“We See A Better Quarterback Now”

March 20th, 2024

Hall of Fame quarterback Kurt Warner speaks.

How much time should a quarterback get to learn, mature and thrive?

Joe loves hearing folks with great knowledge and credibility address that issue.

The Bucs have been very patient with quarterbacks and have shown they believe in development. Tampa Bay gave Jameis Winston, the former America’s Quarterback, five years to figure out how to protect the football. He rewarded the Bucs with a galling 30-interception season in 2019, his fifth and final Bucs year.

How bad was that? Only one quarterback since has thrown 20 interceptions — Sam Howell with 21 for Washington last year.

Hall of Fame QB Kurt Warner knows a ton about quarterback development as an undrafted player who came up through the Arena Football League. He got his shot at 28 years old and came out throwing knockout punches for the Rams. Then he was relegated to backup status and dominated again when he reinvented himself in Arizona at 35 years old.

Warner detailed for The Rich Eisen Show this week that he sees Baker Mayfield as a mature and improving quarterback that was given up on too soon by the Browns, despite Mayfield having stretches of greatness there.

“We see a better quarterback now than we did in Cleveland even though I thought he was a good quarterback in Cleveland with the system they had,” Warner explained.

But Warner was not throwing flowers at every veteran quarterback and thinking they’re the next Mayfield. Host Rich Eisen was trying to sell Warner on quarterback Sam Darnold reviving and remaking himself with the Vikings this season, and Warner wasn’t buying it.

“He hasn’t shown the consistency to process, see it and make the play that a guy like Baker did,” Warner said, adding that he’s “skeptical” of Darnold because “I’ve never seen that level of consistency that you need to be a franchise guy.”

Joe sees what the Vikings and Falcons are doing, and Joe sees the teams praying for rookie quarterbacks to win them games this season while knowing half the rookies will be busts. That makes Joe extra grateful that Mayfield calls Tampa home.

83 Responses to ““We See A Better Quarterback Now””

  1. Rover Says:

    I have never been more intrigued about a season (sans brady 2020/Freeman 2010) than this season. No1 knows how this will play out and it will indeed cause a huge divide amongst this fanbase. Its either “I told you so” or “I TOLD YOU SO”. This thing can bottom out or take us to that next level. Buckle up guys. Prepare for the unknown. Go Bucs!

  2. unbelievable Says:

    The key for Mayfield and the Bucs this year is to be consistent through 17 games. Let’s see 2-3 TD passes every week!

  3. Beeej Says:

    Until last season, the biggest knock on Baker was all the interceptions. He seems to have worked hard on that, you could see he was afraid to take a lot of shots. I remember was a specific one in the end zone with Godwin

  4. J Marzullo Says:

    JOE ~ “The Bucs have been very patient with quarterbacks and have shown they believe in development.”

    You mean like drafting a quarterback in the second round and developing him by not letting him play with the starting offense for 3 full seasons, not even in preseason games? Is that what you mean by “development”?

  5. JimBobBuc Says:

    @Rover, I’m with you. It will be interesting to see Baker etal in Coen’s offense. The big disagreement among us seems to be Baker’s ceiling. Was last year his peak or could he play better? Some people look at his Cleveland years and say that those years, together with last year, represent Baker’s peak.

    I am not sure if last year was Baker’s peak or not, and I agree this will be an interesting year.

  6. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Fortify the offensive line and Baker will only improve!

  7. Esteban85 Says:

    Marzullo- wasn’t Trask given a chance to compete? Didn’t he battle for the starting job last season & lose to a better QB in Mayfield? I don’t understand the lust for an inferior player just Bc we drafted him in round 2. Maybe we made a poor decision in drafting Trask that early but it seems he’s had a chance to prove his worth and has proven to be a clipboard holding sideline guy.

  8. Permanently Moderated Says:

    I miss Gronk-a-day.

  9. Esteban85 Says:

    It’s called meritocracy, may the best man win. I know y’all hate it but Baker was the best man for the job.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs have been very patient with quarterbacks and have shown they believe in development. Tampa Bay gave Jameis Winston, the former America’s Quarterback, five years to figure out how to protect the football. He rewarded the Bucs with …


    A 5000 yard season, a top 5 offense, and a higher QBR than Baker had last year.

  11. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Have always thought that it takes about a season and a half worth of starts to find out if you have drafted a QB that you can work with.

