Ian Beckles Says It Is Time For Bucs Fans To Come Correct

January 20th, 2024

A former Bucs starting guard is downright tired of fans hounding the quarterback and the coach of his football team, which is two wins away from a Super Bowl.

As a result, former Bucs guard and current popular local radio personality Ian Beckles took to his podcast “In the Trenches” and scolded folks for wanting to run Baker Mayfield and Todd Bowles.

“If you started off a Baker fan, good for you because you are 100 percent right,” Beckles began. “If you started off as a Baker hater, I would hope that you jumped on board. I wasn’t a Baker hater, but I didn’t love it.

“But it gets to a point it doesn’t matter what your opinion is. It doesn’t matter if you like Baker or not. It doesn’t matter. Baker is playing really well.”

Beckles then said against the Eagles, Mayfield was the best player on the field.

How much of a leader is Mayfield? Beckles said when he noticed Fletcher Cox lay on top of Mayfield too long, “four Buccaneers linemen were in his face in one-half of a second. That means a lot to me. That’s football to me.”

Beckles then added, “If you are a Buccaneers fan [and not a Mayfield fan], can you flip the switch? If you are a Buccaneers fan it’s time to start cheering for Baker Mayfield.”

And stop hollering for Todd Bowles’ scalp, Beckles says.

“It makes me sick to my stomach that in a year where we are in a playoff game where we thought we’d be coming in last, we’re in a playoff game and everybody is talking about ‘If Todd Bowles loses… If Todd Bowles loses… ‘

“That’s all I heard all week long. What about embracing what we are getting accomplished?”

Beckles said how the Bucs have arrived to this point in the season is impressive.

“Eight weeks ago, nobody would have bet on the Buccaneeers [to make a deep playoff run],” Beckles said. “Nobody. Todd Bowles, he’s figured out this team. He’s figured out what we do well. He’s figured out which players do certain things well. And [Bucs offensive coordinator Dave] Canales is doing the same thing.”

For those who think the Lions will stomp the Bucs on Sunday, Beckles cautioned them.

“Playing a team a second time is never the same,” Beckles said. “Never. And Todd Bowles and Dave Canales have shown they can make adjustments well.”

A couple of months ago, Beckles thought the 2024 version of the Bucs might look a whole lot different than this season’s because of all the free agents. Now, Beckles isn’t so sure next season’s team will be much different.

“Why would Mike Evans want to leave now?” Beckles asked. “[And] why would Baker Mayfield want to leave a team where the whole fanbase loves him? You are starting to see the Baker Mayfield jerseys.”

Beckles had other Bucs thoughts:

* On the Bucs not being passive Monday night: Beckles loved how Canales and Mayfield were not content with a 16-point lead in the fourth quarter and decided to put the foot on the Eagles’ throats. “I have the utmost respect for that.”

* On Cade Otton: “I said about three weeks ago Cade Otton was winning me over. He has won me over. He has won me over. He can play.”

* On Calijah Kancey: “Calijah Kancey played better [against the Eagles] than Gerald McCoy ever played in a single game. [Kancey] affected the game more than Gerald McCoy ever did. I’m just telling you. Kancey is learning. Quickly. … Warren Sapp as a rookie wasn’t as good as Kancey. Ask him.” (Beckles also made it clear he believes GMC should be in the Bucs’ Ring of Honor.)

* Not everyone had a good game, Beckles said, but he understood why: “It wasn’t all pretty. Cody Mauch got ate up some by Fletcher Cox a little bit. You know why? Because Fletcher Cox is a son of a b!tch. Sometimes a son of a b!tch at a three-technique is going to eat you up.”

* On the offensive line: “All the offensive line did was fight all game long. All game long.”

Beckles ended this episode saying Bucs fans should have a new appreciation for folks who work at One Buc Palace.

“Maybe we should be showing more love to Todd Bowles out there?” Beckles said. “I appreciate Todd Bowles. I appreciate what he does. I appreciate what he is doing because my Buccaneers are still in it.

“We still have a chance. … For us to be here right now, a lot of people in that organization should get A-pluses.”

49 Responses to “Ian Beckles Says It Is Time For Bucs Fans To Come Correct”

  1. geno711 Says:

    I did not start out with much hope for the Bucs this season so mostly kept quiet compared to other years because I would prefer to be a fan as opposed to a troll.

    But really whether I think Bowles and Baker are the long-term solution or not, in the playoff game last week, they both deserve A or A pluses for what they did.

