Second Interview For Dave Canales Means David Tepper Is Serious

January 23rd, 2024

The watch is on.

The news that Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales got a second interview with Stinking Panthers meddling owner David Tepper for his team’s head coaching gig has Joe worried.

If Tepper wasn’t serious, Canales would not be interviewed for a second time. Does Tepper strike you as a man who wastes valuable time for optics?

Joe knows a lot of Bucs fan are not sold on Canales as a play-caller. They believe he doesn’t have enough experience.

Those people are missing the forest for the trees.

Joe can easily see Canales being a head coach somewhere soon. Maybe not this year but if the Bucs offense doesn’t fall off, next year perhaps.

The fact Tepper wanted a second shot to talk to Canales sort of reinforces Joe’s belief about a major reason Canales will be sought. It’s a reason many X’s and O’s people dismiss or don’t realize.

The NFL is getting more and more corporate. More and more guys from the business world want corporate-type coaches, guys who will listen to and collaborate with suits in the front office.

Canales has demonstrated how much of a people person he is and how he is able to get men together for a purpose. Bucs coach Todd Bowles talks about this all the time, how his team didn’t quit all season when they easily could have thrown in the towel.

You don’t think a big reason for that was Canales had his offensive players motivated?

Canales has shown that individually, he is really good getting players to improve. The key here is that he has already gotten a pair of quarterbacks in the past two years to salvage their careers; Baker Mayfield just had a career year working for Canales.

Quarterback is often the biggest football investment a team has. Imagine what Canales might do for Bryce Young in Carolina? And you can bet this is a key issue for Tepper. He’s got hundreds of millions on the line invested in Young from the draft capital he spent to get him to the future earnings of his team if Young succeeds.

Lastly, from a corporate standpoint, Canales has the perfect demeanor. With his always-sunny disposition and team-first focus, Canales will someday make a terrific frontman for a franchise.

Not enough experience? Mike Tomlin in his only year as a defensive coordinator guided the eighth-ranked defensive unit in the game. He turned out OK.

Mike McDaniel spent one season as an NFL offensive coordinator, guiding the No. 7 offense. He turned out OK with Miami.

John Harbaugh was never a coordinator on the NFL level. There are probably 28 other teamsm if they had an opening, that couldn’t hire Harbaugh quickly enough.

Don’t sell Canales short. “This Joe” would not be surprised in any way if next week, Bowles has to launch an offensive coordinator search.

And if Canales goes, does Baker Mayfield or Mike Evans even want to return to the Bucs? Both are huge fans of Canales.

55 Responses to “Second Interview For Dave Canales Means David Tepper Is Serious”

  1. Ricki Says:

    Maybe he can become our headcoach so we can rid of mediocrity.

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    “Imagine what Canales might do for Bryce Young in Carolina?”


    That’s really the biggest, well only, selling point for Canales – not that I don’t think he could be good, but Carolina’s #1 goal is to try to save Young from being a bust, and the Canales system has taken Geno Smith and now Baker Mayfield, from busts to being NFL starters.

    While I’d love to see Young be a bust, and set back the Panthers for years, I’m not all that convinced he is as bad as he looked. They have absolutely no weapons in Carolina, when you watched the tape, there’s no place to go with the ball on most plays. No QB in the NFL is going to be successful in that situation.

    The biggest concern to me if Canales went is that the Panthers would break the bank to Evans – and if that happened… ugh. That idea makes me sick.

    In fact if Canales gets hired in Carolina, if the Bucs can’t get Evans to sign a new deal, you must franchise tag him. I mean if Evans can make Mike Glennon look good, think about what he can do for a former #1 overall pick.

  3. Tye Says:

    IF Canales goes, I can see many players that can, leave the Bucs and like times past, many free agents avoid the Bucs because of Bowels rep not being able to beat average and above teams…. Players want to go where they have the best chance to win a SB… Bowels lead team is not very good chance at all….

    Maybe next year goes OK and Bowels is flushed for Canales as HC!

  4. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Young looked objectively terrible to me. Not sure if Canales can make chicken salad out of that in Carolina, but a head coaching offer is something he can’t turn down.

  5. T. Says:

    Perhaps Tepper would like more than a zoom call.

  6. CleanHouse Says:

    Maybe Canales can just let people run in unblocked at Bryce Young, as if he doesn’t have enough problems.

    Who cares

    Fire Bowles today- should have called a time out

    Canales could have called a timeout

    I want smarter coaches.

