Dave Canales And His Decision On Baker Mayfield’s Status

January 4th, 2024

Big call ahead.

So when will it be determined if Baker Mayfield can start on Sunday? And who will determine it?

It seems like Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales will make the final call.

Joe asked Canales today how involved he would be in the team’s decision to start or sit Mayfield. Of course, Mayfield hurt his ribs in the groin stomp loss to the slimy Saints and he’s trying to fight through that to start on Sunday.

Joe also asked Canales if Mayfield isn’t sharp Sunday in warmups due to his sore ribs, will he just hope Mayfield’s adrenaline kicks in during the game or will it be Kyle Trask time?

Canales said he will base his decision on “who gives us the best chance to win.”

As for Trask, the third-year quarterback who has yet to start a game in the NFL, Canales said that the Florida product “is ready.”

So we possibly will not know who starts on Sunday until, well, kickoff.


59 Responses to “Dave Canales And His Decision On Baker Mayfield’s Status”

  1. #99 the big fella Says:

    Really disappointed in you Dave Canales. You were a big part in us losing to the saints. If you stink up the joint against the panthers you can pack your bags and don’t let the door hit you on the arse on your way out.

  2. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Hope Mayfield’s ok by game time. Trask should be ready however, he hasn’t played a lot in regular season games especially this time of year when teams are in high gear either to keep their HC from getting fired, spoilers or to make the playoffs. Carolina has a veteran DC and he will throw the kitchen sink at Trask

  3. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Once again I mentioned this earlier. You should not put off something til tomorrow that you should’ve done today. In other words, if the Bucs had beaten the Saints at home Sunday it wouldn’t be such a concern with Mayfield playing and the Bucs reaching the playoffs

  4. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield will start and he will be pulled once the game is out of reach.

  5. WyomingJoe Says:

    What wonderful fans we have! We roll over onto our backs and start whining about losing before the game starts. Pathetic.

  6. unbelievable Says:

    Here’s my prediction:

    Bowles / Canales will go extra light in practices this week to help Baker, and not give Trask any reps with the 1s… when they should do the complete opposite and throw Trask into the fire as much as possible to have him ready, just in case.

    Come Sunday, they will give Baker the start and believe they can rely on the run game to shoulder the brunt of the offense. When the run game predictably goes nowhere and we are losing to the worst team in the league, they’ll start having Baker throw, only to see that he’s not healthy enough. Then Trask will come in cold in the 2nd half and the Bucs will lose and watch the Saints win the division.

    I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I’m wrong, but it feels inevitable.

  7. Bojim Says:

    Whoever. Just as long as we win.

  8. Bosch Says:

    Oh no, here we go. Canales is beginning to emulate the Bowel Movement in the way he answers questions.

  9. ElioT Says:

    Stats or status? #confused

  10. Citrus County Says:

    Joe says: It seems like Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales will make the final call.

    Since when would a head coach not make that call ?

    Bowles said his coordinators need to have better game plans and now his OC makes a call about which QB starts. Has Todd Bowles been neutered and made irrelevant. Is the fix already in for Canales?

    Back to speculation mode ! It’s all starting to come together for me now. I may very well be way off base but this is what I think.

    The Glazer family are fully aware of the subterfuge and sabotage laid on them by BA and Lefty. I stand convinced all my speculations were correct.

    After such a betrayal the Glazers simply had to find people in whom they could trust.

    Enter John Idzik a former employee. I’ll keep it short.

    John Idzik has a son, Brad Idzik our receivers coach and friend of Dave Canales. These are two talented young men on the rise. Pete Carroll has a solid reputation.

    Dave and Brad weren’t quite ready last year. The Glazers had to stall for time while two men in whom they could trust to NOT screw them like the Kangol Hat and Lefty did prepared for their futures. Todd Bowles was told last year to just shut up and do as he was told.

  11. Citrus County Says:

    Tell me Joe. Am I right or wrong ?

  12. Citrus County Says:

    Maybe I’ll look to wager on Dave Canales being our new Head Coach.

  13. Buc4evr Says:

    Whoever starts, Canales better get his head on straight and his ass in gear. He can’t call a game like he did against the Saints. Totally unacceptable. No more coach speak – just do it.

