Ian Beckles On Mike Evans

February 3rd, 2024

Former Bucs’ guard thinks Mike Evans plays like he is younger.

“This Joe” is not a non-basketball association fan (the other Joe is passionate about the league). Honest to goodness the Joe typing this here post has never seen Lebron James play. Ever. That’s no lie.

But just like “this Joe” never watched Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods play golf, or Pele or anyone else play soccer, just through osmosis Joe understands they are legends in their respective sports.

(Well, golf is more a hobby than sport. But that debate is for another day.)

So when Joe heard former Bucs guard and popular local sports personality Ian Beckles compare Bucs wide receiver Mike Evans to James, that got Joe’s attention. Now Joe knows Evans is one of the best receivers to ever play. But is he a Jerry Rice or Don Hutson kind of receiver?

In one respect, Beckles thinks so. Beckles believes Evans, 30, is cheating Father Time. Now Father Time always wins but once in a while someone cheats Father Time. Nolan Ryan and Tom Brady spring to mind for Joe, dudes that played elite level of ball into their mid-40s.

Is Evans the next in line to do that? Beckles discussed on his “In the Trenches” podcast.

Beckles think Evans is the Lebron of the NFL. Beckles said for years he thought James’ game would fall off due to age. Beckles said he’s going to quit predicting when Evans’ skills fade.

“I think I’ve said that three straight years,” Beckles said. “Mike looks amazing, still.”

But will Bucs fans continue to see Evans ball out? He’s a free agent in about six weeks. Beckles isn’t overly confident Evans returns to the Bucs.

Beckles said he doesn’t know if the Bucs can afford Evans next season. And Beckles added he doesn’t know if Evans wants to come back.

Earlier this week, Evans was interviewed at a Houston Rockets game and said it is sort of exciting for him to choose where he will play next year.

Joe thinks (hopes?) that Evans likes the expected hire of new offensive coordinator Liam Coen and if the Bucs can bring back Baker Mayfield, that will entice Evans to return as well.

49 Responses to “Ian Beckles On Mike Evans”

  1. NJbucs23 Says:

    Thanks for everything Mike. You deserve to be paid, it’s just the Bucs need to correct our cap.

  2. BuxfaninTX Says:

    As long as he doesn’t sign with the Chiefs, like Smith, Edwards and Watson….

  3. Scott Says:

    I think his camp will definitely want to shop around before resigning with us. I would expect us to give a solid offer

  4. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Come on, Mike Greenberg. Do that voodoo that you do so well.

  5. Bobby Says:

    If Im Evans Im not coming back here. I’m going to Chiefs, Chargers, Rams, Cowboys, Texans, etc. If Evans Im going to a bigger market on a contender and trying to get another ring, and trying to get paid big and bigger market brings big endorsement deals too

  6. BigMacAttack Says:

    So what about the franchise tag? Is that not an option? There are teams in both divisions that are just 1 Mike Evans away from a Championship. The Bucs aren’t that team. Do what’s right for the Bucs or do what’s right for Mike? Or better yet both? Sign him and trade him to that winning team in the AFC for Nothing less than a 1 & 3 pick. It’s a win for all. I would not trade for any kind of 2’nd round pick or picks because Licht is destined to draft a bust.

  7. Davenport Says:

    Bucs need to tell both Mayfield and Evans to go out and find their market value, then return with a number.

    If the Bucs are looking at high dollar, back loaded contracts – that are too common – they have to walk away. Those would represent massive cap issues in the future.

    The reality is that the team is still facing some tough decisions on some very expensive and high dead money contracts: Jenson, Gage, Barrett, Davis, etc.

    Signing/extending Winfield and Wirfs are critical, especially Wirfs. They are young, good, and pieces of the future.

    Potentially tying up $80+ million (33% of the cap) in two receivers and a QB is insanity. Its the type of nonsense the Saints pulled for years and it didn’t get them anywhere.

  8. Zzbucs Says:

    Beckles change opinions more than underwear, please check what he said on Evans in the past, and there are more examoles , like Mayfield Canales White…. The only consistent ine is that he doesn’t like JTS…

  9. WyomingJoe Says:

    A few things:

    Pay Mike!

    Pay Baker.

