Anonymous NFL Suit Claims Liam Coen Had Impressive Interview With The Jags
January 18th, 2025
Bucs OC Liam Coen.
Joe found the following quite curious since two of the more well-plugged-in NFL insiders seemingly have different information.
Ian Rapoport of NFL Network and Dan Graziano of BSPN indicated Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen is not a favorite to be the next Jags coach following his interview last week.
Rapoport suggested Coen is not among the “names to watch” to land the Jags opening. Graziano predicted Coen will not be the Jags’ next coach.
However, an unnamed NFL suit tells John Shipley of that Coen killed it in his interview with the Jags. In fact, this same suit claims he would not be shocked if the Jags job went to either Detroit offensive coordinator Ben Johnson or Coen.
“Liam Coen was nothing short of outstanding in his interview,” a senior NFL executive told Jacksonville Jaguars on Sports Illustrated.
“His knowledge of the game, both offensively and defensively, was eye-opening, as well as his handles on the responsibilities and how he would lead a franchise. …
“Nobody I spoke to in that organization was anything other than impressed, and I think it would be safe to say him and Ben Johnson are 1A and 1B on their shortlist.
What is interesting to Joe is no heavy-hitter NFL insider — not Jay Glazer (is that dude ever wrong?), not Adam Schefter, not Rapaport — in any pregame shows today had any intel like this.
If one of those three had the same information, Joe promises we would have heard it by now.
Perhaps tomorrow morning one of the three will have an update once the pregame shows get revved up.
Joe is not dismissing this report — impressing someone in an interview in the NFL does not necessarily mean a job offer is imminent (the NFL works weirdly that way — but Joe wants to hear a high-profile NFL insider back this report up before Joe starts to break out into hives that Coen may be gone.
January 18th, 2025 at 11:02 pm
The only good thing about Bum Baker choking in that Redskins game is that it might mean the Bucs end up keeping Coen.
January 18th, 2025 at 11:03 pm
With the lions getting bounced hope the jags hire Ben Johnson tomorrow lol
January 18th, 2025 at 11:04 pm
No bueno.
January 18th, 2025 at 11:05 pm
Impressive interview
Unimpressive showing against the Commanders
January 18th, 2025 at 11:13 pm
I wonder if the Lions fans are calling for their coaches head like we call for our coaches head because we only lost by a couple of points even though a loss is a loss. Or do they get a pass because a lot of their defenses on IR
January 18th, 2025 at 11:17 pm
Munchkin, probably a good idea of moving off the other threads where you were getting annihilated. Saying the same things in this thread just makes you look like an idiot. Again. If the Bucs truly are your favorite team, and you think their quarterback is a bum, well, get used to it. That bum is going to be here for a long time.. but…. There’s always the next team jameis will be a backup on. So there’s that.
January 18th, 2025 at 11:24 pm
So disgusting Baker losing that game. What bum. The Bucs were going to beat the Eagles, they’re in their head, the defense gives up 16 points and Bum Baker… ugh. Disgusting.
January 18th, 2025 at 11:25 pm
Hopefully this will be the week a lot gets answered…
VERY FEW if anyone would break out in hives if Bowels is gone!
January 18th, 2025 at 11:33 pm
Commanders defense is trash. Goff was way off tonight and gave the ball away three times on his own.
We’ll see how they fair against a team that can actually cover receivers and tackle.
The 4th down success rate is just insane. That will come back to bite them eventually.
Could anyone imagine Bowles going for it on 4th down like that?
Even if he had a great offense. Wait……
January 19th, 2025 at 12:03 am
I think 2025 is our year! SB Baby!
January 19th, 2025 at 12:06 am
As I and some other Bucs fans have said, I think Coen will come back for another year, sure up his resume and then see what happens. All this Coen replacing Bowles next season ain’t gonna happen
January 19th, 2025 at 12:16 am
The anonymous GM is probably from the ATL, Panthers or Saints, simply wanting Coen out of the division and thus floating out anonymous rumors hoping to all hope that they stick.
January 19th, 2025 at 12:33 am
:Washington wasn’t going to beat the Lions according to you experts either!
