Building Around The Baker Mayfield Tell

January 17th, 2024

The Bucs offense came alive in December, had a couple of hiccups, and then exploded with confidence in attack mode on Monday night.

The man behind the playcalls explained the growth and sort of predicted Monday’s outcome during his visit to The NFL Report on NFL+. Dave Canales wants his Bucs offense playing “fast and decisive,” he said Friday, and Canales has been tweaking and building the offense all season long to become what it was Monday.

“We’ve become something that has a Baker Mayfield twist to it,” Canales said before Monday’s blowout win against the Eagles.

Canales explained that his study of Mayfield lets him know how to proceed, rather than sticking to a run-my-system mentality.

“I think it’s being able to just kind of swallow your pride and say, ‘Hey, I’m not going to live and die on this concept.’ What is [Mayfield] throwing? And you can always tell by that confidence on that back foot,” Canales said.

“When it goes into the ground firmly and the ball comes out and he rips it, you know that he loves the play. ‘How can we build this play a few more ways for him to execute it?'”

Joe can’t call Canales great yet, but he’s done a fantastic job as a first-time playcaller with a new quarterback and a running game loaded with weaknesses.

The essence of coaching is building around players and maximizing their strengths. Canales certainly has done that with Mayfield, and it’s got the Bucs two wins from the Super Bowl.

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53 Responses to “Building Around The Baker Mayfield Tell”

  1. J.B. Says:

    Canales has definitely earned some respect, but why did it take it long to figure out you can’t run on 1st down?

  2. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs ‘collapsed’ the Eagles now they will collapse the Lions.

  3. Abovedalaw Says:

    Canales did an alright job. Can we please stop crowning him a genius one game and an all time loser the next? They had an up and down year, but were good enough to clear the low bar for the playoffs in a bad division, and then came up with a big game in a big spot against a dying Eagles team. That’s really nice and I’m excited to see whether they can catch lightning in a bottle against the stacked Lions. It doesn’t make Canales a genius, just like his insistence on running up the gut for no gain 15 times a game doesn’t make him irredeemable.

  4. Pewter power Says:

    Dude has a coaching hall of fame mentality. Some guys become head coaches too soon but I hope he’s ready when his time comes

  5. Bucsfan951 Says:

    IMO, the problem with Canales is that he uses the run to open up the pass. Problem is, we all the run game is horrendous. Dude needs to flip the script and pass to help open up the run. How many successful runs did White have vs the eagles? Seemed like he had a lot more to me.

  6. Jmarkbuc Says:

    The Eagles were really really bad.

    Let’s not forget that.

  7. Jack Clark Says:

    The only weakness in our running game is our lousy run blocking. And how many games did it take for Canales to figure out that running between the tackles on first and second down is a bad idea? Dude talks a good game but his play calling is trash. And he’s already getting interviews for a head coaching position?! Absurd, what a joke

  8. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Canales is interviewing for the Panters tomorrow….obviously has no chance to get an HC job yet but if he can have a successful year 2 then he’ll absolutely be a candidate somewhere

  9. Buccos Says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see Canales land a head coach job after the season ends. This is an offensive league and it is quarterback driven. The owners are always looking for the next Shanahan or McDaniel. If the Bucs beat Detroit next week I would actually be surprised if he didn’t land one of those jobs. He is the new QB whisperer

  10. Shane Callahan Says:

    I like Canales and hope he stays. (If I was David, Mauch, NE Fan, etc, I’d be on Browns fansites rubbing their noses in it. But, I have more important things to do with my time other than being a troll.)

  11. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Absolutely no media outlet and everyone working for them is picking the Bucs to win this game. I would love to see the Bucs rub a win in the medias face like we did in 2020 when we made Steve Smith look stupid.

  12. Tye Says:

    If this is the results of Canales and Baker learning on the fly in their 1st season developing this offense, I’m excited for the next season… The Bucs should only get better from here (as long as Bowels stays in his lane and be seen and not heard when it comes to offense)… ‘Stuck with Bowles’ tour continues!

