Jason Licht’s First-Round Record: 5-5 With Asterisks

April 19th, 2024

GM Jason Licht.

Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht appears to be a .500 hitter in Round 1 of the NFL Draft.

There is clarity in Licht’s 10-year draft record but also plenty of gray area, which makes it a fun analysis.

Mike Evans was slam dunk in 2014, obviously, Licht’s first season. Licht deserves bonus points for drafting a Hall of Famer.

Then comes Jameis Winston, the former America’s Quarterback turned America’s backup. He was the No. 1 overall pick in 2015 and didn’t earn a second contract from the Bucs. He posted stunning numbers in a couple of seasons, but those stunners included the first 30-interception season since 1988, and getting labeled by the NFL as a sex offender. He falls in the bust category, though the Bucs were desperate for a quarterback and Jameis turned out to be the best in that draft class.

Vernon Hargreaves (2016) and O.J. Howard (2017) also were busts.

In 2018, Licht nailed the first round by trading down from No. 8 to No. 12 and drafting Vita Vea. That draft-night deal also pocketed Licht two second-picks from Buffalo, one of which became former Bucs No. 1 cornerback Carlton Davis.

In 2019, savior linebacker Devin White was drafted. He just left the Bucs and signed with the Eagles in free agency after a shaky season, but Joe can’t call White a bust. He had multiple good years and was a critical cog in the Bucs reaching the Super Bowl. That’s a “W” and always will be.

Tristan Wirfs was a slam dunk pick in 2020, perhaps the second future Hall of Fame player Licht has drafted.

In 2021, the Bucs whiffed on Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, the edge rusher taken No. 32 overall. He’s played like a good fourth-round pick.

Joe wonders if Licht regrets not drafting massive Alabama center Landon Dickerson, now the two-time Eagles Pro Bowl guard picked five spots after Tryon-Shoyinka. He’s the highest paid guard in the NFL.

Joe can’t call the Bucs’ 2022 first round performance a win. They traded out of the first round and picked defensive lineman Logan Hall at the top of Round 2, but that trade down did net starting tight end Cade Otton.

Last year, Licht grabbed defensive tackle Calijah Kancey at No. 19 overall. As of today, Kancey looks like fantastic pick with true Pro Bowl potential.

So Joe is giving Licht a 5-5 record in his 10 first rounds, with bonus asterisks for his showing in 2014, 2018 and 2020.

Joe has to give a negative asterisk for 2017. Too many special players were drafted after Howard in that first round, including a better tight end. And that’s without Joe referencing Dalvin Cook.

Very solid performance overall by Licht when you compare him to his NFL counterparts.

73 Responses to “Jason Licht’s First-Round Record: 5-5 With Asterisks”

  1. BuxfaninTX Says:

    Unfortunately his second round picks aren’t as good……

  2. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    What’s the hit rate league-wide?

  3. SenileSenior Says:

    I don’t know that Wirfs was a slam dunk pick. I recall that many people had two other offensive left tackles rated higher that year. His rookie performance was spectacular and JL has said that he was their target all along.

    I trust Licht. I am looking forward to who becomes our first pick this time!

    Go Bucs!!!

  4. doolnutts Says:

    A couple of things..

    “Joe wonders if Licht regrets not drafting massive Alabama center Landon Dickerson, now the two-time Eagles Pro Bowl guard picked five spots after Tryon-Shoyinka. He’s the highest paid guard in the NFL.” – This is why I would like us to take best available we reached for JTS we could of just taken a center. Now we still need an edge and now we also still need that center. This is why I will never be of the camp that we only should draft a “play maker” in round 1. I am perfectly fine taking a center this year if one falls. Best player available IMO.

    BuxfaninTX – No one in the league drafts well generally speaking but no one drafts well the later the rounds go on including the second. The miss rates are massive.

  5. Scott Says:

    Man everything pointed to OJ being a stud. Hargreaves and White I wasn’t too thrilled about. Hall and JTS I was thing who tf is that guy?

  6. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    The pick traded with the Bills got Josh Allen for Buffalo while Bucs got a part time player in Vea. The Super Bowl credit needs to be given to Brady, the de facto GM who brought in Gronk, AB and Fournette.