  14. Mark hardt Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    January 4th, 2024 at 4:40 pm
    Mayfield will start and he will be pulled once the game is out of reach….for the Panthers. Yea agreed. Once Bakerv throws for five TDs than bring in Trask. No point in getting Baker reinjured once the route of the Panthers is on.

  15. Citrus County Says:

    Maybe we now know why Todd Bowles has seemed so emotionless. He was caught in the middle of a bizarre fiasco and paid the price. Lefty paid the price. Arians isn’t a prominent fixture on TV. Reputations may have likely been ruined.

    This is all speculation on my part but it is my firm belief.

  16. Citrus County Says:

    I have been hard on the Glazer family. If my speculations are correct I commend them. Jason Licht may very well be the General Manager of the decade.

  17. Citrus County Says:

    This makes sense. In order for the Glazers to build a solid foundation they need to develop their own young talent.

    Hired guns ( Gruden & Arians ) brought Super Bowl wins and that’s great but look at the aftermath.

    Once bitten twice shy.

  18. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Citrus County, I would take another ring over long term development any time.

    But really, we have almost everything we need to go all the way…minus a head coach, a QB and a couple of positions.

  19. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I’m just glad we got to have JPP on the team a few years. I wanted him when he became a free agent with the Giants years ago, but he chose to re-sign with them.

  20. Don'tBmad Says:

    Trask is straight trash ..if he’s in there, Panthers win

  21. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Even if the Bucs with this current coaching staff win at Carolina, Bucs will get embarrassed at home in the playoffs. I don’t see any fire in the coaches and players. To come out flat last week at home with so much on the line speaks volumes. Glazers gotta understand the best Bowles can deliver is mediocrity and his teams play lifeless, not to mention his outdated defensive schemes. Canales is learning on the job. Players here feel way too comfy.

  22. ScottyMack Says:

    “Unbelievable” wrote: ” … then Trask will come in cold in the 2nd half …”

    Not sure what that even means. If he comes in “cold” in the second half, are you implying that he would be coming in “warm” in the first half? Why is he “colder” in the second half than the first half?

    Seems like a Trask fan already apologizing for him, just in case he makes it into the game.

  23. Citrus County Says:

    Joe: On Sept. 16, 2023 you stated that you were just “connecting the dots” that Arians was “miffed” that Leftwich was fired.

    That pretty well confirmed things for me but I wanted more confirmation.
    The last few days have done that.

    I thank you for “connecting the dots” and understand that is about as far out as you can go.

  24. Citrus County Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says: Citrus County, I would take another ring over long term development any time.

    Instant gratification is one of the many contributing factors to the decline of our society.

  25. Joe Says:

    Bowles / Canales will go extra light in practices this week to help Baker, and not give Trask any reps with the 1s

    Trask was today.

    Tell me Joe. Am I right or wrong ?

    There was/is no subterfuge. At least not with the front office and/or coaches.

  26. Conner50 Says:

    Don’tBmad says trask is straight trash… if he’s in there panthers will win

    How you know he’s straight ass because I’m pretty sure he hasn’t played in a full regular season game since being a Buc. He lit it up in college btw

  27. Conner50 Says:

    Quit with the we crap, you’re not one of us real Buccaneer fans. You simply root for Tampa because they got mayfield this year

  28. D Cone Says:

    Going against a team that is 3rd in the NFL in fewest yards allowed. Ravens are 4th.
    Panthers are down the list in rushing and points allowed. When a team turns it over in their own end and go 3 and out a ton and don’t allow the other team to pass there’s going to be more rushes and yards.

    Panthers give up about the length of the ball per rush more than the Bucs.

    This team is only half as bad as people think because they can play defense.
    If their offense can stumble upon 14 points and the defense find a turnover and get the ball on a short field for a score they could squeak this one out.

    Most of the Bucs claim they are healthy enough to play so there shouldn’t be any excuses come 4 o clock Sunday Afternoon.

  29. Citrus County Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 4th, 2024 at 8:05 pm
    Bowles / Canales will go extra light in practices this week to help Baker, and not give Trask any reps with the 1s

    Trask was today.

    Tell me Joe. Am I right or wrong ?

    There was/is no subterfuge. At least not with the front office and/or coaches.

    Joe you seem to be misunderstanding me. I’m not talking about practice or the QB situation. I’m talking about last year with the Leftwich scenario.

