Can Mike Evans Continue Punching Father Time?

May 15th, 2024

Fighting Father Time.

Bucs future Hall of Fame receiver Mike Evans really had a remarkable season last year if you think about it.

Few receivers put up the numbers Evans did when they were 30. Yeah, Joe always gets, “But did you see his drops?” Joe often responds, “Did you see his touchdowns?”

(Joe can tolerate looking the other way on strikeouts so long as the guy also crosses the plate the next time he’s at-bat.)

For example, look at Odell Beckham. Drafted the same spring as Evans, Beckham started to break down physically when he turned 28. Evans will turn 31 in preseason and he’s still going strong.

Evans led the NFL in touchdowns receiving last year with 13. It was his second-best season for scoring. He had 14 in 2021 and 13 in 2020. Those were with Tom Brady. Last year, it was Baker Mayfield throwing him touchdowns.

In his rookie season, Evans had 12 touchdowns. That was with Stewart McClown and Mike Glennon throwing him the ball. He also had 12 in 2016 when America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, was behind center.

Evans doesn’t give a damn who the quarterback is, he just scores.

Sooner or later Father Time is going to catch up with Evans. Given the way he is working out with his trainer (cool backyard setup below), Father Time may have to settle for later to tap Evans on the shoulder.

16 Responses to “Can Mike Evans Continue Punching Father Time?”

  1. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Mike Evans is a talanted focused family man who happens to play football at a world class level. The Bucs are lucky to have him.

  2. SB Says:

    Keep hammerin’ away Mike!

  3. Proudbucsfan Says:

    IMO this man loves football as much as his family. He’s just like all the great ones they loved football that much.

  4. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Start preparing those hamstrings.

  5. Crickett Baker Says:

    I don’t think he is punching Father Time. I think he is giving him a massage, a cold beer and making him his friend.

  6. heyjude Says:

    Love that video of Evans along with the yard setting. He is training off and on the field, right in his own backyard, and not giving in to father time. Great comparison to Beckham too. Evans has been my favorite for years. He is the guy that has helped every single QB he has played with. A true team player.

  7. garro Says:

    My brain says I am winning!

    Then I wake up and Giselle and the Ferrari are missing and my bank app buzzes to tell me my real balance… I then roll over only to to discover the latest mystery pain.

    But I continue to do battle! Keep up the good fight Mike!

    Go Bucs

  8. BucU Says:

    Mike is a pro’s pro. We gonna kick some arse this year. It’s gonna be a hot boring summer waiting for September to finally arrive.

  9. Irishmist Says:

    Put a blade on the bottom of that thing Mike, and you could make some extra scratch doing lawns in the off season.

  10. Bucsfan Says:

    30 is the new 25

  11. Bojim Says:

    Standing right next to the Buc greats.

  12. stpetebucfan Says:

    I get the comparisons to OBJ because of the parallel time lines to their careers and age similarity. But that’s where any similarity ends.

    OBJ ran a 4.43 40 while Mike was a full tenth of a second slower 4.53.
    OBJ’s game depended on speed and retaining that speed. ME13 is sneaky fast and still is able to get behind defenders but more with good moves which he works on fastidiously and of course ME13 is like a TE playing out wide.

    OBJ is 5-11 200 lbs ME13 6-5 220lbs.

    Age is wildly variable with “odds” of success beating “Father Time”. Ultimately everybody loses but as in any gamble there are things one can do to at least improve the odds. ME13 clearly is more like Tom Brady than others who do not take care of their bodies.

    30 is not really that old for a receiver like ME13 who can afford to lose a half step. OBJ OTOH cannot afford to lose any speed at all or his game is over.

  13. JimBobBuc Says:

    He’ll make the Freak List this year with a record setting performance for a 31yo. – as long as his hammy holds out and he gets his drops down. Coen will scheme Mike open.

  14. Conner50 Says:

    Surprised Boss hasn’t commented about the drop against the lions in the playoffs that single handily lost us that game… lol boss is a true moron

  15. JimBobBuc Says:

    i really respect Mike’s competitiveness, he wants the ball at critical points in the game. With young guys like Palmer, Thompkins, and J-Mac playing, I’d like to see Mike lead a little more by being more vocal on the sidelines helping the younger guys.

  16. SlyPirate Says:

    “Evans vs Father Time”

    That’s BS. Do some research. It’s called Google. Check it out.

    WR YARDS PER YEAR AGES 31, 32, 33
    Rice: 1503, 1499, 1848
    Fitz: 784, 1215, 1023
    Owens: 1200, 763, 1180
    Moss: 1493, 1003, 1264

    Those are prime stats. In fact, Rice set the record for yards per season at 33.

    THE TRUTH IS MORE INTERESTING … Evans turns 31 in August. For great WR, Evans is hitting his prime. Evans could explode the stat books over the next two years.

    Write the truth. Get fans excited.