    Baker was the best player on the field last week for a team in the playoffs.
    He may have been one of the 3 or 4 best players in all the playoffs last week.

    Got a chance. I will drink the Kool-Aid.

  2. Marky Mark Says:

    The comparison to Geno Smith is an apples and oranges one. Geno sat for 5 plus years doing nothing. Baker set a rookie record for TD,s and crushed the steelers in the playoffs. A better comparison is Drew Brees who is similar height and was also coming off a similar shoulder injury. Baker had mire success with Browns than Brees did with Chargers.

  3. Marky Mark Says:

    Baker = Drew Brees

  4. Richard Dickson Says:

    I’ve been as hard on Bowles at times as anyone, but the fact that this team went through the mid-season slump and didn’t give up says something about him.

  5. rickym Says:

    Always liked Ian Beckles on the radio and good to see he is stil out there. I rtemember before the season how the national media was predicting the Bucs to be the worst team in football. The national media has still not come around especially when discussing Baker Mayfield.

    I love the game of football and appreciate the effort of all players who can play in this league. I am 64 years old and have been watching football a very long time. Baker Mayfield is a throw back to the eara of Joe Kapp & Bobby Douglas. His fire and passion for the game are rare in today’s game. I am glad the BUcs have him and hope for the best tomorrow against a formidable opponent.

  6. Bojim Says:

    100 percent agree with Beckles. You root against the coach and QB, then you are rooting against the Bucs. Maybe the Bowles Baker haters on this site will actually become Bucs fans after reading this. Nawwwww

  7. BIRDIE Says:

    Sign Mayfield to a long term deal quickly!

  8. PSL Bob Says:

    Hey, I think most of us were in the camp that had the Bucs being a poor team in 2023. I certainly didn’t think they’d make the playoffs. So Bekles is right. Let’s stop the nonsense of criticizing people and get on board the Bucs train. Even if things don’t pan out the way we hope in Detroit, it will be a successful season and something we can build for next year. GO BUCS!!!

  9. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    Beck is not wrong, here. I hope Todd & staff are learning & figuring-out that the winner is always decided by the team with the most points & that a team often must be aggressive, on both sides of the ball, if they want more points. I want to give the organization & Todd love, because this “run” is somewhat unexpected.
    On the other hand, they just defeated an iggles team that was being beaten by everyone while in the mist of one of the greatest collapses in modern NFL history; one week after putting a 9er on a 2 win team; one week after being handled by an 8 win team, in Bucs’ house, with playoffs & the division on the line…! Perspective!
    The Lions are a quality team & playing like it. If our Bucs win up there, that would be impressive. If they wet themselves, we have to be honest with ourselves when evaluating everyone.

  10. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Beckles is being a bit of a hypocrite on this. He was just as down on this team as others. Don’t scold fans as if everything was fine previously. And, again, paying customers have a right to criticize a product if they don’t think it measures up. Period. Regardless of what others think. If you can’t handle criticism, you should be in another line of work. I’m not sure what that would be.

  11. Jmarkbuc Says:

    I’ve got flip flops that change positions less than Beckles

  12. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Says the guy who talked shizz every week about players hush I don’t take football advice from Canadians

  13. garro Says:

    Please shut up Mr. Beckless. Come back when you got something real to say.

    Go Bucs!

  14. JimBobBuc Says:

    I’m with Beckles and @BucsBeBack. At the beginning of the season I was concerned with Baker’s INT history and he has proven me wrong. I hope Baker is healthy in this game, as when he was hurt with the ribs and ankle, he played poorly.

    I was critical of Bowles and Canales in the middle of the season when they wouldn’t change their play calling that wasn’t working (soft zone, 1st down runs). Both of them have changed their play calling to be more aggressive, and the Bucs are playing better.

    I rewatched the Bucs-Lions game and the difference was deep throws. Goff is one of the leagues best deep ball throwers and he burned us with two long TD throws. Baker missed some deep throws with overthrown balls. Detroit screens also hurt us. If Baker can hit some deep throws, and our receivers have fewer drops, I like our chances.

  15. Aceofaerospace Says:

    What a hypocrite. He’s allowed to change his opinions, but we’re not, I guess.