    That said, like Warner & Brad Johnson, some QBs get better later in their careers, become seasoned pros if you will.

    Much of depends on circumstances, too.

    For example, ownership wants QB “X” with the 1st overall pick, even tho he’s not a great fit with the current coaching staff/ scheme. Results can be instant failure.

    That same QB gets a shot down the road in a coach/ scheme friendly environment, he revives his career or is finally able to show off his talents

    Since ’76

  12. Boss Says:

    meh, I still see guido

  13. NCBuc80 Says:

    Let’s see if the OC can stick around for 2 years and then see what Baker is like. Love the potential he has but how many OCs has he had in his career? I don’t think we have seen his ceiling yet. If we have that isn’t good. We would have to rely on a much improved OL and run game to get us to a SB. Baker is solid but he hasn’t proven he can take over a game for us yet. The next 3 years will be very interesting.

  14. Buccaneer rick Says:

    When baker gets hurt and trask has a chance to play then I’ll judge I think he got hit with the change of head coaches and the fact that Todd bowels job was on the line so taking a chance on trask was out for Bowles but if everyone was saying it was a close between them both imo I feel baker should have been way pass trask even in a new system you know with all of his experience I think he just happens to be one of the guys and that’s why everyone is like yeah baker is the guy but ehh I’m with whoever is qb 1 win lose or draw in practice just win the real games

  15. doolnutts Says:

    Rod Munch – Did you actually look this up or just say it? Baker had a QBR of 54.3 in his first year with us. Winston was always in the 50’s outside of 2018. Also a fun fact you forgot to mention… Winston never even sniffed the playoffs let alone got us a playoff win. Brady got there with the same team Winston had and then Baker followed that up…

  16. Boss Says:

    we all know Baker, The Situation, Mayfield is gonna be replaced by Trask at some point this season.

  17. J Marzullo Says:


    I don’t “lust” after players, unlike many here. As a Bucs fan, I just want to know what our drafted players can and cannot do. And, after 3 full seasons, we have no idea what Trask can and cannot do in a game with the starting offense because, unbelievably, the Bucs in 3 full seasons have not let Trask play even one series with the starters, not even in a frikin PRESEASON GAME! Worse, before the 2023 season, Licht said that in Trask’s first 2 seasons he actually NEVER EVEN PRACTICED WITH THE STARTERS and he (Licht) was excited to see Trask practice with the starters for the first time in the 2023 training camp. I challenge you to find another second-round quarterback who has been “developed” like this.

    As for Trask having been given a chance to compete, that’s laughable for two reasons …

    First, during Trask’s first 2 seasons, Brady was gunning for Super Bowls and he wanted veteran Gabbert as his backup – with whom he had already won one Super Bowl. Trask never competed for Gabbert’s job, as confirmed by Bucs quarterback coach Christensen, who said before training camp started that “Gabbert will be prepared as the number 2.” This fits perfectly with Licht’s statement that in his first 2 seasons Trask NEVER EVEN PRACTICED WITH THE STARTERS.

    Second, as for “competing” with Mayfield, that was a charade and even Joe acknowledges it. Bowles’ job was on the line and he was not going to put his career in the hands of a quarterback with no game experience with the starting offense. Moreover, according to Joe, who attended training camp, and according to others who were there, Trask actually DID OUTPLAY MAYFIELD in training camp. But again, Bowles was going to go with the veteran no matter what Trask did.

    You seem derelict in Bucs history. New fan?

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    doolnutts Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:43 pm
    Rod Munch – Did you actually look this up or just say it? Baker had a QBR of 54.3 in his first year with us.Winston was always in the 50’s outside of 2018.


    Serious question, are you retarded?

    Winston literally had a better QBR than Baker had last year, in 4 of his 5 years.

    WOW, you’re an idiot.

    As for Winston, he also won 9 games, and didn’t need 17 games to do it, and should have won 9 games in 2019 if Matt Gay doesn’t single handedly lose 2 games. Additionally the NFC South wasn’t a cupcake while he was here, as Winston, from 2015-2019 literally played the hardest schedule in the NFL, while having the worst defense over that timeframe and having the worst kicking game over that timeframe.

    Sir, you are ridiculously stupid, even by Baker Boi(s) standards, to pick a stat fight with me – and not even bother to look up the numbers.

    I’ll pray for you.