  7. BucsFan55 Says:

    2021 and 2022 1st round picks were very bad

  8. Dewey Selmon Says:

    I don’t think you can call Jameis a bust. 5 year starter and 120+ TD passes.

  9. catcard202 Says:

    So, Licht is batting ~ league avg…(1st rd hit rate = 56%…Licht is at 50%)

    I also would not say JW3 was a bust…His INT rate & W/L record is not great, but neither were most of the Bucs teams assembled around him…The man has thrown for >20K yds & 140+ TD’s, while still collecting an NFL check entering his 10th yr in the league.

    He’s not in same Bust category as Sam Bradford / Jamarcus Russell / Heath Schuler / Vince Young…

  10. The Daily Coroner Says:

    Joe. Sorry. Releasing a first round draft pick at the end of their rookie contract is a dud!

  11. Scott Says:

    When Jameis got here, the games got closer and more exciting.

  12. BrianBucs Says:

    Winston and Mariota being the best 2 QB’s in that draft shows how really horrible that QB class really was.
    Licht has made some really good 1st round picks and some really bad ones too.
    The pick of Evans was a no brainer as every single mock draft had him coming here.
    In the 1st round of the draft, GM’s are having their pick of all of the very best players in the draft so you would think that only a 50% hit rate would be looked at as being unacceptable.
    Licht still has a losing record as Bucs GM .
    Best 2 things that have happened since Licht has been GM here is the hiring of Arians and the signing of Brady.
    It appears that Brady was the major recruiter of the Superbowl talent that followed him here Arians knew how to use it.
    Licht is probably an average GM who had some very fortunate and unfortunate things happen around him.

  13. SenileSenior Says:

    I have convinced myself that the Bucs could have won a Superbowl with guys JL brought here in Brady’s second year. But, who knows?

  14. BrianBucs Says:


    Winston had a gift for keeping both teams in the game.

  15. Capt.Tim Says:

    Id say that’s a great record.
    And Jason Licht doesn’t deal in mediocrity.
    It’s either Pro-bowler or epic bust.

    Joe, this was a great article. Do you think you could do a similar breakdown of our second round picks.
    I would love to see if we are really as snake bit in round 2 as It seems!

  16. OR Buc Says:

    It’s worth noting Lichts “wins” were too 12 picks and losses were lower picks, excluding Jameis. Like Joe said, Jameis was the best QB in that class. The bottom of the 1st is always trickier than the top. Bill polian also noted more risk taking at bottom of first due to rookie wage scale. I’m just glad he hit on the picks he should hit on at top of draft.

  17. OR Buc Says:

    It’s a fun, but flawed analysis approach. It should be noted that no picks were given up to get to 50% hit rate and he was evenly balanced with high and low 1sts. I’d bet GMs with higher hit rate either gave up picks or were more weighted to top of draft.

  18. OR Buc Says:

    Correction: there was an inexpensive trade up for wirfs.

  19. Ed Says:

    No disrespect to Vita Vea, but he is a good player who is by no means a guy that completely creates havoc on the defensive line. I would say he was over drafted and probably most NFL GM’s wouldn’t have picked him as high as the Bucs did.

    Likewise with Devon White. Like Gerald McCoy, taken around the same draft pick. Good players but not guys that made plays with games on the line or made big momentum changing tackles or sacks to seal up a win.

    When Rich McKay or Sam Wyche were drafting guys like Sapp and Brooks those were the kind of men that made plays in the right spots. Devin White, no way, he was destroyed in the running game, very weak player, all the hype about him being a Ray Lewis type. Not even close.

  20. OR Buc Says:

    BrianBucs. Licht is not an average GM. What happened to the Rams after they won the Super Bowl (5-12?). What happened to Bucs, 3 straight NFC championships. What happened last year? Team with most snaps by rookies, making it to divisional round (and almost winning) with something like 75 mil in dead cap.

    Why did Brady want to come to Bucs? Cause the roster that was already in place.

    Enough said

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    OJ Howard should have been awesome. I still don’t totally understand how that went so wrong.

    Winston was always the dumbass FSU QB that heaved the ball up into the air as he was being sacked against my Oregon Ducks. He was an idiot. Mariota wasn’t any better which shocks me.

