Liam Coen Explains His Fire For Playcalling

February 6th, 2024

Bouncing around with purpose, explained new Bucs OC Liam Coen.

Joe is confident Bucco Bruce Arians cracked a smile today watching the press conferance featuring the Bucs’ new offensive coordinator.

Liam Coen is one passionate dude when it comes to football. The son and grandson of coaches, Coen explained at One Buc Palace that all he ever wanted to do was play in the NFL and football is all he knows.

And when playing NFL football didn’t work out for the four-year starting quarterback at the University of Massachusetts, his focused turned to coaching — and becoming a playcaller.

That drive to call plays and have full control of an offense is a big reason Coen is in Tampa, he said, and that fire has driven his recent career decisions.

“I grew up with a football. That’s all I’ve ever known unfortunately for my wife,” Coen said. “I don’t really change a lightbulb well. I don’t vaccuum very well or change a tire, unfortunately. But she can do all those things, which is amazing. [My dad] is my best friend. He was my hero. I always wanted to be who he was. I wanted to be a head football coach or a football coach.

“My early years of childhood were not really playing with, you know, action figures and Ninja Turtles. They were figurines and footballs and drawing up plays. That’s been my passion since I can remember. …

“To go to Kentucky [in 2021] and call plays and have that and have the autonomy of the offense, and to really be a leader of the offense and have the staff and have the players, that’s a good feeling. For good or for bad, you want it to be on you. And so I go back to the Rams [in 2022] because of an [offensive coordinator] opportunity presented that we felt like we couldn’t pass up. They had just won a Super Bowl. I’m an assistant position coach there [in 2020,] and to go back there, what an honor. Right? Well, it was a tough year and I really, I probably misinterpreted how much I would miss calling plays [at Kentucky].

“I know what I was going to [Los Angeles] to do … and then you go through it and it’s not yours. You’re in it, and it’s not yours. The opportunity to do it at this level in the National Football League, which has been my dream since I was a little kid — to call plays and to work for an unbelievable organization and a head coach that seems like he wants to give you that ability to do so, and really kind of help harness that, man, what’s better than that?”

Joe loved the passion from Coen, but hearing this sure made Joe realize how much Coen probably will sprint full speed next year toward any chance to be a head coach.

That’s the price paid by organizations with defense-leaning head coaches like Todd Bowles is.

47 Responses to “Liam Coen Explains His Fire For Playcalling”

  1. elite bucs Says:

    Exactly what i commented earlier. it was always about calling plays. lets hope his childhood dream isnt a nightmare waiting to happen.

  2. cometowin2 Says:

    Hope he stays at least two years so we can get something for him if he moves on.

  3. Jack Clark Says:

    So he Liam Coen didn’t accept accountability for the Rams SORRY AS offense when he was their OC because he wasn’t the one calling plays 😂

  4. Doc Says:

    What has he won?

  5. doolnutts Says:

    Jack Clark — It’s just a fact McVay calls the plays I think everyone in the planet called earth knows this not sure what your point is?

  6. Obvious Says:

    Does anybody know how long his contract here in Tampa is for???

  7. Saskbucs Says:

    I just don’t understand the pessimistic posts fellas. You guys have no clue what’s gonna happen with free agents this season or the OC next season. If you are a fan and not trying to be optimistic… what are we doing here? Why post this negative stuff?

    I’m not always mister positive on here but let’s save our crying until something bad like Mike or Baker leaving actually does happen.

  8. Hammerhead Says:


    Hopefully he will want to be the future HC.

  9. #99 the big fella Says:

    Jack Clark , you definitely read a different article than I did.. you guys will piss on any article that you can

  10. Ethan Says:

    So he did NOT call plays for the Rams, but Joe tells us he’s responsible for Mayfield’s great performance with the Rams, but Mayfield was actually 1-4 with the Rams, man my head is spinning.

  11. BucVoyager Says:

    So the guy has aspirations of being a headcoach and is a offensive control freak. Most good coaches are on both sides of the ball. I hope he’s good enough that people are beating down his door because that’s good for us.

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    Dude has me fired up.

  13. BakerFan Says:

    Ok, he loves football, but maybe we should look at hiring his wife. She seems to be the real alpha in that household. If he can’t change a tire, I don’t have much use for him.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    Bakerfan LOL, not too many players run on tires, although during the 1-6 swoon Canales looked like he was running with flats.

