Is This The Year For A Veteran Bucs Backup QB?

January 30th, 2025

“Don’t take Liam’s calls, Kyle.”

Yes, popular Bucs backup quarterback Kyle Trask is a pending free agent.

And considering he was “this close” to beating out Pro Bowler Baker Mayfield for the 2023 starting job, Joe suspects there will be significant demand for Trask’s services.

Yeah, Joe’s being sarcastic. Nobody knows if Trask is any good or not. He turns 27 soon and hasn’t started a game.

Over at One Buc Palace, when they’re not overwhelmed by hate of El Serpiente, departed playcaller Liam Coen, officials believe 2025 is a win-now, win-big year. Joe’s not sure it’s an all-in mentality like it was in 2021, but it might be close.

So that has Joe wondering if the Bucs will look to a veteran backup quarterback to pair with Mayfield, a guy who has won games and reasonably could be expected to be a quality Band-Aid if Mayfield got injured.

The free agent crop of quarterbacks is large this season.

Joe could see the Bucs sniffing a Taylor Heinicke or Andy Dalton or Jimmy Garoppolo, who spent last season learning Sean McVay’s offense for only $3.2 million.

Buccaneers GM Jason Licht had dabbled in this area previously when he signed Ryan Fitzpatrick before the 2017 season.

Joe gets the cliché, “If you lose your starter, you’re cooked regardless.” But Joe also understands how valuable a seasoned backup can be (see the 2019 Saints or 2023 Browns).

As for Heinicke, he reminds Joe of Mayfield a little. And it has say something that Jim Harbaugh traded a draft pick for him in August.

For those wondering, no, Joe is not lobbying for the return of America’s Turnover Machine, Mr. Entertainment, Jameis Winston, though that would be great fun.

66 Responses to “Is This The Year For A Veteran Bucs Backup QB?”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Just keeps looking worse for this year.

  2. gofortheface30 Says:

    4500 yards, 41/16, 70% comp. You can count on one hand the number of quarterbacks that have done that since this league has existed, but you have some people on here with 99% neanderthal DNA that wants Trask to start. Oh HELL YEAH BROTHER, Trask would’ve had 6 thousand yards, 80% comp ZERO INT’s and 70 touchdowns. Reminds me of Tebow fans that has John Elway living in their head rent free because he had the audacity to go get f’ing greatest reg season quarterback of all time. An upgrade the size of a galaxy. The delusion of some people is nothing short of breathtaking. Impressive really

  3. BuckyBuc Says:

    Jimmy G for the low is not bad

  4. Fred McNeil Says:

    We fans don’t know if Trask is any good or not, but the coaches probably do. I guess it means we have been extraordinarily lucky on the QB injury front. I saw Garappolo’s name mentioned. I don’t see the point of having a fragile backup.

  5. heyjude Says:

    Thinking too, Trask will move on this season and we will sign someone else as back-up.

    Not Jameis. Thank you for the laugh!

  6. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Pass. Just keep Trask if he wants to stay.

  7. Bee Says:

    Doesn’t really matter who the backup is since Baker is pretty durable. Also if Baker is injured they’ll put him right back on the field anyway so it doesn’t really matter imo

  8. Kenton Smith Says:

    I don’t know why we’d keep him if he didn’t give us a chance to win. He’s been part of this team for 4 or 5 years, knows the players and the playbook, and seems to be well liked. I don’t think he’s hellbent to be a starter somewhere else so if we can sign him we should. He might be as good of an option as anyone. I think the team would rally behind him in a pinch because that’s what good teams do.

  9. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    They can resign Trask at the veteran minimum if they want to. That’s all anyone would offer him…maybe. Most likely he’ll be the head coach at his old high school in a year or two.

  10. BuckyBuc Says:

    backup QB is a dream position, you get paid great and never have to worry about anything lol

  11. The Truth be Told Says:

    Nothing wrong with a quality backup QB that has actually played before. But about that Pass Defense…

  12. Marine Buc Says:

    Michael Pratt might have something to say about this…

  13. Maggs Says:

    Just bring back Trask. No need to overthink this. They have been comfortable with him being the backup for last few years. He hasn’t done anything to make one concerned. And like Kenton said he’s well liked and works hard. This is so far down the priority list. He’s been here 5 years and never really had to play. Defense needs Starters not to mention depth for the fragile secondary we have.

  14. Couch Fan Says:

    Here we go with the Baker Fan boys pretending we cant do any better than Mr. Choke Artist. Almost as pathetic as The ReTodd Cult who also think we cant do any better than Mr. Mediocre. What a pair the two make.

  15. JimBobBuc Says:

    Maybe Thad and Tom Moore can develop Michael Pratt from QB3 to QB2. I vote to save the money for defensive FA pickups.

  16. Iron Wombat Says:

    There is no reason to pay Trask. I’d bring in a cheap vet just incase, but Baker is going to be the guy for the next decade.