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Breaking all of your teams offensive records, bringing a top 5 offense – multiple times – to a franchise that had never had even one, and then losing your job to Tom Brady does not make you a bust.

  23. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Keep in mind that the first few years, Licht had to take who the head coach wanted. It was only a few years ago that he earned the trust of the owners…and that resulted in him getting Arian, Brady and the rest is history.

  24. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Ed Says:
    “Gerald McCoy”

    McCoy went a decade without having good players around him. He was expected to be Sapp 2.0…but Sapp had a good cast around him the whole time he was here.

    If McCoy had guys like Vea on the line, it would have been a different story.

  25. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Bucs exercised the 5th year option on Winston, White & Howard…….they shouldn’t be considered busts if the Bucs chose to keep them.
    OK, maybe Howard…..but the injury hurt him.
    White & Winston still playing & earning good checks.

    The jury is still out on Hall….but doesn’t look good……Jury has spoken on JTS…..not good.

  26. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe


    Now do Mark Dominik!



  27. Beeej Says:

    The only way for him to escape the James pic, considering Mariota was also a bust, would have been it to trade the pick away

  28. Fred McNeil Says:

    I have a few quibbles, Joe. You might even agree with them yourself. Winston was a bust, sorta. The clown had tons of physical gifts. I’ll never forget that play on forth and nineteen where his protection acted like five JTS clones and ran around in circles while Jamis scrambled for his very life. Suddenly, he planted ang threw…from twenty yards behind the LOS and tossed a miracle to Mike Evans for twenty astounding yards and a first down. Jamis had freakish gifts. He was also a goofy arse freak. Licht has to take him or Mariota. No other choice.
    OJ Howard…we effin HAD to take him. I was elated! He did show slow improvement and TB12 seemed to coach him up. Then he popped his hammy.
    Devin White had three very good years. Then he rested on his laurels. It happens. JTS was a good bet at #32.
    VH3 … Hall(almost a first rounder), .. now those were duds.

  29. Fred McNeil Says:

    Thought provoking trip down memory lane, thou…good and not so good. Mostly good.
    Thank you Mr Licht.

  30. FortMyersDave Says:

    Beeej. Philly was supposedly interested in moving up with either Tampa or the Titans to get a qb. I wonder what package of picks Licht and the Titan GM were looking at if Philly actually did pick up the phone.

  31. Beeej Says:

    He would have had to predict that both Jameis and Mariota would have been busts. That would have been a heck of a thing

  32. Cobraboy Says:


    Sounds about right for the draft in general across the league, not just the first round.

  33. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    “In 2021, the Bucs whiffed on Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, the edge rusher taken No. 32 overall. He’s played like a good fourth-round pick.

    Joe wonders if Licht regrets not drafting massive Alabama center Landon Dickerson, now the two-time Eagles Pro Bowl guard picked five spots after Tryon-Shoyinka. He’s the highest paid guard in the NFL.”

    So in hindsight, it would have been better to draft the center in the first round rather than the edge rusher?

  34. Fred McNeil Says:

    Now may I offer some REAL busts. Cataclysmic busts: the first may not seem like a bust. Screwy Huey Culverhouse personally made it a bust. He drafted the great Doug Williams! He’s spiel was “first Black quarterback to the Super Bowl”. Indeed Williams had that potential. But really that cheap old racist just figured he could pay the man less. So instead he brought a Lombardi to Washington.
    Bo Jackson. A solid pick on the surface, but Screwy Huey deliberately sabotaged Jackson’s final year of college eligibility for baseball. Bo declared he would never play for that bigoted slob. He never did.
    Rod “Toast” Jones. Screwy Huey hired the only person(?) on the planet more egotistical than even he was: Coach Ray Perkins. His megalomaniacal exploits were the legends of Buccaneer infamy. Apparently, the player he wanted in the draft got selected out from under him. In a fit of rage he simply, and foolishly commanded” just get me the fastest cornerback”. Rod made sure opposing receivers made it safely to the end zone for two or three years
    That’s enough, I guess.

  35. SenileSenior Says:

    I like Buccaneer Bonzai’s insights.

    I will always praise Licht for learning and maturing as an NFL GM over time.

    Go Bucs!!!