  19. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Rod, Im a Jameis fan but 30 interceptions was a part of that “top 5 offense”

    I trust Baker more than Id trust Winston

  20. Boss Says:

    are you retarded RFLMAO…….

    I just heard that 4 days ago!

  21. Tbbucs3 Says:

    But Jameis never had the luxury of having a good defense which was unfortunate, in fact, he had historically bad defenses in his 5 years here which is a big reason the wins weren’t there….

    No QB was going to win with those Lovie and Mike Smith defenses….

    But Bakers defense wasnt great either and he still nearly lead the Bucs to a conference championship

    Yes, the production is there but you just cant ignore the turnover issue with Winston

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:52 pm
    Rod, Im a Jameis fan but 30 interceptions was a part of that “top 5 offense”

    I trust Baker more than Id trust Winston


    Depends on the situation – but it’s very much worth noting that outside of, what, a 6 game stretch in 2016, and a few games at the end of 2019, Winston always had a terrible defense and had to score points.

    Baker, meanwhile, 20th in scoring last year – but the defense was 7th in points allowed, while playing a cupcake schedule.

    So put Baker in those Bucs teams where you needed to score 30 points a game to have a chance, and they’re going 2-14 if you’re putting up 50 yards at the half. Put Winston this Bucs current offense, and it’s a very poor match as he’s a gunslinger – and Bowles, as he said, wants a QB who’s top job isn’t to score points, but to protect the football.

    In any case, I wasn’t bashing Baker, just the people who bash Winston when he was literally, year in, year out, the better QB – just without a good defense, playing a much harder schedule, and with a terrible kicking game.

  23. sdm5821 Says:

    Unbelievable how this fanbase is already divided. Baker’s great, Baker sucks, 2-3 td’s a game, 5,000yds. Bowles is great, Bowles sucks. Blah, blah, blah.

    Here’s the bottom-line. The Bucs need to score one more point than their opponent. Doesn’t matter if comes via the air, ground, defensive take-aways, special teams. Just score one more point than your opponent. That will be achieved via a team effort. Not one guy, not one coach, but the entire team.

  24. unbelievable Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    A 5000 yard season, a top 5 offense, and a higher QBR than Baker had last year.


    And and NFL record for 30 INTs and SEVEN pick-6s… not to mention all the other points scored off those turnovers. Lost a few fumbles too.

    In fact from 2015 – 2019, Winston had 138 interceptions and fumbles.

    The next closest player was Kirk Cousins with 108

  25. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    Warner could probably still start for a half dozen teams in the league

  26. Buccaneer rick Says:

    The quartbacks I. Our conference when Winston was with us was top of the nfc tho right cam newton drew Bree’s and Matt Ryan

  27. go dawgs Says:

    J marzullo… idk man that whole encyclopedia of a post screams Trask “lust” to me.. just sayn.

  28. Joe Says:

    You mean like drafting a quarterback in the second round and developing him by not letting him play with the starting offense for 3 full seasons, not even in preseason games? Is that what you mean by “development”?

    You have to develop in practice too in order to earn a starting spot. Your boy didn’t show that until after the Bucs already had their desired quarterback under contract. Whoops, too late.

  29. SenseiGinsu Says:

    Let’s all be glad we’re not Steelers fans where 1 + 1 = 0 with the Wilson and Fields QB room! (although, I do give Tomlin credit for throwing a big haymaker punch at the QB problem instead of trying to make chicken salad out of chicken schmidt with last year’s brace of QBs).

  30. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Be happy KT is the backup & not someone like Clayton Tune

    Since ’76

  31. Duane in Sanford Says:

    The QB is only as good as the players surrounding him. This franchise has the added benefit of Evans and Godwin-two of the most selfless role players in the league. Jameis lit it up with these guys, but was too wild with the football. Brady was spoiled for choice and took the best open route. I think Baker has the right mix of talent and mindset to get the most out of these guys this season.

  32. Will Says:

    @doolnutts I’m not a Winston fan but to say Brady won a Superbowl with the same team is crazy. I don’t remember Fournette, Gronk nor AB on the team. Also it was those same three that scored all the TDs in the SB.

  33. Gipper Says:

    RodMunch arrives just in time to say that Kurt Warner like Mike Evans, Jason Licht, Tristan Wirfs, Rondee Barber don’t know what they are talking about when it comes to Mayfield. Bucs 11-6 in 2024 with Baker 40 TD and 12 INT. Can hear it now, but,but,but…………..Fans of this blog know who the real losers are.