    Save your comments trolls and inbreeds

  7. Jack Clark Says:

    NFL owners always move the goal post when they want to hire as their head coach. First it’s “I want a Super Bowl winning offensive coordinator” then it’s “I want a personality I like”, basically any excuse to hire who they “really” want. If anything is corporate America about the NFL is that it’s all unfair politics. Dave Canales offense was the worst in rushing in the NFL, 22nd in scoring, and 18th in passing. No Super Bowl appearances, average at best, and this guy is getting promoted to being a head coach?! What a joke

  8. CleanHouse Says:

    Agree w Jack Clark

    Canales worked through his first year as a play caller and it wasn’t hideous but it wasn’t earth shattering either. He seems pointed in the right direction as an OC but head coach? Too much learning curve it would seem.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Not a fan of Canales, let him go. He doesn’t have enough experience to be a good OC yet, much less a HC.

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Nobody could help Brycie.

  11. Caleb M Says:

    If Canales truly believes the Bucs are that “close” to winging another Super Bowl then I think he stays.

  12. Crickett Baker Says:

    Dave is letting himself get led into temptation. He is burning his britches, so to speak. He felt a higher power led him to the Bucs, and now, it seems, he is ego-tripping. Our team was the first one to even give him a chance to learn how to be an OC. Now he is thinking he is ready to be a HC? He better think again. And think again.

  13. dmatt Says:

    Indeed, he need to brainstorm on this decision. Tepper has fired 3 coaches in his brief tenure as owner. Matt Rhule was 1-4 when he was fired and interim coach Steve Wilkes took over and ended the season at .500 with a 6-6 record was not retained. I don’t believe Canales is ready at the head coach level at this time. He should at least prove that this past season as OC was not a fluke. Win next year and or beyond n multiple teams will contact him pronto. Tepper appears to be a selfish, bratty, impatience type person.

  14. bob in valrico Says:

    I have no doubt that his career is on the upswing. But I think he would be
    smart to stay put and hone his skills as an OC. Would he try to wear two hats
    and also call plays. A bigger question is can he find enough coaches willing to take a chance on a team that is short on talent offensively. Tepper is the X factor that would also make that way more of a challenge. The Bucs gave him an opportunity, and the Bucs should find a way to offer him a path to gain the experience to grow into higher level of coaching than he got under Pete Carrol.

  15. CHRISTOS Says:

    I think Canales showed improvement with time. Its not easy to call plays if you havent before and of course with experience you can get better.
    Its good for Canales to get HC interviews and accept them so his name is in the circles but my opinion is he should stay for another year at least. Still have a lot to learn and the Carolina job is not looking like a good one at this moment. Not enough good players, not enough picks and a questionable in many fronts owner.
    Sure a HC job is a great opportunity carrerwise and moneywise and you dont know how many of these you will get, just ask Leftwich. You never know what next year brings. But again the Carolina job looks toxic at the moment.
    Wish him the best either way cause he looks like a good man.
    Go Bucs

  16. Defense Rules Says:

    Another ‘information only piece’ it looks like. Dave Canales will do what Dave Canales will do, based on what Tepper & the Panthers offer him. Doubt seriously that he’d turn it down (probably wouldn’t have accepted the 1st OR 2nd interview IF he wasn’t seriously interested).

    But I’m sure that he appreciates our advice and will take it all under advisement.

  17. Fansince76 Says:

    I think we are fuked and Canales is going to be the crappy Panthers head coach.
    I farking hate the Panthers they suck!

  18. Hodad Says:

    Tepper goes through coaches like I go through tissues watching porn hub! He can hire Canales, fire him, and we can hire him back in the same season.

  19. FlBoy84 Says:

    Interviewing for a HC job and being offered it / accepting it are not the same thing. Like so many other’s out there, Dave is wise to get as much exposure as he can to the HC interview process and how it works. He’s mentioned before that he didn’t think he was ready yet for that leap, that doesn’t mean you don’t take every oppt available to learn as much about the process as possible whenever it’s given. I’m certain he realizes the more exposure he gets to it, the more prepared he will be to nail the interview offers he gets next year, either here in Tampa or elsewhere. And he also likely understands those offers aren’t guaranteed to come, so take advantage of the experience while it’s available. It’s no different than any other job market in that regard.

  20. BucsFan81 Says:

    If he goes then basically it’s the reset button of the team learning a new offense all next season. The schedule is brutal next season to which won’t help matters.

  21. NCKe Says:

    Titans just hired Callahan from the Bengals. That was the Panthers other top choice. If they do hire Dave. I say we go after Ben Johnson. Just glad Greenburg is staying put with the Dan Morgan news.

  22. rickym Says:

    Joe is spot on! The failure to work with the suits is why Pete Carroll is unemployed. Today’s NFL views the coach and the GM as “cogs in-the wheel” not as singular authority. Billionaires want full control of their investments. The corporate way has also become the NFL way. The ability to play well with others has become paramount in the NFL. Canales wil be gone very soon

  23. NCKe Says:

    Thaddeus Lewis would get promoted knowing Bowles.