January 19th, 2025 at 12:34 am
I would like to see the NFL make a rule that a team can’t hire a coordinator in their first year with another team.
January 19th, 2025 at 12:50 am
I’m anticipating Jason doing some things behind the scenes to mandate improvements in coaching, specifically on details, discipline, tackling, error reduction and accountability assigned to those who repeatedly fail. Coaches and players alike. It’s time.
January 19th, 2025 at 1:00 am
So what did happen on the Bucky #84 thread to get it banned? That’s a bizarre subject to get all contentious about.
January 19th, 2025 at 1:14 am
It stopped being about the “subject” when you and your buddies hijacked it with off topic comments about Todd… Like every other subject/article the owners publish. That’s my guess.
Funny you’d be one to ask that. The man who’s never met a topic he couldn’t hijack and turn into a poo flinging contest.
January 19th, 2025 at 4:07 am
Rod Munch only comes out after the season. Where have you been bud? Joe can you bad that loser already?
January 19th, 2025 at 4:36 am
I am happy for Coen if he gets a HC job. Hate to see him leave the Bucs, but it’s his career, life dream. Todd will hire another strong OC. He adequately evaluates coaching talent. Canales got a HC job after a year too. He hired both of them.
January 19th, 2025 at 5:26 am
Rod dollars to donuts you’re nothing but a fat slob. A bitter 50 something that didn’t want Baker, but since Baker has played like a top 10 quarterback – instead of acknowledging that you were wrong and swallowed too much of Jameis’s jungle juice, you’re simply doubling down and more concerned with searching for any one moment to support your little narrative. A keyboard warrior, but a complete bitch in real life. What’s the matter, FSU’s 1-11 season got you down? Jameis finally out that restraining order on you?
January 19th, 2025 at 8:29 am
Rod butt munch,
where do you think the Bucs would be without Baker? This entire organization loves Baker and has his back.Your obsession with him is kind of creepy! You blame Baker for everything. I’m pretty sure Baker didn’t take your girlfriend, lunch money or your shoes when you were a little geek in school. Get over it! Move on to a new target please.
January 19th, 2025 at 8:56 am
Man I’m sick of the Rod Munch schtick
January 19th, 2025 at 9:18 am
Rod Muncher been drinking again. What an idiot.
January 19th, 2025 at 9:49 am
Funny is it not Rod Munch, You and I have seen how many names come and go here on JBF. RIP to those who we still miss reading.
To me –
Bum QB play would be a pick-6 as your first NFL pass, and another pick-6 as your last NFL game for a team that drafted you #1 after 5 seasons of no division championships, zero playoff games much less a win, that is a Bum QB. To Me-
January 19th, 2025 at 10:32 am
If Liam thinking elsewhere then let him go and start looking. I get it your goal is to become a head coach but your goal also should be building team or offense around you. As a bucs gm I would think you have the tools already and everything is lined up for you to become coach in tampa one day .Todd bowles not going to be around long maybe a year or two. So I look at it if you in your in if not we don’t need you. Bye
January 19th, 2025 at 11:05 am
Rod has graduated to being a full time idiotic internet troll.
Congrats on the promotion, Rod!
January 19th, 2025 at 11:38 am
Feels like a smoke screen so they can negotiate Ben Johnson’s price tag down.
January 19th, 2025 at 11:50 am
GoneGator- your unhealthy obsession with me is flattering in a weird way. All I said in that thread was about Bucky making rookie mistakes and needing better situational football coaching. I actually said nothing about Bowles. Whoever my buddies are I don’t know, but since you reject any/all objective criticism of the underperforming HC/DC, that makes you a blind follower not a fan.
Get some meds or therapy or both.
January 19th, 2025 at 2:32 pm
Bienemy developed Mahomes and has SB rings. Additionally, he will bring discipline to our self defeating offense at the most critical moments in a game
Bye, Bye Liam.
Eric B., how you do in!
January 20th, 2025 at 3:43 am
I wanna be an NFL insider Joe. I could just start at the bottom and be an anonymous source. Where do I apply? Is Roger hiring?
Go Bucs!