Baker Mayfield Inspires K.J. Britt

June 9th, 2024

So a question was posed to Bucs inside linebacker K.J. Britt on radio that led off with, ‘You probably don’t talk to him a lot, but what do you see when you see Baker Mayfield?’

Britt quickly shut the initial implication down immediately — and explained that he is watching daily inspiration from his quarterback.

“Baker motivates me. I talk to Baker every day. That’s one of my close friends. You know, we talk all the time,” Britt told former Jets linebackers coach and personnel director Pat Kirwan on SiriusXM NFL Radio.

“I check on him. Yeah, we got a great relationship. But Baker, just knowing his story, and I tell him all the time, ‘You motivate me and you’re always against the odds.’ And that’s the beauty of this sport. The beauty of this sport is there’s always room for football players. You know, there’s always room for guys that might not look like this [or might not look like that], but there’s always room for football players.

“And just watching Baker … just watching him just keeping his head down and work, it’s motivating. You know, he’s a great guy to be around. He’s a great leader, you know, just his swagger, his presence, it’s all great to be around. So I tell him all the time, ‘you motivate me, Baker. Keep doing what you’re doing. I’m watching.’ You know what I’m saying? A lot of other guys are [watching], too.”

Head coach Todd Bowles often has said that Mayfield does a great job bonding with defensive players. And that’s not necessarily a given across NFL teams, which is why Kirwan opened his question like he did.

Kirwan didn’t expect a third-year Bucs linebacker who mostly was a backup last season to have a relationship with his veteran quarterback. Heck, Joe also was a little suprised when Britt said he talks to Mayfield daily.

Interesting stuff.

For those wondering, Britt also is a big Bowles fan and seems in awe of his football IQ. “Just to be around him, man, it blows my mind.”

29 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Inspires K.J. Britt”

  1. stpetebucfan Says:

    Let’s see how Bonzai and the rest of the idjits twist this into something negative!

  2. OrlandoBucFAn Says:

    In an unrelated comment: Big Storm and Dr. Wink drama! Interesting to see how that plays out. I hope the Big Strom’s Clearwater location stays in business. I fear otherwise.

  3. Jarrett Says:

    Kyle trask got more talent than baker we’d be better off starting trask if baker starts the season off playing trash

  4. Steven007 Says:

    Orlando, I mentioned that in the cup of Joe at some point last week. Thought one of the Joe’s would would chime in. Perhaps a bit too close to home.

  5. Prbucsfan Says:

    Crazy there are still fans in these threads i recognize from waaaaay back in the day when I was here religiously lol.

  6. garro Says:

    Dogs know dogs!

    Love it!

    Go Bucs!

  7. heyjude Says:

    Motivating sounds just like Baker Mayfield. He is humble, puts his head down, and cares about his team. I also watched it in the Pro Bowl where he was MVP. They loved him. His chat at the big table was admirable. And knowing Britt is also a big Bowles fan is even better. So there you go. Respect, presence, and motivation. Can’t win without them. Good stuff and go Bucs!

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    Obviously Britt is propagating the Trashk Suppression conspiracy by lying to Kirwan and the world. Everyone knows Trashk is the better player and is being intentionally suppressed because Bowels and Licht would rather lose and get fired than play their best player.

  9. Dude Says:

    Inspire consistent footwork ya hobbitses

  10. Chad Says:

    Trask wouldn’t make it in the cfl, give it rest already trask ain’t worth poop. If he is as talented as what people on here make him then why wasn’t any trade offer made for him, plenty of teams needed a qb and even a back up. Get in line with baker as qb or go watch another team and quit whining about trask

  11. Gerald Says:

    I’m just here for the Bitter Beer Face Traskies comments. I need a good laugh first thing to start my day 🌞 they never let me down. Keep the 1 liners coming 😆 🤣

  12. Rayjay1122 Says:

    For as bad as the BUCS were for so many years, errr decades, we can honestly say that things have really swung to the opposite end of the spectrum in our current BUCS life. To go from Brady to Mayfield is a huge win for the organization and fan base. I am really excited for the upcoming season and hopefully the injury bug stays away. Go BUCS!!

