time to figure out Coen’s price to stay with the Bucs as their playcaller in 2025.
Every thinking Bucs fan wants Coen to stay. Joe also thinks it’s safe to say Coen has a price that would lead him to hit the pause button and pass on a Jaguars offer.
No, Joe does not care what that one-time payment might cost Team Glazer. Insert your own hypothetical number — $8 million, $10 million, $15 million, $20 million?
If cash is tight, raise beer prices. Fire the edge rusher coach and sue him for damages. Furlough the punter scout. Heck, charge the media for the gameday buffet (other local teams do).
The fiscal sanity or insanity of paying off Coen is not Joe’s concern.
Victories are Joe’s concern.
Joe continually hears how Team Glazer will take any step necessary to win.
It’s time for them to live by that motto even if it hurts. Perhaps they already are.
Ira Kaufman Talks Liam Coen-Todd Bowles Dynamics, Touches On Draft Approach, Engages In Edge Rusher Fireworks, And Much More
January 22nd, 2025 at 5:52 am
Joe, team Glazer isn’t powerless. No Joe, they’re clueless. At least it appears that way. If I was running the show, there wouldn’t have been a first interview with Coen. Glazers should’ve replaced Bowles with Coen by now already. It’s painfully obvious Coen is the bright future, Bowles is the past. Bowles has been coaching in Tampa with the same defense for five years now. This past year his defense is ranked 31st in the league. Any teams DC would be fired by now with those numbers. Keep Bowles, and start the clock on another lost decade.
January 22nd, 2025 at 7:07 am
Sometimes it’s not the money at all. There’s only 32 head coaching jobs available in this league. Now, the Jags seem to be a less than ideal place to have to try and prove your mettle. So there’s always that. Is Trevor Lawrence really fixable? Is he worth such a cap limitation? Will management really support you? Some teams exist to ruin their hires and players careers. Sounds odd, but that’s how it comes out in the wash.
January 22nd, 2025 at 7:16 am
I gotta wonder if team Glazer was preparing for a Coen departure and they’re good with their contingency….maybe Chucky?
January 22nd, 2025 at 7:24 am
Not Chucky
January 22nd, 2025 at 7:29 am
We sometimes act like the Bucs exist in this vacuum where there are no other outside factors to the decisions we want them to make. That free agent we wanted didn’t sign with us because the team screwed up, not because there were a dozen other teams competing for him and he made a different choice. That trade we wanted didn’t happen because the front office are idiots, not because it actually takes a willing trade partner. We didn’t move up in the draft because the team sucks at drafting, not because no one wanted to move down. It’s entirely possibly we offered Coen the moon but that he wants to be a head coach somewhere else. Doesn’t mean we screwed up.
January 22nd, 2025 at 7:53 am
Move Bowles to the front office and promote Coen. It’s insane to think they even let him interview with Jacksonville. Trevor Lawrence just like Caleb Williams is a horrible quarterback. If Coen leaves for Jacksonville he will be fired in 2 seasons or less cause Lawrence sucks.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:04 am
Cash plus reasoning. You don’t have to uproot your family that’s just settled in. The Jaguar organization sucks. Tampa offers a better living environment than Jacksonville. The Bucs will have an even better season next year thereby elevating your asking price when you eventually leave. C’mon Liam. Do the right thing. Don’t leave until you have a chance to put a SB ring on your finger.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:10 am
Jason Licht…
Please don’t F this up.
There’s literally zero excuse.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:11 am
Heck, make them co-head-coaches.
Blaze a new trail.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:16 am
@Joe where’s the fan poll for Coen? It doesn’t even have to pit Coen vs Bowles. Just a simple: Do you want Coen to leave? Yes, No or I don’t care
Joe tries to post polls that Joe finds interesting. Joe already knows 90 percent of fans want Coen to stay. –Joe
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:32 am
Jags have had the worst record in the NFL since 2011 when Khan bought the team according to some stat geek who was pointing out the drawbacks of going to coach the Jags. Jacksonville is 69-159 since then and for comparison, the next worse team, Cleveland, has 77 wins. Jags are in a situation like the Bucs were back in the lost decade after Chuckie got launched, having to settle for C-list candidates at best. This kind of makes sense why the Jags are focusing on Coen, the Raider DC and Salah for second interviews instead of going after higher profile guys like Todd Monken or the Buffalo OC.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:48 am
Bucs should have fired Bowles after the game and offered Coen the job. Bucs never winning a SB with Todd Bowles at the helm.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:56 am
Jags already had a SB winning HC crash and burn there.