  24. Boss Says:

    His greatest accomplishment is making lovie style of play half ass nfl worthy.

    Night and day from him and lefty

  25. Oddball Says:

    Worst job in the NFL bar none. That’s why he won’t go.

  26. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    I know there’s only 32 of these jobs but I think with that owner that’s 32 out of 32

  27. NutterBuccer Says:

    Glazers need to pay the man and call it a day. We don’t need him leaving yet nevermind going to a division rival. I could see why they want him.

  28. Milton Says:

    “If Tepper wasn’t serious, Canales would not be interviewed for a second time.”

    I see it this way: If Canales didn’t want to leave, he would not be interviewing a second time.

  29. Bubby Says:

    The Mike Evans situation is entirely about money. He wants to stay and he’s had about 50 OCs in his time here. Pay the man and he will be a buccaneer for life.

  30. Oddball Says:

    “Does Tepper strike you as a man who wastes valuable time for optics?”

    No, Joe. Tepper strikes me as a man who has no clue what he is doing.

  31. TJ Says:

    Does Canales really want to go play for probably the most immature owner in the NFL? Carolina has no weapons on offense. Likely no matter who the OC is, this team will suck next year. It would be a complete rebuild and a project for Canales with an impatient owner. I don’t know if he’d be willing to leave the security here for the uncertainty there.

  32. SlyPirate Says:


    It’s good for the Bucs if the Panthers hire Canales as the HC. He’s not an exceptional OC. He would not be an exceptional HC. Panthers would be really bad for awhile.

  33. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Don’t we get 2 3rd round comp picks if another team hires Canales as HC?

    That’s more than we would get for Shaq, JTS Neal & Devin White combined.

    We got Zip for Byron Leftwich.

  34. Orange Republic Says:

    Mayfield has created the interest in Canales. Carolina had Baker in the fold last year and all their great minds agreed he could not play QB in the NFL. After making great sacrifices to get a top QB, Team Tepper watched Mayfield lead the Bucs to a division title besting his team in both meetings. How did this happen? Must be coaching.

    Canales isn’t getting much interest outside of Carolina.

  35. StormyInFl Says:

    “Tampabaybucfan Says:
    January 23rd, 2024 at 7:58 am
    Don’t we get 2 3rd round comp picks if another team hires Canales as HC?

    That’s more than we would get for Shaq, JTS Neal & Devin White combined.

    We got Zip for Byron Leftwich.”

    I believe Canales is a minority hire (Mexican) so yes.

    That being said, only a desperate masochist would take that job. No talent, a bust at QB, no draft picks and an impatient meddling owner who is the very reason they are as bad as they are. Sometimes ‘thanks, but no thanks’ is the correct call. If his offense grows (and I think it will) next year, he’ll have better opportunities.

    If he does go, the job is likely to go to Thad Lewis. Everything I’ve seen on the guy is positive, so I don’t necessarily think that’s a drop off.

  36. Statguy Says:

    I think he likes it here, bowels won’t be coaching that much longer. I can see them building on what they have the next few years and him taking over and Kacey Rodgers taking over the defense

  37. PSK Bucs Fan Says:

    Who in their right mind decides to work for Tepper?

  38. Alanbucsfan Says:

    More money and Assistant Head Coach title would likely keep Canales in Tampa if he does get a Panther HC offer.

  39. Bosch Says:

    Fire Bowels now instead of prolonging the inevitable. Promote Canales to HC. It’s just not that complicated.

  40. RustyRhinos Says:

    Hey, Bob in Valrico.
    “the Bucs should find a way to offer him a path to gain the experience to grow into higher level of coaching than he got under Pete Carrol.” What???

    Dave Canales has been on Pete Carroll’s Seahawks team 13 of the 14 seasons Carroll was there, where Seattle has reached the postseason 10 of Carroll’s 13 seasons as coach, advanced to the divisional round seven times, winning two NFC Championships and one Super Bowl, while claiming the No. 1 seed in the NFC twice.

    So how much more of a path and gained experience with Canales now Having taken his very own Buccaneer Offense to the playoffs and won a game, do you think he needs? I am excited that he has been given this HC interview, I do not feel he is yet ready to move up, but at the end of the day it aint my checkbook that would be needed to cut that check. Sad if he leaves but I do get it.

  41. RustyRhinos Says:

    Nice Photo Joe!!! ” Property of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers “

  42. Proudbucsfan Says:

    This stinks, Dave is a very positive coach and players play hard for him. If he doesn’t get hired, his second season here is going to take off. I think we should give him a successor clause in his contract so when Bowles retires “he is 60”or he gets fired Canales can move right in to head coach. More incentive for him to stay. The patriots did Jarod Mayo’s contract that way. I can see Tepper hiring Canales just out of spite to screw the Bucs up, it seems he is very impulsive.

