Bucs Collaborated With Baker Mayfield

February 4th, 2024

Bucs sought insight.

The NFL each year grows more and more corporate. Joe isn’t sure if that’s bad or good. Just the way things are.

The old school football families owning teams are becoming fewer and fewer — the Rooneys, the Hunts, the Maras, the Bidwills, families that have owned NFL teams for 60 years or longer.

Even with the old school football families, many of their scions come with corporate backgrounds before taking over the treasured family heirloom like Art Rooney II (law firm partner), John Mara (labor attorney) Clark Hunt (Goldman Sachs financier), and Michael Bidwill (federal prosecutor).

Long gone it seems are the types like Wellington Mara, George Halas and Art Rooney who grew up living, eating and sleeping NFL.

A big buzzword in the white collar world is “collaboration.” Everyone has input. All for one. Team.

So when Joe learned the Bucs involved quarterback Baker Mayfield in the pursuit of an offensive coordinator, it made all sorts of sense.


Yesterday at the Pro Bowl practices, Jenna Laine of ESPN learned from Mayfield just how involved he was in the Bucs’ search for a replacement for Dave Canales, who left for Carolina.

“Do I know them? Do I have any interaction? What are my thoughts on that?” Mayfield said, adding that it was a “first” for him to be involved in that.


Look, Joe thinks from a practical standpoint, this is just smart. Why bring in a guy Mayfield was either unfamiliar with or uncomfortable with or ran a scheme that likely wouldn’t get the most out of Mayfield?

If the team is going to sink $150 million or so into a guy, a major investment, don’t you want the most out of that investment?

But upon further evaluation, this move by the Bucs was downright savvy. You may have read that Mayfield is a pending free agent. There are all sorts of teams that need a quarterback (Joe thinks the Dixie Chicks are a dangerous suitor).

By having Mayfield involved in the selection process of a new offensive coordinator, the team basically told Mayfield, “We are in this together. We’re a team. We want what is best for you. We want you to be your best self.”

You know, like the buzzword being thrown around NFL offices.


97 Responses to “Bucs Collaborated With Baker Mayfield”

  1. Pickgrin Says:

    “sink $150 million or so into a guy”

    That figure better represent total compensation for 5 years or its a bad deal for the Bucs…..

  2. Weebs10 Says:

    Love it. Let’s build on our momentum and hope for a solid draft!

  3. Popcorn Mike Says:

    That do make a lot of sense, 1. I think makes it easier for Mayfield and Coen to acclimate the offense. 2. Weather Mayfield resigns with Bucs or not, as someone has already said, I think this is a good hire and whoever is the QB will strive.

  4. The Truth be Told Says:

    We have found our QB for the next several years. Shown he can take a team to the playoffs. The Bucs and Baker is a match made in football heaven how it all has played out. Now it’s Pass Rush-Pass Rush. Go Bucs! The future is bright

  5. Usedtocould Says:

    Early playoff exits! Here we go! Love it!

  6. Fansince76 Says:

    Buc’s are going to have to pay Baker a fark ton of cash which is just the way it is.
    He is a top half of the league QB so it’s going to be expensive but I think he will turn out to be worth it.

  7. Hodad Says:

    Was it a two way street? If they got Mayfield’s input on Coen it would make sense they did the same with Coen. He would’ve also had to want to work with Baker again, but more important he’d have to say I can win with Mayfield. Sounds like these two are on board with each other. Good start. Look forward to seeing who Coen fills his staff out with. Have to wonder if Thad stays. Coen should have good intel on college players in the draft having just coming from the ranks.

  8. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I think the Bucs and Mayfield will do something like 3 years @ $38 to $40 million. I say 3 years because that’s what Bowles have left. Being honest here, Mayfield was decent last year not great and I don’t think a lot of franchise was knocking on his door for him to be their starter last year, so I don’t thing his market value is gonna skyrocket after last years performance. Again I am not a GM or HC just a Bucs fan. This is just my opinion

  9. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Hodad, that’s a great point

  10. ExBrownsFan Says:

    4 years 160million 100 million guaranteed. That locks Baker up for 3 years and allows a reasonable out in year 4 while staying on par with Carr, Jones, and Prescott in a favorable tax state. Spread it out and there’s plenty of room to sign other free agents with the cap increase and restructures.

  11. Since76 Says:

    I hope I’m wrong but I think signing Mayfield will be one of the biggest blunders the franchise ever makes. The team is good but not not good enough to overcome bad play at QB. Just like the team that carried Dilfer to the playoffs every year and he couldn’t score enough points to win in the playoffs. We don’t have that defense either. I guess time will tell.

  12. Saskbucs Says:

    It’s a no brainer to include your most important players in decisions like that. Keeps them in the loop and happy, even if the team ultimately doesn’t give them their wish list. It’s just being straightforward and honest with each other, something that’s necessary when working toward the same goal. Can get tricky in a Rodgers/Love situation where both sides end up looking somewhat justified. I wish the Bucs would have asked Tom about the draft in ‘21. Trask gonna end up having next to 0 impact as a 2nd rounder smh.

  13. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    If there were ever a QB who didn’t need to be familiar with a coach, it would be Baker Mayfield……what, has he not had 143 coaches so far in his career?

  14. Dewey Selmon Says:

    76. signing Baker will be one of the BIGGEST blunders? You know there have been some doozies right? Booker Reese, Chris Chandler, Jack Thompson, Roberto the Kicker. That’s saying a lot for a QB that just made playoffs and is the 2nd in franchise history for playoff passing yards.

  15. stpetebucfan Says:

    “The NFL each year grows more and more corporate. Joe isn’t sure if that’s bad or good. Just the way things are.”

    EXACTLY! The NFL is more powerful than Taylor Swift and almost any other competition. Simply go to Variety’s list of the top 20 most viewed TV shows in 2023. It’s freaking AMAZING!

    The NFL has the top FOURTEEN most watched TV shows!! Interupted by the Oscars which reached the 15th spot the NFL picked up again and ran the table to 22nd where “Next Level Chef” checks in and then it’s the NFL till 31st.

