Chucky Feelin’ Nicey Over Mike Evans

January 8th, 2025

Chuck has coined a new adjective. And Joe fully expects it to be included in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary soon.

Though Chucky didn’t use this term to describe Bucs icon receiver Mike Evans, he could have. Chucky uses the following word often in his Barstool Sports videos.


Chucky was over the top in praising Evans after he once again hit 1,000 yards receiving for the 11th straight season.

“I mean, that’s 11 straight seasons,” Chucky began. “THAT’S TIED WITH JERRY RICE!

“His teammates love him. His coaches love him. And I love him! Whoo!”

Chucky doesn’t do a “whoo” nearly as well as “The Nature Boy,” Ric Flair. But “A” for effort.

You can see Chucky talk about Evans at the 1:03 mark of the video below. (If the video isn’t working, click here.)

11 Responses to “Chucky Feelin’ Nicey Over Mike Evans”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Idk man, I appreciate Chucky, but I cannot take him seriously like this. Giving me Dan Campbell vibes (I have since changed my stance, but when he was first introduced the whole kneecap thing was cringe).

  2. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Mike Evans is a stud. So grateful the Bucs got him.
    Chucky said some things that ‘offended’ others. For that he got black listed out of football pretty much since.
    Back in the day, sticks and stones would break my bones, but names would never hurt me’.
    Not anymore. Somehow mis- spoken words are worse than what you do and did. Powerful community People get offended and all heck breaks loose now.
    So these are the signs of the times. Far from me to change that move.
    Like cryptocurrency or electronic tokens gaining traction. Like mlb, and nfl not accepting cash to get into their arenas during games. Then complain about week attendance. Really? Something’s I’ll never quite figure out. I do miss the old school way tho… I watched in dismay as chucky got thrown out. I hope one day they let him back in . Because his ‘crime didn’t fit the time’ in my book.

  3. heyjude Says:

    Is it me or does Gruden look more and more like the Chucky doll these days than ever before? Got a Halloween vibe. Glad he gave a shout-out to Mike and Baker the other day on a video posted on JBF too. Well deserved kudos for them both.

  4. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Jude, it’s not just you. The resemblance is scary… No pun intended

  5. heyjude Says:

    Leopold – Glad to know, it wasn’t only me. Agree with you about the Campbell vibe too.

  6. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Agree with both Jude and Leopold. The lighting, expression….

    The picture reminded me of our current coaching mess. (Just repeating what I read here).

    It got me to thinking about why so many here work overtime to find any negative impression they can to belie the fact that Bowles has achieved nothing and sucks.

    FIRST THE FACTS..Bucs 13 HC’s only FOUR of them with win % over .500…Chuckey and Bowles barely…BA over .600 and Dungy with a .563

    FOUR winning coaches. Two of them FIREBRANDS!!! Two them stoics stone faces. I’m going to beat somebody to the punch…yeah two black and two white and while I acknowledge racism exists I do not believe that’s the issue here.

    I think it gets down to PERSONALITY! And guess what? I get it!

    Todd and Tony are both BORING. BA and Chucky are entertaining.

    But I’m with legendary Al Davis. Just Win Baby! My PERSONAL favorite was BA! Not just because he won the most but he was entertaining. My least favorite is Gruden because he’s a little over the top for me.

    Having said that, I respect all four of these men and I genuinely appreciate what they brought to the franchise!!!

  7. firethecannons Says:

    He looks like he has not gotten sleep in days and the coffee pot is working overtime

  8. heyjude Says:

    Great take, stpetebucfan!

    firethecannons – that too!

  9. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Gruden is dangerously close to finishing his transition to a cartoon character.

    Physically and mentally.

  10. Crickett Baker Says:

    He counts on the resemblance. Look at his shirt in the picture.

  11. Fred McNeil Says:

    Chuckie does look like he belongs in a horror movie. LOL.