City Of Brotherly Love Full Of Eagles Hate

January 9th, 2024

Eagles fans are outraged.

Boy, some people think it’s bad around here.

Some Bucs fans are scratching their heads trying to figure out why so many Bucs fans are upset that the team won on Sunday at Carolina, clinched a division title and is now preparing to host a playoff game on Monday Night Football.

A large sect of upset Bucs fans are really Kyle Trask fans in disguise. They want Trask to play no matter what. Unless or until he plays, these creatures are angry at life and the Bucs in particular.

So there is that.

But a number of Bucs fans consider their team being a playoff team as a farce. Bucs fans know what it takes to make a Super Bowl run and these same folks would rather the Bucs have a good draft pick than have the team toy with their hearts, offering false hope.

These fans just don’t think the Bucs offense — outside of a two-game outlier — has any prayer of making a Super Bowl run, maybe not even winning a game.

Beating the worst team in the NFL by scoring just nine points only fuels these folks’ anger.

For those Bucs fans still puzzled by some Bucs fans’ dismay, you should read the fishwraps in Philadelphia.

Most media there think the Eagles, after losing five of their last six games, have quit. That’s something thech the good people of Philadelphia consider morally offensive (unless it’s for a good draft pick). And these people just want to throw batteries from the upper deck of The Linc at somebody.

In fact, Marcus Hayes of the Philadelphia Inquirer wants every coach not named “Nick Sirianni” to get tossed in the Deleware River the instant the season is over.

Nick Sirianni’s overpaid underperformers entered MetLife Stadium on Sunday to face a hopeless team playing for nothing but draft picks and pride. The Giants fell a few draft slots but won the game, 27-10, over an unmotivated, unprepared, unfocused flock of Birds, and laid things bare: This Eagles coaching staff is overmatched. By everybody. …

[Eagles owner Jeffrey] Lurie must have been humiliated Sunday. He left his suite in the press box with a strange smile on his face, but looked grimmer when he entered the locker room. Maybe he already has his mind made up. His team is so badly coached that it lost to both Tommy “Cutlets” DeVito and Tyrod “Cube Steak” Taylor, anonymous quarterbacks who took turns embarrassing the Birds on Sunday. If you thought barely losing at home to Arizona last week was rock bottom, all you had to do was wait a week. …

The Eagles coaches have shown all the genius of Beavis and Butt-Head.

Later in his column, Hayes said “inevitably” the Eagles will lose to the Bucs on Monday night.

Boy are people in Philadelphia steamed!

Interestingly, Hayes might as well been describing the Bucs the past two games. Nine days ago with a chance to lock up the division against the slimy Saints, the Bucs were flat as a surfboard. Joe still cannot figure out how that happened. And on Sunday, did the offense look inspired?

Granted, Baker Mayfield was hurt but dang, nine points against the worst team in the league?

Hell, Joe is still triggered that Chase Edmonds ran backward for a six-yard loss to set up a long field goal attempt late in the first half.


So Monday night we will find out who threw in the towel harder, the Bucs offense or the tanking Eagles?

61 Responses to “City Of Brotherly Love Full Of Eagles Hate”

  1. Bubby Says:

    Let’s Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. mg Says:

    These people booed Steve Carlton.

  3. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I’m a Buc fan since 97… And if this season and most of the previous seasons have taught me anything… It’s that the Eagles are going to most likely have a bounce back game against the Bucs. Prove me wrong, Tampa Bay!!!

  4. Tony marks Says:

    The HUUGE diference why its more undertandable for Philly fans and media is expectations

    Philly is playing below projections coming into the season

    The bucs are play WAAAAY above projections

    Anyone gauging this team by super bowl runs in a cap pay back year is just being delusional

  5. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Expectations are the problem… The Bucs gave us the glorious four game run, and then took the carpet out from under us the last two games! That’s why most of us are so upset or disillusioned

  6. Jugheadfla Says:

    The weather is going to be a mess, it’s going to be a sloppy one unfortunately

  7. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I think a lot of the Bucs fan are just frustrated with the inconsistency this year. They kick ass for a couple of games and you think they’re on the way then they look like 1 of the worst team in the NFC for a couple of games. However remember, most around the NFL said the Bucs would be 5-12 6-11 team this year so much for that BS. So like Bubby said, let’s go Bucs!!!!

  8. NJbucs23 Says:

    It’s full on rage up here. Turn on the sports talk radio or Philly. Madness

  9. Razor Ramone Says:

    Shoot, 8 weeks ago the Eagles were considered a real competitive threat to the 49ers. Now this? Delicious. I’ll never forgive them for the way those fans (a $$holes) treated Jurevicius during the NFC championship game. Scum.

