Josh Grizzard And Jeff Jagodzinski

January 29th, 2025

Bucs offensive assistant coach Josh Grizzard.

So once upon a time in 2009, when the Bucs were enduring excruciating growing pains, the team hired an offensive coordinator to call plays — except he literally couldn’t do it.

Despite a strong resume, he was booted from the job during preseason, presumably for fraud and incompetance.

Joe’s referring to Jeff Jagodzinski, who before landing in Tampa was the Boston College head coach and Packers tight ends coach and offensive coordinator.

It was a mind-blowing situation.

Jagodzinski needed help spitting out plays and was relying on subordinates to get him through preseason games. And Jagodzinski was no ancient politician clinging to office, he was 45 years old.

Joe shares that dark piece of Bucs history as the team now interviews offensive coordinators who have never called plays. A candidate in that situation might be just fine, or maybe he’ll freeze or choke when the playclock turns on.

Today, the Bucs intervewed in-house candidate Josh Grizzard, 34, for their vacant OC gig. He hasn’t been a playcaller but has been considered an offensive guru during his assistant coaching stops with the Dolphins and Bucs after graduating from Yale, where he largely was a junior varsity football player.

Grizzard was lauded by departed Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen for his work developing third down packages and more.

Grizzard lasted in Miami through head coaching regimes of Adam Gase, Brian Flores and Josh McDaniel. That’s a difficult accomplishment. Clearly, he’s commanded respect.

But can Grizzard call plays and lead an entire offense? Joe can’t answer that.

Ira Kaufman Talks Coordinator Options, Front Office Changes, Liam Coen Wrapup, Fan Rage At Todd Bowels, Kacy Rodgers Theories, And More

67 Responses to “Josh Grizzard And Jeff Jagodzinski”

  1. adam from ny Says:

    maybe he can make the offense sizzle and grizzle

  2. adam from ny Says:

    please grizzle that burger a little more josh

  3. Bucsfan Says:

    Hiring from within would be great as the offense would not change substantially.

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    I remember the Jagodzinski fiasco. mind blowing. I love everything I’ve heard about Josh Grizzard. Hire him JL and keep the offensive continuity going!

  5. BuckyBuc Says:

    Glizzy Grizzard

  6. PSL Bob Says:

    They did a whole discussion on offensive play calling on the Sirius NFL channel a couple weeks ago. Really interesting. Bottom line, you either have it or you don’t. Some are great at drawing up plays on a whiteboard, but when it comes to selecting specific plays for specific downs and distances or defensive alignments, they choke. Coen was really good with his play calling. So even if the new OC runs the same system, he needs to be able to effectively call plays.

  7. AL121976 Says:

    I’d like him or that kid from LA but I trust Licht

  8. GoneGator Says:

    One of the more intriguing candidates IMO.

    One of his jobs with us, apparently, was to scour the league to find what worked from other teams that we could incorporate. Should be innovative in the pass game.

    Should be able to carry over the lingo from Mcvay tree which would be a big plus.

    With him we might see more 21 (pony personnel) based on his time in Miami.

    He’s been great coming up with 3rd down schemes/plays for us.

  9. El HEFE Says:

    Off topic it’s the year of the snakes and Coen popped out coincidence idk

  10. Eric Says:

    Couldn’t do worse then what Jeff tedford did

  11. Simeon4HOF Says:

    LVD just posted a perhaps somber Bucs pic on his IG story.
    Hope so much our HOF Leader comes back next year

  12. Pahpahmike Says:

    Of all the OC candidates to date, I still like N Scheelhaas. He seems to have the best resume and has, call plays for a few years. however, I think Bowles and Licht will make a good choice

  13. Pahpahmike Says:

    The Bucs have done this the last 2 years, I’ll clarify. They bring in all these candidates and many don’t have good resumes and have never called play at any level. Question for you Joe, what’s up here. Is this the Bucs just turning over every stone or?????

  14. FilthyAnimal Says:

    Well, let’s be honest… Raheem didn’t know what the hell he was doing on that first go.

  15. Pewter Pirate Says:

    Joe: The Jagodzinski hire was different on so many levels. Of course it was. But that wasn’t the point. –Joe
    Right before going to Tampa he was at Boston College. He was never on the Bucs staff. The Bucs had no idea who Jagodzinski was outside of the interview and research. Josh Grizzard has been with Tampa now and they know who he is and what is his capable of. Grizzard is currently on the staff and that is a big difference. The better example for Grizzard would be Canales who also never called an NFL game as an OC. Even that is not a good example as like with Jazodzinski there was a bit of a dice roll with Canales who never called plays as an OC.

  16. Nate Says:

    Notice how great coaches around the league don’t want to jump on the Buccaneer wagon! Buccs are about to decline. Everyone knows it. We need some real
    Superstar draft prospects this next draft, and this next draft better get exciting. If the coaching isn’t there, then give us some new fun talent to cheer for in a rebuilding season of coaching and upper management.

  17. GenocideD Says:

    Fo grizzle my nizzle.

