Liam Coen Hire Signals Likely Baker Mayfield Return

February 6th, 2024

An upset if he doesn’t re-sign.

All the signs are there.

* The Bucs consulted their potential free agent quarterback on who he would like to be the new offensive coordinator.

* They hired a guy who basically rekindled Mayfield’s shot to be an NFL starter in Dec. 2022

* The Bucs hired a guy who has called plays.

Well, the last element may not be significantly important. The Bucs did reach the divisional round and hung with the Lions with a guy who had never called plays, and who is now a head coach in the NFL, Dave Canales.

But Mayfield in his brief stint with the Rams had some success with virtually no time to prepare or learn the Rams playbook. And the Bucs got that team’s offensive coordinator.

As a result, Albert Breer of is of the mind Mayfield is a virtual lock to return to the Bucs.

A big part of Coen’s place in the search for Dave Canales’s replacement came on the recommendation of Mayfield.

The two, of course, were only together for five games. But in those five games with the Rams in 2022, Coen and Mayfield had to navigate a fire drill situation together. Mayfield, you’ll remember, was claimed by the Rams (who’d lost Matthew Stafford for the season and had backup John Wolford banged up) on Tuesday, Dec. 6. Two days later, the Rams started Wolford but turned to Mayfield after the game’s opening drive. He led a furious comeback win.

Mayfield became the Rams’ starter for the last month of the season, playing well enough to earn a shot to be a full-time starter in the league again, obviously, with Tampa Bay—then ran with that shot to the point where, after throwing 4,000 yards and making the playoffs, the Bucs may need to give him the franchise tag, which projects to around $35 million, to make sure they’ll keep him.

That the Buccaneers listened to what Mayfield told them on Coen (he said that the Kentucky offensive coordinator was a great dude, his offensive terminology was really close and his schematics were very adaptable to Canales) is a pretty good sign that Tampa plans to go the distance to get Mayfield done.

Canales and Coen are sort of half-brothers in coaching. Coen worked with former Rams offensive coordinator Shane Waldron. Then, Waldron went to Seattle and worked alongside Canales.

It will be interesting to Joe how much success Mayfield may have now he likely will have a full offseason, full OTAs and minicamp, full training camp and three worthless preseason games to digest Coen’s offense for the second time.

34 Responses to “Liam Coen Hire Signals Likely Baker Mayfield Return”

  1. MadMax Says:

    Of course he’s coming back…..get used to it bakerhaters 🙂

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Four words come to mind at this time of year …


  3. heyjude Says:

    Yes! Sounds like great news. Baker and his wife are having their first child in April and I am sure they would love to remain here.

    Yes, like DefenseRules said – “Show him the money.”

    I am afraid another team could scoop Baker and Evans up. We need both.

  4. Hodad Says:

    Not sure where he’d have a better chance going. With a draft that has some good prospects, not sure there will be high demand for mayfield. Bucs can always franchise him, so yeah Baker will be back.

  5. Leighroy Says:

    More like Eskimo brothers than half brothers!

  6. Don'tBmad Says:

    HODAD ..another clown take. Stick to soccer

  7. Pickgrin Says:

    Baker said in his final press conference – “To bring everybody back, sacrifices have to be made…” this was while talking about coming back to Tampa Bay and wanting Mike Evans back.

    I hope he was serious about that because the Buccaneers budget is VERY tight again this year.

    I’m seeing people saying crap like – He’s better than Daniel Jones – so you HAVE to pay him more than $40M per…..

    Thats some BS! why should every other team be penalized moving forward by the Giants making such a stupid decision to pay all that $ to a QB who is not very good? And the same goes for Cleveland and DeGroper Watson….

    In addition to the roughly $55M earned playing in the NFL thus far, reports are that Baker was/is making about $10M per year for his endorsements with Nike, Hulu, Panini, Leaf Trading Cards – and now that Mayfield is “successful” and somewhat in the spotlight again, the “At Home” Progressive series could easily be revived next year at RayJay (with some type of a Pirate theme of course).

    C’mon Baker – take the Tom Brady deal. 3 years – $25M per with incentives up to $30M – $50M Guaranteed

    Brady could have asked for double that – and gotten it – but TB12 knew and demonstrated his whole career – the importance of having a strong supporting cast and the role the QB can play in that by not demanding a huge contract but rather letting SUCCESS dictate your prosperity instead….

  8. Marky Mark Says:

    So now it is bad to have a strong arm.? Defenses are so tight you have to zip it in. Baker has plenty of touch. There were numerous soft rainbows for touch downs all season. You can learn to throw slow loops but you can,t teach speed or arm strength. If you are going to skewer Baker for over throws than be consistent and skewer Evans for Perfect balls on his palms that he drops like against the Eagles in the first quarter. Double standard city. Baker found otten, Palmer, and others when Evans and Godwin were doubled. Baker is Mr. Adaptability after all those coaches in just 6 years. Evans would be nice to keep but if he is gone he will turn some rookie into a star. Same with coaches. Expect Coen to be a HC in 2025.