  30. Fred Says:

    As bad as the panthers are, the Bucs ain’t much better. Gotta get new coaches and cut Dean

  31. Citrus County Says:

    I provide the above link to offer proof that my belief that Leftwich and possibly with the encouragement of Arians sabotaged the offense last year is not an outrageous theory. I have posted since last summer that Lefty and BA had a temper tantrum when Lefty wasn’t hired as head coach and took great care to lay out my case in detail. The above link shows the degree of dysfunction and treachery that can exist within an NFL team. It supports my theory.

  32. Craig Says:

    There is a big difference between no contact practice and a full contact game.

    The Panthers might mot be much, but there would love to spoil it for somebody else. The Bucs will be that somebody else if they aren’t on their toes.

    We will probably see Trask after halftime, when Baker stiffens up from the cold and the pounding

  33. Joe Says:


    It was Arians who greased the wheels for Bowles to succeed him when the Bucs hired Arians. It was Arians who called Bowles to tell him he’s the new coach because Arians was stepping down.

  34. Citrus County Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 4th, 2024 at 9:25 pm

    It was Arians who greased the wheels for Bowles to succeed him when the Bucs hired Arians. It was Arians who called Bowles to tell him he’s the new coach because Arians was stepping down.

    Joe, In your own article Sept. 16, 2023 you wrote that you were “connecting the dots” and Arians admitted that he was miffed that Leftwich didn’t get the job. That article by your site basically confirmed my speculations. I understand your position and the relationship with the team needs to be protected. But for all the fans that could not understand the strange happenings by Leftwich and playcalling I laid out my case that Leftwich intentionally sabotaged the offense. I just provided a link describing the complete dysfunction and internal warfare in the Patriots org. That link didn’t make by the mediator. It does however prove that my speculations were not outrageous. I just think the fans deserve the truth.

    Arians didn’t grease the wheels for Bowles He was angry that Leftwich didn’t get the job but was forced to speak the company line.

  35. Citrus County Says:

    See an article posted today 1-4-24 on Barstool Sports By Jerry Thornton
    The Staff Dynamic…..

    It backs up my speculations about Leftwich and his sabotage by showing the degree of dysfunction and backstabbing that can occur in an NFL team.

  36. Citrus County Says:

    I am a fan of this team and have been (as I have said many times) since 1976. I care about the team but I don’t lose sleep over it. Many fans are so very “true blue” and eat and sleep Bucs. They spend much money supporting the team. Wins and losses are joy and heartbreak. They deserve to see an authentic and honest product. They don’t deserve to be hoodwinked. I am defending those fans by trying to explain what I believe happened last year. It was bizarre and unexplainable and the true fans knew and know it wasn’t normal. All I have is circumstantial evidence but there is a LOT of it and it is all adding up to be as close to actual proof as you can get.

  37. Citrus County Says:

    Given all the outrageous calls and non-calls by the zebras the last few years perhaps Roger Goodell should admit that the NFL isn’t all it claims to be. Everyone knows professional wrestling is staged and choreographed and it isn’t denied. It is accepted. It is show business. The NFL still purports to be an honest game. I don’t buy it. When a fan goes to a WWE match and pays good money they know what they are getting and aren’t naive as to the results. Can NFL fans say that?

  38. Citrus County Says:

    I challenge anyone to read the Barstool Sports article 1-4-24 by Jerry Thornton and then deny my theory that Byron Leftwich and likely with the help of Bruce Arians sabotaged the offense last year for two reasons is very plausible.
    1). Arians wanted to make Brady look bad because Brady had him moved aside.
    2). Arians was (his own word) “miffed” that Leftwich didn’t get the Head Coach job.

    I contend that Leftwich was so enamored and controlled by Arians and all the high praise Arians heaped upon him that he thought his ascension to head coach position was a foregone conclusion. When that didn’t happen then both men had reason to seek revenge.

  39. Citrus County Says:

    To stepetebucsfan: You have read my posts from early on. You said my posts were well written and well thought out. You then disclosed in one of your own posts that you are or were a sports media member responsible for producing short segments for tv or radio.

    What have you to say ?

  40. Citrus County Says:

    I have been trying to figure out which Joe is which. It is sometimes difficult since no one is identified as the author of an article. But since it is late at night and “This Joe” stays up late and I think I heard in an Ira podcast that “That Joe” goes to bed early then “This Joe” is the one that disagrees with my premise about the sabotage. So it must have been “That Joe” who wrote the Sept. article that “connected the dots” and disclosed Arians as being “miffed”. Maybe I will convince “This Joe” someday.