  16. Marky Mark Says:

    Here we go again… The NPR morning news show lead in to the Kittens game had Nothing to do with Football. They name dropped Dianna Ross. Just because you like old motown records doez not mean a thing on the football field. Bucs are ready, hungry and healthy. They will shut down the motor city motor mouth. Cat scratch fever baby. Meow little baby kittens a pirate just kidnapped you.Now row dammit..

  17. ModHairKen Says:

    Ian, stop beating a dead horse.

  18. Wild Bill Says:

    Last game the pass first opened up the run game. Running almost every time on first and second down hurt the Bucs all season. The Bucs should use the same game plan against the Lions. Our passing game is stronger than thenrun game but the two complement each other. The pass game is the Bucs strength. Using it effectively right from the getgo last game opened up the run and White looked very effective as the game went on. Seeing him get stuffed over and over against defenses stacked against the run hurt the Bucs way too often. The different strategy last game was a huge coaching change. Every team in the league knew the Bucs were stubbornly a run, run, pass offense way too predictable!

  19. Beeej Says:

    “why would Baker Mayfield want to leave a team where the whole fanbase loves him?”

    Well not ALL of them …

  20. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    When the Bucs went 3-1 early this year; I bought that Bucs win Super Bowl ticket at 70-1. After thinking we’d win 2-3 games all year then I got the epiphany. I was wrong.

  21. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    No one was more down on the Bucs than Ian. A big guy like him tilts the bandwagon when he jumps on. If the Bucs loose he will start talking out of the other side of his mouth again.

  22. stpetebucfan Says:


    If results do not matter why do you bother watching? Bowles has produced results that were TOTALLY UNEXPECTED yet people still can’t on board because of his sideline expressions. Or because we’re still a bit confused about Canales.

    He opens it up at Green Bay and against the Eagles yet goes into a shell at other times. I’m not really sure how much Baker’s “health” had to do with the two debacles offensively to end the season.

    Here is what I DO KNOW! Scoreboard!!! A team picked to win between two and seven games is now 10-8 and STILL in the SB hunt. One of only 8 teams that can make that claim. Is success not sweet no matter how it’s achieved.

    I close with what another poster said yesterday…he’d rather have an ugly win than a pretty moral victory which are still LOSSES!

  23. #99 the big fella Says:

    Oh Boy , Ian just pissed in David’s and NE fans wheaties.. poor girls

  24. Joe in Wisconsin Says:

    If you’re a real Bucs fan you would have picked this team to win 7 to 10 games this season. Anyone who thought they would be on the bottom of the division let alone the league are casuals who don’t know the NFL. I personally picked them to win 10 and if you watched the games you could see they could’ve potentially won more and that’s why Baker and Bowles are getting so much shit. If you’re a real fan you’ll never root against any part of your team, but a real fan also demands that their team is playing up to it’s potential. I think Bowles has made some good adjustments throughout the season, Canales is getting better and had his best game plan/play calling against the Eagles last week, and while I’m still not convinced on Baker (especially the deep ball) he’s much improved from the beginning of the season. I’m happy were this team is at they just have to consistently have these games and then they arent going down easy to anyone.

  25. Soonerbuc Says:

    It’s always fire the coach and we need a qb then we wonder why we have losing seasons. All that usually comes with rebuilding and losing. We have made the playoffs for 4 straight years don’t mess with something that is working

  26. RagingBrisket Says:

    Ian is spot on with all his takes as usual. He has really good insights and is fun to listen to. Best sports personality on the radio Tampa has ever had, no disrespect to Chris Thomas. The main sports radio station in this city isn’t listenable anymore.

  27. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Baker had a great game vs Eagles, but I have to go with Kancey as the best player on the field that game.

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    Ian Beckles … “Playing a team a second time is never the same. Never. And Todd Bowles and Dave Canales have shown they can make adjustments well.”

    Interesting perspective. How many fans would’ve agreed with him that they both ‘make adjustments well’ during our losing streak? Maybe a handful? That was THE big hit on both of them … that they DIDN’T ADJUST; that they just kept doing the same thing over & over & over (yes, expecting different results, I know).

    But I agree with Beckles on this, largely because of what he said earlier …

    “Todd Bowles, he’s figured out this team. He’s figured out what we do well. He’s figured out which players do certain things well. And Bucs [offensive coordinator Dave] Canales is doing the same thing.”

    Excellent perspective IMO. Hopefully we get to keep BOTH of them moving forward into 2024, regardless of what happens tomorrow.