  13. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    For most us on this thread that played some type of organized sport!! Best compliment you can give anyone… This motivates Britt to be the best he can be?? No slacking, dogging on plays(Devin White).. Go Bucs

  14. BillyBucco Says:

    There are a few obvious injuries that could derail the team, but honestly this team could overcome a few this year anyway. Secondary, IOL, RB, OLB, WR can all take 1 injury. Tackle for instance would be devastating IMO. That’s why Wirfs should get PAID. Get it done already. It’s just gonna be worse next year. 4 years $116 Million All Guaranteed.

  15. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Mayfield is going to be better this season than he was last season. I think Trask can be a good starting QB but hopefully he doesn’t get the chance for this team. Mayfield can win us a superbowl, he has the leadership this team needs and he’s only going to get better every year.

  16. Oneilbuc Says:

    Most of y’all on here are not real bucs fans so I know you guys will never be objective to anything dealing with Baker. He can throw 4 picks and you guys will find a way to blame everyone else but Baker. Soon Baker will be on another team if he plays like he did last year and what ever team he’s on and you will be saying the same stuff on that team site your saying on here. Lol 🤣🤣

  17. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Oneil- you’re the only person here trolling other sites you Saints fan. Always negative and never informative. 🤡

  18. Buc off Says:

    O’Neil, you are a moron. Baker was the reason we made the playoffs last year. Had his best year of his career, you are an idiot

  19. Oneilbuc Says:

    Again you’re Baker fans not bucs fans and again the defense and the kicker won the last game that would have kept the bucs out of the playoffs. My bucs had a easy schedule and played in the weakest division in football last year and it still took all 17 games to win the division. The bucs had the same record as the saints. Once Baker leaves you all will be gone to the next team he’s playing on . I’m sure you were on the Browns, Rams and Panthers team site saying the same thing on this site. Lol 🤣🤣 I’m going to tell you the same thing I told the Brady fan base go back to your team site and root for your team or less you just a fantasy football guy.

  20. Ethan Says:

    @onelilbuc do you have a life all you do is bash baker on here bro you a clown🤡🤡🤡 I’m sorry that trash is not the starter but stop bashing qb1 because he will get a ring clown you’ll see🤡🤡🤡🤡

  21. Oneilbuc Says:

    Ethan. Lol 😂 spoken like a true Baker fan and by the way I have given Baker credit when he has played good. And I have also criticize him when he played bad . So what I suppose to look at him like you and the rest of his fans with blinders on ? I guess I suppose to lie and say Baker is better than Mahomes like some his fans has said. Or I suppose to act like what happened in training camp last year didn’t happen? Lol 🤣🤣 sorry bro but I believe in facts but to let some of y’all tell it Baker should have been the MVP of the league last year . His best year he ever had in his career is a average season according to the numbers not games because he has a few games when he paded his stats because the game was over. Your going to be mad again this year when I say he had a bad game.

  22. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    This Joe definitely a censor fan

  23. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Bucoff actually Antoine Winfield is the reason we made the playoffs on TWO out of this world defensive turnovers. Mayfield scored no opening drive tds and I might be wrong no 1st quarter tds either so fanboi get your facts straight. He was just as guilty of holding us back as he was at helping us win. The true marks of a mediocre qb.

  24. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Fanboos unite

  25. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Buc off yer wrong there buddy. He also almost caused us to miss the playoffs. Antoine Winfield saved us

  26. Shane Callahan Says:

    You Bucs fans make me smile. The Baker trolls make me hate the Internet. Go Bucs!!!

  27. Shane Callahan Says:

    This cool article is about how the starting qb inspires a starting lb according to his own words, and the Baker haters still crawl out from the floorboards, lol.

  28. Shane Callahan Says:

    Baker Haters are like weeds you cannot kill no matter how great your lawn is looking.

  29. Buc off Says:

    Shane Callahan…..truer words have never been spoken. The clowns will never understand the importance of leadership. Baker is unquestionably the leader of this team. Can’t measure intangibles like that