  41. Citrus County Says:

    “That Joe” seems to appreciate my history references.

  42. Woodenman Says:

    County enough what a idiot you are. You say you don’t lose sleep what you doing on here at midnight.

  43. garro Says:

    Umm Yeah…. with an eye roll…

    Did not expect a straight “we are gonna go with Trask” did ya Joe? LOL

    I do think coach Bowles will have input…

    I know ya gotta ask anyway… Gotta be frustrating.

    Go Bucs!

  44. Roland Says:

    Cut Dean? Seriously? He’s the single most valuable player on the BUCS. PERIOD. Not even close with Evans and Hayes because of their age. Vita can’t stay on the field. Dean is our best asset. PERIOD

  45. BucU Says:

    LOL @ Dean is our best ass(et).

  46. Billy Says:

    I’m not sure of the standings and if this game win or loses effects what seed, if not let him rest of this game is only for bragging who one and who didn’t. Playoffs are more important

  47. BillyBucco Says:

    Citrus County
    Please stop typing!!!

  48. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Trask lit it up in college really & what records has he set in college zero gators don’t do the pros ask Tebow how that went just for instance.this site is just loaded like a bunch of drunks running their mouths & making little common sense life shud be ruled with common sense get it it’s contagious

  49. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    There r about 10 people that constantly put post on this site its like a plague u just can’t say anything worth reading.over & over we have had basically the same starting line up all season & beer after beer u spew the same dead horse garage Trask this Trask that he is not & probably will never be the starter for Tampa Bay its time to shut up & watch the rest of the season. IF U R CAPABLE OF IT FOR ONCE SHUT UP & ENJOY THE GAME IT REALLY HAS BEEN A GOOD SEASON CONSIDERING WHERE WE WERE FROM TRAINING CAMP GO TAMPA

  50. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Citrus County did u r mother ever tell u to shut u r pie hole anyone on this site with half a brain wud never bother reading anything u have to spew u r garbage cause that’s all u do spew stupid garbage after 1 reading why bother reading anything u write its worthless like u r mother said

  51. Citrus County Says:

    BAKERSBucs says Says:
    January 5th, 2024 at 1:32 pm
    Citrus County did u r mother ever tell u to shut u r pie hole anyone on this site with half a brain wud never bother reading anything u have to spew u r garbage cause that’s all u do spew stupid garbage after 1 reading why bother reading anything u write its worthless like u r mother said

    You are ABSOLUTELY right ! Half brained people shouldn’t bother reading my posts.
    My posts are intended to be read by FULL brained people.

  52. kaimaru Says:


    You are 100% wrong. Trask got every rep until yesterday and had the majority yesterday. You people and your conspiracy theories

  53. unbelievable Says:

    @Joe – that’s good to know, and makes me feel a little better!

    @kaimaru – My comment was written before anyone had reported on yesterday’s practice. So nothing to do with conspiracy theories, but your outrage is noted.

  54. Student of the Game Says:

    Unbelievable, at least you have your handle right. It’s Unbelievable you are a Bucs fan. The only better name would be Grover or the donkey on Winnie the Pooh

  55. Bucbrian Says:

    The bucs will win despite you loser fans

  56. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Hc Grover say if that statement was true why wud they wait til last game of the season to do that? Most everything u spew is nonsense u have little if any commentary worth viewing.u r bad rhetoric is boring at best

  57. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Citrus County u spew garbage how many post a day it is u that has nasty cold hearted hatred why wud anyone give u the time of day all they need to read is 1 of u r post then is all BORING after that & full of crap nobody with commo sense wud pay attention to your stupid commentary u r elementary at best

  58. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Conner 50 say u got that rite Wyoming joe is a patriot & u sir r an idiot if u r 50 u have learned nothing in Life. most people follow certain players thru their careers so i guess i am not a true bucs fan because i gave up on the bucs when they hired that dirty cheating scoundrel BRADY & came back as soon as they did the rite thing bringing in Mayfied.i don’t support cheaters & then pay then 34 million to retire that to me is way dumber than anything mayfield or Bowles cud ever do to this team

  59. Toad Bowels Says:

    Rock Riley is the man!!!

    Just give the ball to Rock Riley who will sling the rock, pound the rock and bring another Division Title to Tampa Bay.