  36. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    I disagree with most of the posts here. Bonzai, Licht had “full” support when he drafted JTS and Hall. Both big time busts. He didn’t draft Ariens, Brady, etc.- -he signed them with Glazier’s approval.

    No credit for Wirfs. He was the last pf the 4-5 top tackles available. Turns out he was the best, however, Licht had no choice.

    If he was so hot he could have passed on Jamis and traded down for a BOATLOAD of picks. That would have been smart (in retrospect).

    Other for QB, which we all agree is tough to call, a 1st round pick HAS to be in the lineup in year 1. Edge, RB, TE are picks he routinely fumbles.

  37. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I hope licht says Luke mcCaffrey round 3. This year, Bucs first of 2 third round picks. He has got the name man.

  38. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    April 19th, 2024 at 5:35 pm
    Breaking all of your teams offensive records, bringing a top 5 offense – multiple times – to a franchise that had never had even one, and then losing your job to Tom Brady does not make you a bust.
    Jameis IS a bust because he’s an idiot. There are many instances of him being a dumb £u€k, the latest being NOT FOLLOWING HIS COACHES INSTRUCTIONS. It should be a colossal goat £u€k in Cleveland with him and Watson together.

  39. Dave Pear Says:

    Nobody on defense is getting coached up, they’re mostly getting coached down , and stay overly confused by Todd’s quantum metaphysical defensive schemes. No wonder JTS and Hall suck, no wonder why Dean, Davis, Devon, and Shaq regressed. No wonder why Whitehead left and promptly flourished.

    Todd is the most overrated defensive masturmind in the history of the NFL.

  40. Dave Pear Says:

    At least Todd has compiled losing head coaching records with two different NFL teams, so there’s that fact.

  41. StormyInFl Says:

    Winston ABSOLUTELY was a bust.

    Whenever you draft a QB high – especially first overall- and he doesn’t earn a second contract, that’s a bust. No other way to view it.

  42. TF Says:

    Winston was a bust because ALL his passing stats were overrated. The Bucs teams in those years were giving up points left and right and Winston was commanding an offense that was down 2 scores. His entire Bucs career he was getting 300-400 yards games because of “garbage time”.

  43. Oneilbuc Says:

    Not to mention he missed on the whole 2016 draft with a young quarterback in his second year. I really believe that was another problem that Jamies had to deal with. You can’t missed on a whole draft class and expect a young quarterback in his second year to carry a team. And if you don’t believe me go look at the bears.

  44. Shane Callahan Says:

    GM is a tough job, but there’s a lot of us that could do it, lol.

  45. Oneilbuc Says:

    It’s crazy how you guys call Jamies yards and touchdowns garbage time but Baker Mayfield yards and touchdowns wasn’t and Baker had a waay better defense and he played in the worse division in the NFL. While at the time Jamies help the team win 9 games but didn’t make the playoffs because the division back then was good.

  46. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stormy. So I guess Baker Mayfield is a bust as well right ? And maybe the only reason why he got a second shot at is because either he knows someone or the national media loves him. Or it’s because of the paint job and you know what I’m talking about!!

  47. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stormy. Not a second shot but a 4th shot at being a starter in the NFL!!

  48. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueelyall – do you really believe the stuff you babble or are you just brain damaged?

  49. StormyInFl Says:

    Oniell – your thinly veiled accusations of racism are tiresome. Just come out and say it.

    It’s NOT about race. But that’s all it ever is with you, isn’t it?

    Aren’t you the same guy who said the Bucs would regret not showing Winston the bag, and signing Brady was a mistake? We all saw how that worked out. As of right now, Winston is a career backup and the Bucs have their 2nd Lombardi. That doesn’t happen with Mr Turnover. Oh and Mayfield QB’s this team to a playoff berth, something else America’s Turnover Machine couldn’t do.

    Mayfield was far better for the Browns than Winston was for the Bucs. Did they give up on him? Yes. Too soon? Seems like it. The Bucs gave Winston five years
    At least he got them to the playoffs. What did Winston do? Put his team down a couple scores more often than not. A good portion of the Browns fans would rather have Mayfield back than that overpaid idiot Watson. But of course you’ll blame race on that too.

