Ray Davis And Rachaad White’s Comment

April 8th, 2024

Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht is known for superior communication with his players (as in more than most GMs) and for assessing every element of value in a prospect or free agent.

That brings Joe to University of Kentucky running back Ray Davis, a punishing and relentless runner who would be a spectacular late-third-round pick for the Bucs, per JoeBucsFan.com draft guru Sean Sullivan.

What kind of guy is Davis? Well, he’s a future movie.

The stunning feature at TheAthletic.com in February dove into how Davis grew up homeless and lost in the legal system because of incarcerated parents. He emerged with a degree from Vanderbilt after a 1,000-yard rushing season there in 2022 that included 8 touchdowns.

He moved on to the University of Kentucky and thrived last season, where current Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen called the plays. Davis hammered out 199 carries for 1,129 yards and 14 touchdowns on the ground — plus 33 catches and 7 touchdowns through the air.

At 5-8, 211 pounds, he reminds Joe of a cross between Earnest Graham and Maurice Jones-Drew. A lot folks thought Davis would enter the draft in 2023, but he not only stayed in school, he transferred.

Davis, obviously, was a quick study in Coen’s system, which has to enhance his value slightly to the Bucs. How could it not?

The Bucs need a rookie RB to hit the ground running. Also, he’s a versatile three-down back, which makes him an ideal option to complement Rachaad White.

A 4.51 time in the 40 yard dash for Davis at the Combine was very solid for a guy with his build.

As Joe noted previously, White said on WDAE radio last week “bring in competition” at running back. The way White said it sounded to Joe like Licht already told White to expect the team to draft a running back this month.

If so, that was a smart move by Licht since White is a sensitive, deep-thinker type of guy who looks for motivation everywhere but also greatly values respect.

Joe sees Davis as a very solid prospect but also as a guy who could light a fire under White because of his smarts, knowledge of the offense and punishing finish on his runs.

47 Responses to “Ray Davis And Rachaad White’s Comment”

  1. Bucs Guy Says:

    Davis, Allen or Estime in the 3rd or 4th. I like all 3. My preference is Estime because he is the most complete power RB in all 3 areas — running, receiving and blocking against the pass rush.

    WR, RB and ILB in the 3rd and 4th. JL will have to decide wwh8ch slips to the 4th rd based on BPA available.

  2. ATLBUC Says:

    When Davis made that block his team was winning 31-13!! That speaks to his character.

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    Oh PLEASE. An Earnest Graham clone with brains, heart and resilience. Love it. Coen will obviously be lobbying for him.

    Good bye, Sean Tucker.

  4. BuxfaninTX Says:

    Didnā€™t we have a Vanderbilt RB before? Asking for my pal Sneak

  5. heyjude Says:

    Wow, what a wonderful article about Ray Davis. He sure has had his share of obstacles throughout his life. I see Ray being a solid prospect too.

  6. Boss Says:

    We need a tb with tree trunksā€¦..if this is him then heck yes

  7. Boss Says:


  8. A Bucs Fan Says:

    He is too old at that position to be drafted any higher than the 6th or 7th round

  9. Mr. Editor Says:

    If he’s being drafted that low, he’ll have to show that he can play special teams, too.

  10. Ed McSherry Says:

    Edmonds already has that job, but to replace Tucker, okay.

    5′-8″? It seems a heavy, goal line “Fullback-type” would be be better.

    And, if it’s about depth, take the chance on drafting another interior O-line player; RB depth is fine under the pressing circumstances of needing to upgrade protection for Baker, and run-blocking for Rachaad.

    Hype-talk about “other positions (other than the interior O-line), reminds me of last year’s draft where the “feel” was that management felt the O-line was “good enough.”

    Uh, it wasn’t, duh.

  11. zzbucs Says:

    Sean Sullivan is the same guy who said JTS will be awesome for the BUcs?

  12. Pickgrin Says:

    If Davis is there when we pick in the 4th – Licht will take him without a thought.

    Not so sure about 3rd round though. Licht does have a pattern of drafting RBs in the 3rd so we’ll see….

    He would be a good addition and I’m sure Coen is lobbying for Ray.

    If we trade down from #26 and pick up an extra 3rd – then the chances of taking Davis with a late 3rd increase substantially….

  13. geno711 Says:

    I like Davis or Estime with our 2nd of our two 3rd round picks if the Bucs want to get a guy that is vastly different than White.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    The second of the 3rds for this kid would be worth it. There are some posters here without a cerebral cortex.

  15. JimBobBuc Says:

    Davis and White have great feel-good back stories. Iā€™d love to get a really good back that we pick because he plays well, not because of his back story.

  16. Dave Pear Says:

    Some people obviously never watched Earnest Graham play.

    One of my fave Bucs of all time. You want a fullback? He killed it. Need 100 yards to beat the Clowns after Dunn and Pittman go down? Check.

    4th down conversion against the Aints with the game on the line? Got it.

    Halfback pass? Oh yes.

    A kid like Davis has a much better chance to be special because of his back story. Theyā€™re giving away free cerebral cortices at the library.

  17. Dewey Selmon Says:

    The eye opener for me was Coen was able to establish the run vs the SEC, hope it translates in the NFL.

  18. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Davis ran for 29 vs Bama, 59 vs Ga, 43 vs Tn, 280 vs Fla. His only 100 yd games were Mizz and Ball St.

  19. BucU Says:

    But we have Sean Tucker on the team. Someone said he’s gonna have a breakout year.

