Rachaad White Vows To Run For 1,000 Yards

June 1st, 2024


Bucs running back Rachaad White made it crystal clear. He will break a Bucs drought this fall.

Making an appearance at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in his hometown of Kansas City in conjunction with his football camp, White told Bethany J. Bowman WHB-AM 810 in Kansas City to go ahead and put it on the board: He will run for 1,000 yards this fall.

“Biggest goal is to win but of course I’m going to crack 1,000 — well over 1,000 this year,” White said. “I’m not going to leave it up to 10 yards.”

White last year finished with 990 yards on the ground. If White is able to break 1,000 yards, it will be the first time for the Bucs in a regular season since 2015 when “The Muscle Hamster,” Doug Martin, was named All-Pro after running for 1,402 yards.

If White comes close to Martin’s numbers in 2015, Joe is just going to say it right now and call it that the Bucs will be a playoff team. Again.

When White was asked if he had the Bucs-Chiefs game on Monday Night Football on Nov. 4 at Arrowhead Stadium circled, he quipped, “I have a lot of games circled.”

31 Responses to “Rachaad White Vows To Run For 1,000 Yards”

  1. Capt.Tim Says:

    I really like this young man. He has real talent.
    If we give him a line that can block- He’ll breathe life back into our dead rushing attack.

  2. ATLBUC Says:

    I think this years running game will be dominant. I think Shad will get his 1400 and another RB will get 800

  3. garro Says:

    Go for it dude! …Actually go for 1,500 and 500 receiving!

    Can you say All Pro!

    Go Bucs!

  4. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The Molly Hampster.

  5. teacherman1983 Says:

    Doug Martin was the Duggernaut.

    He was awesome. Who cares about the drug test? Doug had that thick neck!

    White is smooth.

    Now that we have a legit NFL center instead of the worst center in the NFL.

    White will go crazy this year.

    General Barton is in town!

  6. Durango 95 Says:

    Rushing for one thousand yards In a 17 game season is an average of less than 59 yards per game. It’s just not that significant anymore. Simpson ran for more than 2,000 yards in a 14 game season. He absolutely killed it. One thousand yard rushers..now? Meh.

  7. heyjude Says:

    I really like Rachaad and love seeing videos like this. He is humble, puts his head down, and has made a solid goal. Cannot wait to watch him break over 1,000 yards.

  8. Dude Says:

    Forget about the yardage, I’m old enough to remember Jerome Bettis going off for 1yd & 3 TDs. Chaad should shoot for 15 scores land or air as there were several instances RB1 took a checkdown and housed it for a score. Coen & Baker need to make sure the screen game is used & abused.

  9. Hodad Says:

    Add 500 plus receiving yards, with some T.Ds. Be nice, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Bucky has 1000 yards combined with several T.Ds.

  10. It's Corn Says:

    Talk is cheap.

  11. Beeej Says:

    You are not going to see a video of this kid dragging an unconscious woman thru a motel lobby

  12. Bojim Says:

    He should make it.

  13. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Durango – “Simpson ran for more than 2,000 yards in a 14 game season. He absolutely killed it.“


    Yes, yes – Simpson killed it…. Lol

  14. DoooshLaRue Says:

    So he’s vowing to go from 58.24 ypg average to 58.8 ypg average?
    I don’t know, that’s a pretty lofty goal.

    Seriously, again, 1000 yards per season at RB or WR is no longer a feat during a 17 game season.
    1500 yards should be the new measuring stick for greatness.

  15. SB~LV Says:

    OJ had 2000 in 14 games when they knew he was going to run the ball!
    1000/17 games….. 🥱

  16. Beeej Says:

    74 Bucs Fan Says:
    June 1st, 2024 at 7:48 am
    Durango – “Simpson ran for more than 2,000 yards in a 14 game season. He absolutely killed it.“


    Yes, yes – Simpson killed it…. Lol”


    He SLICED thru the defense!

  17. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    I’d hope he would think since it’s only like 59 yards a game big whoop

  18. Cobraboy Says:

    Shut up and talk on the field with production.

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    I am only impressed with 100yds. per game on the ground. 1000 an 18-game ain’t diddly. Wake me when this guy hits 1800 yds. On the ground.

  20. Tom Edrington Says:

    1,000 yards in 18 games is a whopping 55 1/2 yards per game…….that isn’t going to do anything for the offense…..

  21. BillyBucco Says:

    You geniuses keep saying 1,000 yds rushing isn’t a deal anymore, yet only 12 guys broke that threshold last year. Health, scheme, and splitting carries is also a much bigger thing now.
    He isn’t talking about adding 15 yds. He is talking about adding 500.
    Glass half full ALWAYS with some people.

  22. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    Simpson got 2000 yards because the Bills QB was throwing the ball 20 times a game (if that) for 120 yds/game. Different era, different expectations. The goal is still get 4+ yds per attempt average.

  23. Dude Says:

    “The goal is still get 4+ yds per attempt average.”

    Bingo, and if we combine rushes & recs Chaad is at 4.5 yards per touch in 2023. It’d be a touch higher if the passes he caught didn’t accumulate a whopping -65 air yds

  24. Buc1987 Says:

    BA’s Red Pen…you said it first….4 o’clock in the morning though.

    Damn you people are up early.

  25. Buccaneer rick Says:

    He will have 1000 yards by the 11th game bye week

  26. adam from ny Says:

    if rachaad had 1,500 all purpose and bucky spells him and has 400-500 rushing plus a couple hundred receiving yards….we just might have the running team coach craves…

    if the backs do that, the team stays fairly healthy and baker more or less replicates last seasons stats, we are going to the playoffs

  27. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    I think if we have an online, and we might, then a whole lot of things can happen. It’s been pretty ugly and we have things pointing in the right direction now. Hope they Gel in camp, and yes White will get a thousand plus and those passing yards as well. Go Bucs!!!! And we got a steal kinda with our first four picks. They for sure should be on the field real soon!!! And to all you Haters, we’ll holla..

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    He would have easily had over 1000 yards last year if he’d quit taking a knee at the end of games when he had long break away runs. If you’re going to do that ‘good sportsmanship’ bullcrap, at least wait until you’re inside the 5. Not only would he have had over 1000 yards, he’d have probably added at least a .1 to his rushing average.

  29. BakerFan Says:

    I rather see him say he will have 1700 all purpose yards.

  30. Addb Says:

    He had so much potential but kept running into the DL after 3 steps. I have a feeling with a better OL he’s gonna explode this year

  31. Hogg Wild Says:

    He’ll need 400 carries. Buckys going to have Shad changing his number to 2.