  15. covertwo22 Says:

    I don’t understand the doom and gloom! It’s not as if Canales was amazing. He was a mediocre play caller at best. Before the playoffs, most people on this site wanted him fired!
    I’m sure he would’ve been better his second year. But I expect him maybe last 2 seasons in Carolina. That is a terrible franchise with a huge draft bust at QB.

  16. D-Rok Says:

    Coen says,

    “The opportunity to do it at this level in the National Football League, which has been my dream since I was a little kid — to call plays and to work for an unbelievable organization and a head coach that seems like he wants to give you that ability to do so, and really kind of help harness that, man, what’s better than that?”

    So why did he hitch his wagon with Bowles? BPA? Nothing else out there for him?

    We’ll see how this works out, but geez, Bowles isn’t exactly Parcells or Landry or Reid. He’s got great enthusiasm, tho!

  17. Tony Marks Says:

    Ethan Says:
    February 6th, 2024 at 3:05 pm
    but Mayfield was actually 1-4 with the Rams, man my head is spinning.

    great example of why stats in the wrong hands is a bad thing.

    A) the team was RIDDLED with injuries and had to start a bunch of backups
    B) Baker was NOT 1-4. He is not listed as the starter to the raiders game he won because being new they brough him in 3 or snaps after the start of the game.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    Then light er up. This is not too exciting but maybe it will turn out well. Hope he does not come up with too many trick plays that do not work. So who makes up the plays I wonder? First you have to have plays to call before you can call them it seems. Our division is not going to be as EZ as last year, this year. I will not get out over my skis on this guy.

  19. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I like his passion for football and calling plays…..I think his players will like playing for him. He seems fired up about the job…..I think he’s ready for it.

    We could have certainly done worse…..

  20. sasquatch Says:

    Not gonna worry about him “sprinting” to a head coach job. If he succeeds, we succeed. If he looks to be a great HC candidate, at some point Jason Licht may begin to look at it like an opportunity to upgrade and let Todd go.

    If you’re good, you’re grooming coaches behind the coordinators who can take over and do a good job anyway. So Thad Lewis could be up next for us if Coen moves to HC elsewhere.

    I’d rather hire an OC who does a great job than one who’s mediocre just so we can keep him more easily.

    Also, this kinda talk is totally premature.

  21. Buc4evr Says:

    Well Coen has the coach speak part down, let’s see how he does when it’s time to play. Hopefully he will be better than Canales, which is not a very high bar. Canales was just flat out bad and why the guy is a now a head coach is beyond me.

  22. Pickgrin Says:

    Ethan Says:
    So he did NOT call plays for the Rams, but Joe tells us he’s responsible for Mayfield’s great performance with the Rams.

    McVay turned over playcalling to OC Coen after week 12 of 2022 as it had obviously become a lost season for the Rams sitting at 3-8.

    Baker joined the Rams after Wolford got hurt the following game – So YES – Liam Coen WAS directly responsible for the game planning and the playcalling that put Mayfield in good positions to show he was still a pretty good QB those last 5 games.

    Baker was 2-3 in those games leading a team still suffering from a litany of injury problems.

    The Rams offense did get better statistically after Coen started calling plays and Baker became the defacto starter – compared to the first 11 games when McVay was calling the plays that year…

  23. Boss Says:

    like the inital take …him coming from rams and lions….

    but the look, his attire and the above comments make him sound like a soft dufuss.

  24. stpetebucfan Says:


    Thanks for the reality check. The late Norman Vincent Peale must be rolling over in his grave. Author of “The Power of Positive Thinking” he would be overwhelmed by some of the freaking losers who post here. To borrow from another famous..or is it infamous man…we have more than our share of “Nattering Nabobs of Negativity”. I feel ya SaskBuc!

    As for fears he’ll get a better job, that’s the thought of losers who do not get it.
    Any progressive, successful organization LOVES seeing their people advance whether it’s with them or another group.

    Let’s take the worst case scenario being fretted about here. Say Coen does leave after a year. 2 HC’s in two years! Can people even IMAGINE what other top Coordinators and indeed ALL assistant coaches would think going forward?

    Yep. Gee I’d like to get a job with the Bucs because their guys move on to better jobs. Or is it like some deadenders here who want to go to a team that keeps it coaches forever with little or no advancement or opportunity.

    ANYTIME a Buc asst, or Coordinator accepts a BETTER not lateral move position, even somewhere else it’s a freaking GOOD thing. Tampa then becomes a magnet for the most talented up and comers!!!

  25. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW Baker has now gone through enough OC’s that he himself is qualified to be one!!! Not suggesting he do both jobs QB and OC just that he now has the experience and smarts to help ease any guy into the job.

