Ex-Bucs Finally Enjoying Pageantry Of Super Bowl

February 10th, 2024

When Joe was walking around the Raiders’ Roomba last week in Las Vegas on Super Bowl Opening Night, there was a Bucs flavor there.

On the Chiefs’ roster are four ex-Bucs, all who were also on the roster when the Bucs last won the Super Bowl. Those players are Mike Edwards, Blaine Gabbert, Donovan Smith and Justin Watson.

Joe spoke with all four this week and Edwards and Smith spoke about what they were experiencing this week that they did not get to take part in when the Bucs squared off to face the Chiefs in the Super Bowl back in February 2021.

Thanks to The Sickness, there really was no Super Bowl Week and there certainly wasn’t any Super Bowl Opening Night. Players didn’t get to mingle amid the NFL’s circus, where players and coaches get plenty of facetime on national TV in a carnival-like atmosphere with bands, cheerleaders, hundreds of media and thousands of fans.

Instead, the teams did (some) Zoom calls after practice and players were in lockdown, quarantined from the public as best the NFL could. Bucs (and Chiefs) players were stuck in an NFL-controlled confessional.

“Yeah, we didn’t get to enjoy it as much as we were supposed to,” Edwards said. “[Now] we are trying to take everything in this week and kind of enjoy it.”

Smith agreed.

“This is definitely exciting for sure,” Smith said as a stage-light beam from a scaffolding high above flashed past him and music blared in the background. “Last time I was there (at the Super Bowl) it was Covid. So we really didn’t have much [glitz].”

As was fitting for the Super Bowl, America’s biggest party this side of the Fourth of July, Smith agreed everything was big in Las Vegas for the Super Bowl.

“This is a nice setup,” Smith said. “They have everything going on here. Big show. Big lights and everything.

“It is definitely something to take in. I definitely appreciate it.”

Certainly more fun than being stuck at home or in a hotel room anxious for the biggest game of their lives.

52 Responses to “Ex-Bucs Finally Enjoying Pageantry Of Super Bowl”

  1. Jack Clark Says:

    I’m glad Donovan Smith got the last laugh, even though he’s only getting paid 3 million dollars, he’s proven to all you haters that he is a Super Bowl caliber starting left tackle. Imagine if we kept Donovan Smith, we could have had a great LT, RT, and rotational T in Luke Goedeke and focused on improving our LG and RG so we could have one of the best offensive lines in the NFL.

    And kudos to Jason Licht for adding super bowl caliber players to our roster “Mike Edwards, Blaine Gabbert, Donovan Smith and Justin Watson”. It’s up to our coaching staff to make the best use out of our players. Our players might not make the Pro Bowl, but Jason Licht is giving us all the super bowl caliber players we need to win another one–ask Mike Edwards, Blaine Gabbert, Donovan Smith and Justin Watson.

  2. HC Grover Says:

    Good thing we got rid of them…..

  3. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    According to PFF grades, Smith received a 55.4 in 2023 this season, grading him as one of the worst offensive tackles in the NFL this season.

    In addition to that Smith finished No. 11 in penalties this season among OTs.

    Those grades and penalties are almost identical to his numbers in his final season as a Buc.

  4. Capt.Tim Says:

    He played well enough to will his division, win all of his playoff games, and be favored at the SuperBowl.
    Its football, damn it, not accounting 101. The ONLY NUMBER THAT MEANS ANYTHING IS WINS!!
    Everything else is just to give the pencil necks a way to feel like they are part of the game. They arent.

    Plus I cant imagine someone from BELLEGLADE every wanting to talk about statics!! Good Lord!
    Statics sure dont paint a very good picture of your home town!!!
    But it it a good fit for you? NOW do you see the point?

    Im really happy for all the Former Bucs, Especially Donovan! Keep collecting titles and Rings, Sir, While guys in Belleglade quote statics from their couch.

  5. sasquatch Says:

    People who say we should have kept Donovan Smith have obviously forgotten that letting him go was absolutely necessary to get under the salary cap before the beginning of the league year. We simply weren’t getting the return needed for his salary and the front office really had no choice. Frankly LT WIRFS with RT Goedrke is a better combination with a longer future anyway, and at a lower price (for now). Kudos to the front office for doing the only sensible thing and releasing Smith.