    Let’s this sink in…the NFL has 28 of the top 30 most viewed shows in all of 2023!!! Do we realize how much money/power both financial and POLITICAL the NFL has acquired.

    I also do not know if this is good or bad. As for me I do not like it. But I’m an older dude who is clearly old school. I don’t need to go all the way back to days when QB’s were smoking ciggies on the sidelines lol but IMHO the 70’s may have been the “Golden Age” of the NFL in terms of owners who loved their sport and their teams and the money making colossus the NFL has become. Also in terms of guys who were ‘GRATEFUL” for their blessings and not worried if a 25 million $ was disrespected because they “deserved” 30 million having already achieved a net worth of 25 million.

    I’m not a communist who wants to take away their money. I’m an old philosopher who realizes money is NOT the source of happiness. Yeah it beats poverty for sure,,,but there is a LARGE sweet spot between 100,000 annually and 5 million. If a guy “needs” more let him go the Brady route and invest his earnings!

  16. JimBobBuc Says:

    If I’m Licht, I would try to package Baker and Mike Evans together, both for 2 years. Signing Coen starts the domino process to sign Baker and Mike. If either of them go to another team it will be tough to learn the system and have a good year. They know Canales’ system, but I don’t see Baker going there, and I don’t see Mike Evans having a big year at Carolina.

    Licht has a tough off-season with so many guys to hold. I have confidence that he’ll do a good job trying to bring everyone back. For Baker and Mike, I think they will get off to a fast start under Coen and could have their best years ever.

  17. Arians4President Says:

    I love this. If Baker wasn’t so uniquely respected by his teammates for being selfless, this could seem short sighted bringing Baker to the table for an OC hire. But Baker has proven that he only cares about winning and his intentions are right.
    Great job Glazers
    Great job Licht
    Great job Bowles
    Great job Tom Moore… (Why not, haha)

  18. Marky Mark Says:

    I found some interesting stats on stats muse to counter a a lot of the negativistas on this board. 1. He wil! Never win a super bowl. Yep that is right on. Of all active QBs 5 have won a super bowl.2. Baker is average. 2023 stats Baker. Playoff passing…3rd. Playoff pass TD..First. 3. Weak schedule and weak division. Good…Baker just needs to make the playoffs and he raises his play to elite level. Hurts and Jackson are the opposite. They regress in the playoffs.

  19. okiejim Says:

    If Baker really wants for the BUCS and himself to be successful, he must agree to a team friendly salary. Doing so will allow the team to keep players that make everyone better at the game, seek quality free agents and draft quality athletes. Pay him too much and everyone pays the price, including Baker. Quarterbacks are only as great as the supporting cast they have surrounding them.

  20. Beeej Says:

    For those concerned about getting tied into a huge contract with Baker and having him bust, I’m sure he’d be good with a long term incentive -laden deal. The guy doesn’t lack for confidence

  21. MRWright88 Says:

    Saw an interesting Arthur Blank quote on SBNation- “In the last 20 years in the Super Bowl, there has never been a quarterback who’s been more than 17 percent of a team’s cap, and Matt [Ryan] was approaching close to 25 percent of ours,” he explained.

    2024 Salary Cap is $242MM, and 17% is $41mm. So for the right guy, $35-40MM is not out of the question.

  22. Tackleblockwin Says:

    Imagine how good this offense can be if we develop our running attack into just average. Happy thoughts on this Sunday.

  23. Alanbucsfan Says:

    The USA grows more and more Corporate each year- Fascism is in style.
    Don’t blame the politicians- thank the Supreme Court.

  24. Tackleblockwin Says:

    @St Pete

    I hear you man. I’m somewhat old school too. But I’m ok with Baker’s involvement. The NFL has changed so much. The main reason I like the Bucs involving Baker in the process has to do with the QB position in general. Nowadays, QBs are so intelligent about the game. They are developed so much better than the old days. It is almost mandatory nowadays to involve veteran QBs in coaching searches. There are many excellent coaches and QBs in the league. But what truly makes a team great is the matchmaking process. We shall see soon enough if this approach by the Bucs pays off.

  25. Eric Says:

    Baker coming back is very likely. Much more worried about Mike Evans.

    They comprosed one of the best pass catching combos in the league.

    Without Mike were in a world of trouble IMO.

  26. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Signs pointing to resigning Baker. Awesome!

    Maybe Mike will take a little less to stick around.

    Can’t pay Mike $25-$30 mill a year

    Baker @ $35 mill is a better deal than Mike’s salary demands.

    That’s ok too.


  27. White Tiger Says:

    If Baker Mayfield settles for the same deal Derek Carr signed, a year ago…we’ll have gotten a bargain!

    $150m for 4 years is good for everyone.

    Let Go!

  28. realistic-optimistic Says:

    3 days ago Joe was talking about $100 mil. Now it’s $150 mil? Kinda silly for a guy that did ok on a 1-year deal. Going all on an up-and-down dude and crippling your already tight salary cap is the kind of thing that can get a GM fired. Doesn’t seem smart to me. Hope it doesn’t blow up in Licht’s face. He’s a pretty good GM otherwise.

    I know, I know. All the nomads are going to burst a gasket now, because I deigned to be realistic about this. Because I’m not convinced after one so-so season. Because I’m not inhaling the hopium.

  29. stpetebucfan Says:


    I agree with you. Baker is just an example of how the game has changed financially. IMHO I really didn’t need a financial reason to let Baker get involved.
    He’s the QB!!! He’s going to take every snap if he’s healthy…sometimes not. lol

    He’s learned a lot through his tumultous six years! He’s grown both personally and professionally! I truly admire Baker Mayfield and understand he’s just a cog in the wheel of a HUGE business. At the end of the day it’s just “bizness” and so I also take Joe’s point.