  34. J Marzullo Says:

    Joe Says: “You have to develop in practice too in order to earn a starting spot. Your boy didn’t show that until after the Bucs already had their desired quarterback under contract.”

    I didn’t say anything about a starting spot for him. My point was addressed to his complete lack of development with the starters, which you cannot deny.

    But, hey, thanks for confirming that “my boy” did in fact “show that” after “your boy” was under contract.

  35. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mayfield has had 9 different offensive co-ordinators in his brief career.
    Its damn unfair to any young player.
    Imagine if Cleveland had given Mayfield the time we wasted on Jameis.

  36. J Marzullo Says:

    go dawgs Says: “J marzullo… idk man that whole encyclopedia of a post screams Trask “lust” to me”

    Nope. Zero lust. Were you educated, you would know it its far more difficult and taxing to respond to an idiot saying stupid things than it is to respond to an intelligent person.

  37. Buc4evr Says:

    Hope Baker can get a better restructured O line and the Bucs have an actual pass rush on defense this year. Otherwise this team isn’t going anywhere no matter how well Baker plays.

    As far as Jameis, the guy was always put in a position of playing from behind with the poorest defense imaginable. Adding to the constant pressure he was under when the opposition got a lead, it made for some exciting if not frustrating football. Sure Jameis made mistakes, but he got little help from his teammates and pathetic coaches.

  38. Hodad Says:

    Baker is in his prime. He’s a grown ass man now, he wasn’t that when he was drafted. None of these guys are. Might be 4 QBs taken with the first four picks. None of them will be grown ass men. Can’t be, haven’t lived long enough yet. Mature, yes, but they all need to grow by seeing it, living it. We’re getting the best version of Baker. He’s seen it, and now knows how to keep doing it. With this new offense more like the Rams with Coen, and less like Seahawks under Canales Baker could be in for his best year.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    And and NFL record for 30 INTs and SEVEN pick-6s… not to mention all the other points scored off those turnovers. Lost a few fumbles too.


    And yet he still had a better QBR than Baker had last year.

    When you throw those INTs matter – and that is what QBR takes into effect. Personally I don’t care if you throw a hail mary INT or throw an INT 50 yards down the field on 3rd and 17 – but a lot of people are really obsessed with that one category on the stat sheet, instead of the one that matters, and that is scoring more points than your opponent.

    Also Vinny holds the team record for INTs at 35.

    Here’s some more fun facts…

    Here’s all the QBs that had a higher INT rate than Winston:
    Doug Williams, Steve Young, Vinny, Dilfer, Fitzpatrick, Griese, DeBerg, Josh McCown, Chandler…

    Here’s the QB’s that had the same INT rate has Winston:
    Craig Erickson, Chris Simms and Josh Freeman.

    Also, Manning, in his first year under Arians threw 28 INTs – even Brady threw a career high number of INTs in his first year under Arians. That’s what you get when you tell guys to ball out and focus on being aggressive and scoring points.

    Finally, when your defense is literally giving up 29 points a game, you have to actually score points and can’t just dump off the ball to your RB on every 3rd down to help your completion percentage.

  40. BakerFan Says:

    Some of you guys are right down ridiculous. I am glad I do not live in the same state or city that you live in, because I bet you are damn dangerous.

    For you Traskie people, never heard Kurt Warner even mention his name much less evaluate him. The people who did evaluate him saw him for 2.5 years now and feel that he is nothing but a Door #2 option.

    As far as Jameis he has had poor decision making ever since college to his last play with the Saints. I am surprise a NFL team would even look at him but the BROWNS love low character guys.

    I just don’t get you guys, you are either just putting us all on with your ridiculous comments or you are that idiotic.

  41. Tony marks Says:

    Boss Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:43 pm
    we all know Baker, The Situation, Mayfield is gonna be replaced by Trask at some point this season.


    Hmmmmm That sounds vaguely familiar. Where did we hear that last year?

  42. Buchen61 Says:

    I see the baker haters are out in force today spreading misinformation and lies…. ignorant lot they are

  43. PLOTT Says:

    ***unbelievable Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:05 pm
    The key for Mayfield and the Bucs this year is to be consistent through 17 games. Let’s see 2-3 TD passes every week!***

    You do realize that is a minimum of 34 TD passes in a season? Do you know how many QB’s accomplished that last year? One, Dak Prescott…
    Personally I think a repeat of 2023’s passing stats with a league average run game and the same defense makes TB a legitimate NFC Championship contender.