  6. MadMax Says:

    I have no hate for the guy….seems like a great person. It just wasnt working here. Kudos to him for being on a SB team for a 2nd time.

  7. pancake block Says:

    Whats the over/under on Smith taking plays off whiffing on his guy allowing the defender an unobstructed path to Maholms? At least a few, in sure.
    He should at least shout Ole’ like a bullfighting Torero when he sidesteps him

  8. Bojim Says:

    Looking forward to Lynch getting another ring. Good on you Donnie.

  9. Woodenman Says:

    He sucks that is why he only got 3 mil what joke you are Jack l don’t know of another starting tackle in the league that only makes 3 mil

  10. Dewey Selmon Says:

    The national media didn’t realize the penalties Smith was commiting until brady was visibly making gestures after every Smith call. He was pretty solid and it would be ironic if he had a major holding call late in tomm game.

  11. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Capt Tim

    We’re talking football.

    Crazy that you bring socioeconomic issues and politics into a football discussion.

    Donovan Smith is a bad player on a good team.

    Film don’t lie.

    Baker Mayfield’s stats are why he was a Pro Bowler.

    Donovan Smith’s stats are why he was not a Pro Bowler.

    Stats matter from whatever couch you’re sitting on in whatever city you’re living in.

    Patrick Mahomes makes up for Smith’s bad play with his tremendous talent.

    Ira Kaufman used stats as his primary argument in his Hall of Fame cases for Warren Sapp, Derrick Brooks, John Lynch and Ronde Barber before the Hall of Fame voter’s panel.

    Stats matter a lot in sports , and it is completely ridiculous to say otherwise.

    BTW I live in the Tampa Bay Area now and have been to many JoeBucsFans events at Big Storm.

  12. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I didn’t realize Donovan had so many love children.

  13. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Capt Tim

    Using your logic of stats don’t matter and the only stat that matters is wins, means that you think Barry Sanders isn’t a Hall of Fame caliber type player and one of the greatest running backs to ever play the game.

    I guess you think all of Barry Sanders amazing stats don’t matter because he had a career losing record of 74-79.

    What a great football mind you don’t have there Capt. Tim.

    Stats matter the most in sports Capt Tim. Barry’s stats are the basis for why he’s one of the greatest ever, and not his win-loss record.

  14. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Capt Tim

    Baker Mayfield hid Robert Hainsey’s horrific play.

    Robert Hainsey received a PFF grade of 52.8, rating him as the worst starting center in the NFL.

    I am saying my prayers and taking my vitamins all in the hopes that the Bucs get to draft either Powers or Van Pratt who are stud centers to replace Hainsey because Hainsey’s stats and performance are terrible.

    The Bucs had a winning record and were in the Final 8, but any knowledgeable sports fan would not attribute the Bucs success to Robert Hainsey.

    Any knowledgeable football fan wouldn’t dismiss Robert Hainsey’s poor play which are based on his horrendous performance and stats.

    Stats = performance.

    Performance and stats matters to every sports fan Capt Tim, except for you.

  15. Buc1987 Says:

    BelleGladeBuc..I don’t think he’s coming back..:)

  16. William Says:

    Wow, @BelleGladeBuc should do some research before throwing out totally false info to try and make a point.

  17. Dave Pear Says:

    No one is saying they hate the Dongster. Objective criticism and facts are not hate.

    The fact is, the Dongster is a below average LT who is very inconsistent.

    Fact, not hate.

  18. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    These are the facts that I used.

    Baker Mayfield’s stats are what made him a Pro Bowler this year.

    Is that not true?

    Donovan Smith’s stats are what kept him off the Pro Bowl.

    Is that not true?

    Ira Kaufman, who is the Buc’s Hall of Fame litigator, used Sapp’s, Brooks’, Lynch’s and Ronde’s stats in the case that he successfully presented to the Hall of Fame on their behalf.

    Are you saying that this is not true?

    Per the NFL’s own website it states that Barry Sanders as a member of the Lions from 1989-1998 had a 74-79 career losing record.