  13. BillyBucco Says:

    You guys keep giving Canales crap about being an absurd OC from your freaking couch.
    You HAVE to run the ball in the playoffs and can’t be one dimensional.
    If he hadn’t kept running it, we would still be horrible at it.
    Now we have improved enough to keep defenses honest.
    It’s the same with Bowles on defense. He played a tom of zone so they would improve. Now he is playing more man, but you still have to play some zone. I love how you geniuses call every run between the tackles the middle.
    What a bunch of arm chair managers.
    We would NOT have won a game with ANY of you clowns calling plays this year so give it a rest.

  14. Crickett Baker Says:

    LOL, BillyB. You are sooo right.

  15. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Watch the packer game again. That back foot explosion was evident. You can almost predict a completion by the way baker launches off that foot via 3 or 5 step drop. Watch it this Sunday. If he stutters, he’s not getting the progression open. Also, loved the naked boot leg last week. That was a staple for him in Cleveland, but with nick chubb holding the defense. I’d like to see more chase Edmonds . Hes due to pop one to the house.😊

  16. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Pay the man. You’re not getting anyone better in the draft or FA

    Easiest decision for the genius Jason Licht

    Sign Baker 3-4 years at $35 mill

  17. Obvious Says:


    Go back a few write ups ago to the “Shaq Barrett gives props to the offense etc” and Read Up.

    You have an “official invitation” waiting there for you to discover.

    Warm regards

  18. Shane Callahan Says:

    Here’s one thing the relentless Baker Haters fail to acknowledge…


    (Sorry receivers room, but it needs to be said aloud by someone because your QB never will.)

    Go Bucs!!!

  19. adam from ny Says:

    more baker and more canales should lead to more success in year 2…

    imagine coming in off the scrap heap and having to replace the goat…

    the irreplaceable goat…

    seems like baker had the cojones to do just that…wild stuff man…

    and the “big uglies” love baker…


  20. Obvious Says:

    Heck optimistic, we can do better than that!

    Let’s offer him 4yrs for 40 million. And while we’re at it, let’s guarantee him 75% of that!

    You’re Right! Jason Licht would most certainly be voted as genius GM for the years 2024 thru 2028 FOR SURE! Cap SOLVED! No need to focus on a qb for years and draft for bpa forever! Now THAT would be a team friendly deal.

    Hey at that rate we can pretty much keep him around as a one armed bag boy for that kinda money!

    Jason Licht might just need a Seriously Impressive set of photos of Baker in a specialized naughty back room that BANGCOCK would blush at, but yeah. DO IT!

    I mean, my offer of 10 million a year is NOTHING to sneeze at in my world but I kinda thought starter qbs would demand more. And then again, it IS almost 3x’s what he got paid this season so…. maybe he’ll go for it

    But if Licht can some how roofy him and then get him to sign on the dotted line for 35 mill for 4 years… Now THAT’S BOLD! Unfortunately, there maybe some seriously disproportionate incentive money in there at those rates…

    Just messing with you optimistic. I “think” I know what you actually mean. I couldn’t help myself. Funny how “one word” can totally change the intentions of an entire sentence or paragraph for that matter…

    In reality I AM “hoping” for something in the 3 year, 75 to 90 (TOPS) million dollar pay day. It’ll probably drop in at around 100 mill for 3. My God, what I could do with 100 million dollars in a few years! And at that point I’M STILL YOUNG! If I can stay a starter for another 6yrs after that! Mark me down for Well Over a quarter BILLION dollars and I’d say I wouldn’t worry about the price of ANYTHING for Life.

    Go Bucs!