  17. Tbbucs3 Says:

    At some point, the Bucs have to make a decision To move on from Kyle Trask, Ryan Griffin 2.0, Collecting checks for doing absolutely nothing

  18. Tbbucs3 Says:

    I do miss Kyle Trask Mob looking like fools around here, Boy were they wrong….Maybe they’ll have one last wind but as of right now, they are a sad defunct organization.

  19. Couch Fan Says:

    Yea because back ups are suppose to play all the time. LMAO. The people who pretend to be the smartest sure do say the dumbest things. I’m sure the next back up wont collect a check for doing nothing. LMAO

  20. Becky Says:

    Couch fan, the stats prove we can’t do any better than Baker Mayfield. If you hate the guy(Baker) that kept us in the running with his stellar play all season, then I question if you are actually even a Bucs fan. Quit your whining or find an actual reason to bitch.

  21. Colonel Angus Says:

    I’d take Heinicke. He can make some plays with his legs.

  22. Adam’s Angry Says:

    There’s film on him.

    I noticed that when a DT dips and gets under his block, he likes to hook the DT and he gets nailed for holding.

    That will improve over time as he gets his technique square. But over all, he did a fine job. B for the season.

  23. Kenton Smith Says:

    Couch Fan- let’s be realistic here. Baker fan boys, Mr. Choke artist, ReTodd cult, Mr. Mediocre. Let’s just keep it real Couch Fan. Opinions are like a55.oles, everyone has one and they all stink. Only yours has such an overwhelming stench it’s caused me to leave the room.

  24. go dawgs Says:

    I really do miss all of the Trassholes that pounded their keyboards for this guy to be the starter. Gaytor fans are the worst!!

  25. View from 132 Says:

    Trask is a veteran. He’s been standing there for years. Ha!

  26. Pmike Says:

    Fire Tras!


  27. BucVoyager Says:

    Heinicke makes sense because he has a similar style to Baker. Move on from Trask.

  28. HC Grover Says:

    It will be interesting if Brady, Canales, or Coen tries to snap him off in free agency.

  29. Mobucs Says:

    Maybe Trask will be poached by the new Wizard of Dooooovaaale.

  30. SlyPirate Says:

    Bring in a Proven Vet: Andy Dalton
    Draft a QB: Dillon Gabriel (Round 5-6)

  31. Beeej Says:

    I’m interested if trask believes he can be a starter, if he resigns with the bucs, we’ll know he doesn’t believe in himself

  32. D Cone Says:

    Add a Veteran QB that can step it up in the playoffs like Lil B. Take a yearly 71% completion percentage and run it up to 83%. Couple that with a drop of 30% in yards vs his yearly average and you will have a pair of superstar one and done’s. Interchangeable.

  33. westernpennafan Says:

    Forget about broke down veteran free agent Qb s. they always fail at the critical moment guaranteed. Look at maybe a 3rd round rookie. That kid from Ohio State looks like a prospect to me

  34. BucVoyager Says:

    You either spend a draft pick on a QB that will need to come up to speed or you sign a free agent that can actually take over if Baker gets hurt. We need the draft to get new talent on defense. We have a lot of positions to fill and not a lot of draft picks to get it done.

  35. JustVisiting Says:

    I’d guess that the Bucs coaching staff has at least some idea whether Trask is any good. If they don’t cut him, he’s probably worth keeping around.

  36. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Trash fans are real sensitive

  37. BucaneroJim Says:

    Geees… Jimmy G 33 years old, Dalton 37 years old… maybe the Chiefs will send us back Blaine Gabbert 35 for Trask. Trask could be their Steve Young, if Mahomes go down.

  38. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Bring back Mr. Entertainment, but only if he could be interviewed after every game to provide his unique perspective on the game.

  39. Pewter Pirate Says:

    Any of those are fine except Jimmy G. If Baker goes down, we are guaranteed to have the 3rd string QB starting as Jimmy G with his usual injury history will be injured 2 quarters after Baker.

  40. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    It really is amazing we have gone through 5 years of qb play with one being in his upper 40’s and the other being a scrambler and we haven’t lost a start due to injury.

    I can’t remember the last time that happened. I know Fitz started for Jameis a lot, but don’t know if any were for injury or just suspension and benching.

  41. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Bring back Trask and have him get paid on commission.

  42. Doughboy Says:

    How about Bennett with Rams understudy of McVay. Former national champions Georgia Bulldogs?

  43. Statguy Says:

    Would Brady bring trash to raiders?

  44. Curse of Gruden Says:

    “Joe in Michigan Says:
    January 30th, 2025 at 2:51 pm
    Bring back Trask and have him get paid on commission.”

    Excellent! It’s a win-win.

  45. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Forgive my dirty mind…

    “though that would be great fun.”

    Yeah just imagine all the female Uber drivers lineing up at 3AM at the MONS!

    Apologies…couldn’t resist!

  46. WestCoastBucsFan Says:

    I don’t have strong feelings about this one way or the other, but my teen daughter would be thrilled to have Garrapolo on the Bucs. Right now she likes the Bucs because I do, but he’d be a reason of her own to cheer for the team. Lol

  47. Crac3rK Says:

    “America’s turnover machine“ now Joe that’s a nickname I can get behind!