  18. Pewter Power Says:

    Jeff Jagodzinski One of those genius Mark Dominick hires for first time coach. How did Raheem win 10 games with that incompetent GM

    Wonder what Bowles could have done with Gaines Adams, stylz g white jimmy wilkerson, Barrett Rudd and sabby pisctelli

  19. Davenport Says:

    Just watched a bunch of Coen videos coming out of Jacksonville.

    Wow. Now I get it. This guy is a weaker version of Mike McDaniel. So soft with zero ability to command a room.

    He makes Bowles look like Bill Parcells

  20. Crickett Baker Says:

    Hefe, we could easily have called him a weasel.

  21. Pewter Pirate Says:

    Joe thanks for clarifying, I see the point you were making

  22. Cobraboy Says:

    Grizzard is the pride of Lizard Lick, so he has that going for him…

  23. Kenton Smith Says:

    Nate you say everyone knows it. I might add that you are wrong.

  24. BucsMinisterFuller Says:

    Who was the guy Lovie hired that never showed up?
    Maybe he is still available.
    Jeff Tedford… he showed up but became seriously ill in preseason.–Joe

  25. EEK Says:

    nice to see there are some quality sounding candidates

    this is a make or break hire for Bowles

  26. Fred McNeil Says:

    I don’t remember jagoffzinski whatsoever, but the name itself rings a disembodied bell. I guess that even if the man didn’t deserve a memory spot, the name itself left a stain.

  27. StAugBuc Says:

    Who’s Jeff Tepper? Think you meant Tedford

  28. Pahpahmike Says:

    Joe, I am hearing Grizzard and Caley are the top 2 candidates. Does this have any weight to it or pure speculation. Has any other Bucs fan heard this ( speculation )

  29. Zoocomics Says:

    JBF…unless you were making a pun on his last name, the coach was Jeff Tedford who Lovie hired to be our OC that never ended up showing up. I believe he was Aaron Rodgers Coach at UCLA.

  30. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mayfield will make our new guy look like a genius
    . He’s done it with the last 2.
    Wonder when Mayfiled starts getting credit as the “Head Coach Creator”

  31. FilthyAnimal Says:

    BucsMinisterFuller Says:
    January 29th, 2025 at 3:51 pm

    Who was the guy Lovie hired that never showed up?
    Maybe he is still available.

    Is that a joke? Dude was old when Lovie hired him 10 years ago and was sidelined with heart problems… Wow. I’m going to assume this was a joke.

    Jeff Tepper … he showed up but became seriously ill in preseason.–Joe


  32. infomeplease Says:

    He sounds like a very good option. He could just tweak the playbook and use same terminology, basically using the system! He gets my vote! Which by the way means absolutely nothing!!

  33. Badbucs Says:

    Aaron was at Cal I thought

  34. Buddha Says:

    I remember Jago….what a mess!!! Messed up the whole season.

  35. Marky mark Says:

    Go with the la ram guy who called plays at Iowa state

  36. Hodad Says:

    Totally different situation, has zero to do with Grizzard or anyone else we’ve interviewed.

  37. Creamsicle Says:

    This guy was in charge of our third down plays and packages per Liam coen. We converted 51% of those third downs. Not the mention he’s familiar with the playbook, players and terminology. I wouldn’t compare him to a guy who couldn’t make it through the preseason before getting canned. He seems like a solid candidate and has just as good a resume than anyone else abailable

  38. BillyBucco Says:

    I would go internal unless Scheelhaase is willing to use the same terminology.
    Baker deserves a year where he can simply focus on getting better at the plays we have and build timing and chemistry.

    Plus year 2 for Barton, Smith, McMillan and Irving.
    Saw a mock from Bucky Brooks that has us taking Egbuka.
    That would be exciting to me.

  39. FilthyAnimal Says:

    I’m seeing things that may indicate that Nate Caley might be the front runner… The Joe has already groaned because he’s been a TE coach on boring offenses.

    Try the Googles and you’ll find that he’s actually an in-demand candidate, a legit rising star… and if you look at his background he sounds like the kind of guy the front office might look at as an eventual HC type, Bowles replacement-in-waiting.

    Don’t dismiss it.

  40. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Jago…like Gordon Jago? I thought he was the coach of the Rowdies.

  41. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Lots of pressure for this job, you dont want to be the OC who creates a dud of an offense after 2 years that both lead to NFL head coaches

  42. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Im not complete sold on Scheelhaase, too young, needs a few more years with the Rams… cant be a NFL OC and look like your in high school.

  43. Beeej Says:

    I like this guy above any others I’ve seen yet

  44. Spencer Warren Says:

    Simple Ask Baker, Mike E, Tristan and Bucky like as OC? I think its Jeff Grizzard! They are the ones that have to be on board so promote him

  45. Pahpahmike Says:

    I think Scheelhaase did run the same offense with the Rams last season as Coen run with the Bucs. That’s one of the reasons the Bucs interviewed him. Also , he is young but, I think has called play for at least 2 years lat the college level not the NFL

  46. David Says:

    All that sounds impressive. Especially his hand in the third downs since they were either first or second best in the NFL in that regard.