  9. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bucs don’t have any choice thats how our organization is built. The Bucs are probably the only team in the NFL that do not want to draft and develop their own franchise QB.

  10. Lt. Dan Says:

    “worthless preseason games” I’ve taken you to task on this statement before Joe. Don’t make me do it again.

  11. Allbuccedup Says:

    Preseason is how you determine if your rookies and FAs make the team I would not call them worthless.

  12. Fansince76 Says:

    Let’s get Baker signed early.

  13. Boss Says:

    No problem with baker coming back. He won’t get us a ring but neither will TB.

    No way the opposing DBs are not hitting the jugs machines before games next year. So many dropped picks this year……

    Y’all are betting on hope…..hope ain’t a plan….

  14. stpetebucfan Says:


    “Oh, great. Another .500 season followed by maybe a short playoff run”

    I haven’t seen you here much before Robbie, so I’m not going to assume you’re just another troll. You post “sorta facts”. At least they’re not hyperbolic lies.

    The Bucs finished ABOVE .500 this season and went to the playoffs finished in the final eight teams. IMHO “a short playoff run” is one and done like Brady’s final season.

    Now admittedly I’m nitpicking here. .529 is not far above your opinion two games is a short playoff run. There is certainly some room for debate there.

    But you gotta realize that the NFL salary cap has made the vast majority of teams each year mediocre by your criteria. Some hate that. They miss the old day’s of dynasties pre cap. Personally I applaud it. I LOVE competition and balance. But one guys competition is another’s mediocrity. I get and respect that I just differ.

    I’m the guy who is probably credited with Muncher’s desire to create #teampositive. He thinks it’s a joke and poor reflection on positive thinking.
    I OTOH have yet to read a book on the Power of Negative Thinking.

    You really don’t have to look for all the flaws without any balance…just sayin.
    But you’re not alone. There is a significant number of #teamnegative here.
    Many are just jerkwad trolls. But some are frustrated and depressed after SB success.

    It’s the NFL and as the GOAT himself said…just making the NFL playoffs is a great achievement. It’s hard to win games in the NFL.

  15. The Truth be Told Says:

    Franchise Tag if need be. He ain’t going anywhere. Then Pass Rush-Pass Rush.

  16. stpetebucfan Says:

    Boss says

    “Y’all are betting on hope…..hope ain’t a plan….”

    Andy Dufresne says

    “Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.”

    ― The Shawshank Redemption

    I NEVER bet on hope. But I agree with Andy/Stephen King. I NEVER give up Hope.

    As for a plan…nobody here has been leaning on hope. The day is filled with how to win next year based on…people’s facts/opinions on how to divvie the Cap, sign which players, which coaches and what to go for in the draft.
    Those are all plans, some solid some absurd. Don’t have to agree with them.

    HOPE is visualizing the Bucs WINNING!!! As opposed to dwelling on past losses.

  17. SB~LV Says:

    Show me the money!
    Or rather ME … can’t do both and ME deserves the biggest last contract the market offers, he has already made salary friendly deals with the Bucs, if ME goes elsewhere the chances of Baker returning decrease and the cash needed for him to return goes up.
    Jason has run out of players good faith contract concessions, IMO

  18. Doughboy Says:

    Why they didn’t give Eric B. the OC of Washington a shot is a tragedy.

  19. ocala Says:

    Good! Baker should be the Bucs QB going forward.
    Bucs have a lot of work to do this offseason, but most of it is signing their own guys.

  20. geno711 Says:

    Allbuccedup Says:
    February 6th, 2024 at 7:03 am
    Bucs don’t have any choice thats how our organization is built. The Bucs are probably the only team in the NFL that do not want to draft and develop their own franchise QB.

    Well we have been certainly unsuccessful with it.
    Doug Williams. We gave 5 years and ran him out of town.
    Steve Young. 2 years and traded.
    Vinny Testaverde. 6 years.
    Trent Dilfer. 6 years.
    Chris Simms. 5 years. 1 year as starter.
    Josh Freeman. 5 years.
    Mike Glennon. 4 years. 1 year as starter.
    Jameis Winston. 5 years.

    Some of our successful years have been with quarterbacks that started with other teams. Maybe that should be Tampa Bays MO moving forward.
    Brad Johnson. Super Bowl. 26-23. 1 division title. Pro Bowl.
    Brian Griese. 12-9 record. 1 division title.
    Jeff Garcia. 14-10 record. Division crown. Pro Bowl.
    Tom Brady. Super Bowl. 32-18. 2 division crowns. 2nd in MVP. Pro Bowl.
    Baker Mayfield. 9-8 record. 1 division crown. Pro Bowl.

  21. Larrd Says:

    All the teams looking to draft franchise quarterbacks are almost inherently losers. The good teams let them fall in their laps as good value picks, etc. It seems to work better that way.