  29. Carolina K Says:

    I’m here to read the worst comments only 😂

  30. YaYa Winfield Says:

    They need to get Beckles back on the radio. WDAE is straight trash for talent outside of TKraz. I’m sure they got all these kids on the cheap but man they are just bad. Beckles always came on the air swinging and was 100x better than what they have now. Lately I only turn to that station for Dan Patrick and I don’t like national broadcasts.

  31. BakerFan Says:

    The man is correct, 8 teams left and I still hear bitching, whining and complaining on fire the HC, get another QB, OC needs to go, owners are cheap…..
    I believe there are some on here that would complain if they got hung with a new rope.

    Bet there are 24 teams that would like to trade places with the Bucs right.

  32. westernbuc Says:

    I’ve been saying since we signed him that he would start and probably be better than Brady. This is probably the closest I’ll ever get to hearing “westernbuc you were right.”

    Todd Bowles gets so much hate because a certain contingency of fans are addicted to firing coaches and rebuilding. Bowles is arguably the best defensive mind in the game right now. Anyone who wants to walk away from that after he’s won two division titles is just wrong

  33. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Comparing Mayfield to Drew Brees is ridiculous. Brees was accurate at any distance, and very rarely missed seeing wide open receivers. Brees was also remarkably consistent, within a game and throughout a season. Mayfield isn’t, and I worry that he never will be. The Bucs have had more than their share of erratic QBs down through the decades. I’ve seen them all. I’m ready for something different.

    I’ve also seen all of the coaches. The fan poll a few weeks back had 89% at little or no confidence for Todd Bowles. That’s 9 out of 10 just putting my basic math skills to work here. I voted with the majority in that poll. I don’t hate Todd Bowles. I don’t respect his fake QB competition last summer, and too often wonder what he was thinking in certain game situations, but I don’t hate Todd Bowles. I love the Bucs. The Bucs are now, and always have been, my favorite team. I was a Dolphins fan when they were the only team in Florida. Before them, it was whatever team I enjoyed watching. I’ve been around awhile.

    Tomorrow I will be rooting for my team to beat the Lions. However this season ends, I just don’t want to see my Bucs embarrassed. I will always wonder how much better/worse the Bucs would have been with a legitimate QB . I will always wonder why there was never a situation in any game where Trask could have been given some actual in game experience. I favor players that we actually drafted over other teams’ rejects. Steve Young is still a sore point with me.


  34. Joe in Wisconsin Says:


  35. BakerTillIDie Says:

    38-17 bucs. Here is the thing, you all miss. Baker, in college, had Excellent receivers(cd lamb, etc) but it was never about who got the targets. Same this year, minus Godwins wife, lol. No 1 on the team, is pushing for recognition anymore. They ALL, just play. I think, the coaches, have been messing with the teams all year long. GONNA be a Beat down of the lions! GO BUCS!

  36. stpetebucfan Says:

    “If you can’t handle criticism, you should be in another line of work. I’m not sure what that would be.”

    Perhaps it shouldn’t be posting here on JBF where criticism is dished everyday, sometimes irrationally, by “fans” criticizing other “fans”.

    Until it becomes personal, full of juvenile name calling, I’m fine with everybody’s takes. Don’t have to agree. Don’t mind criticism of my posts. Isn’t that one of the major “joys” for sports fans? DEBATE? Ian threw himself under the bus by admitting he didn’t think it would work at the start…he’s just smart enough or “flexible” enough to be able to change his mind or admit a mistake.

    How many here have that “flexibility” or lack of ego?

  37. orlbucfan Says:

    Soonerbuc Says:
    January 20th, 2024 at 9:58 am
    It’s always fire the coach and we need a qb then we wonder why we have losing seasons. All that usually comes with rebuilding and losing. We have made the playoffs for 4 straight years don’t mess with something that is working
    Having a competent front office, and non-interference of ownership needs to be added. Great observation, @Soonerbuc. I sure hope the Bucs win. I’m almost too shaky to listen/watch it. Don’t forget our Special Teams, guys. They’re as good as Motown’s. They’re ready. Packers have the harder row to hoe. If the Pack and Tampa Bay (Warning: Cardiac Bucs) win, I will faint. Bucs would host their 2nd NFC Championship Game. C’mon, Canales.

  38. Mike Johnson Says:

    I approve this Beckles presentation. And now, a word from our sponsors……

  39. Bosch Says:

    When Beckles speaks, I listen.