    I really don’t know any of these guys but this guy being in house and being in Miami when they’re off was rolling or both good things. I also really like the fact that a lot of the offense might stay the same, or at least not very too much.

    Whoever they settle on, if the offense is rolling midway through the season, they need to lock him up for a couple years. Findsome stability.

  47. Irish Laughter Says:

    Respect means everything. It’s easy to be tough when you have a body guard in front of you. When your exposed on your own, that where it counts. Time will tell. Everyone has to start somewhere, why not Scheelhaase. Oh yeah, what the hell is going on when you have four or five OC’s in the past four years. Something is drastically wrong in there. Just it keeping it real in Ireland.

  48. toopanca Says:

    Joe, you are just a bright little ray of sunshine!

  49. Shake&Baker Says:

    F1lthyAnimal – not sure if you have a GED but if you do maybe you can register for a class at HCC on sarcasm! Jesus! SMGDH!

  50. Rod Munch Says:

    Anyone that has played Madden has already faced the pressure of needing to select a play as the clock was counting down – and someone who is 34 has likely been playing Madden their entire life and is already battle tested.

  51. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Assistants never call plays…so if they don’t get promoted they never will. Therefore, you really don’t know how they will be at it.

    That said, I think we can look at a body of work. Have they only worked with QBs? What about OL, TEs and RBs?

    If they’ve worked with all of them, I would assume they have a greater chance of success.

    But for every OC that has called plays…at some point someone took a chance on promoting them.

    So this is a moot point.

  52. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Bucsfan Says
    “Hiring from within would be great as the offense would not change substantially.”

    That might be true at first…but a newly promoted OC is going to add his own twists. And that means experimenting.

  53. SB~LV Says:

    In house is a plus and a great way to evaluate incase a “ retirement “ comes up in a year or two

  54. HC Grover Says:

    They will fix what aint broke.

  55. Outrigger Says:

    I would prefer Scheelhaus because he called plays for Iowa State. The Jaguars and that snake Coen interviewed him today for their OC position so if the Bucs want him they better get off their asses and hire him.

  56. Yar Says:

    If he has played Madden that much, we should make him HC and GM and give him a share of the team. He definitely has the background and is Madden ready.

    LMFAO, Madden, really?

  57. Jimmy Says:

    So the Bucs might hire an Adam Gase flunkie to run the offense. Sweet.

  58. Stanglassman Says:

    Remember Offensive Coordinator Jeff Tedford. The guy who quit right before the regular season because of ‘health’ issues. Then took another coaching job right away. What really happened there?

  59. Rod Munch Says:

    Stanglassman – From what I read, he didn’t quit, he had heart surgery. Not sure why the info was held back, but I remember it the same as you at the time, as it being secretive for no apparent reason.

    He says he was ready to come back with about 5 games left in the season in 2014, and Lovie said it would be disruptive to do so at that point in the season (likely because the Bucs were tanking and trying to get the #1 pick).

    Anywho, Lovie got Dirk to come in for 2015, which was the right pick for the time, as the Bucs the following year had the number 5 offense when it came to yardage, the best in team history at the time.

  60. Rod Munch Says:

    Yar Says:
    January 29th, 2025 at 8:53 pm
    If he has played Madden that much, we should make him HC and GM and give him a share of the team. He definitely has the background and is Madden ready.

    LMFAO, Madden, really?


    Have you never played Madden before? The clock counting down quickly as you’re going through hundreds of plays trying to find the right call? You got to have nerves of steel to pull that off.

  61. Dave B Says:

    IF we don’t take him, RAISE HIM before Lord Volde-Coen steals him

  62. garro Says:

    Spot on as usuall Sage!

    Some of the details of what happened with Jagozinski are truly mind boggling! Talk about a less than honorble dude! He and Coen are two dudes we should never have trusted.

    Go Bucs!

  63. garro Says:

    Oops Sorry Joe!
    Not sure why I thought Ira wrote this one….

    Go Bucs!

  64. Darren c Says:

    I want some fire, give a humbled gruden a chance to be in the mix. He already getting paid by the raiders.

  65. Joe Says:

    I want some fire, give a humbled gruden a chance to be in the mix. He already getting paid by the raiders.

    He’s living in the past. Watch his Barstool videos. He hates modern offensive football. That was one of his hangups at Las Vegas. Game has passed Chucky by.

  66. Darin Says:

    Joe can’t answer it because nobody can. 2009 were you even a Bucs fan yet then??

  67. Tautology Says:

    He’s never been a play-callee before? The single biggest success factor of being a good play caller is EXPERIENCE! Anyone can design and execute a great offensive play, but it is knowing when to call it against what defensive alignment and personnel that is important!

    Good grief, I don’t care if his IQ is 250, if he’s got no experience it is not worth the risk, full stop.