    And spare me the ‘Winston had to carry the team’ garbage. He had an all world receiver in Evans, a damn good 2nd in Godwin. Not to mention a pretty capable TE in Brate.

    Here’s another big difference between Mayfield and Winston – Mayfield never groped uber drivers. Mayfield never date raped college coeds (allegedly). Mayfield never stole crab legs (allegedly)

    Winston made it very hard to root for this team. Not because he is black, but because he was a garbage human being. Simple as that. The fact that he was a human turnover machine didn’t make it any easier.

    Give me a break. He was a bust. No other way to view it. The Bucs were desperate for a QB that year and they had to fish in the FSU sewer to get one.

  50. adam from ny Says:

    i have him at 6-4 the past 10 years of the draft on first rounders…and am including logan hall in that group…

    6 booms & okays
    4 busteroonies

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    StormyInFl Says:
    April 19th, 2024 at 8:37 pm
    Winston ABSOLUTELY was a bust.

    Whenever you draft a QB high – especially first overall- and he doesn’t earn a second contract, that’s a bust. No other way to view it.


    If Tom Brady isn’t available, the Bucs are bringing back Winston.

    I was one of Winston’s biggest backers here, and at the time I said you get Brady 100 out of 100 times in that situation as it’s a franchise changer.

    Even as Winston said at the time, losing your job to the GOAT isn’t really something you can get mad at.

    Also, as a reminder, while Winston was here … 32nd ranked defense from 2015-2019, 32nd ranked kicking game from 2015-2019, all while playing the hardest schedule in the league. If Winston wasn’t breaking all the team records on offense, that era would have been dramatically worse.

    That’s a fact – and that means he wasn’t a bust.

  52. KABucs Says:

    No one will probably read this way down at the bottom but I find it strange that Winfield Jr isn’t mentioned any where in that article and in any post I could find above mine. He’s probably better at his position than 90% of the players mentioned, maybe more. That was such a big home run pick it deserves double credit. He plays almost every down and can actually fill in it multiple positions. Probably one of the highest football IQs on the team. Single-handedly made sure we won two games we probably would have lost without his clutch plays.
    It’s because this post was about first-round draft picks. Winfield was a second-rounder.–Joe

  53. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave Pear. Where was I wrong at if Jamies is a bust because he didn’t get a second contract with the bucs than that mean Baker Mayfield was a bust right because Cleveland didn’t give him a second contract. And yes Baker Mayfield is given more chances to fail than any number one overall quarterback I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a guy get to start for 4 different teams in 6 years after being a member one overall pick at the quarterback position. So yes I asked a question the difference between him and Jamies especially when I all I heard was Jamies yards and touchdowns were garbage time but Baker Mayfield wasn’t garbage time. Like the Bills , Saints, Eagles, 49ers, both of the Lions game he pad his stats and he played with a much better defense than what Jamies had and worser division. And they both only won 9 games you tell me Brees, Newton, Ryan vs Carr , Ridder, and Brice Young who is a rookie in bad situation who had it harder??

  54. IE Buc Says:

    When we drafted Vea, I couldn’t believe we passed up Derwin James. James has been the better player and a top safety for years. What a backfield we could have had with James. Vea has had his role, but it was Suh that made the difference for our line.

  55. adam from ny Says:

    i also consider winston not a bust…he is one of my 6 of licht’s 10 who didn’t bust…

    but he slots in to my more “okay” category…

    jameis did ok, he wasn’t a bust

  56. adam from ny Says:

    now if we signed him to the big contract he wanted…say 5 years 150 mil at the time…

    we might be sitting around saying he’s now a bust, if he was just riding the pine as our second stringer

  57. adam from ny Says:

    and to think —

    if we signed jameis to his expensive demands, we would have never signed tommy b, and had the whole brady experience for that wonderfully short 3 year window

  58. Fred McNeil Says:

    Somehow, Jamis is where he fits in best. With Deshawn Watson.

  59. 76 bucsfan46 Says:

    If Licht is batting 50% then I’m batting 100% because every draft I choose who I would have taken and mine are spot on.

  60. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Rod and O’Neil. Jaymiss is not a bust. Seriously? First overall pick in the draft. More turnovers than anyone when he played. Didn’t earn a 2nd contract and is now relegated to a career backup. He’ll never sniff another starting job, barring injury to someone. Compare that to many other first pick QBs like Manning, Elway, Bradshaw and others.

