Frank Discussion About The Offense

June 14th, 2024

Real talk.

Hey, it’s underwear football season. It’s summertime. Everything is good. Everyone’s outside having fun. The Bucs are undefeated and every draft pick is going to be dynamite.

It’s a fun time of the football calendar where the sky is the limit for everyone. Joe enjoys this time of the year. Who doesn’t like summer? It’s filled with positivity.

So Joe found it interesting, and yeah, maybe refreshing, that two Bucs offensive linemen yesterday while saying they’re somewhat content with how they and the new Bucs offense is progressing, they also said a ton of work remains.

Right tackle Luke Goedeke didn’t mince words. He and his teammates need to do better, but there’s no reason to expect them not to be better, Goedeke noted.

“I think we’re right where we want to be, but eons away from where we need to be,” Goedeke said. “You guys saw it last year with learning a new offense – it does take time for it all to click and come together and everything.

“That just comes with having a new offense – it just takes time. I think we’re at a good spot.”

For rookie center (?) Graham Barton, he admitted he needs to get acclimated to life on an NFL field. Like most rookies, he wishes he was further along, so Barton said he has to temper whatever disappointments he may have.

“I don’t want to stand up here and say, ‘I got it,’ because there’s a long way to go,” Barton said. “We’ve only been here a couple of weeks.

“But, I definitely think the biggest thing is it’s okay to make mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up over making a mistake – just correct it, don’t let it happen in a game. When you make it twice, that’s when you get mad at yourself.

“I just think keeping my head above water and taking in as much as I can, just trying to listen to everyone. Understanding my position as a rookie, I just got here, I don’t know anything.”

Bucs coach Todd Bowles admits the Bucs are testing Barton’s Duke academic background by keeping his plate full.

“It’s a heavy load, especially after playing tackle for three years and then going against a defense that does a lot of things,” Bowles said. “This will be a good baptism for him, as far as getting ready for the season.

“I think he’s learned a lot, I think he’s eager to get in pads and really show what he can do physically. He’s a smart guy.”

This is why it is so important for the Bucs to rack up wins early in the season. Joe can see the Bucs winning three of their first five games.

If the Bucs can pull that off while still learning the offense, that will certainly help out with the growing pains down the stretch until everyone gets comfortable in Liam Coen’s offense.

21 Responses to “Frank Discussion About The Offense”

  1. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘This is why it is so important for the Bucs to rack up some wins early in the season. Realistically, Joe can see the Bucs winning three of their first five games.’

    Nailed it Joe! And that’s doable (Commanders, Lions, Broncos, Eagles, Falcons) because 3 of those will have rookie QBs, new HCs & new OCs. If the Eagles struggle early-on, like I think they will (new OC & DC), Bucs MIGHT be able to go 4-1 to start the season.

    Good thing too, because the next 5 games (Saints, Ravens, Chiefs, Falcons, 49ers) will be ball-busters. Even if we start strong, Bucs MIGHT end up 5-5 by that point (not unlike last season when we were 4-6 at the 10-game point). Thankfully our BYE falls at a good point this year.

    The 7 games after the BYE should be the easier part of our schedule (Giants, Raiders, Panthers, Chargers, Cowboys, Panthers, Saints). We COULD finish 5-2 (possibly even better) in that stretch. Doubt that 9-8 would get us to the playoffs this year, but 10-7 HOPEFULLY would. And finishing the season strong entering the playoffs is a nice place to be.

  2. Mark A Swygert Says:

    No season ever seems to go the way we think it will. Teams that look like probable wins now are crucibles of fire and we wind up getting routed. Teams we thinke we could never beat turn out to be surprise wins. Just let it ride.

  3. heyjude Says:

    I love the openness from Goedeke and Barton. Also, Barton is still getting used to the heat here while he is listening and correcting mistakes on the field. Words of wisdom from Barton.

    We do need to rack up the wins quick, early TDs in each game and not rely on only field goals. Go Bucs!

  4. Leighroy Says:

    hey Jude, I just spent the day roasting at Pinehurst yesterday (1-hour away from Duke’s campus) and grew up in the Tampa Bay area. Nobody “needs to get used to the heat” in Florida, that’s a tired trope best reserved for housewives and retirees. It’s just as hot and humid in NC, GA, and I even found St. Louis summers to be worse than FL. The Bucs have nutritionists and an indoor practice facility now. Florida isn’t unique for being the only place with heat humidity and pop-up thunderstorms.

    You want to argue the FL heat is different than desert heat without the humidity? I’m open to that point. But the entire southeast is Florida in the summertime in my personal experience.

  5. Dude Says:

    Luke looks like “O’Doyle Rules” lol

  6. BucsFan since '96 Says:

    With a new offense it could take most of the season for them to reach their potential.