    Bottom line for me is that Baker Mayfield is the closest thing to an old school QB in the league right now. I find him entertaining. I give him a B+ for ’23…is that his ceiling? Perhaps. It does not matter. With a great team a B+ QB is MORE than adequate…to win and yes even a SB. I’m also a huge fan of Brad Johnson. Nole fans can be very proud. What an athlete..D1 Football and Basketball…but he was not the best QB in the league when the Bucs won the SB. He WAS talented enough to win it and that is all that counts!

    Just as NE fans used to boast of Tommy Boy giving them hometown discounts because he was smart enough and COMPETITIVE enough to want to play for a winner…Baker has a REAL chance to begin creating a true HOME if he mimics Brady and doesn’t hold TL’s feet to the fire. Should he then be included with JL on ruminations about ME13…Absolutely! Baker has a CHANCE to become the straw that stirs the drink. He has to do it off the field as well as on.

    If he bolts for $$$ that’s ok. He just drops a little in “entertainment” value.
    I get that they’re all PAID MERCENARIES…but it’s fun when occasionally a guy like Brady breaks that mold…and when he is the GOAT…even more so.

  30. BillyBucco Says:

    I don’t see Baker taking a deal that allows us to keep some FAs.
    That worked for Brady because his wife made more than him and he KNEW how good he was.
    You have to ask does BAKER think he is great and going to lead a team to multiple SB titles?
    Im sure after just last year having a LAST CHANCE type of situation, Baker is gonna want a contract that sets him up for the future.
    I actually think he will test the waters and the Bucs will let that set his market value.
    I really don’t think teams are gonna line up to sign him.

  31. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    This was a good move by the Bucs to involve him. Pretty sure he’s never had that before in the NFL.

  32. Allbuccedup Says:

    You don’t pay a journeyman QB 40 mil a year based on one good season. Why not tag him for 35 mil and see what 2024 brings. Playoff trip again then sign him up for 3 or 4 years its as simple as that.

  33. SB~LV Says:

    Joe Robbie built his own stadium and then the family had to sell because of inheritance tax that they couldn’t afford without selling the team, so yeah it’s become corporate.
    Actually Hugh Culverhouse was instrumental in getting the owners to understand how to position their franchises in the best tax advantage position

  34. Let em bake Says:

    Bruce Arians stated they’re keeping all the priority fa . Baker, Winfield, Evans. Im guessing he’s still in the know ….

  35. sasquatch Says:

    It’s odd that Joe keeps talking about collaboration as being “corporate”… Seems to me the Bucs have been a collaboration-based organization since Licht has been GM. In reality, collaboration is necessary in order to have a functioning organization. You can’t silo responsibilities and just defer upwards to a dictator. All the parts have to be working together. Just like the GM and front office have to be finding players that fit the way the coaching staff wants to play, you’re wise if you match coaches to key players… I don’t view this as corporate. It’s just good sense.

    Yeah, maybe the term “collaboration” is currently a corporate buzzword, but it’s how most good teams and coaching staffs operate. Another word for collaboration is teamwork… so obviously not just some corporate concept.

  36. Beeej Says:

    If you TAG Baker, that whole $35 mil or so hits THIS year’s cap

  37. stpetebucfan Says:

    Lost in this conversation that focuses almost exclusively on Mayfield and ME13 is Tristan Wirfs. Yeah he has one more year but as D.R. points out he is ONE player…along with Winfield who would be worth pushing a little cap down the road.

    And so while everybody focuses on the “relationship” between Baker and ME there is another relationship that is stronger.

    Apparently Baker has truly bonded with Wirfs!!! He joked that he was the “third wheel” in the preparations for his wife’s expected first child. He said the Tristan Wirfs and his wife Meredith were also huge in helping with the planning.

    Wirfs is just as big a key for Baker as MIKE. How smart, fortuitous, lucky (perhaps they just genuinely like each other) for any right handed QB to have his most valued relationship be the Left Tackle! Baker justifiably feels his backside is protected.

    Right now ME13 is very valuable to Mayfield if he resigns. Wirfs is ESSENTIAL!

  38. JK Says:

    Sign Bake, draft Corum
    Giddy up

  39. Chad Says:

    As I’ve said before you don’t keep Mike if baker leaves and vice versa, I think a 3 year 100 million dollar deal should work. People on here would rather draft a qb and be a bum team for the next 3 to 5 years instead of building around baker and getting some key pieces that can help the team this year where they struggled this past year. You need a center and another interior o-lineman, you need a rusher or two and you need defensive back help, injuries killed out secondary minus awj. All the baker hater are just gonna have to keep crying and boo hooing, and leave the trask stuff alone Kyle trash ain’t gonna be playing anytime soon. Cheer for baker and the Bucs or don’t watch the games it’s that simple

  40. Allbuccedup Says:

    Lets just don’t get involved in a 4 or 5 year multimillion dollar contract. Look a Baltimore Lamar Jackson 52 million a year for 5 years. He sure didn’t look like a 52 million dollar QB against the Chiefs.

  41. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I like Baker and he proved to be a top Quarterback this season and has every right to cash in. IMHO I think he should play this season on the franchise tag or a one year 40 million dollar deal. The reason I say this is because he has yet to prove he can play elite for back to back years and be consistent. Many times has quarterbacks in the past played great and then got paid and craped all over the next season. Derek Anderson,Brock Osweiler, Sam Bradford, Case Keenum, the list goes on. I’m not saying Mayfield is going to do this but I think he needs to play elite for more than one season.

  42. White Tiger Says:

    The market sets value. Anyone who doesn’t understand that is relegating their team to unrealistic expectations, or think Kirk Cousins/Kyle Trask are winners.

    We’re probably going to pay more than many think is due, but that number is set by competitive forces. Atlanta and Denver are serious reasons we’ll pay more – because they don’t have the same cap limitations.

    They see something in Baker Mayfield some Buccaneer fans don’t acknowledge. They see our cap limitations as a way to influence him. Signing him will take sacrifice/commitment from the Glazers…and Baker Mayfield.

    Let’s GO!

  43. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “If the team is going to sink $150 million or so into a guy, a major investment, don’t you want the most out of that investment?” – Joe

    Holy price jump, Batman!

