The Falcons And An 0-3 Start

May 24th, 2024

Falcons head coach Raheem Morris.

So the Mike Tomlin-led Steelers have a 5-2-1 record in their last eight Week 1 road games.

The losses? They were to Tom Brady and the Belicheats.

So Joe feels very comfortable saying the Steelers are not the team you want to face on opening day in your own crib. But that’s the card the Atlanta Falcons have been dealt in 2024.

Atlanta opens the season hosting Pittsburgh. Next up for Atlanta is a trip to Philadelphia for Monday Night Football, the Eagles’ home opener, followed by hosting the mighty Chiefs in Atlanta.

Joe thinks there’s a great chance the Falcons won’t know what hit them and will start 0-3.

Joe brings this up today because multiple times in national media recently Joe has heard ludicrous chatter suggesting the Chiefs have a challenging opening schedule — Ravens, Bengals, Falcons — and could go 0-3.

It’s wacky talk for the back-to-back Super Bowl champs, but it’s definitely appropriate for the Falcons considering they have a quarterback who started last season 0-3, Kirk Cousins, and a first-time playcaller and a new head coach.

Joe is really getting steamed by all the Falcons hype. It would be one thing if it was legitimate, but it’s not.

28 Responses to “The Falcons And An 0-3 Start”

  1. OilfieldTrash Says:

    Conclusion, Falcons probably statt 3-0 instead.

  2. Baking with Evans Says:

    C’mon Joe!

    You need to send Raheem a case of Bromosa. He is giving you stuff to write about in May.


  3. Beejezus-belt Says:

    I really like Raheem, but since he is the Falcons head coach I would cheer for 0 and 17.

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    Rah is known for streaks. Winning but mostly losing. That’s a tough opening slate.

  5. Boss Says:

    raheem is their HC???

    well dang, the Bucs just may have a shot this year. with drew gone in NO and rah rah in ATL, that just leaves the kitties as a big threat.

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We don’t need to worry about other teams….we need to take care of our own business…..

  7. heyjude Says:

    Raheem looked really happy in that photo! Tired of the hype on the Falcons. Who will be the QB for the Steelers against them. Are we looking at Russell vs Cousins? Or Fields vs Penix? Hoping they are 0-3 out of the gate. They also play the Saints after that. They could be 0-4 before they play us.

  8. catcard202 Says:

    Very hard for me to believe Cousins will be 100% coming off the Achilles injury.
    With ATL facing very good DEF / Pass rush out the gate…Cousins may be a setting duck behind that Falcons OL & get banged up early in the season.

    I see many negative outcomes possible & little glimmer of hope for that Cousins contract to be seen in a positive light in 2024-beyond… Penix Jr may be forced into the Falcons line-up before Bucs see them in early OCT… Which may be a bad omen, as Bowles tendency is to make rookie QB’s look like the next face of the NFL.

  9. View from 132 Says:

    Cousins always pulls unlikely wins out of his butt. And then win choke a winnable game or two back.

  10. Dude Says:

    I may be in the minority of NFL fans, but I 100% understood why the Falcons drafted Penix. I’d take a full size spare over riding on a donut any day, even if my 4 tires are all new should something happen I don’t have to worry about plan B hindering my vehicles performance.

    Mike Penix is the full size spare in this instance, and Kurt hasn’t beaten the Bucs since the “ya like that” game back when we were 1 Lombardi trophy lighter.

  11. BillyBucco Says:

    It’s not like Lamar Jackson having an Achilles injury. It’s Cousins and he doesn’t really scramble anyway. I would quit using the Achilles as the Achilles Heel and start looking at when the teams are at FULL STRENGTH, who is better? Cousins makes Atlanta dangerous on paper, but I still think their defense is the issue. I think Atlanta will win against Pittsburgh and lose to Philadelphia because that D Line will get pushed around again. The NFC South is bound for an uptick and can’t be the worst division forever.

  12. BA’s Red Ren Says:

    Hopefully the Falcons will be a Youngry Team this season.