  10. Easy The Great Says:

    FIRE THOSE F’N CANNONS!! Iggles are clearly reeling right now.

  11. NE Fan Says:

    I will say once they handed the D baton to Matt Patricia they have been on a downhill slide. He blows as a coach. When I look at their offensive talent they have it all over the Bucs yet they are under performing. If Brown can’t go that would be huge if he does play, I am not sure who in the Bucs defensive backfield can cover Eagle receivers. It’s still tough to beat a team twice in one season unless you’re TOM BRADY!!!

  12. Beeej Says:

    Goodly % of JBF posters are merely practicing to be honorary Eagles fans

  13. Angry Since Kickoff Says:

    My anger with the team has zero to do with Kyle Trask. We expect playoff teams to play well, execute, and be well coached groups that can block and tackle and make a few entertaining big plays. The Bucs haven’t been any of these things.

    We watch the other games. The NFL isn’t as good overall as it was in the past, and officiating has been terrible, but there are teams that don’t just survive each week.

  14. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I don’t think we were uninspired as much as outplayed and outcoached.

    At least to my eye, both the Saints & Carolina won in the trenches all game. And Canales needs to figure out how to get more explosive plays in general beyond counting on Mike Evans bombs into coverage or defenses are going to play us the same way these last 2 teams have.

  15. Bosch Says:

    This game will be the most watched of all games this weekend. Why? Curiosity factor. Everyone knows there has to be a winner. But no one can imagine how.

  16. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I agree that expectations are the issue for Philly fans & I don’t blame them…..their team started out looking like SB contenders and wilted away.

    The Bucs were projected to win 6 games and end up with 9 & in the playoffs

    Sure, our offense was impotent Sunday…..but Baker was hurt and the Panthers Defense was outstanding.

    If we still had Jameis……we could have counted on him for a TD pass at the end instead of a victory formation.

  17. bulldog Says:

    Hell hath no fury like a Florida redneck for a Bucs player from the wrong school.🤔

  18. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Carolina has the 4th ranked Defense in the NFL and #1 in the NFC in Yards per game.
    Bucs blew 2 td opportunities- Mayfield underthrew a wide open Evans and Palmer let a pass on the 2 yard line go right through his hands.
    Rib injuries are no joke and opponents don’t care but QB’s will be affected.

  19. PSL Bob Says:

    Angry Since Kickoff, I totally agree. It’s more about team performance than Trask worship. Although I’ve always thought Trask should have been given a shot, I’ve rooted for Mayfield. I want him to do well, because I want my Bucs to do well. However, during Sunday’s game it was evident Mayfield was hampered by his injuries. I thought it was close to incompetent for Bowles not to pull him and put Trask in. We weren’t playing for a Moxie award. I really believe, Trask could have made some of those throws that Mayfield missed. It was obvious to everyone that Mayfield was off his game. Given his sore ribs and bum ankle, it wouldn’t have been an insult to pull him.

  20. Larrd Says:

    Hoping for draft position is a farce. Unamerican.

    There are no good people in Philadelphia, from what I can tell.

    The Eagles coasted after 10-1 start. I suspect they’ll snap out of it. I hope not.

  21. Jack Clark Says:

    If we lose to the Eagles people will say it’s because we’re a bad team, but if we win people will say it’s because the Eagles are not good anymore smh we can’t win with these haters

  22. SlyPirate Says:

    I really cannot fathom how the Bucs win.

    Canales will get horrifically outcoached, and the Bucs will get pushed around by a much more physical Eagles team.

  23. PSL Bob Says:

    My point above, re pulling Mayfield from the game, is made in an earlier post by Joe this morning,

  24. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Fans talk about Bowles and his future as our head coach. His defense balled out last week and bailed out the offense. Even if the Eagles are dropping hints of rejecting their coaching staff with crappy play doesn’t mean they are going to roll over for us. We still have to prove that we can come alive in front of a National TV audience. As much as I love my team I still can’t see us having any more games like the one we had recently against Jacksonville. That showed all of us what this offense should be capable of producing game after game. The Eagles are wounded but their ego’s might still be intact, especially after that debacle at the Meadowlands this past Sunday. Don’t pay attention to the media propping up Tampa, if they play like the New Orleans game Bowles and his staff need to be fired.

  25. Boss Says:

    this game is gonna be ugly if one team shows up and the other expects a walk through.

    could go either way. but in the clutch lovie and bm fold from what i have seen

  26. dls5492 Says:

    The headline should read “City of Brotherly Love Full of Hate”.