    Are you raising the price just to get our goat? Next week it will be $200m!

  44. lanshark Says:

    “Quarterbacks are only as great as the supporting cast they have surrounding them.” Said above.

    No truer words have ever been spoken. I’m sorry, all you Madden freaks who think ONE player can turn a turd-bowl team into a Super Bowl team are smoking dope.

    Let’s assume you were on the historically worst team ever in the NFL (you know, something like 4-44 (.083 wins) the past 3 seasons, something like that). Now, you draft an elite, ‘franchise’ QB. How much do you actually improve? Say you go 24-23-1 (.50 wins). So you actually improved by 41.7 percent. Would you consider (assuming that the whole improvement was the QB – remember, it’s all on the QB, no one else matters) that to be a franchise QB? I certainly would.

    That is Baker Mayfield’s career. IF you want to “blame” the QB for all wins and losses, he was personally responsible for going from 4 wins in 3 years to 24 wins in 3 years.

    See how stupid these arguments about a QB’s career record are? It matters what team they were on, who the coaches were, the schedule they played, and all kinds of other factors. Did Baker contribute to that improvement? Most certainly. As did Nick Chubb, Jarvis Landry, a much improved defense, and a decent, though often injured o-line.

  45. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I’m all for signing him at this point…but the prices mentioned above are way, way to high, and would likely come back to bite us.

  46. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If it comes to paying him $40m/year…I would rather franchise him. And if someone is willing to give a first rounder for him, even better (after he is franchised).

    I think if he tests the market, he won’t be offered much more than half that.

  47. BigEd Says:

    You would think, with all the experts on this site,& all the available coaching
    positions, that NFL teams would be swarming to you, for, not only advice on
    structuring contracts, but input on play calling and, of course the draft ! BTW,
    stats don’t lie-in the playoffs, Baker was No. 3 in passing yards-4044, No.1 in
    touchdowns-6 ! If you don’t like the BUCS, please find another team to bi—h
    about & GTH off of this site ! GO BAKER-EVANS-WINFIELD-WIRFS-BUCS !

  48. Tye Says:

    Baker is a FAR better option than the hacks the Bucs trotted out for years before Brady as supposed NFL quality..

    KEEP looking for that long term, NFL quality, ‘Franchise QB’ to groom and develop the next few years!

  49. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Two years at $25m each, with an option for a 3rd year at $40m.

    My biggest concern is that the cap money will be committed and he pulls a Fitzpatrick on us.

  50. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    BigEd Says:
    “You would think, with all the experts on this site”

    Concerns here are born (mostly) out of a desire to see good things for the team. Just because they do not support your point of view, that doesn’t mean they are not fans of the team.

    You have no authority to tell others to get off this website. Heck, many here have been here longer than you.

    So settle down. Respect people’s rights to state their opinions, and don’t pick fights. Disagreeing with what they say is fine. But the attacks just make you a troll, and I doubt that is your goal.

  51. Davenport Says:

    Mayfield has had one good year in his career – and even then, he’s wasn’t dominant.

    It would (will) be incredibly irresponsible to commit to a long-term deal with salaries above $25m and no outs for the team.

    The three years before coming here were a disaster and he was begging for a job. He says he’s a team guy, then let him take a team friendly deal so they can build around him.

    If he’s asking for more than that, remind him what life was like a year ago – and send him on his way.

  52. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tye Says
    “Baker is a FAR better option than the hacks the Bucs trotted out for years before Brady as supposed NFL quality.”

    I cannot argue this point. He certainly seems to be, considering what we’ve seen here.

    That said, he isn’t elite…so he doesn’t deserve elite money.

    Personally? I wouldn’t care how much he gets except that if it is too much, we won’t be able to keep key free agents and build around him. That would set him up for failure.

    But Jason Licht seems to have his head screwed on right. I doubt it will be as high as the amounts listed above. Probably somewhere in-between the predicted highs and lows.

  53. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Davenport, that’s how I feel.

    At worst, they franchise him and see if he can become dominant. Give him another year to prove himself, and the team isn’t on the hook for more than the year.

  54. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Wanna know how to determine his true value? Franchise him and put feelers out to trade him.

    The highest trade value offered can determine his dollar value.

  55. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Moderation again no reason for it 🤬

  56. lanshark Says:

    The 32 starters from last season averaged $28.9M – that number includes Young and Stroud on rookie contracts, Bargain Basement Baker at $4M, and a couple outliers.

    The top 20 QBs averaged $37.1M – and Baker has a better playoff record than most of them.

    Franchise tag will be somewhere between $35M and $37M – but must ALL count against the cap this year.

    Those of you thinking you can keep Baker for $20-$25M per year need to get your head out of the sand. He is EASILY one of the top 20 QBs in the league, and will likely get somewhere around $38M/year.

  57. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Just as I was willing to warm up to signing Baker to a 4 year contract I went back and looked at his game and season logs and it really caused me a complete pump of the brakes on that idea. The fanbois love to tell us how STATISTICALLY he was great last year ad nauseum, even better than Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomies. Well, do you know what he follows up a STATISTICALLY decent/great season as an encore??? A STATISTICALLY AND ACTUALLY horrible season!!! He did it in 2019,2021 and quite probably 2022 since he was traded for INCONSISTENT play. So it doesn’t take a math genius to make an EDUCATED guess at what 2024 has in order for the Bucs if they sign him to a long term contract at top $$$. This is why owners, General managers and coaches should never become fanbois of particular players who have NEVER shown themselves to be CONSISTENTLY good or great. Baker Mayfield is the epitome of that player. Sure he’s intelligent, nice rah rah guy, a player’s player and has moxie, spunk and some intangibles but in the end will make the Bucs exactly what he is, consistently inconsistent. The winner of the Mr Winsome Losesome award will never win a championship for any team on which he plays. Cheerleaders don’t win Championships nor do intangibles. Fanbois love themselves a little guy, Rudy/Knute Rockne/ win one for the Gipper story because it makes them feel all giddy and gooey inside. This has no place in the corporate, results driven NFL

  58. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Off topic but the Saints fired Oline coach Doug Maroon he has been a very good Oline coach over the years maybe the Bucs will snatch him up.