    Michael Jordan would kick Lebron’s butt. Not kidding.

    Basketball is a pu**y sport compared to the way they played in the 80’s.

    Jordan also picked Larry Bird over Lebron as a Forward.

    This kind of argument is never settled! Lol…

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs had all last year to re-sign Mike, but they chose not to (probably because they couldn’t afford to). If I were the Bucs I’d make him a solid offer for his current Market Value ($23.8 mil over 4 years) but tell him he’s free to test the market. None of this ‘franchise tag’ stuff though; he’s earned the right to negotiate with others, and yes, to pick his future home if he chooses.

  11. PewterStiffArm Says:

    The Bucs are battling affordability with accountability. Can Mike Evans really ball out like this year with a new monster contract under his belt? As he starts to hit the age wall can he be a hybrid receiver/tight end? 15 to 25 yard curls, over the middle, or even sideline posts. If he signs with someone else, God bless him. He will always be the best offensive Buc ever. He will start losing some juice, probably this year, if he signs with us. Tampa loves Mike, I hope he realizes that when he is trying to figure out where to play next year.

  12. Birdie Says:

    Thanks Mike for dropping all those balls in the playoffs,good luck elsewhere

  13. Davenport Says:

    If 2024 becomes a disaster, which it has a 50/50 chance of being, no coach is going to want to be locked into a high-priced mediocre QB and an aging high-priced WR who’s competing with an undefeated father time.

    Detroit is the team they are now because they bit the bullet and cleared out most of their aging, big money players.

    Realistically, the Bucs are not a Super Bowl team and it makes no sense to further mortgage the future to chase an unlikely dream.

  14. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’m OVER all the legacy talk. ME13 has already got a spot sewn up on the Bucs Ring of Honor IF he returns. If he leaves he has a great shot at the HOF with a couple more great years catching passes from Mahomes in the spotlight.

    It’s not about any of that. It’s a freaking BUSINESS. How valuable is ME13 next year for the Bucs. How much of a drop in the passing game if he leaves. CG14 another year removed from his knee injury can probably handle #1 duties. The draft is not just loaded with QB’s this years there are a bunch of talented WR’s.

    Even if the Bucs had to use a 1st round pick they’d get the tremendous discount of a rookie contract compared to ME’s elephant dollars as a very successful vet.

    ME’s personality, toughness, skill set, HOF potential are meaningless. It’s just a freaking Business!!! Are the Bucs so desperate for targets that they’ll pay elephant dollars for ME’s production. OR…with CG14 and White and a great draft pick isn’t there a great chance for continued success on offense in the passing game. ME makes it easier for sure but he’s ONE player…and not even a QB, or a stone cold QB killa a position the Bucs can always use more players to fill.

  15. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @Davenport, we think alike. Both of your comments are spot on. Except I have a soft spot for Evans. I feel strongly that he still has 3 good years in him. That’s just a gut feeling, but it is a risk.

  16. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Fantasyland fellas

  17. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe

    “(Well, golf is more a hobby than sport. But that debate is for another day.)”


    This takes me back to the good old Steve Duemig sport talk radio days.

    During the dog days of summer he would have this debate every year and it would go for weeks while we all waited for the football season to start.

    I miss both Steve Duemig and Chris Thomas… RIP.

  18. stpetebucfan Says:


    “I miss both Steve Duemig and Chris Thomas… RIP.”

    Chris was the greatest! I enjoyed “Big Dog’ even though I frequently hear myself yelling…”shut up and let the guy answer your question Big Dog”.

    BTW My son is Navy…not Marines but he’s currently in Saudi Arabia. I’m far more worried now than when I was in ‘Nam. Feels so helpless back here.

  19. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR

    “no franchise tag”

    I agree.

    Plus – I really don’t believe the Bucs can afford to use the franchise tag if they truly want to re-sign Winfield and the rest of our more pricey free agents.

  20. Mike C Says:

    I hope he consults his tax guy before doing anything drastic like going to the chargers or rams Bobby, he would have to get alot of endorsements (in a new town) to make up for that tax hit.

  21. Pickgrin Says:

    Mike wants to be a Buccaneer for life and Jason Licht wants that even more….