  40. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I absolutely love Mayfield!! I’m still eh! With Bowels but I had Mayfield love from the jump. He’s a solid tough a$$ quarterback. Sign the man, give him a happy comfortable place to call home. LFG Bucs!!

  41. RichieRich Says:

    These egghead’s can’t grasp the fact that Bakers has had one of the best statistical seasons in BUCS history, this is just a fact and he was the First again the First to throw 3ds and pass for over 300 yards in a playoff game, matter how many records he breaks or even how many games you win, haters and clowns on this board especially will never give him his due, my only thing from them is go root for another team we don’t want you. Btw he’s coming back next year and he’s getting paid a shitload of money, so get use to it losers!!

  42. CleanHouse Says:

    Beckles seems to always call it how he sees it with fervor as if it’s gospel truth.
    Now that he’s “arrived” at his conclusions, how dare anyone else have a different view. He’s tired of it…sick to his stomach…

    Win in Detroit and we have something more to talk about than an inconsistent sloppy team that shows up occasionally.

    2 games above .500

    I’m waiting to be impressed tomorrow

    I really want to trust this coach and QB

    If there is a no show tomorrow that seems like more of the same. If we show up like Bowles defenses of our Super Bowl run two games in a row, I will change my mind.

    Show me another good game Mr. Mayfield before I hand you the keys to my team.

    I concede that the team has well outperformed my expectation of the wheels spinning off- I thought Bowles would lose the team and win 4 or 5 games- the rookies and young players are starting to show promise! It’s exciting!

    I sat through that Dallas playoff no show and it left a bad taste like the 80’s Bucs did.

    I’ve also been lucky to see what good and consistent looks like…

    Im bitter about the destruction of a second Championship- a Rams comeback TB12 fairytail ending that was seemingly meant to be, a part of football lore- until it wasn’t and we all know why!

    Forgive me Mr. Beckles for my PTSD- I’ve been sitting through Bucs misery 5 years before you ever suited up for them and added to their sucking.

    I’ve earned my opinion and my right to determine what I think is true at my pace.

    Sorry about your tummy ache, try not to cry…

    Is the team QB and coaching good, consistent and solid- or does it just flash occasionally?

    Having doubts that I’d love to have go away because of a new reality does not make me a bad fan

    If the best version of the Bucs show up, which I really hope they do, I believe we can get past Detroit..

    SHOW ME TOMORROW and I’ll give you all my faith….I WANT TO BE WRONG


  43. Oneilbuc Says:

    Man after watching CJ Stroud I still say the bucs need to move up and get a quarterback even if they resign Baker. I don’t care what no one say Baker is inconsistent . And all you have to do is go back and look at the games he played good against Jacksonville and Green Bay then he sucked against the Saints and Panthers. But played good against the eagles that’s what you call inconsistent. We can’t have that next year go draft a quarterback and if the rookie out plays Baker or they look the same than go with the rookie by mid season if we’re losing!! And I’m a bucs fan been a fan for 29 years now but at the same time I’m hoping Baker balls out and we win tomorrow and even go to the Superbowl and win it .

  44. Capt.Tim Says:

    Youve already shown us that you know nothing about football.
    Why would anyone care what you think tomorrow, or ever.
    Like Rod and david- youve proven to be completely ignorant about football.

    No one cares what any of you clueless people think, or what your opinions are.
    Go away.

  45. SlyPirate Says:


    Licht, Bowles, Canales take a bow. Wasn’t pretty but $80M dead cap, new QB, rookie OC and you made it work.

  46. Greg Says:

    Part of being a mature, evolved human being is the ability to change. At 4-7 there was nobody in their right mind that believed in Todd Bowles, Baker Mayfield or Jason Licht except for the dudes in the locker room. They were right. We were proven wrong. Gladly.

  47. CleanHouse Says:

    Tim, I’d love for you to elaborate. If you say anything valid then you’re not a piece of trash

    Go for it

  48. CleanHouse Says:

    What are you the Captain of anyway? Nonsense

  49. GuyManDude Says:

    I was concerned that Bowles was gonna get fired if he lost to the worn down eagles in the wild card round. Remember Tony Dungy got fired losing a wild card game to the eagles at their house. Bowles has won me over because he finally started to make adjustments to his scheme and depth charts. Winning his last 7 of 8 games now looks really AWESOME heading into Motown! Their offense and defense are playing much better than the last time we played each other. Detroit is healthier. So this game may come down to who has the ball last or who wins the toss in Overtime.