  59. lanshark Says:

    The $50M dollar club includes Joe Burrow, Justin Herbert, Lamar Jackson, Jalen Hurts, and Russell Wilson. Bet the Bronco’s resent that contract…

    The $40M dollar club includes Kyler Murray, DePervert Watson, Patrick Mahomes, Josh Allen, Matt Stafford, Daniel Jones, and Dak Prescott. – Think the Browns, Giants, or Cardinals are happy with their investments?

    The $35M dollar club includes Aaron Rodgers, Derek Carr, Kirk Cousins, Jared Goff, and Ryan Tannehill. Baker had a better season than any of those except Goff.

    The $25M dollar club includes such stars as Geno Smith and Jimmy Garoppolo… Then we fall off to Bryce Young, Trevor Lawrence, CJ Stroud and Zach Wilson – all on rookie contracts around $10M/year.

    Baker fits somewhere between $35M and $40M…

  60. Mike Johnson Says:

    Keep Baker and Evans. Build on what we got. Get us a pass rush next season. We lost 5 games because of a lack of one. As for Mayfield…PAy DA MAN!!

  61. Tony marks Says:

    Beeej Says:
    February 4th, 2024 at 9:43 am
    For those concerned about getting tied into a huge contract with Baker and having him bust, I’m sure he’d be good with a long term incentive -laden deal. The guy doesn’t lack for confidence

    quite right. I see no reason why they go into the 40s

    I see low 30s and a sweetener for results. I think they have set themselves up nicley to get a reasonable deal from Baker, Being the team that took a chance on him and now following it up by being the ONLY team to have ever involved him in Coach hiring decisions is huge.

    Baker loves the game and wants to win. You tell him he is the priority but they will lose Mike He is likely to come down in price – I think Much more than Mike would do the same (because ME is ticked they waited).

    Emily is from LA and nebraska. Outside of those spots as a pregnant wife. mother of a newborn she doesn’t want to be moving around anympre

  62. Allbuccedup Says:

    Sign Winfield then worry about Evans and Baker. I like Mike but Winfield walks oue defense will suffer.

  63. Tony marks Says:

    Davenport Says:

    The three years before coming here were a disaster

    one thing about Hate

    Apparently it really messes up logical and mathematical skills

    Baker made and won in the playoffs in 2020 so how does one with basic maths skills get three years of disaster before this year?

    Baker had one year playing injured in 2021 and a bad half a season in Carolina in 23 . NO three years garbage.


  64. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Waaaaah, we lost in the playoffs. We were one of 8 teams left standing in the divisional round while 24 other teams had already cleaned out their lockers.

    News flash…..all but one team loses in the post-season, the SB champ. Getting to the dance is the key because at most, you have to win 4 straight games to become SB champ. Favorable matchups, injuries, a few lucky bounces of the ball or bone head penalties and you never know.

    We were 8 ponts away in Detroit then were 2 wins needed to be Champs.

    Brady always said that getting to the playoffs is special and shouldn’t be taken for granted because of how hard it is. And from there it only gets harder because you’re playing the top teams. Anything can happen. Ask Dan Campbell, or Tyree or Nick Foles or Pete Carroll, etc. One bad play call or decision, a lucky catch or a journeyman QB (Foles) playing lights out when it mattered.

    I’m glad they’ve “collaborated” with Mayfeild for the reasons Joe stated. I’m also glad our players don’t have the “big deal we’ll be one and done in the playoffs” mentality. Sad that some fans feel that way.

  65. HC Grover Says:

    I guess they are just trying to be competitive in NFCS. It will be harder this year than last year. South win is their only ticket to a playoff game in Tampa. Stinks and Falcons are getting better. Panters will cellar dwell with Young at QB and Canalas will lose his mind trying to fix him.

  66. stpetebucfan Says:

    “Mayfield has had one good year in his career – and even then, he’s wasn’t dominant.”

    ONE good year? Which year? Last year? Google is your friend before you type DUMB statements.

    YEAR ONE -Rookie year – Mayfield helped lead the Browns to finish the season at 7–8–1, their best record since 2007. He finished with 3,725 passing yards, and surpassed Peyton Manning and Russell Wilson for most touchdowns thrown in a rookie season with 27.

    While Mayfield was considered by many to be the favorite for Offensive Rookie of the Year for 2018, the award was won by Giants running back Saquon Barkley. On the annual Top 100 Players list for 2019, Mayfield’s peers named him the 50th best player in the league.

    OK guys in the Munch group. Was that his ONE good year…selected 50th best in the league by his peers as a freaking rookie.

    YEAR TWO – Mayfield finished the 2019 season with 3,827 passing yards, 22 touchdowns, and 21 interceptions as the Browns finished with a 6–10 record.
    Bad season…too many ints.

    YEAR THREE -In Week 17, Mayfield and the Browns defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 24–22 and earned their first playoff berth since 2002, at which time Mayfield was six years old. The Browns finished the 2020 regular season 11–5.

    In the Wild Card Round against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Mayfield went 21 of 34 for 263 yards and 3 touchdowns during the 48–37 win, leading the Browns to their first playoff victory since the 1994 season, the year before Mayfield was born. It was also the Browns’ first playoff road victory in FIFTY ONE years, way back in 1969. In the Divisional Round of the playoffs against the Kansas City Chiefs, Mayfield threw for 204 yards, 1 touchdown, and 1 interception during the 22–17 loss. Was this his ONE GOOD YEAR?

    NEXT season he suffered the torn labrum and that led to 2 bad seasons!!!

    This past season – In Week 15 against the Packers, Mayfield posted a perfect passer rating, completing 22 of 28 passes for 381 yards and four touchdowns in a 34–20 win. He was the first quarterback to ever have a perfect passer rating at Lambeau Field. He was named the National Football Conference (NFC) Offensive Player of the Week for this performance!!!