  27. realistic-optimistic Says:

    A large sect of upset Bucs fans are really Kyle Trask fans in disguise. They want Trask to play no matter what.

    Nothing like a little meat for the dogs, eh Joe?

    That’s a ridiculous statement. Agree, there are SOME Trask fanbois, but they’re not the majority of people calling for a new QB. I don’t care who the backup is, they need to be playing instead of Baker. He’s been bad for most of the season, and now he’s injured. His on-field performances are absolutely dreadful. The backup needs to play, regardless of who he is.

    And many longtime Bucs fans are sick of the travelling Baker trolls that have infiltrated these comment sections. You can’t have a reasonable debate with them. They are always in attack mode. They never have anything reasonable to say. They never talk about anything except Baker. It’s exhausting. And Joe just feeds it (at least this Joe; the one cuddling on the floor with his Baker jersey).

  28. SteveK Says:

    A large sect of upset Bucs fans are really Kyle Trask fans in disguise. They want Trask to play no matter what. Unless or until he plays, these creatures are angry at life and the Bucs in particular


    Kind of like how **YOU** clamored for Jameis, “but 5k yards!?!” 🤡

  29. Bucfan1988 Says:

    This game is gonna be a battle between MORE TALENT/LESS TEAM versus LESS TALENT/MORE TEAM.

    Bucs would never give up and roll over.
    Do agree with Bowles saying his team will claw/scratch and play for each other.
    Eagles sound like they have all this talent but no comradery at all, this giving them a weaker mindset.

    If Bucs get a couple of early breaks (forced fumble, or int’s) and can score, you might see Eagles continue imploding…..
    Couldn’t happen to a better team, haha..

  30. SteveK Says:

    Can you come to grips that Jameis is a bust of a first round pick and Trask is a last pick of the second round unknown?

    Because I will gladly debate you in the JBF court of public opinion. You used to go on ScuddleBucs out of Tallahassee weekly. Why don’t they do a show anymore? Oh that’s right! They’re FSU honks and not Buc fans.

    I find your words to be contradictory and I love your site. Thanks brother! Looking forward to your response, and I really hope it’s more than, “Joe does what Joe does that Joe finds interesting” lmao, if you can admit you had a boner for Jameis, then I will gladly concede that some fans want Trask to play. But, I refuse to acknowledge such hog wash under the conditions that you also refuse to show FSU Honk reality/humility.

  31. Natron Says:

    Nastiest fans anywhere, and their proud of it, they booed Santa Claus!

  32. D Cone Says:

    Giants are way better than the Carolina Panthers. They lost to the Rams by a point and beat the Packers. Packers have a better shot at beating Dallas than the Bucs and are fortunate that Philly dropped to the 5th seed.

    Game was over and starters were pulled in the second quarter. Played the whole game without Swift. Remember him? Now Tampa gets him on an extra weeks rest.

    Philly is still Philly on the Front lines and the only advantage will have to wait until the Injury report comes out later in the week.

    Funny you should mention Tyrod Taylor in a negative light.

    Taylor 46-46-1 Career 61.7% Passer. 2.24 TD’s to Interception. Has a 2 year deal for 11 million (5.5 yr)

    Mayfield 42-47 Career 61.9% Passer. 1.75 TD’s to Interceptions. Thinks he’s going to get a 2 year for 50-60 million deal? Good luck with that one.

  33. bulldog Says:

    JOE: “A large sect of upset Bucs fans are really Kyle Trask fans in disguise. They want Trask to play no matter what.”

    This is what psychologists call “projection”. For it is the JOES who are Baker Mayfield fans who, no matter what, want Mayfield playing and Trask not playing, out of fear of Trask exposing the JOES (again) as terrible quarterback prognosticators (see hilarious JBF draft articles on Johnny Manzell, Jameis Winston, Baker Mayfield).

  34. Bucnjim Says:

    The arguing is really getting old especially since everyone on here should be a Buc’s fan. We are an average team with average talent who went 9-8! We’re exactly where we should be. Not the Buc’s fault the entire division is average or poor. Everyone here KNOWS we have no cap space and have to count on rookies to start probably more than any playoff team. There are many fans on this site who aren’t happy unless they are miserable! Sounds like the entire Eagles fan base.

  35. HC Grover Says:

    Fortunatly this carnage on the Bucs is unavailable to watch here in the outback.

  36. Joe Says:

    For it is the JOES who are Baker Mayfield fans who, no matter what

    Well, first, how many throws have you seen Kyle Trask make since he got twisted in knots by an Alex Grinch defense? If Joe thought Trask was the answer, he’d be screaming for him.