    1998: 5-11
    1997: 9-7
    1996 : 5-11
    1995 : 10-6
    1994: 9-7
    1992: 5-11
    1991: 12-4
    1990 : 6-10
    1989 : 7-9

    Barry did not play in all 160 games of those games, only playing in 153 of those games.

    Of those 153 games that Barry Sanders played in he had a record of 74-79.

    Are you saying that the NFL got those stats wrong?

    Are you saying that Barry Sanders isn’t a Hall of Fame player as I and the NFL claim that he is?

    Are you saying that Barry Sanders doesn’t have amazing stats as I have claimed?

    Are you saying that PFF didn’t grade Robert Hainsey as the worst starting center in the NFL with a 52.8? It’s literally on their website.

    Are you saying that PFF didn’t grade Donovan Smith as one of the worst starting LT in the NFL with a 55.4 or that he was the 11th most penalized lineman in the NFL this year? It’s literally on their website.

    William, all of the above is true and factual that I used in my argument that stats are of extreme importance in sports.

    Apparently you disagree.

    What a non brilliant football mind you have William. I can’t wait to hear you next unimpressive football statement.

  19. Willaim Says:

    @BelleGlade you also stated that Gaubset was worse rated center in league. There are no stats to back that up. Not even stats to show he was worst on team:

    PFF Pass Blocking Grades – 2023
    Bucs Starters
    LT Tristan Wirfs – 86.1
    RT Luke Goedeke – 72.5
    C Robert Hainey – 57.3
    LG Aaron Stinnie – 53.7
    RG Cody Mauch – 52.1
    Bucs Reserves
    OT Justin Skule – 79.2 (extra tight end)
    LG Matt Feiler – 65.0

    PFF Run Blocking Grades – 2023
    Bucs Starters
    LT Tristan Wirfs – 73.8
    RT Luke Goedeke – 70.0
    LG Aaron Stinnie – 58.9
    C Robert Hainsey – 50.3
    RG Cody Mauch – 37.6
    Bucs Reserves
    LG Matt Feiler – 52.2

    PFF Sacks Allowed – 2023
    RG Cody Mauch – 8 sacks
    RT Luke Goedeke – 6 sacks
    C Robert Hainsey – 5 sacks
    LT Tristan Wirfs – 5 sacks
    LG Aaron Stinnie – 3 sacks

    You don’t get to pick and choose stats to fit your narrative no matter how intelligent you want to seem.

  20. Willaim Says:

    Spellcheck typo

  21. William Says:

    PFF Pass Blocking Grades – 2023
    Bucs Starters
    LT Tristan Wirfs – 86.1
    RT Luke Goedeke – 72.5
    C Robert Hainey – 57.3
    LG Aaron Stinnie – 53.7
    RG Cody Mauch – 52.1
    Bucs Reserves
    OT Justin Skule – 79.2 (extra tight end)
    LG Matt Feiler – 65.0

    PFF Run Blocking Grades – 2023
    Bucs Starters
    LT Tristan Wirfs – 73.8
    RT Luke Goedeke – 70.0
    LG Aaron Stinnie – 58.9
    C Robert Hainsey – 50.3
    RG Cody Mauch – 37.6
    Bucs Reserves
    LG Matt Feiler – 52.2

    PFF Sacks Allowed – 2023
    RG Cody Mauch – 8 sacks
    RT Luke Goedeke – 6 sacks
    C Robert Hainsey – 5 sacks
    LT Tristan Wirfs – 5 sacks
    LG Aaron Stinnie – 3 sacks

    Hainsey not listed at bottom of centers on PFF nor did he even grade out worst on the Bucs. Don’t get to choose your own narrative.

  22. Miller5252 Says:

    Smith was falling off, injuries were mounting and his salary cap hit, above everything else, got hit cut. Out of the 4 ex Bucs players, Edward’s would have been nice to keep. Smith got replaced for a better cheaper option for now. Gabbert, who cares. Ole stone hands and Mr. I can’t run a route Watson stays on the Chiefs because they couldn’t find a replacement cheap enough. Since Mr and Mrs Swift have ruined football dang near, I hope the Niners win. Best meme I’ve seen for the Swifts….. it said Swift made it to the Super Bowl before Dax! 😂😂

  23. Joe Says:


    Be careful with those things. They are about as worthless as a fifth wheel on a car. That’s not Joe’s opinion, that’s the take from every NFL person Joe has spoke with about the tribe’s o-line grades from general managers down to scouts. Even Belicheat had a great diatribe about them once.