  20. Nano107 Says:

    We got bigger concerns than RB

  21. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Dave Pear

    You must be young and romanticized Ernest Grahams success. Mr. August is a fan favorite for sure and exceeded expectations as a over performing UDFA and ultimate team player but if youā€™re expecting the Bucs to invest a 3rd round pick into Ray Davis they sure as heck better get more production than one 800 yard season and 15 rushing TDā€™s in eight years with the team.

  22. Dave Pear Says:

    A Duck Fan Says ā€œI Donā€™t Know Much But I Can Type on my Phone.ā€

    When Graham hot his chance he balled. When he went down with injury the Bucs of 2011 went on their 10 game losing streak that ended the Raheehaw era. Try watching some old games instead of beast.com

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    So his highlight is picking up a safety on a blitz?

    Yeah, that’s 3rd round material for sure, never seen a RB do that before.

  24. Bucben61 Says:

    He will be 25 in November…that’s a no from me

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Going and watching more videos of this guy – my takeaways…

    Very good good vision, seems to be able to find open areas pretty well and do so while moving.

    His quickness is not what I’d expect from a guy that small – it’s not bad, but it’s nothing special.

    His speed might be better than you think – short guys tend to get run down due to their shorter legs (see Doug Martin) but on some plays guys didn’t seem to catch him from behind.

    Most of his plays were against very suspect competition, so it’s hard to take much away from what I saw.

    With that said, his vision is intriguing. I could see a player like that stick around the NFL for a while. However, to my eye, he looks much more like a 5th round pick after looking at his middling RAS score.

    In any case, the Bucs already have a starting RB and a ton of holes, and you can get a RB anywhere. The Bucs should be spending their picks on filling needs.

  26. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Dave Pear The speed at which you condescend proves my point. In any case, he did play well. He was a great team player. You are still over valuing his impact as a rusher and perhaps undervaluing Legarrette Blounts impact on those two teams. Also to imply his injury somehow caused a the 10 game losing streak and not their hard partying & drug addicted QB proves your bias.

  27. SB Says:

    I would be ok with Tre Benson too but Prefer Davis.

  28. SB Says:

    I heard we are bringing the Texas RB in for a look see.

  29. BucsFan Says:

    Need a Home Run hitter with 4.2 speed that hits the hole HARD-Oh wait ROJO is available…….

  30. infomeplease Says:

    Sounds good to me. Bring in this guy! Would complement RW1 … Not so predictable as to run or pass when either guy was in the field!

  31. infomeplease Says:

    Bucsfan .. Rojo will always be available! He lacks the mental strength needed to play in this league!

  32. BucsFan Says:

    ROJO is only 26 and some players mature later than others, just ask Baker.

  33. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Best way to improve one of the worst rushing attacks in the league- add talent to your Oline AND Rb rooms. If White goes down, we are less than slim pickings. I would prefer an even bigger back. White has that size, more speed, is taller, and has the ability to catch the ball and take it to the house.

  34. HomerSimpsonRocxks Says:

    Would LOVE to see the Bucs draft Ray Davis. Great story, great drive and character, has overcome a lot in his life and would be a great addition.

  35. Conner50 Says:

    Wouldnā€™t mind him with our second third round pick or Estime, or Shraeder from Missouri. Fourth round with one of thes guys would be better

  36. Tony Says:

    As long as they don’t draft Latu. Dude can’t stay healthy & has dealt with some serious injuries. I think even the doctors suggested that he should consider stop playing, too! Pass.

  37. Tony Says:


    I wasn’t big on Jones even when he was at USC & I can see why now. I’d rather put Bo Jackson Cadillac (or the Yugo) Dunn or the steroid guinea pig back (Martin) there instead.

  38. ToAd Bowels Says:

    We should trade out of the first round to pick up an extra pick in the second and third rounds.

    Never give us two pics in me second round and three picks in the third round, a total of 5 top 3 round picks. With that, Jason Licht and company should end up with (in no particular order, take what the draft value is available, an edge rusher, an interior lineman, a cornerback, a linebacker and wide receiver.

    Graphics in the remaining rounds could garner a safety, a tight end, and a running back.
    Plan accordingly.

  39. Dave Pear Says:

    A duck fan doesnā€™t know when it quacks or grunts.

    I was talking about Graham not Blount. Not sure how you assume what my value on Blount was.

    Graham was a complete back. Blount was not great in the passing game, or blitz pickup but was a special open field runner and Schiamoron was a moron to get rid of him.

  40. Boss Says:

    Graham was a decent yet reliable back. He lacked fluidity.

  41. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Dave Pear try reading what I wrote again slowly. Youā€™ll eventually understand your mistake.

  42. Hopein1handā€¦ Says:

    An Eareast Grahm clone is not bad but Davis is much moreā€¦ He can do installs with Coenā€™s new offense which is a plus beyond his tape. He ran and caught it like a boss under Coen- let that continue.

  43. Dave Pear Says:

    If Duck fan could quack it would make more sense. Very proud however.

  44. Zman Says:

    I like Ray, but I prefer Brooks, he has serious talent. Brooks might be there in round 3. I don’t take Ray in the third.

  45. Dave Pear Says:

    Jason knows best. Gotta love a dude who reminds Joe of a hybrid Earnest Graham / MJD. Graham is easily the most underrated, under-appreciated RB in Bucs history. In 2007 and 2008 he carried the offense on his back after being branded Mr. August.

    If Jason brings the dude in for a visit and then drafts him, Iā€™ll be pleased.

  46. Stanglassman Says:

    I do not believe Ray Davis will be on the Bucs draft board. They had him in for a visit. Word was it didn’t go well.

  47. Bucben61 Says:

    I don’t get the love for what will be a 25 year old rookie rb…lots of equal talent that’s 4 or 5 years younger