    Second, Joe is such a Mayfield fan he wants the Bucs to draft Bo Nix or Michael Penix.

    want Mayfield playing and Trask not playing, out of fear of Trask exposing the JOES (again) as terrible quarterback prognosticators (see hilarious JBF draft articles on Johnny Manzell, Jameis Winston, Baker Mayfield).

    LOL Love Johnny! Enjoyed watching Jameis. And funny that folks can’t wait to bring up Johnny but *never* mention how Joe had Josh Freeman pegged as a “bust in waiting” months before the Bucs picked him.

    Wonder why folks don’t bring that up? Oh, that’s right. It doesn’t fit their hateful narrative.

    Carry on.

  37. infomeplease Says:

    Joe, to hate has become popular in this country and others. May be the work of the devil, I don’t know. The Internet has spawned virtual haters. Presidents have jumped on the bandwagon to muster support for their campaigns. This is the world as it exists for now! Things do change. Hopefully soon.

  38. Bojim Says:

    I’m glad we won the division. Sure we seemed to scratch at times and were frustrating but we’re in the playoffs! Yeah I like Trask. He’ll get his chance someday, maybe somewhere else. Didn’t take very long to embrace Baker. I would have no problem re-signing him. Next game!

  39. Morgus the Magnificent Says:

    Seriously though….the Bucs have no real shot of winning the Super Bowl. That’s ridiculous.

  40. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Regardless, if you’re a Trask or Mayfield fan (like me) and want to draft QB, the one to target is Bo Nix rather than Penix. Penix has a very strong arm but he throws bullets and too often misses. Bo Nix throws a catch able ball and is far more accurate. I watched Wash. beat my Ducks twice this year and it was not Penix that did it. If you are looking for a QB to start as a rookie, Nix has played more college games than any in history.

  41. Buc4evr Says:

    The beagles will be fired up over all the hate they are getting at home. Will the Bucs be fired up? Will Canales finally call a good game? Will Bowles manage the clock ? Will the O line find a way to protect Baker? Will the secondary actually defend passes? Lots of questions about the Bucs and they don’t have anything to do with Trask.

  42. NYbucsfan Says:

    It has nothing to do with the quarterback. The Bucs fans are upset because Todd Bowles is a terrible coach and they know every win the team has is another step closer to dealing with him for at least another year. To Ira’s point if you’re not good enough to be a Super Bowl contender then what are we doing? Todd Bowles will never win a Super Bowl as a head coach.

  43. bulldog Says:

    Joe Says: “Well, first, how many throws have you seen Kyle Trask make”

    I saw that you wrote – at least twice – that Trask “outplayed” Mayfield in training camp. I take your word for it; unless you want to now retract?

    I saw Trask look good in 2 of the 3 preseasons games – without any supporting offensive starters – in particular the Jets game, where he threw a stunning deep ball from his own end zone to midfield that had Aaron Rodgers in the booth saying “Wow!” (but got silence from you).

    I saw Mayfield stink it up for most of this season and silence from you about maybe playing Trask with the starters in a game – for the first time ever – to see what we have. Your complete disinterest in seeing what Trask can do with starters in a game is very odd to say the least. You wouldn’t happen to have a connection to FSU, would you?

    Joe Says: “Joe is such a Mayfield fan he wants the Bucs to draft Michael Penix.”

    Penix has had 2 ACL tears. Another gem quarterback prognostication!

  44. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I’ve been high on Penix because of his deep ball accuracy, but last night changed my mind. Michigan’s D had him rattled immediately. Marquee games against strong defenses are where you need to shine. Not necessarily win, but he needed to show better than he did last night. He made a lot of bad decisions and poor throws. Kinda sour on Penix now.

  45. SteveK Says:


    I like how you contort your football acumen/logic to support your narrative. I love, love, love your work. I also find myself vehemently disagreeing with your mental gymnastics and QB go scotch.

    Fact: you pined and pined for Jameis and he was a bust.

    You had on Trask, but he’s unknown.

    Baker is mid at best.

    Bowles and Baker are not a lock to come back. Being the kings of the turd mountain division is not enough. You must win a home playoff game, and not suck ass like you did against the saints at home two weeks ago.

  46. SteveK Says:

    You hate Trask*

    Qb hop scotch*

  47. Since76 Says:

    The defense has carried this team most of the year. Bowles deserves credit for that. This team shouldn’t have the record it does with the underperforming offensive output this season. The defense was the difference. I know the Mayfield cuddlers may be offended by the truth but Canales and Mayfield are not getting it done. The defence has most of the season. The defence just isn’t good enough to overcome the putrid offensive play almost every week.