  43. LANshark Says:

    First, as someone above mentioned, when you get the chance to interview, you take it. The experience is valuable whether you decide to take the job, or not.

    Hopefully, that is what Dave Canales is doing. I would HOPE he can see the difference between Team Glazer and the Tepper nightmare. It is telling that ONLY Carolina seems interested – another season like this or slightly better, and he will have his pick of jobs.

  44. LANshark Says:


    You Wrote: “They have absolutely no weapons in Carolina, when you watched the tape, there’s no place to go with the ball on most plays. No QB in the NFL is going to be successful in that situation.”

    And yet, with almost every post you make, you try to convince us that Baker Mayfield is a complete loser, based mostly on his historical record. And the Browns when Mayfield was drafted were even WORSE than Carolina is now…. And Baker won about half the games that he played for the Browns during his tenure. The team had been 1-31 before him…

    You don’t get it both ways… QBs are a product of the system and team that they are on… maybe 15% difference in cases of truly great QBs, but even they would fail in Carolina, or Cleveland 2018-2021.

  45. TexasBuc 1776 Says:

    Canales improved toward the end of the season, I’m good with him. Who in their right mind would go to work for Tepper, what an ars$hole.

  46. NcKe Says:

    The question is if he leaves Who will be the replacement?

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    LANshark – Mayfield was literally the worst QB in football the previous two years, not opinion, that’s literally a fact.

    This year Mayfield was a middling QB, as noted by his 18th rated QBR and 20th ranking in scoring.

    You can win with that guy, so long as you’re not paying him as if he’s a franchise QB, which he is not.

    Anywho, get your dumb low IQ talking points correct, and maybe figure how who said what because you start quoting them dummy.

  48. Let Em Bake Says:

    Rod Munch For OC!!! TEAMPOSITIVE!! “In a shock move today, Bucs Top brass hires long time blog responder Rod MUNCH to head the Bucs offense. In other news, Kyle Trask has been named the starter in Mr. Munch’s acceptance statement.” 🙂

  49. matthew veal Says:

    Canales is too smart to leave the glazers fand jason for a nut like tepper.

    He will get a head coach job. This would not be a good choice for him

  50. Lord Cornelius Says:

    The Carolina situation is not ideal. Stuck with a QB that had a bad year with a bad O-line and no weapons and you don’t even have your first round draft pick

  51. MelvinJunior Says:

    He might get that job since NO ONE else wants it…. It’s not like Tepper has very many high-end top quality coaches clamoring for the opportunity to be part of all THAT!!!! 💯

  52. gotbbucs Says:

    Hell, the Bucs hired Raheem Morris when he was still in diapers.

  53. GhostofBrady Says:

    I like the idea of a division rival with a new HC/OC who we already practiced defense against all year. If Canales goes to ATL, he will have to lead the team and teach the team and a young QB the offense. Not veterans like Baker and Geno. Maybe they find a backup on the market who is familiar with the offense. All sounds better for the Bucs to beat the Falcons twice next year :).

    Lots of coaches in the league know that offense already. I think Baker, Trask and the rest of the skill players would do well in the same offense in year 2 with a different play caller. So long as we don’t replace Canales with an OC that has a totally different scheme.

    How much of Canales doing well his very first year as a play caller and OC was due to him teaching a seasoned Vet that saw the same system last year? Baker had 5 games with the McVay offense last year.

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    Let Em Bake Says:
    January 23rd, 2024 at 2:09 pm
    Rod Munch For OC!!! TEAMPOSITIVE!! “In a shock move today, Bucs Top brass hires long time blog responder Rod MUNCH to head the Bucs offense. In other news, Kyle Trask has been named the starter in Mr. Munch’s acceptance statement.” 🙂

    Sounds good to me! I average like 88 points a game in Madden on the ALL-PRO level, so you’re getting the best.

    Also I’m telling the GM to get me Winston.

  55. GhostofBrady Says:

    Oooops. I meant Canales going to Carolina (not Atlanta) would up our chances of two sured victories in the division. Canales seems like a smart guy. Making a deeper playoff run with the Bucs as OC is probably more appealing than failing miserably with the Panthers and their career killing owner. I bet every night Bucs fans are thanking the lord we are in the same division as the panthers.

    @Rod Munch:
    “Also I’m telling the GM to get me Winston.”

    He is like Santa Claus for DBs. Can you imagine the careers of Defensive Backs that have up their market value and incentives off stats thanks to his gift giving interceptions. 10 interceptions this year to 30 next year. We could rename the team to the South Pole. .