Ian Beckles: Mike Evans, Baker Mayfield Will Not Be Signed Early

March 4th, 2024

Contract timing.

The fun begins in a week!

Legal tampering in the NFL begins in seven days — a week! The legal tampering lasts for two days. Then, a week from Wednesday, the free agency dinner bell rings and the hounds are released from the starting gate, all chasing the same rabbit. That would be a big ol’ bag of cash.

Of course, Bucs fans are on the edge of their barstools wondering if Mike Evans returns, Lavonte David and, of course, Antoine Winfield.

Speaking on his podcast “In the Trenches,” former Bucs starting guard Ian Beckles believes Bucs fans will be in for some drama. He is pretty convinced neither Evans nor Mayfield will sign this week.

“This whole thing about getting things done early, let me tell you this about free agency,” Beckles began. “The Buccaneers are not going to sign Baker Mayfield early. They are just not going to do it.

“They are not going to sign Mike Evans early either and you know why? Because the market value is not set yet. There have been a lot of people [when offered a contract early] ‘Oh, that’s a lot of money’ and then signed something. When free agency starts, everybody [else] signs for 25 percent more money.”

This actually makes all the sense in the world and actually explains why Evans won’t sign until next week, why he’s said through his agent that he will test the free agent open market.

Evans wants to see what’s out there. He wants to be paid a fair amount. And Joe cannot blame Evans.

Think about it: Evans will be 31 this summer. It very likely is the last chance for Evans to wet his beak in the big money free agent pool.

Joe can understand that.

80 Responses to “Ian Beckles: Mike Evans, Baker Mayfield Will Not Be Signed Early”

  1. heyjude Says:

    I don’t blame Evans either. The Bucs could have negotiated this past season and he probably would have taken 20 million. But they didn’t. Wherever Evans lands, there are many of us that will still be a big fan and watch how he does. Hoping he stays with the Bucs first though. It would be a great loss if he leaves.

  2. BakerFan Says:

    Team friendly deal??? Mayfield is the only one that is asked to do this. Tampa can’t be cheap and expect to sign these guys. 25% more seems a lot though.

  3. scott Says:

    Get as much as you can fellas. Loyalty is just a Jedi mind trick to get you at a cheap price. Remember, no owner has his profit based upon performance. The owner has a lifetime to make jack, not 4-8 seasons. They are getting their 40% no matter. Baker worked on a cheap deal all year as he got his brains bashed on every rep. Get what you can Baker, Tristan, ME13, AW, and LD. After you get your sack, tell them how much it means to you to be a Buc, and how loyal you are. Hahahahaha!

  4. heyjude Says:

    Agreed BakerFan and scott. Tampa can’t be cheap at this stage of the game. And loyalty is out the door. Just like the regular workplace. You can be loyal for years until you see no benefit from it.

    Unfortunately the players are tackled, sacked, injured, surgeries, … Many later in life may not have the monies to pay for all the out of pocket medical due to it all.

  5. Farmer Says:

    @scott @heyjude

    You can’t really compare it to a regular work place, NFL players are all incredibly competitive and so there will always be some incentive to take team friendly deals just so they can keep winning. I bet most NFL players would take half their current salary if it guaranteed them a gold jacket which you will not get if your salary leaves the team unable to sign good support pieces.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    It’s not about being ‘cheap’; it’s about managing the CAP Hits in today’s NFL. Because if you can’t do that successfully, you end up like the New Orleans Saints, stuck with some aging veterans who you can’t get rid of because of the CAP Hits involved yet who aren’t producing nearly what you need them to for what they’re being paid. And yes, names like Kamara, Hill, Jordan, Carr & several others come to mind.

    Evans made about $16.5 mil per year under the 5-year contract that just expired. He gave us 17 games & 13 TDs last year (fair compensation IMO). Would that same productivity be worth $25 mil this year? Mayfield made $4 mil last year (plus incentives) under the 1-year prove-it contract that just expired. He gave us 17 games & 28 passing TDs last year (we got a steal IMO). Would that same productivity be worth $25 mil this year? Far as I’m concerned, yes. How about for $30 mil? $35 mil? $40 mil?

    The same questions can be asked about Winfield, LVD, McLaughlin & each of our other FAs. At SOME point we have to draw a line though and say ‘No we can’t afford to pay that and still be a competitive TEAM’. Glad Jason Licht’s got that job and not any one of us because going with your emotions leads to overpaying. And that leads to lousy records and dissatisfied fans.

  7. heyjude Says:

    You are right Farmer. No comparison, especially with everything they endure physically. Good point about the gold jacket and good support pieces.