  48. Jmarkbuc Says:

    I’ve watched football and been a Bucs fan my entire life.

    I’ve never seen anything like the denigration of a backup Quarterback who has had one opportunity to play in a meaningless game.

    Ryan Griffin never got that and he made a fortune for years here.

    Seems like the same people that think Bud a Licht is awesome think Trask isn’t. 🤔. We’ve seen what Bud can and can’t do.

    The world we live in I guess.

  49. SteveK Says:

    Bowles needs to show his experience and expertise in winning a game.

    And use your first half timeouts.

    If we lose on MNF, then please reset the HC and QB spots and reload. We can do better if not able to win a meaningful home game in January (their second chance in 3 weeks).

  50. Ed Says:

    Just watched an Eagles post game show with Ron Jaworski and his 3 co-hosts. They’ve been watching the Eagles all year and all agreed that the Bucs would beat the Eagles because:

    Low effort, players not hustling
    Horrid defense, no one knows where to be in coverage, no sacks

    Doesn’t this sound familiar? Not once did they dig into how the Bucs have some of the same issues.

    I will say that most of the Buc players are hustling and putting forth effort and the coverage has improved.

    If for once the Bucs can get off to a fast start and get a lead on the Eagles they can win this game. If they play to keep it close and try and squeeze out a win, I just don’t trust Bowles’ coaching for them to execute in the final minutes of a close game. They have to start strong and dominate with a pass rush. That sounds simple, just do it. Get off to a good start on offense and put up 14-17 points in the first half. If you can get up on the Eagles, they are very beatable at this time of the season. Plus they are more banged up than the Bucs.

    If AJ Brown plays you have to tackle him hard, his knee is going to be very sore. Hurts has the finger injury so when he is in the pocket punch at the ball and make contact with his hand. No secret, hit your opponent where they are weakest.

  51. Lokog Says:

    F philly and everything in it. I hate that team with a passion i still haven’t forgotten

  52. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Dude they threw snowballs at Santa Claus. A meaner class of citizens doesn’t exist.

  53. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Buccaneers by 2 scores against the Iggles. It gets a lot tougher after these patsies. Hoping they can expose Poser Purdy in San Fran

  54. Erik The Viking Says:

    Baker is clearly hurt and can no longer pass the football. If El Bozo keeps him in there, we will lose 30-12 to the igles.

    Based on historical evidence against the Eagles in the playoffs, and TB zero happy to lose ugly, I’ll be betting big on us to lose.

    Prove me wrong, I beg you.

  55. Jack Clark Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 8:10 am
    I will say once they handed the D baton to Matt Patricia they have been on a downhill slide. He blows as a coach. When I look at their offensive talent they have it all over the Bucs yet they are under performing. If Brown can’t go that would be huge if he does play, I am not sure who in the Bucs defensive backfield can cover Eagle receivers. It’s still tough to beat a team twice in one season unless you’re TOM BRADY!!!

    Tom Brady lost to the Cowboys in the playoffs after beating them in the regular season you uppity moron

  56. orlbucfan Says:

    Can you guys come up with another Philly insult instead of Beagles? I am the proud owner of a pair, and they are great, smart dogs. Jaworski and posse are just trying to rile their team up so they’ll play well. I sure hope Bucs bring their A+ game. I hate MNF games! Go Bucs!

  57. SteveK Says:

    Tom Brady should’ve won the 2021 NFC D game against the rams. Bowles defense blew it. What a comeback. I believe it would’ve been back to back and real retirement the right way. I was happy for the third year, and I’d take him back today over Baker.

  58. NE Fan Says:

    Jackieboy@ that was the first time he ever lost to Dallas, another great Bowles record killer. Go watch that game CC Lamb looked like he was playing against HS Db’s. The D was not only ill prepared but unmotivated. I beg you go back and watch you ignoranmas.

    2022 D achiements:

    1. 49ers
    2. Baltimore
    3. Bengals (yes didn’t have to give up a td on every TO)
    4. Almost gave away, Seattle, Atlanta, 1st game, Blows gave them the 2nd, Carolina game 2.
    5. KC
    6. Most of all that weak display of a NFL D, Dallas PO game.

  59. SteveK Says:

    Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, are all absolute GOATS.

    Any shade towards Brady to prop Baker is funny!

  60. Woodenman Says:

    NE Fan Brady is gone when will you be gone.

  61. Mike Noblin Says:

    Philly fans are undoubtedly pure 💩 heads. Classless drunk garbage. I hope they lose to the bucs. I don’t think it will happen but man I’d love to see them cry at RAy jay. Bucs fans look out , they try to prove they are always so tough lol. Just ignore them. 😂