  21. adam from ny Says:

    i don’t think baker has had his career year yet…that’s still in front of him…

    he’s still young…

    he’s probably going to have a couple of seasons where he tosses about 35 touchdowns and 4,500 yards…

    he just needs a home, a boiler room cot, and 24 hour access to the concession stands for late night snacks 🙂

  22. Onetrickpony Says:

    Baker may not play the prettiest football, but appears to be blue collar and gets the job done. We went further than anybody said we would. Win or lose we are lucky to be where we are with no complaints if we do lose from this point going forward

  23. Fansince76 Says:

    I freaking think the crappy Panther’s are going to hire Canales. He is a good HC prospect who can get the most out of their bad first round QB pick and it will weaken the Bucs for next year. The Panther’s suck arse!!!!

  24. Defense Rules Says:

    FanSince76 … ‘I freaking think the crappy Panther’s are going to hire Canales.’

    I would really hope that Canales says ‘No thanks’ to Tepper & the Panthers IF offered the job. Owners like Tepper & Snyder eat HCs for lunch. It appears that they just can’t help themselves when it comes to interfering in how the GM & HC do their jobs, and in the process compromise their building a solid TEAM foundation.

  25. Jeremy Goins Says:

    I was so happy we came out throwing instead of running. Detroit is studying our tape too. Go BUCS !!!!!

  26. Bucs33Saints14! Says:

    In the NFL, you never know. Given all the changes in Seattle, Dave Canales’ move from QB coach to OC in Tampa was a great decision by him. With a new head coach inbound in Seattle, highly likely there will be a new staff and Canales would be floating. Also, Gino Smith is not the feel-good story he once was (maybe its Canales’ fault for leaving). Funny — there was even some recent rumor mill speculation about Baker going to the Seahawks. The 2/3-year head coach reshuffle is bad for a team and our own Bucco’s history proves that. Lets dig in with our current winning situation – Bowles should get better as HC, Canales WILL get better as OC, Baker and crew should get better on offense, our defense WILL get better. And lastly, this year was very up and down, but certainly better than 22/23.

  27. Marky Mark Says:

    A good coach builds around his players strength as opposed to forcing them to be something they are not. Baltimore completely rebuilt their offense to Jackson as AZ did for it,s 5’10” QB.
    Carolina has a 5″10′ Bryce and they should copy the Cards. The old Browns would work with frail Sipe and slow weak armed Kosar to get them to succeed. The recent Browns would try to force a QB to change. Manziel never studied but if he had the current Cardinals offense he might have adlibbed like in college and blossomed. The Browns told Baker to tamp down the enthusiasm and stop having fun. It killed him. It was finally Mcvey at LA who said just be your self. Bowles who loved Bakes from the Jets pre draft visitations said the same thing and Mayfield responded with his best season ever. The inconsistency this season is just part of new faces learning each other. Brady took almost the whole first season to gel with the offense but finally did just before the playoffs. Tom was consistent in one thing he was was consistently bad against the Aints. Baker had a great game against them in the Nola.

  28. Marky Mark Says:


  29. Marky Mark Says:

    A good coach builds around his players strength as opposed to forcing them to be something they are not. Baltimore completely rebuilt their offense to Jackson as AZ did for it,s 5’10” QB.
    Carolina has a 5″10′ Bryce and they should copy the Cards.

  30. Marky Mark Says:

    The Browns told Baker to tamp down the enthusiasm and stop having fun. It killed him. It was finally Mcvey at LA who said just be your self. Bowles who loved Bakes from the Jets pre draft visitations said the same thing and Mayfield responded with his best season ever. The inconsistency this season is just part of new faces learning each other. Brady took almost the whole first season to gel with the offense but finally did just before the playoffs. Tom was consistent in one thing he was was consistently bad against the Aints. Baker had a great game against them in the Nola.

  31. Marky Mark Says:

    Enough already about qualifying the win against the Eagles saying they are bad or the worst team in the NFL. Bad? They were 11-6. The Panthers are bad. The Bucs just elevated their game and it forced the Eagles to abandon the run. Yes, I think Jalen is over rated and can,t handle the blitz. But it was more the Bucs beating a good team by elevating their game higher than the opponent. But these haterz will not stop and come up with some other line if we kill the Lions.