  26. orlbucfan Says:

    Hope Coen has plenty of good players on the O. Get going, Licht. Hopefully, Coen won’t be afraid of trick plays. Canales sure was.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    In a White Room
    With Black Curtains

  28. Jack Clark Says:

    doolnutts Says:
    February 6th, 2024 at 2:02 pm
    Jack Clark — It’s just a fact McVay calls the plays I think everyone in the planet called earth knows this not sure what your point is?

    My point is that he didn’t accept responsibility for the Rams offense being TRASH when he was OC and blamed someone else. It’s the OC’s job to make sure their offense is ready to perform their best, regardless of who is calling the plays.

  29. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Boss Says:
    February 6th, 2024 at 4:40 pm
    like the inital take …him coming from rams and lions….

    but the look, his attire and the above comments make him sound like a soft dufuss.
    Liam Coen is an OC for an NFL team. Boss is a keyboard warrior and resident troll of JBF who has probably changed her name two or three times out of embarrassment. Who gets your vote?

  30. m milligan Says:

    HC, no sht, have Cowboys, 49ers, Lions again next yr. I think Panthers will suk,
    split with saints, falcons who the F knows, at least a split. I think ME will determine who we’re taking first in draft

  31. HC Grover Says:

    I’ll wait in this pace
    Where the Sun never shines

    Wheels of Fire

  32. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Jack Clark- you need to start digging deeper than the surface for answers. McVay called the plays in 2022 until the season was lost at 3-8. Coen called plays for Baker for 5 games. Baker won a game with Coen calling plays on 2 days of preparation and no expectation to start. The team was riddled with injuries and the final result was 2-3 in five games. However the offense performed better with Coen and Baker than it did the previous 11 games McVay called the offense that season.

  33. Tye Says:

    This guy looks a lot like an older Mike Glennon….

  34. Woodenman Says:

    Tye what is your point everybody looks like somebody even you look like a idiot!

  35. HC Grover Says:

    it is Clapton

  36. Jeremy Goins Says:

    Most of you are very pessimistic and you type like you have some say so in the matter. Thank GOD you don’t because not many of you seem that bright. Go BUCS!!!!!

  37. Sue Says:

    Very impressive. Welcome!

  38. heyjude Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:BTW Baker has now gone through enough OC’s that he himself is qualified to be one!!!

    Absolutely! Baker is just as qualified. He and Coen will do well together.

  39. Joe Says:

    In a White Room
    With Black Curtains

    Near the station.

  40. m milligan Says:

    Just let Mayfield call plays from field, old school
    He can do it.

  41. Since76 Says:

    I just hope he can get a little consistent play from the offense.

  42. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘That’s the price paid by organizations with defense-leaning head coaches like Todd Bowles is.’

    If I remember correctly, McVey is an offense-leaning HC, isn’t he? I would think that he’s paid a HIGHER price (assistants leaving) than Todd Bowles has. If someone’s good, they’re good. Other teams will notice & try to steal them away. Such is life.

    One thing that Coen said about Todd Bowles seems to have been overlooked by all the Bowles ‘haters’ …

    “I know what I was going to [Los Angeles] to do … and then you go through it and it’s not yours. You’re in it, and it’s not yours. The opportunity to do it at this level in the National Football League, which has been my dream since I was a little kid — TO CALL PLAYS AND TO WORK FOR AN UNBELIEVABLE ORGANIZATION AND A HEAD COACH THAT SEEMS LIKE HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU THAT ABILITY TO DO SO, and really kind of help harness that, man, what’s better than that?”

    I choose to take Liam Coen at his word, and I’ll also assume that HE did his homework on Todd Bowles BEFORE accepting the interview & ultimately the OC job. Sounds to me like Coen is convinced that Bowles will let him ‘run with the ball’ (oh no, another cliche StPete, but maybe appropriate in this case?).

  43. RiggedNFL Says:

    If he does well, fire Bowles.

    Easy peasy.

  44. OlBoy Says:

    I’m still trying to figure why some of yous’ are sorting chubs over this hire. We all love football and probably had one since our earliest days. So what. I’m not even feeling any tinglys over this one. Time will tell I suppose.

  45. stpetebucfan Says:


    Don’t mistake me I love cliches. They exist for a reason and I use them frequently.

  46. m milligan Says:

    Let Mayfield check and throw to palmer or otton, Outlet to white. GO BUCS

  47. Caleb M Says:

    At least we’re keeping our rivalry defensive coordinators guessing by having consistently inconsistent offenses.