  22. stpetebucfan Says:


    Be careful or you join me as a “Neanderthal”. LOL

  23. BillyBucco Says:

    I actually think the Franchise Tag for Baker is the wisest decision.
    You gotta lock up Winfield. Probably Wirfs while you are at it, but he can play on the 5th year option and they can wait. Getting ME13 done is the most curious to me. Godwin would still cost 26 million against the cap even if cut because of kicking the can. He aint going anywhere for at least 2 years so let’s hope Coen uses him wisely. With ME13, I think 3 years 85 million will get it done. That would get him his record in Tampa and after that his longevity should be tied to what Tampa is doing playoff wise. The guarantee is what scares me, however we all know ME13 protects his body.
    If we can get a C and pass rusher in FA, we might actually still take some offensive weapons in the first couple rounds. I believe it is time. We have way more up and comers on defense as bad as it was. IMO, pass rush is the BIGGEST problem.

  24. Shane Callahan Says:

    I’m tired of hearing that “we can’t win a ring with Baker.” That’s a lazy and stupid comment. Of course you can. It’s a team game and he’s a good as anybody with the right team and coaches.

  25. BakerFan Says:

    People say Baker should do a team friendly deal, HE JUST DID THAT. No more mulligans. This is going to be his money contract year and he needs to squeeze it as hard as his agent knows how.

  26. Brandon Says:

    Smart fans want him re-signed for a reasonable rate. Dumb fans want him re-signed for whatever it takes not realizing that dumping a huge percentage of available cap funds into one player makes it impossible for a team to get better. IF Mayfield is truly a team player, he’ll accept a team friendly deal, still make a truckload of cash, and will do that so the team can afford to put quality players around him. A bad team around Mayfield is still a bad team and will only mean Mayfield will be trying to resurrect his career with another team two years down the road.

  27. BakerFan Says:

    Brandon says.
    A bad team around Mayfield is still a bad team and will only mean Mayfield will be trying to resurrect his career with another team two years down the road.

    There are some good teams that will pay him, so this team friendly nonsense is only in the minds of people that think you should play for the Bucs and leave millions on the table. Reality is he is worth what the market will pay him. I think you are right though, he should not go to a dud team.

    In this order. I am sure these teams are all looking at their options and some are not bad at all.

    If he does depart, I don’t want to hear any wailing that Mayfield betrayed the Bucs like some are saying Canales did. It is just the nature of the NFL.

  28. Obvious Says:


    EXACTLY what a non Buccaneer fan would say. You idolize one player. You’re in the Wrong sport for that bakerfan. This is the greatest “TEAM” SPORT that has Ever existed. You suggest a train of thought counter to the very soul of the game. The Olympics would suit your style of worship far better. Try that instead.

    GO BUCS!

  29. Jeremy Goins Says:

    It would be sweet if we keep Baker and Mike E 13 draft a good RB, maybe even a FB to help him with lanes and start doing some creative running schemes. Last year should have proved to them with our O line we need to stop running up the gut and wasting downs. A lot of people on here are clowns, thank God you guys have no ” pull” within the organization. Go BUCS!!!!!

  30. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Smart fans know that if you don’t offer Baker MORE than $35 mill per yr…at least 3 years GUARANTEED…he will go…NO THANKS. I’ll goto FA. Then you have to tag him anyways. If you are a poster…and you think Baker is going to sign for LESS than $35 mill a year…go hit yourself in the head with a hammer.

    Teams will line up at $40 mill a yr. He has ZERO reason to not take the bare minimum which is $35 per year. None.

    Mike Evans doesn’t deserve $25-30 million a year…if you think he does…again…hit yourself in the head with a hammer.

    QB is a much bigger need than a WR1. It just is in this league. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. I’m glad Mike wants to get paid top 3 WR money. Good for him. But bye bye bye.

  31. Since76 Says:

    Bakerfan is the Mrs. Has to be. You go girl stand by your man.

  32. OlBoy Says:

    “I’m tired of hearing that “we can’t win a ring with Baker.” That’s a lazy and stupid comment. Of course you can”

    Haha yeah well, you can’t win a ring if you don’t get past the divisional round.
    So, as it sits, that is a true statement. Dummy

  33. garro Says:

    Hope you and Breer are right in your cojecture Joe.

    I was definatey thinking along those same lines last week when we where losing all of our staff.

    If not, it could be a long year for all of us in Bucs Land, including Coen and Bowles.

    Go Bucs!

  34. Conner50 Says:

    Your completely wrong, evans is and does deserve 25 million a year he is the main reason why your guy mayfield is looking to get paid this year. Hit yourself with a hammer for dissing a hall of famer who has done nothing but own records from the franchise. Take away Evans and mayfield will be playing a lot worse and that’s a fact. We all get you guys love mayfield to death and all but he’s NOT worth 35 or more till he shows consistency which he hasn’t since being in the nfl. He might get the money but he ain’t worth it. Our division was weak and he struggled a lot this year but hey if he can help us get to the postseason next year then idc if he gets paid that much.