  32. ChiBuc Says:

    “Canales explained that his study of Mayfield lets him know how to proceed, rather than sticking to a run-my-system mentality.”

    Isn’t that Coaching 101? Also, didn’t most posters complain that is exactly what he was NOT doing all season long? Now Canales is the sage upon the mt., while it simply appears as though he finally caught up on some JBF reading.

  33. SlyPirate Says:

    Why is every reporter afraid to ask the coaches about the WR drops? Especially, Evans.

    I’m pretty sure I saw a stat the Bucs set a record for drops in the first half. Evans drops cost the Bucs the last game against Detroit.

  34. Defense Rules Says:

    That photo makes Cody Mauch (#69) look small compared to whoever that Eagles’ defender is who he’s blocking. And yet Mauch’s a big guy (6’6″ & 303 lbs). Must be the angle the photo was taken at.

    And kudos to Baker for hanging in there to make the throw with an Eagles’ defender (DT Milton Williams #93) in his face. Looks like Robert Hainsey (#70) got turned around on that one.

  35. Defense Rules Says:

    ChiBuc … ‘Now Canales is the sage upon the mt., while it simply appears as though he finally caught up on some JBF reading.’

    Yup, for sure JBFers saved the day once again. I’m sure Canales spends every extra moment scouring JBF comments for new attack ideas.

    BTW, Canales comment that ‘his study of Mayfield lets him know how to proceed, rather than sticking to a run-my-system mentality’ kind of implies that Bowles isn’t dictating the offensive game plan as so many JBFers have accused him of. Pretty much convinced that this season has just been one of growth for Dave Canales … and the offensive players of course. What we’re seeing now IMO is the fruits of working his way through ‘the School of Hard Knocks’.

  36. ScottyMack Says:

    Good God, can you imagine Canales leaving and Baker having to, yet again , learn a whole new offense? That’d be 9 new offenses to try and learn/implement in his 7 year career.

  37. Tim Says:

    Canales explained that his study of Mayfield lets him know how to proceed, rather than sticking to a run-my-system mentality.
    ^^^^^ The sign of a good coach right there.

  38. Kramden Says:

    Run-my-system mentality reminds me of someone else. Short, blonde tyrant who ran a GM out of town. Won a Super Bowl, I believe. Thanks to a defense he had nothing to do with.

  39. Mike C Says:

    No no Sly, the Bucs got BLOWN OUT that first game against the lions….. well according to one Joe smh

  40. The Daily Coroner Says:

    Shh! Quiet now!

  41. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Now that we know the team will run it all back next year, it is going to be interesting to see how the offense will run with a year under everyone’s belt and an upgrade on the OL.

    Besides keeping our own, if we have one splash FA signing in us it needs to be OL first, and if we can’t get there DL. If you told me Hainsey and Stinnie were our bench that would be some of the best depth in the league. Their service this year is appreciated, just needs an upgrade

  42. Marky Mark Says:

    I was shocked Mike Evans dropped a pass that Baker literally put on his palms that was a sure TD. My only explanation is the pressure got to him. Baker says he gets better when the pressure is on. Current and former team mates have backed that up. Jalen looked like a deer in the headlights under the Buc Blitz. Meanwhile, Baker was loose and joking around. That clip on the Godwin TD tells it all. Baker called the Blitz out and told Chris to be ready. Other QB,s may be better in the regular season but when the pressure of the playoffs is on Baker is money. This weak division may be perfect for Baker because all he needs to do is get in the playoffs. Those regular season stud QBs crumble under the pressure and Bakes thrives. See how Jalen melted down. I dont expect the Lions guy to melt down but Bakery will just play better than him.