  13. Shane Callahan Says:

    I hope folks keep pumping them up and dogging the Bucs. I’m 50 years old and a lifelong football fan. Teams that get false props fail every time, and teams that unjustly get slammed prosper. 🤣

  14. D Cone Says:

    Usually when a jockey looks back is when his horse is passed at the wire. Looking at the competition and basing your success on the completions failings is definitely not screaming confidence.

    Some are saying this could be Tomlin’s first losing season. It’s going to happen eventually.

    I am sure some insecure about the Falcons success are thinking Coen’s first crack at running Bucs offense could be a disaster and the Bucs end up 0-2 and needing to beat it’s first ‘weaker team to keep from dropping 3 in a row and facing the Eagles snd two Divisional opponents in the next 3 weeks following.

  15. Hodad Says:

    What would make the 0-3 start worse is two of the games are at home.

  16. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Rah Rah…beat out Belichick ( thanks in part to Robert “Tug” Kraft giving a lousy reference ) and all eyes will be on him and the GM for drafting Penix with Kissin’ Cousins already bought and paid for. Add the hated Sewer City Saints and El Hornāy coaching in Carolina and the plots couldn’t be any thicker. Should be an interesting season!

  17. BigMacAttack Says:

    Joe I agree with your assessment including the Falcons hype in general. I personally think the Saints will be tougher than the Falcons and like the Bucs are an underestimated team. Everything Jason has done this offseason and the way players are approaching the season, I believe the Bucs will shock the NFL. Two biggest improvements are offensive line and Jordan Whitehead back at Safety. They are vastly underestimating the Winfield Whitehead combo. I just have a sneaky good feeling about our team. That is all.

  18. Pmike Says:

    I’m rooting for the NFC south to be competitive, our division is the laughing stock of the NFL. Even if we make it to the playoffs ( ie last year), we’re still considered a joke – so I’m all for the falcons stepping it up. What would be better would be a division game in the playoffs.

    Our division use to be known for toughness. Kinda feels
    soft these past couple years.

  19. Jordan Says:

    More worried about the Saints than the Falcons.

  20. Bucnation Says:

    You want to be the man you got to beat the man. Woooooooo!

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    ATL NFL Coaching Experience in Years

    HC – 4 (1 winning season)
    OC – 0 (Never been an OC at any level)
    DC – 0 (DC at University of Washington for 2 seasons)

    This crew is woefully inexperienced.

    DID YOU KNOW, Rah was Atlanta’s HC for a hot minute? He’s been fired as a HC 2x.

  22. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    SlyPirate Says:
    May 24th, 2024 at 5:14 pm
    ATL NFL Coaching Experience in Years

    HC – 4 (1 winning season)
    OC – 0 (Never been an OC at any level)
    DC – 0 (DC at University of Washington for 2 seasons)

    This crew is woefully inexperienced.


  23. Mike Johnson Says:

    I hate this kind of prognosticating. Right now, everybody is perfect. Don’t shortchange the Falcons. We don’t know what they have. They might even surprise us just like they have in the past a few times. Just hope and pray we come out Kicking A.. this season.

  24. Miller5252 Says:

    Let’s hope with everyone being new to the Falcons they have a bad first half to the season. In 20, the goat had a heck of a time getting comfortable in Tampa. The thing that will help the Falcons is they have a pretty good run game to carry Cousins until he gets comfortable. Let’s just hope hes washed and Penix and Tannehill are even worse. If they get average QB play their running game and D will keep em close in games.

    It’s too bad Rah is in the NFC south, I always thought he’s done more than enough to get a second chance and always hoped he do good. Too bad now….. I hope their season is horrible. I just hope Sean Payton’s season is even worse and they don’t win a game!

  25. DoooshLaRue Says:


  26. adam from ny Says:

    i’m gonna say a 1-2 start for those birds…

    but of course hoping for 0-3…

    the first 4 weeks of the season are always a little weird…like an extension of the preseason at times

  27. MadMax Says:

    WE BETTER BE CAREFUL….just saying. They’re gonna be run through some strong competition to get started. They will either be ready as he!! to face us and give it some push or be so down that theres not much left. We’ll see.

  28. Buca Dawg Says:

    Bucs just need too take care of business ^ win the ones that they play. Don’t worry about any other team just be a better one than the opponents. GO BUCS!!!!