  8. Baking with Evans Says:

    Glazers can smell another Lombardi within Baker’s next contract with us.
    Baking with Evans will come to fruition this weekend.

  9. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    It’s a bad year to be a FA WR.
    Very deep draft. Its possible a starter will be found in the 3rd round.
    The Bucs may be his best bet for a bag of cash.
    I think Evans wants Baker, and vice versa, but both may want the other to sign first to insure they aren’t left with the short end. It could be a long of season.

  10. adam from ny Says:


    just give them triple what the cheerleaders make per game…

    do the math…

    pay them, and toss in a walmart gift card for each guy as well…



  11. adam from ny Says:

    now i will go grab coffee

  12. Stanglassman Says:

    Mike wouldn’t sign last year for 23m+ his demands were closer to 26-27. To say he would’ve signed last year for 20 isn’t true. Not all NFL players but Mike will be fine financially after retirement. He’s made well over 150m. Vested (5-year) NFL players get full healthcare for 5 years after retirement and their pension is about 47k a year. I think the NFL should do much better than that for their non superstar players but players like Evans will be okay.

  13. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Evans is more important than Mayfield. Sign him first.

  14. Marky Mark Says:

    Ev is expendable. Bake learned from his OBJ mistake and went out of his way to force the ball into Ev This led to some glaring drops (Iggles 2) and through the hands interceptions (Kittens 2). The first playoff game was won by rookie receivers and Chris. Ev was a non factor. The second playoff was lost by EV with that pop warner through the hands mistake. Let him walk and draft the best available receiver left.

  15. SB~LV Says:

    Yep !

  16. bucnjim Says:

    It’s very hard for some of us fans to imagine players salaries or the fact they feel underpaid or unappreciated. The Buccaneer organization has paid Mike Evans $110 MILLION DOLLARS for his time as a player. I know the market sets the value, but will it ever be enough? The trickle down effect is $50 parking and $500 per game tickets. The separation between real life and the NFL has become very wide spread.

  17. SenileSenior Says:

    Most of us can understand that the NFL is a business. We understand why Evans And Mayfield would want to see how much they are valued in the marketplace.

    As fans we are very, very interested in having them signed sooner than later. The anxiety is high for us as Buc fans. That’s life!

  18. Bobby M. Says:

    It’s the smart thing to do, both players recognize this could be their last big money bag. Jensen is a great example, your career can be over instantly. I’ll continue to say it will ultimately come down to the Bucs giving them both the most guaranteed cash. Mayfield I think will be around $90 million guaranteed, Evans I’m going to guess gets $60 million guaranteed.

  19. SB~LV Says:

    Before the next decade a QB will sign the first billion dollar contract

  20. Boss Says:

    I hope they both get YUUUUGE offers!

  21. Tony Marks Says:

    Marky Mark Says:
    “The second playoff was lost by EV with that pop warner through the hands mistake. Let him walk and draft the best available receiver left.”

    AGREED. All indications are Mike wants the maximum bag. You make a decent offer for a 31 year old receiver and if that is not good enough its a GREAT time to move on with some speed talent in the draft.

    A few guys on here like to harp on Baker “choking” in the last game because he threw a pick but then make all kinds of nitwit excuses why a want to be top paid WR can’t catch a ball delivered between his two hands. Stupid excuses like “it was too hard” ( for a grown professional wanting top pay receiver please).

    Mike himself is Great but a definite cancer of having him on the team is others focus too much on him and his needs. too often this over reliance made it easy to shut our offense down. for all the talk of all the alleged weapons we have it took Godwin’s wife to point out how one dimensional we are

  22. Tony Marks Says:

    With all due respect to Beckles I doubt he is in on negotiations. I would not be surprised to see baker sign early

  23. confido75 Says:

    I don’t see either of them signing a deal anytime soon. Would they like to stay in Tampa? Sure, but money talks and in ME’s situation, he only has so many years of production left and wants to be on a team that can win a SB. Also, the recent player survey of this franchise said enough when this club ranked in the bottom of the league. Tampa is not somewhere players want to go and the Glazers know that. At their core, the Glazers are investors and they will not spend their money year-over-year on this team, unless there is a return on investment. They have proven twice now the only way they can win a SB is to splurge for a short couple of years and do nothing for a decade. This is how they maintain a profitable business. Keep the fans engaged enough to keep spending money, but maintain a verify healthy level of earnings year-over-year. If you all want a perennial winning franchise, the Glazer need to go!