  43. orlbucfan Says:

    Kramden Says:
    January 18th, 2024 at 7:59 am
    Run-my-system mentality reminds me of someone else. Short, blonde tyrant who ran a GM out of town. Won a Super Bowl, I believe. Thanks to a defense he had nothing to do with.
    Thank you, Kramden. Guess what cost the HOF coach who held the tyrant’s position his job? Lousy Offensive Coordinators named Christiansen and Shula. Canales isn’t going anywhere right now. Hopefully, he’s doing what the Bucs hired him for. He’s taking the Offensive weight off Bowles so the HC can concentrate on his strength, Defense. Sure paid off last week. Bucs will be NFL elite next year. Go Bucs!!

  44. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    You could see what Canales was talking about when you watch the GB or Philly games in particular. Not only Baker but the entire O looked to be playing with confidence and (I hate this term) “they bought into the game plan”. It really stood out.

    I thought last year the biggest problem, besides the play calling was the lack of confidence in it which led to poor play and lackluster performances.

    Maybe Canales reads Joe’s posts because he’s been calling for a change in “philosophy” all season and so have many of the posters here. Reminds me of a clip from “The Brady 6” where Drew Bledsoe was asking a very young Brady what plays he likes while going over the play call sheet.

    Players play better with confidence and the more comfortable they are the more confidently they play and usually good results follow.

    Time to tame some lions!!!

  45. TomBucsFan Says:

    Pete Prisco picked Green Bay to beat the 49ers and Tampa to beat the Lions, now I am worried lol

  46. BucaneroJim Says:

    Dropped receptions and dropped passes are irrelevant, after the game is over – win or lose is all that matters. Trying to rewrite the outcome of a game, due to Baker’s dropped passes or dropped picks and batted balls is silly. Brady was asked about it last year.

    Dropped balls happen most games. May look slow on TV, but plays happen in seconds or milli-seconds in the NFL.

  47. D Cone Says:

    Fansince76 Says:
    January 18th, 2024 at 5:10 am
    I freaking think the crappy Panther’s are going to hire Canales. He is a good HC prospect who can get the most out of their bad first round QB pick and it will weaken the Bucs for next year. The Panther’s suck arse!!!!

    Folks say he is Smart so I doubt he will leave Tampa for a job that might last 8 weeks.

    23rd in points and total yards. Last in rushing, 17th in passing. Nothing there screams Offensive Guru to me. He’d be better off taking another year or two to
    hone his craft.

  48. Courts Says:

    I’ve never left a comment here but i have to thank BillyBucco for saying the sensible thing. Defenses usually want to get their opponents 1 dimensional and here we have fans willing to be 1 dimensional so that they can complain in the end about being 1 dimensional. Play action works best if the opponents actually respect the run. Cant respect the run if you dont actually run.

  49. Brandon Says:

    You guys realize that Kyler Murray and Bryce Young are two completely different QBs with different skillsets, right? Young is mobile but by no means a running QB like Murray. You guys just see the midget QB out there and assume he’s Lamar Jackson in waiting, he’s not… he’s freaking Gary Coleman with a little bit of an arm and some touch, that’s a David Tepper pick… just like the David Tepper pick for head coach won’t make sense either…. Canales seems the logical choice. He was in over his head as an offensive coordinator for close to 75% of our games, by Tepper logic, he’s probably the front runner.

  50. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Brandon says I am still laughing my ass off bout Gary Coleman that was funny we need more of that on this site plz

  51. ShindlersLisp Says:

    Where are all you delusional Trask fans now? Crickets….

  52. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Better late than never, they are where they are now so doesn’t it feel good ??? OK!!! Now let’s get on the bus and ride it till the wheels fall off,. As Dickie V says it YEAH BABY, GO BUCS!!!

  53. Go bucs Smokey Says:

    Regardless of any outcome this season all us Buc fans just need to enjoy the ride!!! Being born in Hillsborough County and seeing the bucs in the 80’s till now the one thing I have learned is that the good times do not last forever and to live in the moment and enjoy that we are not the same 1 win per season team from the past and hopefully we never will be again!!!
    GO BUCS take the fight to the kitty cats!!!