  24. Dave Pear Says:

    Joe, you’re spoiling William’s delusions with logic. His mind is made up and no degree of facts, logic or evidence will change his mind.

  25. William Says:

    @Joe careful with what things? My only argument was that if @BelleGrande was referencing PFF then what he said isn’t reflected on their site.

  26. Joe Says:

    @Joe careful with what things? My only argument was that if @BelleGrande was referencing PFF then what he said isn’t reflected on their site.

    The PFF tribe’s offensive line grades. NFL people wouldn’t wipe their backside with them. They are the ultimate clickbait for football-starved folks. They’re worthless.

  27. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You are factually incorrect.

    90-100 is an A grade by PFF per position.
    80-89 is a B grade by PFF per position.
    70-79 is a C grade by PFF per position.
    60-69 is a D grade by PFF per position.

    Robert Hainsey has an overall PFF grade of 50.2 which is an F grade for him as a center.

    You do understand that getting an F on a report card grade is a bad thing, right William?

    Robert Hainsey is the center with the 2nd most penalties called on them in the NFL.

    Robert Hainsey is tied for the 8th most sacks allowed by NFL centers.

    This is literally from the PFF website.

    Baker Mayfield covered up for the atrocious interior line play of Robert Hainsey.

    Rewatching all of the Bucs games made me appreciate how good of a quarterback Baker Mayfield was as he was constantly pressured up the A gap because of Hainsey’s horrendous play.

    Mayfield hid a lot of Hainsey’s atrocious play.

    Funny @William how you ignore the Baker Mayfield stats that made him a Pro Bowler, the Donovan Smith stats that kept him from the Pro Bowl, the Barry Sanders stats that made him a HOFer and his losing record, as well as Ira Kaufman using stats to successfully argue for Sapp, Brooks, Lynch and Barber to be admitted to the Hall of Fame.

    Stats = performance.

    I’m praying and taking my vitamins that the Bucs draft Van Pratt or Powers at Center to replace the horrendous play of Hainsey at Center so that Baker Mayfield doesn’t have to worry about pressure coming from the A gap
    in the run and pass plays.

  28. Willaim Says:

    You keep praying because that’s the only things that can make your narrative true

  29. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I have friends who work for the Bucs and they HIGHLY respect PFF’s analytics and grades.

    Buc’s AC/DC loving GM Jason Licht has appeared on PFF interviews and obviously respects them.

  30. Willaim Says:

    @Joe that is exactly my point and I agree with you 100% which is why I said in response to that other post that not only was it quoted wrong but to your point should of stated that PFF for Oline is terrible. Your correction to me is correct however it was more of an oversight on my end because I believe you are right when it comes to relying on PFF for certain positions.

  31. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I love the picture of Robert Hainsey holding the Eagles DT #93 in our playoff game against the Eagles as #93 destroys Robert Hainsey in the A Gap as Baker Mayfield is throwing a pass.

    This website has shown that picture of matador blocking Robert Hainsey numerous times.

    Hainsey is atrocious.

  32. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Funny @William how you ignore the Baker Mayfield stats that made him a Pro Bowler, the Donovan Smith stats that kept him from the Pro Bowl, the Barry Sanders stats that made him a HOFer and his losing record, as well as Ira Kaufman using stats to successfully argue for Sapp, Brooks, Lynch and Barber to be admitted to the Hall of Fame.

    Stats = performance.

    Stats matter in sports.

    Unless you’re a mentally incompetent person like @William who thinks stats don’t matter in sports.

  33. Willaim Says:

    @BelleGlade keep praying

  34. TJ Says:

    D smith gives up the game losing sack to Bosa. Calling it now!

  35. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    The reason that the Bucs failed running the ball between the tackles was because of Robert Hainsey’s atrocious play.