    Mayfield concluded the season with 28 touchdown passes, 4,044 passing yards and a 64.3% completion rate, all career highs.

    In the Wild Card Round game against the Eagles, Mayfield completed 22 of 36 passes, for 337 yards, with three touchdowns and no interceptions. He led the Buccaneers to a 32–9 win over the defending NFC champions.

    SIX Seasons…TWO of them basically lost to the torn labrum and trying to come back with Tepper’s Carolina jokes.

    I count 3 of 6 very good to EXCELLENT considering the “Mistake by the Lake’s” football record!

    Can somebody like Rod Munch or Bonzai point me to WHICH season was his ONE good season? I’m serious here not trying to be snarky. I just do not understand the hate for this guy. Is the the next Mahomes…OF COURSE NOT…can he be as successful as Brad Johnson…out of respect for Brad I’ll conclude by saying the verdict is still out but Baker shows promise. 3 of 6 good seasons…2 stinkers brought on by injury and horrid teams.

    BTW If his peers ranked him as the 50th best player in the league after his rookie season…blame THEM…it’s not my ranking…but who do we respect more…NFL players or me. I’ll go with the players everytime!

  67. DBS Says:

    I love watching people making predictions of what teams will do. Hey remember the Bucs? 4 to 5 wins. One of the worst . No chance in hell to win the division or make the playoffs. Ok keep guessing.

  68. Tony Says:

    Just get Baker another OL or two & they could very easily win another game or two. Probably somebody like Sedrick Van Pran Jackson Powers Johnson Zach Frazier Christian Mahogany Christian Haynes or Zak Zinter would probably work. Just worry about Zinter coming off his injury though.

  69. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    I think it is far to say by asking for Mayfield’s input…at MINIMUM they will be tagging him if they cannot work out a long term deal. Anyone that is anti-Baker might as well get on board. After Winfield is signed…No way Evans is getting $25 mill. He’s probably gone. We’ll draft a WR in the 1st or 2nd round.

    Let’s go BUCS!

  70. Let em Bake Says:

    I think it’s reasonable to assume Baker’s agent has received, quietly, a few communications from other teams. He knows the potential market out there. He may have received an offer so gaudy that it greatly increases his leverage. I know some don’t like a longer-term deal, but don’t be surprised if a 4–6-year deal , back loaded, gets offered to him by Tampa. Spreading out the cost helps the team. The longer term gives Baker security. I think Licht and company are confident they have their guy. 200 over 5 years with a nice 100 guaranteed.

  71. sasquatch Says:

    Proudbucsfan Says:
    February 4th, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    Off topic but the Saints fired Oline coach Doug Maroon he has been a very good Oline coach over the years maybe the Bucs will snatch him up.


    I thought the same thing… but I think it’s more likely they go with some guys who have experience in the schemes that the McVay tree typically relies on. Could be an assistant O-line coach from the Rams getting a promo in Tampa, for example.

  72. stpetebucfan Says:

    Optimisticbucsfan says: We’ll draft a WR in the 1st or 2nd round.

    I do not disagree even if ME does reup. Time for some solid youth in the pipeline.


    There are two Noles predicted to go very high at positions the Bucs can use…great edge rusher or another very talented WR.

    Seems like Jared Verse the edge rusher is predicted to go late teens early 20’s…

    WR Keon Coleman a little later.

    Are either of these guys worth taking a flier in the first round?

    If Verse is the real deal and the Bucs can get an extra edge rusher to pair with a rapidly improving D…that’s my pick.

    But if Coleman is a sure success at WR I wouldn’t mind seeing him either.


  73. BakerBucs Says:

    Since76says don’t cc compare baker to dilfer that’s stupid baker has been 1 game shy 2 times he is only 28 there is plenty of time to finish what he has started I wud say he is just as capable as anyone in the NFL to get grand orise he already has an impressive resume from high school on why count someone out before his story is finished.l wud b willing to bet when baker story is finished in NFL it will include the grand prize.every week he seems to have something good happen his way like perfect passer rating play maker of week thumping the enemy at the rite time just won passer prize at the pro bowl.just when u think the season over he gets another win!

  74. Defense Rules Says:

    Back to NFL Finance 101 …

    o Bucs CURRENTLY have $43.9 mil in 2024 salary CAP space with 57 players signed.
    o Six (6) of those 57 players are UFAs whose VOID year contracts (totaling $21.7 mil) count against our 2024 salary CAP, so we REALLY have 51 players under contract.
    o Only 37 of those 51 players currently under contract saw any field time with us in 2023. The rest are Practice Squad players who weren’t on our roster.

    So the Bucs have to add AT LEAST 16 players to the existing 37 experienced players on our current roster in order to field a 53-man team. Six (6) of those will in all probability be draft picks, meaning that we’ll have to sign (or re-sign) a MINIMUM of 10 FAs to complete the roster (ASSUMING that we keep ALL of those 37 existing experienced players). Chances are that the number will ultimately be higher than re-signing just 10 FAs.

    And again, to accomplish ALL that, the Bucs have $43.9 mil of CAP space. We can probably break free another $50 mil or so by restructuring several existing contracts AND releasing several players (poor Russell Gage comes to mind because of his contract?), but that STILL only gives us around $85 mil or so of total salary CAP space to work with.

    Bucs currently have 20 players who saw field time with us in 2023 who are free agents (that includes the 6 players on Void year contracts who’re FAs). Thus we have plenty to pick from (to re-sign), but limited funds to do that with.

    So for those talking about franchise-tagging Baker Mayfield at $35 mil (and having to eat that FULL amount in 2024), does that REALLY sound like a financially wise thing to do? And especially when almost all of the FAs who we add will most likely be on 1-year contracts (that we’d have to eat their FULL amount too)? Nope, don’t envy Jason Licht or Todd Bowles one bit.

  75. Defense Rules Says:

    StPete … ‘Optimisticbucsfan says: We’ll draft a WR in the 1st or 2nd round.’ I do not disagree even if ME does reup. Time for some solid youth in the pipeline.’