  44. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    What I’m laughing at is the geniuses who comment here about getting a QB better than Mayfield in the NFL draft when most drafted QB’s are failures. Let’s look at the 2021 First Round NFL:

    1. Trevor Lawrence Meh
    2. Zach Wilson Failure
    3. Trey Lance Failure
    11. Justin Fields Backup Pitts Steelers
    15. Mac Jones Failure traded

    Yet you people think drafting a QB in this years draft is preferable to Baker Mayfield

  45. stpetebucfan Says:

    Rod Muncher

    “A 5000 yard season, a top 5 offense, and a higher QBR than Baker had last year.”

    Your head is so far up JW’s rectum it’s makes your posts irrelevant!!!

    JW 5 years ZERO playoffs. Baker 1 year…Division title plus first round WIN in the playoffs…the SECOND time Baker has done this.

    So Rod is it your “expert” opinion that “statistics” are more important than wins and titles?

  46. BucFanforLife Says:

    Oh you all stop your grumbling lol. We did well by keeping our studs and I’m looking forward to the draft. We won the NFC South last year and beat the Sheagles in the playoffs. Pretty good in my book versus where everyone predicted us to be. Trashlanta and Aints aren’t scary, and the toothless cats c’mon. The NFC South is ours and let’s support our Bucs as they go for all. GO BUCS!

  47. Tony Marks Says:

    doolnutts Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:43 pm

    Serious question, are you retarded?

    Winston literally had a better QBR than Baker had last year, in 4 of his 5 years.

    WOW, you’re an idiot.

    I love it when the village nitwit calls other people names while showing the world how much he is a true nitwit . 🙂

    The poster said nothing but that winston has a QBR in the 50s while with the Bucs except for 2018 . Anyone want to guess what the stats show on ESPN? Precisely what the poster said they showed but which Rod calls idiocy.

    Rod the nitwit strikes again!

  48. unbelievable Says:

    Rod – I defended Jameis as much as I could when he was here, but the fact remains, he simply could not take care of the ball. Not at all.

    He never even got to a 2:1 TD:INT ratio while playing in Tampa.

    That means you’re just not a good quarterback. Simple as that.

  49. Dave Pear Says:

    Come one, how would Kurt Warner know more about good quarterback play and who demonstrates it, than Oneilschmuck or Boss or the Trashk loving cretins? This bag of internet tards know way more than Kurt does about football.

  50. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW just for grins googled to get others opinions on JW’s Tampa legacy…

    At the very top the consensus take on JWs Buc career…The final paragraph says it all..

    “However, he was unable to reach the playoffs with the Buccaneers and his 2019 campaign was also marked by him leading the league in interceptions, including setting the NFL season record for interceptions returned for touchdowns.”

  51. Capt.Tim Says:

    Trask. There are still”people” taking about Trask.
    Trask is officially done.
    Ive said a thousand times, but I dont need to.
    If youve watched Trask in preseason- its obvious that Trask doesnt have an NFL arm.
    He was never gonna play for the Bucs.
    Alot of respect for Joe.


    Again, lots of respect for Joe, but he is prone to hallucinations.
    He claims to have seen Hainsey opening up holes for White, that White inexplicably ignored. Even though White is great in the open field, when not at the mercy of “hainsey and the Meatheads”

    Trask is the definition of a bust. Hevwill finish hish rookie contract next year. He’ll be selling insurance. He will never have started an NFL game, and only have played a couple snaps.
    As no one else needs a noodle armed qb, there will continue to be “ no interest”
    In Kyle

  52. Dave Pear Says:

    Marzullo , how often do you “feel good at night by yourself” in front of your Trashk poster? The facts are, #2 performed so poorly in practice, he would have dragged the starters down to his level. The Bucs have a team to develop, not just one single read type QB who processes field action at the speed of smell.

  53. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable – So Brett Favre, he sucked, wasn’t a good QB because he didn’t have a 2:1 TD/INT ratio?

    Come on.

    Meanwhile middling Baker rode a cupcake schedule and a good defense to the playoffs – where he literally collapsed under pressure, losing the game in Detroit by throwing an INT when it mattered.

    Anywho, I only brought up Winston because the Joe’s brought him up, while pretending like Winston didn’t set every Bucs offense record before Brady got here.

