Antoine Winfield: “Change Your Best”

September 2nd, 2024


The NFL’s highest paid defensive back, Antoine Winfield, Jr., the guy many believe is the best safety in the game, talks like a very hungry Buccaneer.

Winfield is a rare cat. And that starts with having a Pro Bowl cornerback father who retired in 2013 after 14 seasons. Winfield grew up around the game — and greatness — and very much has a different standard than most players.

That was on display during his recent video sitdown with

“You have to put the work in,” Winfield said. “You know, that’s an everyday thing. You have to be able to come in here and change your best every single day. And you can’t get complacent. You know what complacency does.

“Everybody’s replaceable. You can be doing great one minute and the next minute you can be out of the building. So it’s all about just always being hungry and always wanting to get better every single day.”

Winfield speaks with such ease and passion when he talks about grinding daily to be great. He has a real Tom Brady sort of delivery on that subject.

Joe detected that the “change your best” phrase put a little extra juice in Winfield’s voice. It’s a spectacular mindset.

Despite reaching every goal Winfield likely had entering the NFL — Super Bowl, Pro Bowl, All-Pro, gargantuan contract — he is driven to make his next four seasons far better than his first four.

Winfield is one guy the Bucs don’t have to worry about collecting a fat check and taking his foot off the gas.

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11 Responses to “Antoine Winfield: “Change Your Best””

  1. Kenton Smith Says:

    I’ve got to hand it to you Joes. The above photo is captioned “ Hungry.” You hit the nail on the head with that one! GAME WEEK!!!

  2. OHBucFan Says:

    Another goal: HALL OF FAME!

  3. No Mercy Says:

    I love this kid. He’s literally the perfect player. Jason has crushed some of these draft picks

  4. PSL Bob Says:

    Can’t wait to see him paired with Whitehead in the backfield this year. Gotta pity the poor soul who catches a pass over the middle. Concussion protocol will be in effect often.

  5. orlbucfan Says:

    PSL Bob Says:
    September 2nd, 2024 at 7:57 am
    Can’t wait to see him paired with Whitehead in the backfield this year
    @PSL Bob, you beat me to it. Still can’t believe the Jets let this guy walk. Sounds like something the 1980s Bucs would do. Glad those years are over!!

  6. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The saying goes “Do the best of someone better”. How’s he going to do that when he’s already the best at his spot? Continue to show people how it’s done until he can’t

  7. Dave Pear Says:

    What a dude. An Antoine Winfield jersey is in order.

  8. dbbuc711 Says:

    If he continues his career the way it has been he will no doubt go inti the Hall of Fame. And if he does I have no doubt it will mean more to his father than when he was enshrined.

  9. stpetebucfan Says:

    It’s sometimes fun to realize that at the end of the day Humans are just the highest form of animals. We share a lot with our animal friends.

    And so just like great race horses are frequently sired by other great horses so sometimes are great human athletes. Genes are critical in all species.

    And so yes Winfield got his father’s genes. Perhaps just as importantly Winfield has taken advantage of the old, “gotte see it to be it”. He is totally unfazed by the NFL’ fame and fortune and competition. He’s seen it all before.

    Happens all the time…can you say Christian McCaffery, in a different sport, Barry Bonds? I’m sure you guys can name plenty of successful fathers who passed it on to their sons both genetically and experientially.

  10. 1#bucsfan Says:

    LETS GOOOO. AW31 instill this into every buc player that walks thru those doors. This is greatness right here

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    If he stays healthy, he’s a future HOF.


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