    IF ME13 re-signs with us, I can’t see the Bucs spending a Rnd 1 or Rnd 2 pick on another WR StPete, because we’d still have Mike, Chris & Trey and couldn’t get the new WR enough snaps to make the expenditure of such a high round pick pay off.

    Different story IF Mike doesn’t re-sign though. We’d have no choice but to draft a WR to replace him in a high round. And in that case he would get a lot of field time.

    Now if I were a betting man (and my uncle Dutch was a bookie too BTW), I’d put money on ME13 NOT re-signing with the Bucs. We blew it last year by not re-signing him when we had the chance. Mike’s a unique talent & some team with money is gonna ‘pay the man’. He (and Baker too) are now enrolled in the Jerry McQuire School of NFL Finance … ‘Show Me the Money’.

  76. stpetebucfan Says:

    I certainly take your point D.R. IF ME stays they’ll probably wait a little later IF they pick a WR.

    I haven’t given up yet on Palmer or Thompkins and if they resign David Moore the Bucs are apparently set.

    The Bucs should not be lacking in targets next year. Not just the WR’s but Cade Otton has risen at least to the level of Cam Brate a servicable TE..I hope Otton continues to improve. I’m intrigued by Payne Durham as well..another guy on the cheap who flashed…and obviously White has become a stud out of the backfield.

    In my dream scenario…The Bucs get a killer OL…I think Walter had the Bucs taking the Georgia Tackle in the 1st…the Bucs need interior OL…Wirfs is Pro Bowl…Goeddeke seemed to fare just fine returning to his natural position at RT.
    Unless the guy from GA is almost as good as Wirfs I don’t see wasting a pick on an OT.

    OR…another edge rusher…maybe Verse drops amidst the crowd of QB’s and WR’s expected to jam the top of the first round.

    To complete my fantasy Corum slips to late in the 2nd and the Bucs have a pure runner to go with White’s hands. Corum may drop because he has suspect hands which shouldn’t bother the Bucs since they have White.

    I enjoy the draft far more than the FA’s which end up with money guesses.

    Bottom line for me is that I trust JL and Spytek.

    Uncle Dutch eh? I got to meet some real “Damon Runyon” characters thanks to my fathers profession. One dude nicknamed Roses because he’d look at the paper and pick a Saturday morning funeral that promised the greatest turnout.
    He’s wait with his van until the funeral ended, go grab some of the best flowers and then head by River Downs. The guys leaving the track would pay good money to bribe their wives for allowing a day out with the boys. Roses was the consummate hustler. 5-8 about 240 lbs…he looked rolly polly but he ran like Vita Vea. Young strangers would come into the bar and he’d wager he could either beat them in a standing long jump or race them for a short distance.

    Those of us who knew him would laugh as the young dudes lost their money.

  77. Tony Says:

    Just get Baker another OL or two & then they could very easily win an extra game or two. A C & probably a G. Somebody like Sedrick Van Pran Jackson Powers Johnson Zach Frazier Christian Mahogany Christian Haynes or Zak Zinter would probably work. Would just worry about Zinter coming off his injury though. I think Drake Nugent could be a sleeper.

  78. Don'tBmad Says:

    Baker making a lot of clown fans look broke and homeless

  79. Tony Says:

    Just get Baker another OL or two & then they could very easily win an extra game or two. A C & probably a G. Somebody like Sedrick Van Pran Jackson Powers Johnson Zach Frazier Christian Mahogany Christian Haynes or Zak Zinter would probably work. Would just worry about Zinter coming off his injury though. I think Drake Nugent could be a sleeper

  80. m milligan Says:

    I think there could be a sht load of teams looking at Mayfield besides obvious.
    Just read today Pats or Broncos could be interested. Guess we’ll see how much Mayfield is worth. Don’t see him signing before he’s open market. We got Franchise tag in back pocket. Don’t think BM would like that option. Leverage

  81. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    This is to all those give mayfield 2 cents this year club.
    Baker Mayfield will get his fair contract this year with us or Without us.

    This franchise was within an eyelash to signing ‘crablegs eat a W Winston’ for big money a few years back. Remember that.

  82. Beeej Says:

    “stpetebucfan Says:
    February 4th, 2024 at 1:48 pm
    “Mayfield has had one good year in his career – and even then, he’s wasn’t dominant.”

    ONE good year? Which year? Last year? Google is your friend before you type DUMB statements.

    YEAR ONE -Rookie year – Mayfield helped lead the Browns to finish the season at 7–8–1, their best record since 2007. He finished with 3,725 passing yards, and surpassed Peyton Manning and Russell Wilson for most touchdowns thrown in a rookie season with 27.

    While Mayfield was considered by many to be the favorite for Offensive Rookie of the Year for 2018, the award was won by Giants running back Saquon Barkley. On the annual Top 100 Players list for 2019, Mayfield’s peers named him the 50th best player in the league.

    OK guys in the Munch group. Was that his ONE good year…selected 50th best in the league by his peers as a freaking rookie.

    YEAR TWO – Mayfield finished the 2019 season with 3,827 passing yards, 22 touchdowns, and 21 interceptions as the Browns finished with a 6–10 record.
    Bad season…too many ints.

    YEAR THREE -In Week 17, Mayfield and the Browns defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 24–22 and earned their first playoff berth since 2002, at which time Mayfield was six years old. The Browns finished the 2020 regular season 11–5.

    In the Wild Card Round against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Mayfield went 21 of 34 for 263 yards and 3 touchdowns during the 48–37 win, leading the Browns to their first playoff victory since the 1994 season, the year before Mayfield was born. It was also the Browns’ first playoff road victory in FIFTY ONE years, way back in 1969. In the Divisional Round of the playoffs against the Kansas City Chiefs, Mayfield threw for 204 yards, 1 touchdown, and 1 interception during the 22–17 loss. Was this his ONE GOOD YEAR?

    NEXT season he suffered the torn labrum and that led to 2 bad seasons!!!