  54. RamblingRhino Says:

    So Joe’s, What were yous two thinking about all that #collapseforCaleb? Who would have been the QB had we tanked, and drafted him? We can read your lack of any confidence in Trask, and Mayfield was not a 100 million dollar QB for us. So when you proclaim this “Joe sees the teams praying for rookie quarterbacks to win them games this season while knowing half the rookies will be busts” What are they supposed to do? Bo Nix is who I want as our qb pick.


  55. Trask To The Future Says:

    I look forward to many more games this year where Baker again struggles to throw 100 yards in the first half.

  56. BucaneroJim Says:

    I was never been a fan of JW. His 5 years with the Bucs was exhausting (yet, fun at times).

    Still, I give JW some credit. He had to play against Brees, Ryan and Newton in the NFC South (with the Bucs coaching and sad defense at that time) – no cake walk.

    JW faced serious competition every year as a Buc, Baker did not in 2023. Maybe Baker has found his home with the Bucs and will shine, like Brees did going to NO. Then again, maybe Baker got real lucky last year. We shall see.

  57. Dom Says:

    I’ve critiqued Baker but to say Winston is better is ridiculous. Jamies was more flashy than Baker sure but he makes way too many mistakes to be a starter in the NFL. I think it was something around 25% of the points the Bucs gave up in 2019 was directly after a Jameis turnover. He consistently put them in bad spots multiple times a game. Its impossible to play complimentary football when your QB does that.

    After Jameis left the defense performed much better despite being relatively the same defense. The only major addition was AW Jr. I love AW Jr but he isn’t the reason the team gave up 6 less points a game. It was the significant decrease in turnovers

  58. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Can Jameis use Uber again?
    Brady had Gronk and A Brown
    Mayfield had Evans
    Jameis had opponent’s secondary

  59. Dave Pear Says:

    Trashk to the Stupid – maybe you can’t read. Have an AI assistant read you what a Hall of Fame QB, a professional broadcaster and NFL analyst, says about Mayfield. And you somehow think your secret fetish for Trashk and the fact that it took him three years to even get on the practice field gives you special
    insight – LOL. It’s special all right (insert pic of short bus).

    If Trashk even gets into a game, he’ll have given up 100 yards of INT returns by the end of the first half. You and Marzullo should get together and have a two way Trashkathon with each other.

  60. UKBuccaneer Says:

    You know one of the reasons Jameis’ defenses were statistically so bad?

    Because he kept throwing interceptions in his own half of the field.

  61. Dave Pear Says:

    IKBuc – not fair! You’re bringing logic into the “rating!”

  62. Dave Pear Says:


  63. Oneilbuc Says:

    Jamies help the bucs win 9 games before and our offense was ranked 3rd in scoring and points with no running game. But the NFC South that Jamies played in was much harder than Baker Mayfield is playing now. Remember 2015 the Panthers played in the super bowl. Then the next year the falcons made it to the super bowl. So our division waay harder then what Baker is playing in . And that’s why I said what I said when Jamies was the quarterback none of y’all cared about a running game until Brady came and now most of yall are giving Baker Mayfield a pass because his running game ain’t that good. It’s a big contradiction on how y’all evaluate players. That’s why when the season starts I don’t want to hear about Baker not having a running game because none of y’all gave Jamies that excuse and he played with a 32 ranked defense and running game 4 years of his time with the bucs and our offense was still ranked top 5 without the running game. So no excuses NFC championship or bust.

  64. Beeej Says:

    ” Rod Munch Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 1:25 pm
    The Bucs have been very patient with quarterbacks and have shown they believe in development. Tampa Bay gave Jameis Winston, the former America’s Quarterback, five years to figure out how to protect the football. He rewarded the Bucs with …


    A 5000 yard season, a top 5 offense, and a higher QBR than Baker had last year.”


    What possible use is the QBR rating you’re so five of, if it thinks an extra thousand yards is a fair trade for 20 more INT’s?

  65. Bucben61 Says:

    Who in their right mind can compare Jameis with Mayfield…some of you are obviously sniffing glue

  66. Bucben61 Says:

    Jameis is looking for an Uber ride to Publix for some crab legs…the W’s he ate weren’t enough

  67. Capt.Tim Says:

    Rod Munch calling retarded and an idiot !!
    Then proceeded to proffess his love for Jamies Winston and Kyle Trask!