  36. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Are you Robert Hainsey, or related to him in some capacity?

    You’re a big time Robert Hainsey Pom Pom waver @William.

    Funny @William how you ignore the Baker Mayfield stats that made him a Pro Bowler, the Donovan Smith stats that kept him from the Pro Bowl, the Barry Sanders stats that made him a HOFer and his losing record, as well as Ira Kaufman using stats to successfully argue for Sapp, Brooks, Lynch and Barber to be admitted to the Hall of Fame.

    Care to comment about that part of my narrative, or are you just a Robert Hainsey apologist @William?

    Stats = performance.

    Stats matter in sports.

  37. Willaim Says:

    Pray Pray Pray

  38. Joe Says:

    I have friends who work for the Bucs and they HIGHLY respect PFF’s analytics and grades.

    Buc’s AC/DC loving GM Jason Licht has appeared on PFF interviews and obviously respects them.


    Do they work in football operations? If so have them talk to Joe. They would be the very first people in the NFL that Joe has met that doesn’t think their grades are cattle feces.

    Joe has spent the past seven or eight combines trying to find someone working in a team’s football operation who doesn’t think those grades are just two steps below a Road Runner cartoon.

    And yes, this includes general managers Joe has spoken with (some of them have rings, too).

  39. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Ignore, ignore, ignore the fact that Robert Hainsey sucks.

    Hey everyone, check out the picture of Robert Hainsey getting destroyed in the A gap in the article titled “Baker Mayfield Reflects On 1-6 Midseason Slide” on February 3rd, 2024.

    @William thinks that is great blocking.


  40. Willaim Says:

    Putting this to bed. @Joe is totally correct about PFF Oline grades. Everyone look at PFF, graded 36 centers, including those that didn’t play a full season; show me where they graded Hainsey as the worst as @BelleIdiot says.

  41. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Jason Licht is literally a follower of PFF.

  42. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Jason Licht has literally appeared on PFF shows.

    You can watch them on YouTube.

  43. Joe Says:

    Jason Licht is literally a follower of PFF.

    He monitors them. He’s not a believer in their dumbass grades. At. All. Have had multiple conversations with him about this.

  44. Joe Says:

    Jason Licht has literally appeared on PFF shows.

    Fully aware of this. He also goes on all kinds of sports radio shows when he knows the host(s) don’t have a clue to what they are talking about.

    Surely you don’t think when he goes on a radio show/podcast he’s thinking, “I better be careful. This guy knows as much or more about football as I do.”

  45. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    When Jason Licht goes on a show he’s literally giving his stamp of approval to that show.

    Jason Licht during interviews on PFF shows has stated to PFF how much he respects their work.

    Those are Jason Licht’s exact words during a PFF interview on YouTube.

  46. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Those of you sticking up for Durable Donnie are laughable.
    He sucks in all facets of his position.
    Just watch him and only him for a handful of plays.
    He’s a lazy bum.

  47. BakerBucs Says:

    William says bellegradebuc says man u 2 my head is spinning with all u r spin! Just think u can continue this drama haven’t had this much drama class since high school

  48. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    PFF 2023 Overall Season Grades for NFL Starting Centers:

    Buffalo-Mitch Morse = 64.1
    Miami-Connor Williams-86.5
    Patriots-David Andrews-71.2
    Jets-Joe Tippman-61.0
    Ravens-Tyler Lindbaum-78.3
    Bengals-Ted Karras-67.4
    Browns-Ethan Pocic-71.4
    Steelers-Mason Cole-57.3
    Texans-Michael Deiter-57.1
    Colts-Ryan Kelly-77.2
    Jags-Luke Fortner-44.3
    Titans-Aaron Brewer-71.6
    Broncos-Lloyd Cushenberry III-73.2
    Chiefs-Creed Humphrey-78.2
    Raiders-Andre James-74.6
    Chargers-Will Clapp-56.7
    Cowboys-Tyler Biadasz-68.6
    Giants-John Michael Schmitz Jr—41.4
    Eagles-Jason Kelce-80.7
    Washington-Nick Gates-66.1
    Bears-Lucas Patrick-50.5
    Lions-Frank Ragnow-88.1
    Packers-Josh Myers-55.8
    Vikings-Garrett Bradbury-60.9
    Falcons-Drew Dalman-82.3
    Panthers-Bradley Bozeman-62.2
    Saints-Erik McCoy-79.4
    Bucs-Robert Hainsey-52.8
    Cardinals-Hjalte Froholdt-64.1
    Rams-Coleman Shelton-64.5
    San Francisco-Jake Brendel-63.9
    Seahawks-Evan Brown-55.5

    I stand corrected.