    This past season – In Week 15 against the Packers, Mayfield posted a perfect passer rating, completing 22 of 28 passes for 381 yards and four touchdowns in a 34–20 win. He was the first quarterback to ever have a perfect passer rating at Lambeau Field. He was named the National Football Conference (NFC) Offensive Player of the Week for this performance!!!

    Mayfield concluded the season with 28 touchdown passes, 4,044 passing yards and a 64.3% completion rate, all career highs.

    In the Wild Card Round game against the Eagles, Mayfield completed 22 of 36 passes, for 337 yards, with three touchdowns and no interceptions. He led the Buccaneers to a 32–9 win over the defending NFC champions.

    SIX Seasons…TWO of them basically lost to the torn labrum and trying to come back with Tepper’s Carolina jokes.

    I count 3 of 6 very good to EXCELLENT considering the “Mistake by the Lake’s” football record!

    Can somebody like Rod Munch or Bonzai point me to WHICH season was his ONE good season? I’m serious here not trying to be snarky. I just do not understand the hate for this guy. Is the the next Mahomes…OF COURSE NOT…can he be as successful as Brad Johnson…out of respect for Brad I’ll conclude by saying the verdict is still out but Baker shows promise. 3 of 6 good seasons…2 stinkers brought on by injury and horrid teams.

    BTW If his peers ranked him as the 50th best player in the league after his rookie season…blame THEM…it’s not my ranking…but who do we respect more…NFL players or me. I’ll go with the players everytime!”


    Well, besides that

  83. Marky Mark Says:

    The Traskidiots are at it again. So all the people like Robbie who apparently can see into the future and say with certainty that Baker will not win a Super Bowl yet KT will..I would like to see some evidence of your clairavoyance. Show me your Billions made correctly predicting the stock market and all the races for a year at Hollywood Park.

  84. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The Trask mob is now officially defunct……business was booming for then in August

  85. Capt.Tim Says:

    And MayField wins Probowl offensive MVP.
    While not a big deal, just keeps proving the Stupidity of the anti-Mayfield morons.

    Hard to believe now, that were people so clueless, that they thought a noodle armed draft bust would ever play, instead of Pro Bowl QB Baker Mayfield.

    Poor lil Kyle Trask probably won’t make the team next season.
    Him and his pool noodle arm will be selling insurance.

    Just remember how dumb some of these guys are, when you’re reading the post here.

    And Mayfield just keeps impressing

  86. Defense Rules Says:

    m milligan … ‘We got Franchise tag in back pocket. Don’t think BM would like that option. Leverage’.

    Franchise tagging Baker would immediately tie up the FULL $36.4 mil of our $43.7 mil available salary CAP … 2 weeks BEFORE FA opens. Do you REALLY think that JL’s gonna put us in THAT situation with so many other mouths to feed at the start of free agency? Agree that Baker wouldn’t want to be franchise tagged, but I think HE has all the leverage in this situation.

  87. Defense Rules Says:

    StPete … My Uncle Dutch was about 25 years old when I was about 10, and yes he really was born in Holland (family emigrated here when he was just a kid). We all lived in a multi-family house that was within 10 miles of TWO dogtracks that 2 of my other uncles managed. Dutch just couldn’t resist such a golden opportunity. It was like manna from heaven I guess.

  88. m milligan Says:


  89. stpetebucfan Says:


    My ole man came back from WWII. He tried to be an optician..too boring..he parlayed his caligraphy skills and outgoing personality to get a job as a “boardmarker”, the dude who wrote on the sheets posted on the walls..1st 2nd 3rd and the payouts. Another Irishman named Jack Flynn nickname “Lockemup” he was incredibly cheap…made my father a full partner and the rest as they say was history.

    I have a feeling Uncle Dutch might have been a real character.

  90. Tackleblockwin Says:

    One thing that is not mentioned enough about Baker is that the players around him really like playing with him. That is important too.

  91. Oneilbuc Says:

    Homer. That’s not true Cleveland let him choose the HC after Huge Jackson was fired. And the next year the coach he chose got the fired after one year man some of yall have lost your minds to believe Baker Mayfield is a franchise quarterback. If the bucs over pay for Baker Mayfield this franchise is done the bucs don’t have the money to over pay him. Baker had a ok season and that’s not enough to win a superbowl or less we have the 02 bucs defense.

  92. Oneilbuc Says:

    I can’t wait until the season starts and the excuses start flying from every where lol 🤣🤣. I mean you guys are talking about a average quarterback at best and y’all acting like he’s a hall of famer now lol 🤣🤣 man that’s crazy.

  93. Marky Mark Says:

    So onielbuc you live your life hoping other people fail? Sad…

  94. Noclu4u Says:

    Now that Baker has matured and reeled back some of that gunslinger mentality , imagine what his numbers would be with a top 15 run game or a top ten run game . Bucs really need to draft the best center in the draft . There is a chance that he will be there too .they may have to move up 2-3 spots for him but they should go center and guard . What I like about the new Offensive Coordinator is the guy knows how to scheme blocking packages to open throwing lanes for shorter QBs .

  95. Oneilbuc Says:

    Marky Mark. That is the dumbest statement I’ve ever seen!! Baker Mayfield is a millionaire he can stop playing football right now if wants to he’s not a failure. None of those are failures who plays pro sports ! You guys need to stop worshiping the athletes!!

  96. White Tiger Says:

    Baker is in the drivers seat (Atlanta alone makes that a reality, add in a few other suitors and it only makes the point fore emphatically). It would make more sense to francise someone else…you can’t franchise a QB, impact is too much for the cap space and the 16 OTHER players needing some attention…some of which are actually critical.

    You don’t have to like it, you just have to understand that the Bucs/Glazers could have blown up the team afer the GOAT retired, and they did NOT do that – they committed to a plan that now includes Baker Mayfield – and its a good plan that you’ll eventually accept…maybe even embrace. Mayfield is a bargain.

    Some folks favorite players will end up with hurt feelings and different teams.

    On to the draft.

  97. Bradley Brown Says:

    @usedtocould… Every wild card team that has won the super bowl has entered the chat.