  61. Oneilbuc Says:

    Alvin. So is Baker Mayfield a bust again he’s on his 4th team in 6 years does that make him a bust? Baker is a guy their giving him a chance to faile but again Baker is the only number one overall pick at quarterback that’s on their 4th team in 6 years and was given a starting job for all 4 teams he has to know someone in the NFL front office. That’s what you call politics not what you know it’s who you know. Trust me I remember Chris Chandler who played for 12 different teams because he was married to the commissioner daughter back then. Matt Shaub is married to one of the owners in the NFL daughter and Drew Lock is engaged with Jerry Jones niece right now and I’m sure their others and maybe Baker Mayfield is connected I don’t know for sure but I have never seen a quarterback that was the number one overall pick gets to start for 4 different teams. And look how their treating Arch Manning right now he’s the third strange quarterback in Texas right now and last year he had more media talking to him then the starting quarterback in the playoffs last year. Tom Caughtlin drafted his son in law in the second round one year he wasn’t even projected to be a drafted. Arch Manning will be in the NFL because of his family not his play he can’t even be a backup in college. This will be a terrible season for the bucs in my opinion and it will be a whole lot of excuses for Baker Mayfield watch and see and I hope I’m wrong but at this point I don’t see 10 wins. We have a meadicore GM with a mediocre HC and a meadicore quarterback with a average defense and that’s why this will be a below average or average at best season. Their just spinning their wheels in quick sand which means eventually this franchise is going to sink back into being a losing team.

  62. Cobraboy Says:

    @IE: maybe Vea made Suh even better. Synergy.

  63. Bucanero Says:

    Jaymeis was a bust but that was still the right pick by Licht. Howard was a terrible pick. Reached for TE in the first.

  64. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Pretty solid. Picked up Evans and Godwin, Wirfs was the (#3) tackle but has outperformed Jed Wills and Andrew Thomas, Winfield was the #2 safety with injury concerns, outperformed the dud from LSU. Goedecke was a bust until all of a sudden he wasn’t. JTS was a product of COVID lockdowns, gotta draft someone despite limited data. Logan was a swing and a miss; decent R3/4 pick, looks bad as the face of your draft

  65. tampabuscsbro Says:

    lmao I love people are coping about Jay Miss wasn’t a bust.

    He wasn’t the wrong pick and not a bust but to say we should have brought him back if Brady wasn’t there is beyond delusional.

    These are the same people who said Payton would fix him.

  66. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueelyall makes Forrest Gump seem like a genius.

  67. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueelyall makes Forrest Gump sound like a genius.

  68. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave Pear. The question I asked can be answered but to answer it you have to either lie or tell the truth so you throw out childest insult because you know the real truth!! Lol 🤣🤣🤣

  69. David Says:

    I think the jury is out on Logan Hall since his first year was pretty much last year. I agree White should not be considered a bust, just disappointing the way it turned out.

    I am surprised that Jameis Winston never grew up and matured into a better QB. All the talent was there.
    The most shocking one to me, though, is O.J. Howard. You can point to injuries, but it wasn’t just injuries. He had so much talent and never really did a damn thing with it

  70. HC Grover Says:

    He does better drafting Beef in rd.1

  71. King_Bliss Says:

    How can Winston be a bust when he posted numbers unlike anyone that can out the same draft as him or as a former Buc? One of the best QB we ever had he had a turn over issue but so did Eli and Farve and some would say they are HOF quarterbacks hmm… I didn’t know we were grading off field issues as part of being a bust or not smh

  72. StormyInFl Says:

    “One of the best QB we ever had he had a turn over issue…” lolz. None of those QBs you mentioned turned it over like Jay-Miss. He made spotting the other team points an art form.

    And yes – the off-field stuff matters, especially when this idiot got himself suspended for it.

  73. The Big Sombrero Says:

    Thanks for calling Devon White a W…. it stinks that the team and him couldn’t come to terms… very talented.

    Also… don’t forget the years with Brady… the org was not looking to grow youth… so some draftees may have not been given much of a chance to stick during that period.

    I wish the draft and GM report cards were talked about much more…