    Our defense needs to come out of the gate very strong this season and carry the load if needed. I can see that happening with our 2nd year players taking a big step forward and Whitehead returning. If we can improve our pass rush this can be a dangerous team!

  7. JimBobBuc Says:

    Goedeke said. “You guys saw it last year with learning a new offense – it does take time for it all to click and come together and everything.”

    I’m somewhat hopeful that the learning curve from last year will help the OL learn this year. The OL guys who are back, understand how much they need to learn and they have to do it quickly. Unlike last year (Goodwin-Canales), Cars has worked with Coen in this system.

  8. GP Says:

    This is my optimistic time of year. And I never count losses until the last whistle.

  9. GP Says:

    Every game is winnable

  10. BucsFan55 Says:

    If Luke uses the force this next season and takes a huge jump in performance then I will be ecstatic

  11. garro Says:

    Apparantly this is not a simple offense. Our O line is full of very smart guys. If they tell you it will take time to get this offense down, I think we should listen and prepare for that.

    Last year I think Canales realized after the first few weeks of camp that he was gonna have to dumb it down for a bit. That was a smart move. If Coen is smart he will not try to put too much on our guys.

    Early season football is plenty sloppy just because of all the stupid NFLPA no contact rules in place. Add a new complicated offense to that and it could get way ugly!

    Go Bucs!

  12. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’m really hoping for a 4-1 start. For game one it’ll be Jaylen Daniel’s first start. Detroit will be tougher. The Broncos don’t scare me. Phillie swooned late last year. I’m hoping the Falcons will be screaming for Penix. Even if we do wind up 3-2 I would love to beat the Falcons.

  13. realistic-optimistic Says:

    The 7 games after the BYE should be the easier part of our schedule (Giants, Raiders, Panthers, Chargers, Cowboys, Panthers, Saints). We COULD finish 5-2 (possibly even better) in that stretch.

    I don’t know about 5-2 over that span, @DR. That’s 3 division games in the final 5 weeks. The other 2 are DAL who always gives us fits, and the LAC team headed by Jim Harbaugh (and a pretty good QB). Last time he was coaching in the NFL his team was in the SB by year 2.

    It feels to me more like 3-4, maybe 4-3. If all the young talent on this team clicks early, I may feel different. Right now, that looks like a tough stretch.

  14. stpetebucfan Says:


    Largely agree with your point about how hot it is up north. I grew up in Greater Cincinnati and the heat and HUMIDITY are truly challenging in July and August.

    The major difference in my experience is we simply have a LONGER stretch of heat and humidity but Cincinnati gets REALLY hot in July and August and now with ( I won’t use a politically charged term here) the obvious changes in our weather patterns Cincy is starting to heat up earlier.

    As far as Barton and Goeddeke they are playing music dear to my ears! Satisfaction is the first step in mediocrity and worse! One of the things that truly impresses me about the guys on the Bucs is not matter how talented or successful they are never satisfied and ALWAYS trying to get better.

    Nothing illustrated this more to me than Joe’s report on Winfield staying after practice working on catching the football in an attempt to grab even more turnovers. He’s not resting on his laurels or becoming “satisfied”.

  15. stpetebucfan Says:


    I do not disagree with your post. It’s a very logical or in your case “realistic” take.

    Where I might nitpick not just you but the entire board here is placing so much emphasis on the different teams we play and their “quality.”

    I tend to agree with Mark Swygart. ” Teams that look like probable wins now are crucibles of fire and we wind up getting routed. Teams we thinke we could never beat turn out to be surprise wins.”

    I believe in that old adage, “On any given Sunday” or as the late great Chris Thomas used to say, “NFL” stands for No Freaking Logic”.

    I get why we all engage in this handicapping though. It’s June and what else is left? LOL

  16. Buc4evr Says:

    Bucs will be ready. Maybe the offense needs to be simplified coming out of the gate with fewer options, but the Bucs will crush it. How’s that for off season optimism. lol.

  17. Tony Says:

    I just love this guy; he looks and plays like an old school football player… plays with attitude, grit and toughness. Once he masters the technique, he could become a great player.

  18. heyjude Says:

    @Leighroy – Agreed. It is hot everywhere. Great points. And I have been in TX and NY when it is steaming too.

    I only mentioned it because of another article on here that said that Barton really liked his neck baths due to the heat. He kept saying how hot it was here while Tom Moore, 85 years old, was on the sidelines with pants and a long sleeve shirt on.

  19. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I get why we all engage in this handicapping though. It’s June and what else is left? LOL

    Exactly, @stpete. Not a lot going on other than Joe telling us how bad RWhite is.

  20. SenileSenior Says:

    This team could play above their surmised level, you know, “overachieve”. At least that is how those outside and making quickie judgments will react when we have a winning season and make the playoffs again.

    Go Bucs!!!

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    I’m hoping for a 1-0 start.