Graham Barton And Week 2

May 27th, 2024

Bucs rookie center (?) Graham Barton.

A two-time Super Bowl champion edge rusher is quick to see a huge challenge for rookie centers.

Joe’s referring to Chris Long speaking on his Green Light podcast. The former Rams, Belicheats and Eagles standout talks lots of Philadelphia football and when breaking down the Eagles’ 2024 schedule, Long noted how the Eagles either will have a rookie center starting or a no-NFL-experience center (Cam Jurgens) replacing retired legend Jason Kelce.

That got Long looking immediately, he said, for road games in which that center would face strong defenses in loud environments. It’s a red flag if you’re an Eagles fan, per Long, who pointed to an advantage for the Bucs and Saints when the Eagles play them this season.

Of course, that got Joe thinking about how Vita Vea and Calijah Kancey will have fun with a profusely sweating Eagles center during their 1 o’clock Week 4 matchup in Tampa.

But it also got Joe thinking about rookie Bucs center (?) Graham Barton heading to Detroit in Week 2, perhaps the NFL’s most raucous venue. The Lions have a savage run defense, top-3 in the NFL last season.

Tough, tough test for Barton so early in the season after the Bucs open at home against the Commandos.

Perhaps Todd Bowles will use a stashed timeout or two or three in Detroit to help keep Barton settled and focused. … No need to save one for a last-second Hail Mary throw.

26 Responses to “Graham Barton And Week 2”

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    Barton’s going to be fine.

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    LOL, Todd doesn’t even know a time out is a thing.

  3. Pickgrin Says:

    Barton will make some mistakes starting as a rookie this year. Especially early in the season. There’s no way around it. But a talent like this young man possesses must be allowed to play – make those inevitable mistakes – and hopefully learn quickly from them.

    Barton’s rookie season as a starter will likely look a lot more like the ones Marpet and Wirfs had than our more recent examples of rookie OL starters struggling to adapt as we saw with Goedeke and Mauch.

    Rookie or not – The addition of this Blue Devils standout was HUGE for our offense. A major upgrade to the center of an interior OLine that was very close to being the worst in the NFL last year.

  4. faspro Says:

    That’s assuming he will be a center…we still have a deficiency at left guard.

  5. SlyPirate Says:

    When has Bowles successfully used a timeout?

  6. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Every time we think or say the Bucs have a HUGE advantage on something (normally weather) it comes back to bite us in the A$$!

  7. Hodad Says:

    No way Barton plays guard. Hainsey will make a good backup this year. We needed to replace Jensen, we finally have.

  8. BillyBucco Says:

    I agree we normally talk about how the humidity will be tough for Northern teams and they come down and run circles around us like we aren’t in shape. Overblown.
    Barton going against Philly’s D Line might end up being a bigger problem who knows.
    Read the NFL article about Peter Skoronski’s rookie season.
    He was taken 11th overall and struggled, but already said his head is swimming way less in year 2. Gives high hopes for Mauch improving, but Barton is a rookie.
    Just expect a learning curve.

  9. Stanglassman Says:

    Anyone interested in what the Buc’s Liem Coen/Mayfield ‘24 offense is going to look like should watch the ‘22 Christmas day massacre. Rams v Broncos. Looks like the full game has been taken down on YouTube but there are still some really good game breakdowns still up. Or its found in NFL ticket for those who have it.

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    The OL of 2019-2021 surely spoiled us as fans. Go back and watch those bad arse boys just bully everybody. No question, losing Cappa in FA, Marpet to early retirement, and Jensen to the oaf Logan’s Hall, had a devastating effect on the offense. So of course, Todd comes in and declares “we’re gonna run up the middle more than ever, because you know, our interior OL sucks now. “


  11. JimBobBuc Says:

    I wonder if Jensen is around to mentor Barton?