    Hainsey is the 3rd worst overall graded center according to PFF, and so he’s not the worst.

    There are 2 other centers in the NFL that are worse than him.

  49. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    2023 Overall Season Grades for NFL Starting Centers:

    Buffalo-Mitch Morse = 64.1
    Miami-Connor Williams-86.5
    Patriots-David Andrews-71.2
    Jets-Joe Tippman-61.0
    Ravens-Tyler Lindbaum-78.3
    Bengals-Ted Karras-67.4
    Browns-Ethan Pocic-71.4
    Steelers-Mason Cole-57.3
    Texans-Michael Deiter-57.1
    Colts-Ryan Kelly-77.2
    Jags-Luke Fortner-44.3
    Titans-Aaron Brewer-71.6
    Broncos-Lloyd Cushenberry III-73.2
    Chiefs-Creed Humphrey-78.2
    Raiders-Andre James-74.6
    Chargers-Will Clapp-56.7
    Cowboys-Tyler Biadasz-68.6
    Giants-John Michael Schmitz Jr—41.4
    Eagles-Jason Kelce-80.7
    Washington-Nick Gates-66.1
    Bears-Lucas Patrick-50.5
    Lions-Frank Ragnow-88.1
    Packers-Josh Myers-55.8
    Vikings-Garrett Bradbury-60.9
    Falcons-Drew Dalman-82.3
    Panthers-Bradley Bozeman-62.2
    Saints-Erik McCoy-79.4
    Bucs-Robert Hainsey-52.8
    Cardinals-Hjalte Froholdt-64.1
    Rams-Coleman Shelton-64.5
    San Francisco-Jake Brendel-63.9
    Seahawks-Evan Brown-55.5

    I stand corrected.

    Hainsey is the 3rd worst overall graded center according to PFF, and so he’s not the worst.

    There are 2 other centers in the NFL that are worse than him.

  50. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I became a huge fan of Baker because I rewatched the season several times and saw how he hid massive problems that existed in the interior of our offensive line.

    Baker put up amazing stats and lead us to a winning record and the Final 8 despite the poor interior line play.

    Goedeke, who I was extremely critical of during his rookie year as a LG, balled out as our RT in his sophomore year after an offseason of bulking up and putting real man weight on.

    Mauch played great at RG, but at the end of the season he hit the dreaded rookie wall. I have faith that in this offseason of Mauch will bulk up and putting real man weight on and ball out in a similar fashion as Goedeke did.

    Robert Hainsey was trash. Robert was a league leader among centers in the NFL in giving up sacks and penalties for starting centers.

    Feller was atrocious at LG and was replaced with the awesome run blocking Stinnie and horrific pass blocking Stinnie.

    Tristan Wirfs did Tristan Wirfs things by switching from RT to LT and not missing a beat. Tristan Wirfs is a dog! I wear his jersey on game days at Ray Jay because he is our best player!

    Baker will become even better if the Bucs replace Robert Hainsey in this draft with either Powers or Van Pratt and keep ME13.

    Our center can not be dominated by other team’s defensive lines like 3 year pro with no rookie excuses Robert I’m A Matador and Not a OLINEMAN Hainsey.

    The picture from this website that has been used on multiple stories that shows Hainsey being destroyed by the Eagles #93 in the playoff game in the A gap as Baker is throwing a pass with #93 in his face says it all about Hainsey’s performance and stats.

  51. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Lots of statics out there haha haha

  52. garro Says:

    Vegas is Failing at the SB folks.
    I would not willingly get anywhere near there…At All.

    Go Bucs!