  48. orlbucfan Says:

    If Trask gets a legit chance to go to another team or stay here as backup, he will make the right decision for himself and his family. He has never b1tched, nor embarrassed the team or himself. He deserves more credit for it. Both Methuselah12 and Feisty Baker were/are lucky to have him. Enough said!

  49. Aqualung Says:

    Yep. Neither Brady the GOAT nor Baker the Beast would’ve ever achieved their accomplishments with the Bucs without Kyle Trask.


  50. White Tiger Says:

    Trask gives us very little. Signing Jimmy G garners us some Sean McVay insight & Jimmy G becomes a player/coach.

    Works well because we’re losing Bakers QB coach.

    Good idea.

  51. BucsBucsBucs!! Says:

    Bring in Jimmy G. A ton of experience, plus knowledge of the Ram’s offnse.

  52. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “Trask gives us very little.”

    How do we know? He played in 4 games last season…1-1 for 5 yards. He was “perfect” 🙂 There is ONE undeniable thing he does give the Bucs!

    CONTINUITY. He and Baker have worked well together and Trask clearly knows the Bucs offense already. Like Baker, Trask has been with a different OC all three of his years. If Trask feels he’s gotta a better shot at getting his own “gig” somewhere else I have no ill will. As Orlbucfans says…

    ” He has never b1tched, nor embarrassed the team or himself. He deserves more credit for it.”

  53. BucsBucsBucs!! Says:

    Bring in Heinecke or Jimmy G.

  54. John Says:

    stpetebucsfan Damn, Mons is still there? Wow I couldn’t move for 2 days last time I was there

  55. ATLBuc Says:

    Why change backups. Pay Trask the veteran minimum. I think the Bucs believe in him. The last two seasons have ended in a Mayfield turnover. I’m not putting Mayfield down, he’s made some great plays. But a lot of the plays he’s scrambled on, and a lot that he didn’t, there were receivers running wide open. I definitely think we could win with Trask and coming from the Gators he won’t have that choke gene that Baker seems to display in the playoffs.

  56. adam from ny Says:

    heineken in some ways is a poor mans baker, or a poor mans minschew…

    scrappy too…like baker…might fit the bill next year…

    trask’s nonchalant demeanor might be a bad fit moving forward, in comparison to baker’s rah rah amped up style

  57. B Says:

    Another thing to consider is Baker sensitivity. Doesn’t like to look over his shoulder (not a knock, a lot of great QB’s didn’t). Nobody may know if he is any good in the league, but Trask is a known quantity here and may be just fine where he is.

  58. Trask To The Future Says:

    Trask will be resigned and remain the backup. They’ll continue to invest in his development. He already knows the offense and from all accounts has been a solid professional in the locker room.

    Trask, at only 27, could still be a potential future starter for the Bucs. Makes no sense for him to sign somewhere else or for the Bucs not to resign him on a reasonable deal that Trask will accept.

  59. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Trask to the Future

    Hey for once we agree! Just because one guy is balling out doesn’t mean the other can’t. Joe Montana didn’t mean Steve Young couldn’t play.

    OK apologies for hyperbolic comparisons but the principle is the same.

  60. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “I definitely think we could win with Trask and coming from the Gators he won’t have that choke gene that Baker seems to display in the playoffs”

    That’s cause he never had to worry about the playoffs with the Gators LOL!

  61. Marky mark Says:

    Kyle Trask Needs to do what Baker did. He needs to bet on himself. He needs tape to shop around to NFL teams. Kyle needs to play in the UFL or CFL. The former is preferred because it wraps up before training camp. The CFL as several escape windows.

  62. Marky mark Says:

    Talk about a choke gene. Look at Daniels. Not only did he throw a horrific interception in the end zone to seal DC9s crash loss to the Free Byrds but is too mentally distraught to make the pro bowl. Note I am mocking Rod boy who slams Baker who has as many playoff wins and more appearances as Daniels.

  63. Marky mark Says:

    Draft a late round QB such as the ones from Indiana, Texas, Ohio state or Notre Dame

  64. JD Still Says:

    Yup Baker is definitely the guy for you! Where else are you gonna get a QB who led the entire NFL in turnovers two years in a row and is still starting? LOL!

  65. Kenton Smith Says:

    JD you are baldfaced lying. He led the league in fumbles this year but only two were turnovers. 16 interceptions didn’t lead the league either. Last year he had 10 picks and 2 fumbles lost. Total yards, touchdowns against total turnovers he’s been on a superstar level the past 2 years. You may not like Baker but he’s not a lying bad..rd like you are.

  66. JK Says:

    Spit my coffee out laughing when I saw CouchFan accuse OTHERS of posting stupid sh**. From the OG Stupidio no less!!!
    All the haters who post here on a “fan” site……what a bunch of 🤡s you rod munchers are