  24. Eckwood Says:

    Signing early is last year or during the season !! I wish Licht would take a class from lil Rich McKay in this area as well as trades . Lil Rich was the Master , Licht started off hot with JPP but hasn’t done much with early signings or trades. Brady gave him a gift and he grossly missed on evaluation of Brady’s last year …….. Hey I think signing people early / big extensions is harder than it used to be but it can be huge in building a roster ……… player wins early , team may win late .

  25. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Ian is spot on once again…

  26. BucLifer Says:

    I could win serious $$$ just betting opposite of what this fool, Beckles, says.

  27. doolnutts Says:

    Guess Ian doesnt know just how much Evans loves the bucs. Evans and bucs have agreed to terms per NFL network. 2 year deal 56 million.

  28. PoeYucsFan Says:

    Hey Ian….put some salt and pepper on that foot of yours, because Evans just signed EARLY, a new contract. Ian Beckles is a JOKE!

  29. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    Insider LOL. He’s a joke.

  30. Aceofaerospace Says:

    2 years $52 million. $35 million guaranteed. What were you saying Ian?

  31. Tony Marks Says:

    I guess we know who Mike considers elite now eh haters?

  32. BigBoiBuc Says:

    Man I just love these Insiders!

  33. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Once again Beckles proves he a blow hard LOL.

  34. Mark Says:

    I’m just going to get the popcorn and enjoy the comments rolling in :=)

  35. Richard Dickson Says:

    This will age well.

  36. David Says:

    This is the fastest ever “that didn’t age well “I’ve ever seen

  37. Nicholas Carlson Says:


  38. James in Memphis Says:

    Wrong as per usual. You guys continue to embarrass yourselves posting comments from this dude.

  39. Zoocomics Says:

    This article that was just dropped today hasn’t aged well.

  40. Davie Boy Says:

    Well he was a pretty crappy on the OL and he’s even crappier as an “Insider”

  41. Panhandle Buc Says:

    Hahaha everyone chiming in now that Evans signed early! Just shows what “insiders” don’t know! LFG

  42. Brandon Says:

    two years at $26 a year is a great deal for the team and Evans. Ensures that he won’t be cut and also allows team and other teams to decide where he’s headed in two years when he is actually closer to being an older vet.

  43. Viktor Vaughn Says:

    This did not age well…

  44. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Yep the career loud mouth loser is WRONG AGAIN sorry ass Canadian

  45. zzbucs Says:

    HAHAHAHAH, when was Ian Beckles right????

    He just got signed….

    Come on Joe, let’s get serious here………

    Sometimes people make fool of themselves, But Beckles looks to be permanent

  46. Eric Says:

    Well what’s new LT girl is wrong again!

  47. David Says:

    I made a joke because it’s funny
    “This is the fastest ever “that didn’t age well “I’ve ever seen”

    But whether you like him or not, cut him some slack. Anyone in this industry giving opinions about this kind of stuff is going to be wrong… A lot.
    And if every single one of us had our predictions or opinions listed out when it cones to the Buccaneers, I guarantee you there’s no one here with the success right over 35% (especially draft picks)

    All that said… It is really damn funny how quick he was wrong though 😂

  48. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Not sure why this site even gives horse slugger the time of day.

  49. JT Says:

    This did not age well…M1k3

  50. RustyRhinos Says:

    Ian Beckles: Mike Evans just signed on March 4th, 2024. For 2 years 58 Million… Sounds like your Hot air about their “will not sign early” was just that hot air…

    Should we see Mayfield signed before March 6th, 2024? What would “early” be to you?


  51. Capt.Tim Says:

    How wonderful to always be wrong, and still get paid.
    Most jobs require some degree of competence.
    Although I agreed with Ian on this one. I was sure Mike would go gt a price, and bring it to the Bucs.

    Sounds like Mr. Licht did a great job, offering a fair price right out the gate.
    And bravo Mike, for wanting to stay a Buc.

    Happy we were both wrong Ian.

  52. Bucb Says:

    They should take Ian beckles name off the buccaneer hall of fame for being so stupid

  53. lambchop Says:

    I would give Ian the benefit of the doubt except for the fact that common sense says getting a deal early with a star makes way more sense than competing with other teams. And anyone who knows Mike knows he wanted to be a Buc but had to act out of character to get the kind of bag he wanted for the amount he produces at his age.

  54. NCBucsfan Says:

    This post did not age well

  55. HeavyE Says:

    Shut Up! FatBoy! U don’t know as much as U think U know!! U clown!!!!

  56. EternalSon Says:

    Ian indirectly caused the shift.