    It will get worked out for Mike to return but its certainly possible the Bucs will let him test free agency to determine his true value if Mike’s Agent insists on a long term contract at $25M+ per and won’t come off of that.

    3 years – $66M with $44M Guaranteed is in the neighborhood of what will eventually get done for Evan’s next deal with the Buccaneers.

  22. Joe Says:

    I miss both Steve Duemig and Chris Thomas


  23. Davenport Says:

    Pickgrin — 3yr/66m is incredibly low. Teams that are legit SB contenders will offer far more than that and I can’t see Evans taking a discount.

  24. Marine Buc Says:

    @ StPete

    Hang in there bud.

    Your son will be coming home hopefully one day soon and will be a better man because of the amazing experiences he is currently having.

  25. The Truth be Told Says:

    Is Evans really a Money Whore or not is what this is all about. How much $$ is enough to keep him here. If they can get Baker and Evans for $50 Million a year between them that guarantees a potent passing game going forward. They proved that this year. Baker will be signed real soon. Let’s see if Evans is all talk and goes somewhere else because of the $$. The Bucs surely will make him a nice offer and Baker will be working him.

  26. Stu Says:

    Audios ME…no love lost here

  27. Beeej Says:

    You can’t defer the money if you use the franchise tag

  28. Pickgrin Says:

    Davenport – that figure is pretty close to spot on – you’ll see.

    Evans is not 27 years old. He’s 31. And he wants a multi year deal north of $20M per with solid guarantees. Most teams are going to be reluctant to make that kind of commitment for an “older” player – regardless of how well he played and defied signs of aging in his previous season.

    Also – “SB contenders” rarely have $25M in cap space for 1 player laying around.

    Evans certainly earned himself a nice contract with his play last year – and the Bucs are basically obligated to pay him at least a bit more than Godwin – but there are very few (non QB) NFL players north of 30 who sign multi year $25M+ deals. It just doesn’t really happen.

    ME will be somewhat of an exception in signing a multi year deal north of $20M at his age…. but he did earn it on the field last year so no argument.

  29. JimBobBuc Says:

    I think ME wants at least one more 1000yd season. He’s tied with Moss at 10, and trails only Rice with 14. I don’t see him wanting to catch Rice at 14.

    If Baker comes back, I think ME’s best chance for another 1000yd season is with Coen/Baker. ME would be Baker’s WR1. But if ME goes to Houston, I think they will distribute the ball to Collins, Dell, Woods, and Metchie also. So ME would get fewer targets and might not get to 1000.

    I hope the Bucs are competitive with their offer to Mike and Mike thinks about his good connection with Baker.

  30. SlyPirate Says:

    “I think I’ve said that three straight years,” Beckles said. “Mike looks amazing, still.”


    Peter King called himself out for being wrong.

    August 29th, 2023
    Mike Evans On His “Last Legs?”
    “You have to understand that Mike Evans is on his last legs,” Beckles said.

  31. SlyPirate Says:

    “I think I’ve said that three straight years,” Beckles said. “Mike looks amazing, still.”


    Peter King called himself out for being wrong.

    Google Joe’s Article …
    August 29th, 2023
    Mike Evans On His “Last Legs?”
    “You have to understand that Mike Evans is on his last legs,” Beckles said.

  32. Joe Says:


    You’re making Beckles’ point. Where was he lying?

  33. Conner50 Says:

    Re sign Mike Evans no matter what, no matter who’s our qb we need his production

  34. Mort Says:

    Find the change in the couch cushions. Whatever it takes, bring him back.

  35. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Ever notice how Mike, whenever he actually tries, is great at YAC. Most.of the time he falls down and covers up. It’s no wonder how he’s cheating Father Time.

  36. Red86 Says:

    Don’t sully Mike Evans name with the overrated LeBron “He needs some help via trade every year” James. At least Evans don’t demand his teammates be traded and not do his job like James don’t play team defense. Evans a better reserve player than James.

  37. TF Says:

    Let me start by saying this, I LOVE MIKE EVANS. And he does deserve a raise! But the man drops way too many passes. Way too many.

  38. stpetebucfan Says:


    THX for the encouragement. He says Saudi Arabia is beautiful but disgusting because of the way they treat their women!