They do have $34mil in cap space.
I do not see Lawrence having the same impact in Coen O as Mayfield. One wonders what HC openings would be available in 2026. Bucs?
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:58 am
Buy out Bowles. Thank him for service. Hire Coen
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:04 am
“thinks it’s safe to say Coen has a price that would lead him to hit the pause button and pass on a Jaguars offer.”
Why would you say that? Safe to say? How do you know Coen’s ambitions versus his GREED! He’ll make MILLIONS regardless of his decision!!
Maybe he’s more concerned about his CAREER than $$$ He’s already estimated to be worth FIVE MILLION $$$$! He’s going to add to that pile whether he stays or goes.
Perhaps again it’s my age and life experience. I once turned down more money because the station I worked for gave me a ton of support and enabled my success.
So has Todd given Coen a ton of support. Has the franchise and most importantly Bucky, Baker and the boys given him tools to succeed?
It’ll be a tough decision for a fellow Irishman to make that’s for sure.
But I’d bet a dollar to a donut it won’t be about the freaking Benjamins.
I get guys who wish to create some kind of contractual deal to make LC the HC when Todd leaves. These two are reportedly close and perhaps Todd would be very cool with that. Give Todd a couple more seasons with Liam to try and get to the SB. Todd has had to cleanup the horrible mess left by SB salary cap hell and an over the hill QB who didn’t even wish to be on the Bucs his final season, who retired for 40 days, missed most of the preseason!
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:05 am
I do not like Jerry Jones but sometimes I wish the Glazers were more like Jones and less like buddhist monks with their vows of silence. I’d like to know what they’re thinking, and what their plans are.
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:18 am
Keep Cohen please let Bowles walk you can always get another DC Robert Salhes is still out there.
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:20 am
Todd makes $3 million a year, top coaches (Andy Reid) make as much as $20 million. Liam would probably get $4 million or so as head coach….we could pay him $5 million to stay right where he as and STILL be way under league average
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:21 am
Mike McCarthy was 43-25 as a Cowboys HC. And he got fired.
Had they not lost their QB1 I bet their record this season is a lot different.
Bowles will never have a record like that. He’s a sub 500 HC in his total career.
Not sure what the Glazers boys are waiting for. Coen changed the offense into a powerhouse.
Bowles defense was the only thing keeping the team from success when it mattered most.
28-27 Fire Bowles now!
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:39 am
Jason and the Glazers knew this was a possibility a while ago and have planned accordingly. Should be interesting but I sure do hope he stays.
January 22nd, 2025 at 10:06 am
I’m hearing this morning through family members that Liam is staying with the Bucs!
January 22nd, 2025 at 10:18 am
It really does seem extremely obvious the Bucs need to keep Coen by promoting him to head coach. This should not be a difficult decision.
January 22nd, 2025 at 10:19 am
Buccaneers offensive coordinator Liam Coen is taking himself out of the running for the Jaguars’ head coaching job to stay in Tampa on a new contract that now will place him amongst the highest-paid coordinators in the NFL, per sources. Bucs are keeping their OC.
thank you football, Jesus!
January 22nd, 2025 at 10:53 am
When the Jags first started playing in the NFL, they were a decent team with decent ownership (unlike the Bucs ‘cept for the 1979 season). What happened? I’ve read that Trevor Lawrence was supposed to be a decent QB with a lot of potential. Time will tell.
January 22nd, 2025 at 11:05 am
“OK, no more free media gameday buffet.
From now on, Ira needs to pay his fair share.” -Donald J. Rump
January 22nd, 2025 at 11:44 am
Joes, this is some of your best work!
“ Fire the edge rusher coach and sue him for damages. Furlough the punter scout.”
January 22nd, 2025 at 12:30 pm
This aged too well