  12. Dude Says:

    Hainsey was taking snaps with Mayfield during OTAs. I’d love to know what Barton has to do to unseat him and I’d also love to know what the plan is for both guard positions. We gathered up some talent for there to be competition at every interior OL spot, can’t help but think there’s a small chance year 1 Barton might not look better than Hainsey this offseason and I’d want to know, what then if that were the case? Do we try Barton out at LG year 1, not make the same mistake we made with Goedeke? Who is still a work in progress in my opinion

  13. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    I’m thinking that if we get the taste in his mouth during camp and those preseason whatever’s.. he’s got it in his mind, traits, and everything else to go with it, plus super smart. He’s frickin big man.. Nice Job JL. With a Cap leaving you I a tight spot I think people really need to think because their apparently stuck on stupid when it comes to the Haters … Always Always got to be hating. Let’s Go Bucs!!!!

  14. Irishmist Says:

    Bowles hoards 1st half time outs the way my Grandma used to hoard ketchup packages.

  15. Mark Says:

    Please let the Detroit “timeout-gate” go!
    The bell cannot be unrung

  16. Buchen61 Says:

    Jake 100 % agree…Brady was leaving and we were in cap hell the wagons were circled. What Jason and the entire organization has done is nothing short miraculous. Haters going to hate but this team is getting ready to fly

  17. Knothead71 Says:

    Ahhh man! I agree with Dave Pear! Crap!
    I’m going on a self imposed 2 day timeout to make sure I’m not a troll.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    Knothead LOL

  19. unbelievable Says:

    LOL get real Joe, that early in the season? Todd will just be getting his stash of timeouts started, he’ll be saving as many as possible at that point. He doesn’t get all looser gooey and start using them til the end of the year.

    Of course, he still won’t ever use ALL of them… as we know.

  20. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Barton will be a quick learner. He’ll be OK.

  21. Capt.Tim Says:

    Centers set the coverage for the Oline. They make the O line calls.
    Just more to pile on a rookie.
    Thats Why Id rather Barton start at Left Guard. Not a big change from Left Tackle.

    Ben Bredesen started most of the Games at Center last year.
    Bredesen is Smart, fast, and can make the calls.
    His problem isnt brains or braun. Its extremely short arms. Life aint fair.
    If we are determined not to further improve the line, then Id rather see Barton at guard, and Bredesen at Center.

    No matter where he starts, Barton will struggle. Every rookie Olinemen does.
    Yes, even Wirfs- who somehow achieved God status to some of you.
    He’ll struggle less at Guard, where he only has to think about his job.

    Still think the Answer is to sign center Connor Williams. He is young and very talented.
    Sign him, and our line is finally rebuilt- and very possibly better than the
    Smith/Marpet/Jensen/Cappa/Wirfs line.
    And that would be incredible!
    HELLO running Game!

  22. Stanglassman Says:

    Bredeson is capable of playing all three interior line positions. Last season, he started 16 games for the Giants, eight at right guard, four at left guard and four at center.
    -From Scott Smith’s article.

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    Hey Colonel Tim – some humerus extenders for Bredesen! The technology exists.

  24. Capt.Tim Says:

    Poor kid. Thats rotten break.
    I mean, not to bad. He is an NFL player.
    But to have all the skill and talent you need to be a great player, but stuck on the bench because of tiny short arms.

    Hes gotta get angry, everytime he sees some long armed Kevin McHale type getting drafted to the team!
    Bet he shakes his lil Trex fist in Anger!

    It does affect him less at Center.
    Id rather see Ben “TRex”Bredesen at Center, with Barton at Guard
    Tha Sua” Stiff legs” Opeta at Guard, and Barton at Center.

    Never gonna be able to run the ball on the edges, if we have Guards that cant get out and Pull.
    Thats why we ran straight up the middle last year.
    As Bad as Mauch and Stennie sucked at Blocking, they were twice as bad trying to pull.
    Looked like a couple lil fat kids, trying to run with their shoes untied!

  25. garro Says:

    I think Barton will be pissed off if Todd calls a time out! I would be. Jensen would be. Too loud? Come on man! They practice this stuff called a silent count.

    Go Bucs!

  26. Troy W. Says:

    As always…stick to journalism Joe…your not a head coach as much as you like to think you are.