    I mentioned in ‘Nam the Army tossed around some nice bonus money for extending a tour…he said absolutely not…he HATES Saudi Arabia.

  39. Daniel Dream Says:

    I’m not reading another article this ‘writer’ does again. What kind of ‘sports writer’ has never seen an NBA game in 20 years? What kind of idiot is going to lead his ‘article’ by talking about a sport he has never seen in his life and then proceed to degrade an entire sports league with some racist B S? This is utter trash. The hack who wrote this drivel, this sorry pathetic attempt at an article, is a complete failure at life and at everything he does. No wonder nobody likes him! He’s a born-loser and he has no talent or intelligence!

  40. Daniel Dream Says:

    I’m not reading another article this ‘writer’ does again. What kind of ‘sports writer’ has never seen an NBA game in 20 years? What kind of idiot is going to lead his ‘article’ by talking about a sport he has never seen in his life and then proceed to degrade an entire sports league with some rcist B S? This is utter trash. The hack who wrote this drivel, this sorry pathetic attempt at an article, is a complete failure at life and at everything he does. No wonder nobody likes him! He’s a born-loser and he has no talent or intelligence!

  41. firethecannons Says:

    TF Says:
    February 3rd, 2024 at 6:47 pm
    Let me start by saying this, I LOVE MIKE EVANS. And he does deserve a raise! But the man drops way too many passes. Way too many.*****I agree with TF–he is not elite, if he could catch what he is supposed to catch then it would be different but he drops a ton of balls.

  42. Mitchell Says:

    I love what Evans has done with the Bucs and do hope that he stays a Buc for life but it has to be at the proper number. Betting on Evans changing the proven ceiling for age is not really a strategy.

    “3 years – $66M with $44M Guaranteed is in the neighborhood of what will eventually get done for Evan’s next deal with the Buccaneers.”

    Pickgrin, this is probably a good starting point for the negotiations, Diggs just got a 4 for 96 deal for an avg 24 mil per year number so may have to get around that to be done but for me its a huge risk that years 3 and 4 have a likelihood that the performance will be drastically below the contract.

    As for the “drops” argument people need to google NFL WRs by drops for last year before they regurgitate whatever they heard someone at the adjoining barstool say. Mike had 7 drops last year, less than Puka Nakua 13, Tyreek Hill 12, Davonte Adams 8, Stefon Diggs 8. Others with 7 drops were Travis Kelce, Adam Thielen, Amari Cooper, AJ Brown, DK Metcalf, Tee Higgins, Garrett Wilson.

    The narrative isn’t always grounded in reality.

  43. Smashsquatch Says:

    Evans is gone, and golf is a sport!

  44. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Mitchell just the facts, just the facts sir. Good going on that post sir. Too many harpees up here crying about Evan’s drops because all the greats drop easy passes but Mike’s get blown out of proportion. Sure they suck when they happen but his wow off the chart catches are way way more and that’s what he deserves to be praised and paid for. Who is more important, a receiver who made the likes of Johnny Manziel, Stuart McClown, Shameless Fameous Jameis ATM and Baker Mayfield look better than they really are and has been consistently great for 10 seasons or a qb who has never been consistently good for 7? I mean he’s good as a rookie, next year he’s bad, next year he’s great, next year he sucks, next year he sucks then last year he was pretty decent. How much more of that do we want?

  45. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The Joe’s Bermuda Triangle algorithm is ridiculous! They should create a firewall and sell it to the government they’d make a killing on it!

  46. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Mitchell you dropped the mic on that one

  47. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who’s more important to sign, a receiver who’s been consistently great and makes most qbs look better for 10 years or a qb who’s never been consistently good for 7 years?

  48. Robert Says:

    Mike Evans dropped 8 passes this year. Tyreek Hill dropped 14. Tyreek 4 years 130 million . Get real people. No way Evans resigns here . Baker is going to get 40 per and sign with the Patriots.

  49. Robert Says:

    Mike Evans dropped 8 passes this year. Tyreek Hill dropped 14. Tyreek 4 years 130 million . Get real people. No way Evans resigns here . Baker is going to get 40 per and sign with the Patriots because his old Browns OC is coaching with the Pats.