    Jameis AND Trask! Its like shouting that someone is a bad driver, then getting in your car, and running into a telephone. Crawling from the wreckage in pieces, getting in another car.revving it up- and driving it straight into another Telephone pole!

    You’re working REALLY HARD to prove you are braindead pal.

    Defending Jameis And Trask. Reading that caused me to laugh out loud, wasting a sip of really well earned Gin and Roses lime. And not much can cause me to spray a Gin Gimlet in laughter

  68. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Talk about JoeBakerFanboi.com trying to cram Baker down our throats, well of course the fanboos don’t mind it. How is it that a qb who’s never put back to back consistently good seasons together all of a sudden consistently good at processing and making the plays??? Baker is nothing more than sweet and sour candy and is not the guy to get you that must win td drive, instead he’ll throw an interception at the worst possible time.

  69. Dave Pear Says:

    Oneilgirl – wonder why Kurt Warner wasn’t raving about Jameis? You know more than him I guess.

  70. Joe Says:

    So Joe’s, What were yous two thinking about all that #collapseforCaleb?

    Joe is not down on Caleb Williams. Not sure how/why you came to that conclusion.

    Who would have been the QB had we tanked, and drafted him?

    Um, Caleb Williams.

  71. Dave Pear Says:

    Fat99 – you’re saying you know better than Kurt Warner.


    OK. You’re anointed.

  72. Bucben61 Says:

    Baker did better in ’23 than Brady did in ’22 with basically the same team…nough said…shore up the interior of the oline and find a pass rush and even with a tougher schedule 10/11 wins are possible and another NFC South championship…and once you get to the dance anything is possible….go bucs!!!!!

  73. Bucben61 Says:

    As far as the Baker haters it is what it is…he won a state championship in high school…a national championship in college…a Heisman trophy…set the rookie td record with Cleveland….turned that franchise around…played almost an entire season with a torn labrum….his first year with bucs we win a playoff game when most predicted a 5 or 6 win season….folks when you read the Baker hater bull crap just remember…you can’t fix stupid

  74. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Rod munchkin says u cud have 10,000 yds that doesn’t mean diddly if u still don’t get to the playoffs icing on the cake is 30 INT’S do u ever really have anything intelligent to say I think not,go to posting school cause u r on the bottom of the. class

  75. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Why is it all the pros such as Warner barber eison,McAfee all think baker is the guy but u knuckleheads on this site r so blind

  76. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    David bigbucsfan we know it’s just David same old David u keep changing u r name but only a moron wud star new name with David what an idiot just like those worthless post

  77. Rod Munch Says:

    BAKERSBucs says Says:
    March 20th, 2024 at 11:22 pm
    Rod munchkin says u cud have 10,000 yds that doesn’t mean diddly if u still don’t get to the playoffs icing on the cake is 30 INT’S do u ever really have anything intelligent to say I think not,go to posting school cause u r on the bottom of the. class


    And yet you can go through every single Winston INT and never find one as bad for the team as the one Baker through with the game on the line in Detroit.

  78. Dave Pear Says:

    Rod – you do realize that it was precisely Jameis’ carelessness with the ball that lost them the last 2 games of 2019, causing him his career and ensuring the team had zero chance of making a playoff game? I mean, I love a pig with lipstick as much as the next bloke, but that’s an ugly lipstick wearing pig.

  79. Marky Mark Says:

    Warner benefited from Arena and NFL Euro. The key to QB deve!opment is game time. That means losses. The NFL needs a FIFA like player loan system to the UFL and CFL. A certain fave around here will probably get his chance this fall as Baker is overdue an injury and his contract will make him secure enough to sit and heal.

  80. Marky Mark Says:

    Rod you can go through every Evans drop and not find one as bad as the ball going through both hands against the Lions.

  81. Bucben61 Says:

    Muncher dumbsss…how can you possibly talk up Jameis but constantly complain about Bakers playoff pic…you are a complete dumbass that next to no one wants to hear from

  82. Bucben61 Says:

    Baker haters are completely insane

  83. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    BakerBucsfan I’m the original David on this here site. That other poster has a different writing style. I’ve been here around 10 years. Been a Bucs fan since ’79. Where were you when I got here? Sure bet you weren’t a Browns fan. Guess you were following Baker while he was in pee wee, middle school, high school and college. Never seen you and all these other Baker fans up here until he got here, and will be when he gets cut in two years and you all leave.