    Thanks Beck

  57. EternalSon Says:

    He made a prediction. All good.

    Yalll can relax

  58. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Usually enjoy Sapp’s thinking over Beckles

    Since ’76

  59. J Says:

    Talk about looking uber idiotic.

  60. Truth be Told Says:

    Like I said when this all started. Baker and Evans will never hit Free Agency and Winfield will be Franchised. This is a great front office.

  61. Marky Mark Says:

    I don,t think we will see a Billion $ QB. The NFL will peak and then start a long slow decline. At some point the NBA will over take it. The issue is concussions. I banned my 13 and 16 year old boys from American Football. Both don,t follow the NFL at all. One plays Basketball and is a Rabid Lakers fan. He was born at. St. Marys in Long Beach, CA. Austin Reeves is his favorite player. The other plays volleyball and does not follow pro sports at all. He is a music junkie and collects vynal records whjch apparently is on the comeback trail. Most of my boys friends play Basketball, soccer, and baseball. Soccer, and Basketball are worldwide sports. American football is just USA and Canada. Baseball is the Americas, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Hockey is the cold Northern Hemisphare countries.The NFL will fade away along with the CFL.

  62. SlyPirate Says:

    Why does Joe regurgitate his garbage? He’s always wrong.

    1. Liar. He reported he’s backed Evans his whole career. Last off season he wrong Evans had lost a step.
    2. Beckles never played for a winning team (+.500) in college or the pros. He’s literally a loser.

  63. BoricuaBucFan Says:

    Ian Beckles is a clown. He NEVER knows what he is talking about. Not even sure why his comments are posted on here.

  64. Jonzee Says:

    You clowns need to stop being analysts and agents and return to being fans. The chasing the new stories and creating narratives is BS. Evens signed today literally nine hours after this click bait story…

  65. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Counter that there r many teams that spend way to much to get to SB & never do so I wud say the glazers found a way 2 times from a small market area so obviously they b doing something rite & not braken the bank

  66. Oneilbuc Says:

    We will have the same average offense this year as long as Baker is the quarterback of the bucs .The bucs can get the same production from Garden Michew with a cheaper price.

  67. lanshark Says:

    Oops… that story did not age well. Evans signed this morning, the Field’s (May, Win) on deck.

  68. BakerBucs Says:

    Beckles article everyone responds with their post & the next article says Evens just signed for 52 mill 2 years.speculation & dumb commentary if the bucs pay Evens 26 mill a year then it’s rest assured they have to pay Baker upwards of 36 mill no way a QB gets the same amount as WR.so stop reading these articles cause they r bogus at best.Also didn’t he just post both Mayfield & Evans wud hit free agency & these guys get paid to tell us bs maybe take their paychecks & give it to the players pay sounds good to me

  69. BakerBucs Says:

    Do u guys really think gronkowski is a good analyst I think he stinks at it just cause they were good on field doesn’t equate to the booth him & Romo need to be canned they suck

  70. BakerBucs Says:

    An average offense that did wonders in the playoffs Oneilbuc says u r full of sh!t daily u moron.

  71. BakerBucs Says:

    Zero chance the NBA over takes the NFL ever the only good basketball is in the congo where it belongs the NBA is a bunch of woke cry babies bo ho Spanish hotoes

  72. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    “BakerBucs Says:Do u guys really think gronkowski is a good analyst I think he stinks at it”

    Yes, think he needs to stick with models, USAA commercials & partying with his brothers

    Since ’76

  73. Ben Says:


  74. Sportsfreak7 Says:

    Well Evans is signed, so much for that prediction. Over before it started

  75. Drunkinybor Says:

    Well that didn’t age very well.

  76. DEBucsFan Says:

    This aged well

  77. TampabayDJ Says:

    Beckles is only good for predictions about cheese burgers.

  78. Ko Kiefer Says:

    Does anyone have more consistently trash takes than Ian?

  79. JH1980 Says:

    If they can’t afford to keep Evans and Mayfield, keep Mayfield and snag OBJ.

  80. TampabayDJ Says:

    @JH1980 – That is the talk of a fake Bucs fan . Also the talk of someone who doesn’t do their homework. OBJ isn’t even a number 2 WR anymore. Look it up. Stats don’t lie. Even BSPN had him in the bottom tier for free agent WRs this year. He’s not Mike Evans and never has been. He’s the complete opposite of Evans. Evans is the standard of consistency, while OBJ is the face of unavailability. Availability is everything in the NFL. Maybe you should get out of OBJs rookie year , because he’s been nothing since. Go Bucs and future HOF WR Mike Evans